Your career is really taking off on December 8th. You may receive a career or financial opportunity or job. Mars will enter your 10th house of career, promotions and advancements on December 8th. The next 7 weeks will be a time for you to have career success. For instance you may easily receive a promotion or advancement. It could be that you build a business venture or new career. You may pursue your career goals and talents. You will focus on your future and where you would like to be at in years to come. I feel that this is the time for you to figure out what success means to you. You may change your career goals or even enter college or a university. The next 7 weeks can easily bring a new job opportunity or offer. Mercury will be retrograding this month on December 10th from your career house. There could be a little concern the next 3 weeks because your career may suffer a little. There may be difficulties with emails, projects or the computer breaking down. Office equipment may fail or break down. The things you need to function the most may just fail on you. Communication may be difficult and the internet may suffer too. The good news is that Mercury goes direct on December 30th. December 13th is a very active day for your career. You may start a new job or receive a promotion. Financial opportunities may now come for you. Good luck.
On December 8th travel is highlighted. You may travel to visit family and friends. You are social and outgoing with everyone around you. Mars will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on December 8th. The next 7 weeks will open the door for travel. You may travel long distance or others may come to visit you. It could also be that you enter or register for college. You want to expand your horizons and you want to explore options. You will find yourself reading and willing to learn something new. You may also publish and market a product through the internet, radio and television. Mass media may just help to sell a product even if the product is you. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 3 weeks may bring delays in travel or while traveling. As usual expect the internet or electronics to go haywire. Mercury will go direct on December 30th from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You have to be careful because you may have credit issues. It could be that the issues regard a loan or a credit card. It’s a nice day to connect with friends, relatives and even coworkers on December 10th. Send a love note to someone special or even a note of confidence and inspiration. They will appreciate it. December 13th is another great date to travel and connect with people over the internet or through the media. You may publish, write or market a product. You are very focused and busy to connect with everyone around you.
On December 8th you are taking care of financial obligations regarding taxes, loans and credit cards. You may gain financially through a bonus, commission or loan. Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 7 weeks will bring a time for you to spend lavishly using credit cards or others finances. You may take out a loan or borrow money to pay bills or to buy a house or vehicle. You may have a heavy debt or have to pay a heavy debt or bill. i would suggest to check your credit report for an errors that need to be corrected. You may go a little crazy buying or going on spending sprees. Hold back as you may regret your purchase later on. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th on your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support, bonuses and commission. Expect the next 3 weeks to bring some challenges or problems with some of these issues. I will say that Mercury will go direct on December 30th but in the mean time you may have some problems with the finances. It could be credit issues. It could be with a loan. It could be that you have problems with a court settlement. You may also have problems with your paycheck so don't be surprised if you find your check a little short. On December 12th through December 14th it's all about finances again so you are obviously having a busy week with the money. It could be that you are finalizing a home loan. You may be seeing a busy week with bonuses and commissions coming in. Stick to a budget and save for the future.
The week is all about the partner. The partner may be a lover, spouse, friend, coworker, business partner, doctor or even a lawyer. On December 8th you may meet a new partner or work closely with a current partner. The partner may be a business partner and so you build more financially. It should be a great day for money or career opportunities. Mars will enter your partnership house on December 8th. The next 7 weeks may create arguments with a partner. It could bring about the ending of a relationship or partnership. The partner may be a business partner, spouse, lover, friend, coworker or even a boss. You may build a partnership with someone for business purposes. There could be the possibility that you meet someone special to build a romantic and personal partnership. You seem to want to connect or collaborate with someone to build a success relationship or business. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your partnership house. You just had Mars enter this house and now Mercury will begin to retrograde from it. There will obviously be personal or professional issues that need to be discussed or resolved again. You may find yourself running into a partner from the past. There could be old issues that need to be worked out. It’s time to communicate and work out any personal issues or problems. December 13th and 13th will be a wonderful couple days when you should be able to work with a partner or even meet someone special. You find love, give love or may even decide to marry. The business partner may grow to provide greater security for yourself and to others. Collaboration brings results.
On December 8th your focus is all about work projects, assignments and taking care of chores. You are busy but can also see an increase of the finances. There may be a financial increase through your hard work and labor. A great time to lose weight and focus on your pets too. Mars will enter your 6th house of work projects, service and health on December 8th. The next 7 weeks expect to be working hard for the money. You may see an increase of work projects and obligations. You may be working twice as hard for the same pay. Maybe you are taking on two jobs. You may also just be busy with work projects and assignments. Expect to invest plenty of time and effort on work assignments, emails and phone calls. Exercise and your health is important. You may decide to invest in an exercise program or a program to watch what you eat. You will focus on taking care of your body by losing weight through exercise and eating healthy. It could be that you are focused on the health of a pet. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your 6th house of work, service and health. You can expect to have electronics o haywire on you. Emails, the internet and even text messages may not go through or even be sent to the wrong person. You could find that certain work projects may need to be revised. A work assignments like a website may not process completely especially if you are making an online purchase. Expect that sometimes the internet may not function properly. Do not fear if you are holiday shopping. It doesn't mean that you will have charges or a credit card stolen. I would advise you to make purchases from websites that are well known or recognizable for you. Just be aware that projects may be delayed or interrupted so make sure to plan ahead so any problems that occur you will still have plenty of time to correct it. On December 12th through December 14th you are working hard for the money and building great stability and security for yourself. You may see a greater number of clientele or customers. You are taking care of your health and looking healthy too.
It's going to be all about love, romance, children and sports this week. On December 8th you may find the love of your life or fall in love. It could be that you are building a great love with someone special. You may go out on a date or feel a karmic connection with someone. Children are too important and you may spend time with kids. A time to enjoy sports and hobbies. Mars will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects on December 8th. The next 7 weeks seems to be a time when you may pursue love, find love or fall in love. Children may bring about problems and difficulties. You may argue with a child or there may be problems with them at school or at home. you are highly active and mobile. Exercise, sports, hobbies and other activities seem to keep you busy. You may join a sport, hobby or even get involved with your kids sports and hobbies. Take this opportunity to exercise and keep yourself active. If you are trying to lose weight then you should notice results at this time. Mercury will retrograde starting December 10th. The next 3 weeks will bring you a time when lovers, partners and children may bring about difficulties and challenges. The 5th house rules love, children, sports, games and creative projects. You may see an old love or ex-partner return back into your life. There may be old issues to discussed with this partner. You may find that you need to discuss old issues with a current partner. It may be about children or others activities with music or the creative arts. A partner could also be a teacher, coworker or friend. On December 13th and 14th you may find love, fall in love or spend time with children.
It's time for you to focus on the home. The week is all about the home. On December 8th you may relocate, refinances, renovate or make some repairs around the home. It could be you buy a new home or rent an apartment. Mars will enter your 4th house of home on December 8th. The next 7 weeks brings a time when you may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. You may relocate because of a career change or you want to save money in rent or a mortgage. You may clean out the closets by getting rid of old items in your garage or closet. It's also time to clean out what you don't need in your life including bad unhealthy relationships. If you need to let go of a relationship then know it's for the best. You may end a relationship which could come through a divorce or breakup. the breakup could be with a roommate. You may see a roommate move out or maybe someone moves in your life. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th. The next 3 weeks you may have problems with the home. You may have issues with a lease, mortgage, home loans, roommates, spouse, partner or even maintaining the home. If you have been having problems paying the rent then this may not be a good time for you. The struggles will continue and you may need to find a way to get around these issues. Just be aware of these possible issues ahead of time so you are well prepared. On December 13th and 14th you are taking care of projects in the home. It could be a relocation or renovation. You may be buying new furniture or changing the decor in your room. You may paint a room. You are creative and may just decorate the home. It's also a time when you give some time to a mother or family and friends.
It's all about short trips, communication and connecting with friends and family. On December 8th you may take a short trip out of town or nearby your home. You may visit someone special or spend time with friends. Mars will enter your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication on December 8th. The next 7 weeks brings a time for you to take a few quick short trips. You may feel a bit rushed so remember to slow down or else you may get into an accident. Mars in your 3rd house can bring about accidents and vehicle problems. You may have to repairs a vehicle. There could be computer problems too. Communication seems to be a bit harsh or even rushed. You may communicate harshly with others which could make it seem rude or insensitive. Be careful of the words you say or else you may lose a friend or someone close to you. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your 3rd house of short trips and communication. The next 3 weeks may bring problems with emails, text messages, your vehicle or computer. Be careful when sending out emails and making phone calls. You may discover electronic and computer problems. There may be communication problems and messages not being sent directly to the person in need or it could be that you aren't explaining yourself thoroughly. Even if you are the other person may be sensitive to your message. By December 13th and 14th you are communicating with everyone on the internet, text messages, emails and phone calls. You want to reach out and connect with those you love and care for. It's a great time to study and learn something new for yourself. Enjoy.
Finances are your priority this week. On December 8th you may gain financially or even sign a contract. It could be you are signing a contract, lease or future financial agreement. Mars will enter your 2nd house of earned income on December 8th. The next 7 weeks brings a time for you to make more money or to extend and find new ways to make money. You may receive a job opportunity or job offer in these next 7 weeks. It could be that you are starting a business venture and are focusing all your time and effort on building a new way to make money. There could be arguments over money. the arguments could be that you got short changed in a paycheck. Maybe its related to alimony, settlements, child support, loans, bonuses, debts or even taxes. You may feel that you have to fight for your right on finances especially if it relates to your particular finances. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your 2nd house of earned income. You read earlier how you will have Mars in this same house and how there could be arguments over money. Mercury retrograding in this same house could bring about problems with finances. Be aware that these problems can be taken care of and sorted out. It's best for you to be aware of and know what to expect The issues relating to finances may be minor or they could be severe. Either way I suggest just to be aware of the possibilities. The good news is that Mercury will go direct on December 30th. By December 13th and 14th you are taking care of financial obligations and duties. It could be that you are paying some bills or taking care of some loans or credit cards. You may receive the approval of a loan too.
It's all about you this week. On December 8th you may find yourself having to focus your time and attention to yourself or someone special. You may spend time taking care of your body or your own priorities. Mars will enter your own sign on December 8th giving you 7 weeks to feel mobile, energized and motivated to get projects done. You may be surprised at how much energy you have in you to keep yourself going. It's a great time to exercise and work out. You will keep yourself motivated and busy. Get projects done and find ways to keep yourself busy. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your own sign. The next 3 weeks seems to be a time when you will be mobile and talkative. You will communicate and connect with others. It could be through the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. It may be with your siblings, neighbors and relatives. The weekends on December 13th and 14th as a time to take care of your body and obligations. You are doing well to set priorities with finances and your own security.
It's time to let go of the past and make way for the future. A wonderful time to focus on your health and well being. Take care of your own bad habits and get rid of what you don't need in your life. That could be people too. Mars will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on December 8th. The next 7 weeks seems to bring a time for you to seek solitude and focus on your health. You may have to rely on what will make you a better and stronger person. You may get rid of a bad habit or a bad person in your life. It could be smoking, alcohol or a bad habit that may be taking over your life. Its time to seek therapy or rehab facility to become a healthier person. Its time to go to the doctor and get the routine checkups or health exams. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks brings a time when you may keep feelings, emotions and moods to yourself. Thoughts are kept in secret. Mercury retrograding brings some secrets out in the open. Mercury goes finally go direct on December 30th so expect some chaos in these couple weeks. By the end of the week you are focused on obligations, duties, tasks and even focusing on your health. You may take care of any health problems or illnesses too. It could be that you are taking care of someone else at this time.
Your friends are your concern and priority on December 8th. You may make a new friend or spend time with friends. You could receive an invite to a special event or party. Mars will enter your 11th house of friendships on December 8th. The next 7 weeks will bring a time for you to connect with family and friends. Friends are social and they want to connect with you. You may make more time for friends and even make a new friend. There could possibly be the arguments of friends. You may disagree, argue or even stress over with a friend. In the process you may lose a friend. There will be an extension of invites for holiday parties or you may decide to make a party or special event yourself. It’s also time to get out and connect with the people around you especially with groups and other organizations. Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your house of friendships. The next 3 weeks may bring about problems with finances and friends. Mercury is the ruler of your partnership house and your home. The financial obligation may relate to the home or your career. I feel you will be making money but you may see financial obligations too. It could be due to the holiday season or for bills. Friends will be a concern. You may give more time to your friends or there seems to be communication issues with a friend. A friend may need your time and support. They may be the ones with the financial problems and issues. By December 13th and 14th friends are making time for you and you want to let them know how much they mean to you. You are making time for friends and you seem to be open to giving help and support. Parties and special events are highlighted at this time too.
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