It's the month when it's time to celebrate you. It's about your own personal wants and needs and what will make you happy. The partner will also be highlighted. It could be be a professional or personal partner. The month begins on December 1st you focusing on Venus entering your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 5 weeks will give you the opportunity to give selflessly. You will give more than what you should. if its for someone special or someone you care and love for then it's worth it. if you are giving your time and love and affection away to someone who doesn't appreciate it then it's a waste of time. You will give also to charity or to those in need. You may hide your feelings or hold back emotionally from others. It's also a time for you to hold back especially if you are feeling shy or reserved. You may also have a secret love affair or give your life in privacy. Make sure its to the right person and not someone who is unavailable.
You seem to be loving and affection on December 1, 10 and 27th. Show someone how much you care and love them.. Give a hug of appreciation. They will enjoy it.
The new moon on December 5th is all about you. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention. You may seek change within yourself but you seek positive changes. There may be a new haircut, wardrobe or even just a new hair color. You want to be happy and seek something different for once. Saturn supports this new moon from your 11th house of friendships. You appreciate your friends and want to surround yourself with your friends. You will spend time with them and they will make you feel special. It could be a group or organization that you are getting involved in and you feel the center of attention. It could be that you are the leader of this group and will make the right impression. You seem optimistic, jovial and happy to enjoy time by yourself or with friends. Also your finances seem to take a concern and priority. You may receive a job opportunity or job offer.
Mars will enter your 2nd house of earned income on December 8th. The next 7 weeks brings a time for you to make more money or to extend and find new ways to make money. You may receive a job opportunity or job offer in these next 7 weeks. It could be that you are starting a business venture and are focusing all your time and effort on building a new way to make money. There could be arguments over money. the arguments could be that you got short changed in a paycheck. Maybe its related to alimony, settlements, child support, loans, bonuses, debts or even taxes. You may feel that you have to fight for your right on finances especially if it relates to your particular finances. Fight for your rights in regards to your finances. Fight for the job you believe you deserve to have especially if its a promotion. If you are strong to believe you deserve the best then go for it. Open the door to new possibilities too.
Is Love Promised in your Chart
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Finances are also highlighted on December 5, 8, 13, 23, 26 and 28th. All these dates may bring you a new job opportunity. You may see a raise or new way to make more money. Finances are important to you. You may find new ways to budget and save.
Friends are highlighted on December 7, 23, 28 and 29th. Give time to your friends especially those that have been with you for many years. You may rely on the advice of an important friends especially someone who is older and mature. You may make a new friend too.
The home is important for you on December 2, 3, 16, 16, 18 and 21st. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You could buy furniture or something new for your home. You may paint and decorate the home. It could also be that you host and entertain in the home. A mother or someone's mother is important for you. You may take care of a mother or take concern of a mother especially if it relates to their health and body. It may be that at the end someone moves in or out of the home.
Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your 2nd house of earned income. You read earlier how you will have Mars in this same house and how there could be arguments over money. Mercury retrograding in this same house could bring about problems with finances. Be aware that these problems can be taken care of and sorted out. It's best for you to be aware of and know what to expect The issues relating to finances may be minor or they could be severe. Either way I suggest just to be aware of the possibilities. The good news is that Mercury will go direct on December 30th. The Sun enters your 2nd house of earned income on December 22nd giving you 4 weeks to make money or find new ways to see money coming in. You may receive a great job offer or opportunity.
The biggest new for this month comes with the full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st The eclipse will fall in your partnership house. The next 6 months may bring a time for you to end a partnership. A partner could be a spouse, lover, business partner, therapist, lawyer, doctor, friend or even a coworker. You may end a relationship or partnership. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse from your 4th house of home. You may be the one having to move out of the home or it could be that you see someone else moving out of the home. Maybe its a realtor, lender or financial advisor connected to the sale of a home that you break ties with or that you finally complete a transaction with them especially if you were selling a house. The eclipse falls in the sign of Gemini, the twins. You may end one relationship to begin a new relationship. It could be that you changes business partner or you add another partner. The partner may help you to advance in your career and help you make money. You have to be careful because you may be a bit careless in your transactions and negotiations. I feel that you will be a bit hasty or rushed. If you want everything to come through on time just be a little patient. Everything will work out when its suppose to come together for you. The eclipse will help you to figure out when to move on from an unhealthy situation. If you need to move forward in life just know its for the best. There is a time to start fresh and new. You will be happy with the new life path even if it is a bit emotional and hurtful. Take time for yourself and know that you will do better for yourself.
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