Expect a very social active and busy month for you. Your career and home will be highlighted for the month. You begin on December 1st with Venus entering your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 5 weeks will bring a time when you will travel frequently or others from a distance come to see you. You may connect well with foreigners or those from a distance and who may come from foreign cultures and lands. You get along well with the in-laws, friends and family members. You reach out to them and you seem to put them first before anyone else. Marketing products on the internet, radio or television goes well for you. You will have some wonderful days to connect with family or those at distance on December 1,10 and 27th. A great time to socialize or send a note or card to family. Greeting cards may go out at this time or you receive one from others.
You seek retreat on December 2, 18 and 20th. You may catch up on sleep or just rest and relax. You are selfless and giving to others. You will also invest time to family and friends or those in dire need of love and affection or support and attention.
The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 10th house of career. It is great news because the next 2 weeks brings great activity in your career house with work projects, assignments and tasks. You are busy but you should also see more money at the same time. You may receive a job offer, promotion or advancement. You have worked so hard to get there and you deserve it. Mars and Saturn support this new moon which tells me that you have patience and discipline to take on these work projects and assignments. The new job will bring tedious tasks but you have the patience to attack these projects and are willing to put the time and effort to succeed in them. You are motivated and full of energy to work hard for the money. Friends or groups also seem to be part of this opportunity. A friend may connect you to your job or you build a friendship with someone in your job. There could be referrals or connections that brings you a great job.
Mars will enter your 11th house of friendships on December 8th. The next 7 weeks will bring a time for you to connect with family and friends. Friends are social and they want to connect with you. You may make more time for friends and even make a new friend. There could possibly be the arguments of friends. You may disagree, argue or even stress over with a friend. In the process you may lose a friend. There will be an extension of invites for holiday parties or you may decide to make a party or special event yourself. Its also time to get out and connect with the people around you especially with groups and other organizations. You also will be much more active when having other people around you including friends. You may find a work out buddy or just end up busy with someone else walking around the neighborhood. Take a walk around the neighborhood and find new discoveries.
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Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your house of friendships. The next 3 weeks may bring about problems with finances and friends. Mercury is the ruler of your partnership house and your home. The financial obligation may relate to the home or your career. I feel you will be making money but you may see financial obligations too. It could be due to the holiday season or for bills. Friends will be a concern. You may give more time to your friends or there seems to be communication issues with a friend. A friend may need your time and support. They may be the one's with the financial problems and issues. They may need your help and support. Its time to clear up any issues or problems with family and friends. Any home related issues will also be cleared up and taken care of.
Friends and groups will be your concern on December 5, 8, 13, 26 and 31st. It's time to have a little fun and celebrate with friends and family. You may be invited to a party. It could be you that is putting the party or special event together. There is the opportunity to make more friends or spend time with old friends from your past.
Your finances are a concern on December 7, 23, 28 and 29th. These finances will relate to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, debts, child support, alimony and settlements. There may be some issues relating to these financial obligations. You may have to pay a hefty bill or fine. It could be that you are completing some financial negotiations and closing the deal on a contract. You may finally receive a bonus, commissions or check. Unemployment also falls in this category. You may not receive much of a pay or see it end. I feel that you will be able to pay off some bills and so this could be the time to finally see the debts complete. On December 29th you may owe money or have some concerns over your finances or loans.
The great big news for the month comes with the full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st. The full moon eclipse will fall in your 4th house of home. An eclipse last up to 6 months and you may begin to see the effects of the eclipse 30 days before the eclipse hits. The next 6 months will bring issues relating to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be a time to relocate from one place to another. Maybe you decide to move into a bigger place like a 2 bedroom apartment. The eclipse falls in the sign of Gemini, the twins so you may be moving into a 2br apartment or home. There may be discussions or issues with places to live. You may be trying to figure out where to live. The full moon eclipse brings completions or endings. There may be the ending of one home to move into another. It could be the ending of a relationship. I feel that the next few months may also help you to get rid of what you don't need in your life especially in your closet or garage. It's time to get rid of junk in your storage, closets or garage. Clean out what you don't need in life including people and things. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse from your own sign. You seem optimistic and jovial. You are upbeat and confident. Somehow as much as things may be a bit chaotic you are excited about the chaos. Mercury opposes the eclipse and will make you feel a bit stressed and anxious with home obligations or the family. It could be a mother that is your concern. You may need to take care of them or look out for their well-being. The home is your concern with this eclipse and it may be time to spend a little more just to be happy.
Finally you got a few positive dates to look forward to including December 16th and 19th as days to have a little fun or to connect with friends. Enjoy.
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