The month will begin with Venus entering your 11th house of friendships. Venus is actually re-entering this house giving you 5 weeks when you will spend quality time with friends. You adore your friends and cherish them deeply. You may make new friends or attend special event or party. It could be that you find love among your friends or a lover acts more like a friend. You may see an invite from a friend. It could be a birthday party or even a wedding. Special days to enjoy time with friends comes on December 1, 10 and 27th. You may receive an invite at this time or even show love to friends or vice versa.
Finances are highlighted on December 2, 18, 20 and 23rd. During these dates you may receive a job offer or opportunity. Finances may improve through a raise or an additional source of income. You may budget and save for the future. It's a time to plan out your finances and save. You seem to feel that everything is coming together for you and you can build a greater financial security. It's also a time for you to invest in your future.
Mars will enter your own sign on December 8th giving you 7 weeks to feel mobile, energized and motivated to get projects done. You may be surprised at how much energy you have in you to keep yourself going. It's a great time to exercise and work out. You will keep yourself motivated and busy. Get projects done and find ways to keep yourself busy. You need to use that energy somewhere or else the energy will be used in the wrong way either through impulsive actions or through anger.
Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your own sign. The next 3 weeks seems to be a time when you will be mobile and talkative. You will communicate and connect with others. It could be through the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. It may be with your siblings, neighbors and relatives. Mercury will go direct on December 30th so expect about 3 weeks of some communication challenges. The Sun will enter your own sign on December 22nd. The next 4 weeks brings about praise and attention for you.
Is Love promised in your Chart
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Your career seems to be your priority on December 7, 23, 28 and 29th. Expect to work hard for the money. You may receive a job offer or promotion.
A short trip comes to you on December 3, 4, 16, 18, 20 and 31st. You may take a short trips to travel or visit relatives and friends. You may purchase a new vehicle at this time too. Communication is highlighted. You may easily connect well with friends and family. You may purchase a computer, cell phone or even a phone. Its time to reach out to others and see what they have been up to. Connect with relatives, siblings and even the neighbor. You may learn something from their connections.
The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. An eclipse has the cosmic energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months may bring about an extension of work projects, assignments and tasks. You may work hard for the money but see an increase of clientele or customers. Take time to take care of the projects even around the home. You seem more patient to take care of the little projects around you. You may also have to focus on your health by exercising and losing weight. It could be the health of a pet too. There may be the possibility of you taking on a new craft like sewing, knitting and cooking. Jupiter and Uranus square off to this eclipse from your 3rd house of short trips, communication and studies. You may travel frequently for work projects. It could be that you see an increase of emails and phone calls but it brings more business and money too. Mercury opposes this eclipse making it a bit of a challenge when it comes to communication. You may run into a herd of emails, request or orders that could make it overwhelming for you. Someone may forget about your order so it may be a good idea to send them a reminder. The next 6 months may keep you busy with work obligations but expect the schedules to be chaotic.
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