Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes for September 1, 2010-Sepember 7, 2010


As you begin the month your priority will be on associating and connecting with friends and groups. You will be social and outgoing. You will have many priorities to take care of on September 2nd and 3rd so you seem to be busy with work obligations and tedious projects. Friends are highlighted on September 4th and you seem to be social and making new friends. As you progress into September the and 6th you are finding excitements and fun in your surroundings. You are connecting well with the people around you. By September 7th you are full of life and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.


You are one of the hardest working signs out there and this month is no exception. You will focus on love, children and creative projects especially as you begin the month. You are going to keep yourself busy with work projects but a partner or children may also take plenty of your time. As you enter September 3rd you are connecting and communicating with a partner, lover, spouse, child or friend. You are willing to discuss and work out personal problems or issues. You are also open to joining a sport or hobby or enjoying a sport or hobby with friends and family. Work obligations take over on September 4th. You may also receive a job opportunity or offer. The energy continues onto September 5th. By September 6th and 7th you are running with ideas and plans that may not work out at the end. Plan your ideas but do not spend too much trying to get ahead. Good luck.


The home will take the primary focus for you this week. You will begin to take care of obligations around the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. On September 2nd and 3rd you are dealing with documents, contracts or negotiations relating to the home. You may relocate or pay off some bills or debts relating to the home. On September 4th you seem to be dealing with some financial obligations relating to taxes, credit and loans. You will be open to new obligations with the home as this is more of a positive day for opportunities to come through. Gains may come through all different types of resources. By September 6th and 7th you are focused on friends and enjoying time with friends. You will be social and connecting with new people and someone from the past. Have fun.


Short trips and communication start the week for you. As you enter the month of September you also seem to be prioritizing work and the people around you. Computers, cell phones and vehicles may go a bit haywire on you during this Mercury retrograde so be prepared for repairs on the way. On September 3rd communication runs high and every connection you make can reveal a huge amount of information. You never know what knowledge you may walk away with just by connecting and networking with others. As you enter September 4th financial seem to be your concern. It's a great time to pay off the bills or even receive the approval of a loan or credit. A wonderful time when you may move forward on financial obligations and everything works out well for you. By September 6th and 7th you seem to be taking care of your work and career goals and projects are completed or receiving final approval. You may have to revise the project but at the end it's a job well done.


Your mind is going to be on finances, how to make money and how to increase your financial security. Savings and budgets will be highlighted for you. You do well at saving and setting a budget. On September 2nd and 3rd communicating regarding finances will be discussed. You may be working on financial agreements or discussing long-term financial goals with others. A great time to communicate with a financial advisor or even an attorney about your finances. You are focused and willing to take on the most tedious and small details of your financial future. A partner will be important for you on September 4th and 5th. You may meet someone new or build a partnership with someone you are talking to right now. A partner may be personal or business. You may find love or fall in love at this time. By September 7th you are full of fun and excitement. I will warn you that certain plans and projects may not come through or completed at this time. If you can wait do so and for now just do some research.


The week is all about you Virgo. You will receive plenty of praise and attention. You will shine and receive the love and affection you deserve. You seem to be social on September 3rd connecting with everyone around you. You are full of life and seem to be reaching out to people you love. You may connect with someone special or receive positive news from others including friends, family and business associates. On September 4th and 5th you are working hard for the money and are focused on getting projects done. you are taking care of even the most smallest of details out there and seem to be doing a great job at it. A wonderful day to exercise and focus on your health. By September 7th you are taking care of financial obligations. Be careful as you may buy something you later regret at this time. Plan and budget but wait it out a few more days if you can so you don't get too caught up in the excitement of something new and lavish.


You will be spending the next week evaluating what you want and need in your life. It could be that you need to discard people from your life to get rid of negative energy. You may have to let go of some people of things from your past in order to move onto your future. On September 2nd and 3rd you seem to be open to discussing these issues with others. It could be a therapist, friend or lover. It's time to release the negative energy and focus on building positive energy. You will be able to open the door to new possibilities in your life by getting rid of the bad habits too. A lover or child seems to be your concern on September 4th. You mal find love, fall in love or spend time with children. Creative projects and sports are highlighted too. You are giving with your time and send love to those you care for. By September 7th you are full of fun and laughter. It's a great time to enjoy a moment with family and friends. They will be happy with the time you give the. Share love and affection and see how much it's appreciated.


You will enjoy spending time with friends this week. A friend may reveal a great source of information that will be well appreciated by you. You are open to judgment and willing to focus your time to friends and family. On September 2nd and 3rd communicating with your friends looks positive. You may connect with them through a social network, email, text or phone calls. Nowadays making a phone call to a friend is foreign but do not eliminate the benefit of connecting with a friend or family member via text. Reach out to them by calling them and spending a few minutes with them. On September 4th you are focused on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Painting a room or decorating a room can go a long way. Your creative skills run high right now. By September 6th and 7th you seem to be taking care of work projects and assignments. You seem to do well by taking care of the projects and getting the work done on time. Your health will also be highlighted as you will eat healthy and take care of your body by exercising and cutting back on fatty foods.


Career opportunities and ventures are what's on your mind this week. You may receive a job opportunity or promotion. Communication, contracts and negotiations seem to be highlighted on September 2nd and 3rd. Be careful and aware that Mercury is still retrograding so you may find yourself having to doubt or question some financial benefits. I would suggest to ask question or make sure things don't change later on. Sometimes it's difficult to predict changes in the future when you are hoping everything stays the same and consistent. On September 4th you will be open to a quick trip out of town. The trip may be to visit family and friends. Your communication will increase especially via the internet, emails and text messages. You may be more open to connecting with people on the internet than on the phone. Siblings and neighbors enjoy connecting with you. By September 6th and 7th you are social and loving life. You may meet friends at a bar and enjoy a drink with them. Keep it light as this time the drink or food may not agree with you.


It's time to look at your future and see what needs to change in your life. You may explore new opportunities in your life. It could be to explore a new place or a new career path. Planning your future can really allow you to plan your life goals and succeed. On September 2nd and 3rd you seem to be open to new ventures. You may travel or make plans for a trip. Communication looks positive with foreigners, friends, relatives and employers. Yu may want to explore a new business venture and so you will begin to research and plan your projects. Finances are highlighted on September 4th and 5th. You may receive a job offer. It's also a great time to budget and save for the future. You will make long term plans and ideas come to fruition. By September 6th and 7th your focus turns to the home you may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that you are decorating or buying new furniture. Be careful not to splurge on an expensive item that you may later regret.


Finances relating to taxes, credit and loans will be standing out this week. As you begin the week you will take more concerns about our financial future. It could be time to save, budget or invest more into a retirement fund. You may also receive the approval of a loan or other financial gains and benefits especially on September 2nd and 3rd. It's time to communicate how to get ahead in your finances. You may receive a bonus or commission. Little gains are there for you but not so much with money earned. It seems to come through littler perks and opportunities. A little financial gain may get you into the house or apartment of your choice. A new car may be what you seek and it seems to come easier at this time. Mercury is still retrograding so make sure to double-check everything before signing. On September 4th you seem to be more selfless and giving with your friends. You enjoy a nice conversation with friends and make more time for them. By September 6th and 7th you are social and willing to take a quick trip out of town. Conversations and communication is positive via emails, text messages and phone calls.


You're going to start the week focusing on your collaboration with others. A partner may be someone profession or personal. Working with others can give you greater results and consistency. On September 2nd and 3rd communication with a partner brings great results. You are social and willing to compromise. Friends also seem to be a great source of help and full of advice. You can really feel a greater connection with someone by opening up and sharing your experiences with one another. It's also the opportunity to open the door and allow yourself to release the negative energy from your life including people and places. You will notice this more so on September 4th. Get rid of what you don't need including bad habits and addictions. By September 6th and 7th your finances seem to be a priority. You may pay off a bill or you may also be making more money. The gain may come from another source or individual including a partner, lover or spouse. Take time to focus on your finances and seek a partner that can help you move forward with your finances to prosper and grow.


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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes August 25,2010- August 31,2010

There will be a weekly and daily horoscope combination for this week. All times are EST.

August 25th will begin with you taking on the focus with work projects and assignments. It could be a very prosperous day when you may easily see a career advancement or promotion. It seems to be the right time to begin a business venture. Just remember that Mercury is retrograding so right now may be the right time to do research. You are very focused on working hard and investing much dedication on August 26th and 27th. You are mentally focused so anything relating to research and focus will pay off. On August 28th around 12:09pm EST you seem to feel a bit rushed and in a hurry. You may rush through lunch or a quick meal. You are also feeling a bit nervous and anxious especially around 4:55pm. Work projects and tasks seem to be taking over on August 29th. You are very busy throughout the day but you are feeling a bit confident around 4:10pm. You may receive news that a project received praise but that also means more work for you. By the end of the night you are feeling calm and at peace. The month ends for you on a very positive note. It’s all about your friends and making time for them especially around 7pm and around 10:10pm. You are social and willing to connect with new people. You may bond with coworkers and friends. Enjoy and relax. You deserve it.

Your time is being spent on the future and planning for the future. August 25th seems to bring about a day when you are sitting there thinking what comes for you down the road and what you need to do to get there. You are very in tune with plans for the future. On August 26th and 27th the future plans you have been thinking of the last couple days will begin to take form on these next couple days. I feel that you will be open to setting careful plans regarding finances or work projects. You may be making plans to move or change jobs. Everything takes careful planning and you seem to do well at it. On August 28th you are full of energy and moving forward with projects and plans especially around the afternoon. You are dedicated and disciplined. You are feeling loved and giving love to friends and family around 4:50pm. On August 29th your emotions are highly intensified when you are hearing news that can be fun and exciting or a bit depressing. It all depends on what has been going on lately that will bring happy or sad times. By the end of the night you are calm and ready to enjoy a good night sleep. By August 31st your mood shifts to work and work projects. You may feel a bit confused and tired but you are willing to take on the challenges. By 7: 10pm you may receive an email, text or phone call from a friend or someone special. It could be that you send someone a special note or text. It’s ok to be social at this time.

Finances associated with taxes, credit, loans and child support will be the prime focus on August 25th. It can bring good news as you may receive approval for a loan or line of credit. I feel this should be more of a positive day for you especially if you are working on a court case. Financially this could be a very good day for you to see some positives results and benefits. A bonus or commission may come through. On August 26th and 27th you seem to be at hard work and dedicated to getting projects done. If you are looking for work then you may receive positive news around this day. It could be an interview that pays off down the road. August 28th has you focused on the home. I feel that this could bring a day when you relocate, renovate or make changes around the home especially around 12pm and 5pm. You may be surprised at how family is important and sending them love will be greatly appreciated. it’s a great time to show your artistic skills by painting and decorating. On August 29th you seem to be taking care of obligations relating to the home and finances. It could be the purchase or sale of a home. Luxurious items may also be highlighted. You may purchase a computer or vehicle. Remember Mercury is retrograding so make sure to double check all documents before signing. By august 31st you are feeling compassion and love to everyone around you including family. You will live in fantasy or daydream around 2:35pm. At 7:10pm you are full of excitement and anxiety. You will connect well with the people around you and they will want to connect with you. A great day to meet a new friend.

A partner will be your focus on August 25th. The partner may be a business partner or someone more on a personal level. It could be a spouse, lover or friend. The partner may also be a coworker, employee or employer. It’s a wonderful day to meet someone new and form a loving or working partnership. On August 26th you seem to be taking care of all obligations and regarding love and children. You will take care of a child or spend time with children especially in relation to sports and hobbies. You may be crafting or creating by writing or taking care of tedious works of art. You seem to be focused and patient at this time. i feel that you may also have some back problems at this time or have to take care of problems with your bones especially your teeth. If you have some problems it may be the time to get a checkup. On August 28th you are feeling a bit angry or frustrated around 12:08pm. It could be towards a female. It may be that you feel rushed. By 4:50pm you are indulgent in food, money and love. On August 29th you seem to be a bit social especially in the afternoon hours. Friends and family just want your attention. You are enjoying the company or communication of someone from the opposite sex. You feel peace at home which is your domain. By August 31st your finances take concern. You may be paying off some bills or debts. It could be time to take care of some financial obligations. By 10:09pm you may receive a call from a female or you connect well with females.

On August 25th you will find yourself busy with errands, tasks and taking care of tedious projects and projects. It’s the right time to get work projects done as you will have greater patience for the job. You may see an increase of tasks but you will accomplish plenty in the time you have. Your health will also be a great concern as you will do well exercising and losing weight. On August 26th you seem to be focused on your finances. it’s time to take care of the bills and set a budget. You may receive a job offer or opportunity today. You seem to be getting plenty of work done on August 28th especially around 12:05pm. You will do well investing plenty of time and energy into it. Just don’t rush yourself. You seem to be indulgent around 4:50pm. You are working hard with tedious project on August 29th. I feel this is a wonderful day to stay focused and accomplish many tasks for the day. At 4:10pm you seem to be connecting with people or even your pet. By 11pm you are feeling content and in a wonderful mood. Great time to just watch a movie. By August 31st you are feeling your imagination increase. Dreams and fantasies stand out around 2:38pm. You seem to be feeling a greater connecting to your intuition. A friend may reach out or connect with you around 7:10pm. You are excited and having fun with friends and family. By 1pm you seem to be in great spirits. You will connect well with a female. Have fun.

Your love life and children will be the main focus for you on August 25th. You will spend time with kids and enjoy the time with them. You may hear news of a baby on the way. There may be a new love for you or you may fall in love. On August 26th your focus turns to your finances and getting work done. You will do well to budget and save. It’s also the right time to pay the bills. You may argue with someone possibly a female on August 28th especially around 12:08pm. Be careful not to say something you later regret. Around 4:50pm you are now more focused on giving love and affection to your friends and family. On August 29th you seem to be taking care of your family and or someone very special for you. Emotions increase around 4:10pm. You may receive positive or negative news. I feel that by the end of the night you are at peace and may enjoy a wonderful conversation with someone of the opposite sex. By August 31st you are in a great mood to socialize. You are connecting well with a partner, coworkers and your friends. You may meet someone new today. You are having some fun and enjoying the company you keep around 7:10pm. I feel this is a great time for you to connect with family and share some wonderful moments together. By 10pm you seem to be in a great mood even if you are by yourself. A movie or music brings peace. I also feel that you may enjoy the communication of a female friend or partner. Enjoy.

The home will be the focus for you on August 25th. You may spend the day relocating, renovating or making changes around the home. You may see a roommate move out or move in. A wonderful time to clean out the closets or garage. Your concerns may also be with a mother or female. On August 26th and 27th you seem to turn your focus on exercise, eating healthy and your future including education and finances. You may find ways to establish a career by entering college or receiving an education. It could be learning how to cook, sew or craft some projects. It’s the right time to lose weight or eat healthy. On August 28th you seem to be taking care of issues or problems with a partner especially around 4:50pm. You will show love and compassion to this person or partner. The partner may also be a coworker, friend, coworker or employee. You never know how much a difference makes until you show a considerate side of yourself. It will go a long way. You take care of finances relating to taxes. credit and loans on August 29th. You may just pay some bills or balance a checkbook. I suggest to look over your finances and set a budget or plan a financial future for yourself. By August 31st you seem to be enjoying your time with family and friends. You are a very social sign so for you connecting and communicating with the people you love brings joy and excitement. I say why not spend a few minutes sending a friend a text message to see what they have been up lately. A simple message can go a long way. Make time for family by enjoying a nice dinner with them. Make plans for the holidays or the next couple months. You are open to new adventures so get your friends and family involved.

You seem to be busy lately with many obligations at work. It should be a time to slow down but not lately. Your love life will receive a nice boost now that the full moon brings you love, affection and attention. On August 25th your communication will increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may take a quick trip to visit relatives, friends or a sibling. It could be the time to connect with a neighbor by having a simple conversation with them. If you love to gossip then today is the day for some gossip and information. On August 26th and 27th you seem to be having deep thoughts and ideas. Your mind races and you are full of ideas. it’s a wonderful time to connect with friends but I feel you will be a bit more shut down and focusing on your own priorities right now. Around 12:09pm on August 28th will be a time to exercise or take care of old projects around the home. You may be a bit upset with a female so try not to say something harsh. I feel that you will also eat quickly or get a snack instead of a meal at this time. At 4:55pm you are indulging in fatty foods, sweets and giving love and affection to someone special even a pet. You are enjoying your time at home on August 29th especially around 10-11pm. By August 31st you seem to be connecting with a partner regarding the home. It could be this is a friend or lover and you are having discussions of the home and how to decorate it. It could be a friend, neighbor, siblings or even a contractor. Today will be the day to make plans for the future especially if you are planning to relocate or renovate around the home.

You will take on the focus and concern of your finances on August 25th. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. It seems to be a wonderful time to pay some bills or even set a budget. On August 26th and 27th your focus turns to making plans for the future. You will do well to plan thoroughly and with such details. It could be to plan a trip or make long term plans. You will look at every number and dollar very fine. On August 28th you seem to be feeling a bit rushed or in a hurry to get some work done especially around 12:05pm. I feel this is the time to make some great accomplishments. At 4:55pm you seem to be loving and indulging with food and money. It could be that you are showing love to family members including pets. By August 31st you are focused on taking care of your friends and family by showing them you are willing to help them out. You seem to be a bit tired or in fantasy around 2:39pm. Around 7:13pm you may receive attention from friends. You may hear some unexpected news. It seems to be a time of surprises but they will be well received. You are feeling social and full of laughter around 10pm. Have fun.

You seem to be very structures and disciplined on August 25th. You are getting projects done and ready to make your mark on the world. It’s the time to go on interviews and show your greatest talents and skills. A day to get rid of things you don’t need around the house or clean up in the home. Travel is possible on August 26th an 27th. You may travel physically or in the mind. Reading a book or searching the internet brings great interest and studies of someplace new. You may learn about a new area or place. It could be the topic regards your health or your future. You seemed focused. On August 28th you may argue with a female or someone at home around 12pm. It could be that you have many projects planned at this time and you mobilize yourself to get work done. You are full of love around 4:50pm. On August 29th your emotions intensify because you seem to be feeling sensitive. News you hear or something you read may get the worst of you. By 11:30pm you seem to be feeling positive and willing to connect with others. By August 31st its time to reach out to family and friends. Be careful when drinking or taking medications especially around 2pm as you may feel a bit too buzzed and tired. Tonight you are feeling in great spirits and mood. You are social and enjoying the connection to friends and family especially around 7:10pm and 10pm. Enjoy.

Its time to get rid of people and things in your life on August 25th. You may get rid of a bad addiction or something broken in your life on this day. A great day to clean and get rid of items that don’t work anymore. On August 26th you seem to be focusing on your finances and looking over your finances and paycheck. You will budget and set a balance for yourself. It’s a great time to pay some bills and take your time to look over the small details in your finances. Be careful on August 28th as you may try to rush yourself to take care of errands and may find yourself in an accident especially around 12pm. The accident may be minor like a cut. I feel that the day will continue on in better spirits especially around 4:50pm as you seem to be feeling love and giving love to family, friends and pets. You may also indulge in something sweet. As the week continues the mood shifts to your love life and children. You may get involved in sports or special hobbies. A great time to get involved in sports with children or someone special. You are feeling in a great mood to connect with the people around you. By 10-11pm your time is with the family or connecting with friends, siblings and neighbors. You feel good about yourself and connect well with someone of the opposite sex. By August 31st your creativity shines around 2:35pm. You also seem to be reaching out to the people around you. You may receive a text, emails or phone call around 7:13pm. By 10:09pm you may communicate with a female including friends or the mother. A pleasant night to communicate.

On August 25th your friends will be the highlight of the day. You will connect and communicate with them. You may make a new friend or attend a special event or party with your friends. A group or organization may also be your primary focus and concern. A partner will need your time and attention on August 26th and 27th. It could relate to finances. The partner may be a business partner or someone personal including a lover, spouse or friend. The partner may need to spend time with you to discuss important issues or problems with you. A great time to look over small details in documents and contracts. On August 28th you are focused on finances. You may pay some bills or even gain a source of income. Be careful as you may impulsively spend money and indulge yourself in a new item around 4-5pm. Your communication seems to increase via emails. text messages and phone calls on August 29th. A message you receive may be a bit intense or increase your emotions. You may be a bit sensitive at this time. By 11:40pm you are in a great mood and quite social. On August 31st your premonitions and intuition stand strong around 2:38pm. Be careful as some of your dreams or premonitions bring false results. Carefully think things through before making any final decisions. In the evening hours you seem to be feeling optimistic and confident with friends and family being around you and showing you love. You seem to be connecting and communicating with everyone especially around 7:10pm and around 10:07pm. I feel that this will be a time to be social and enjoy some positive new.

Weekly Horoscopes August 25,2010- August 31,2010

There will be a weekly and daily horoscope combination for this week. All times are EST.
August 25th will begin with you taking on the focus with work projects and assignments. It could be a very prosperous day when you may easily see a career advancement or promotion. It seems to be the right time to begin a business venture. Just remember that Mercury is retrograding so right now may be the right time to do research. You are very focused on working hard and investing much dedication on August 26th and 27th. You are mentally focused so anything relating to research and focus will pay off. On August 28th around 12:09pm EST you seem to feel a bit rushed and in a hurry. You may rush through lunch or a quick meal. You are also feeling a bit nervous and anxious especially around 4:55pm. Work projects and tasks seem to be taking over on August 29th. You are very busy throughout the day but you are feeling a bit confident around 4:10pm. You may receive news that a project received praise but that also means more work for you. By the end of the night you are feeling calm and at peace. The month ends for you on a very positive note. It's all about your friends and making time for them especially around 7pm and around 10:10pm. You are social and willing to connect with new people. You may bond with coworkers and friends. Enjoy and relax. You deserve it.
Your time is being spent on the future and planning for the future. August 25th seems to bring about a day when you are sitting there thinking what comes for you down the road and what you need to do to get there. You are very in tune with plans for the future. On August 26th and 27th the future plans you have been thinking of the last couple days will begin to take form on these next couple days. I feel that you will be open to setting careful plans regarding finances or work projects. You may be making plans to move or change jobs. Everything takes careful planning and you seem to do well at it. On August 28th you are full of energy and moving forward with projects and plans especially around the afternoon. You are dedicated and disciplined. You are feeling loved and giving love to friends and family around 4:50pm. On August 29th your emotions are highly intensified when you are hearing news that can be fun and exciting or a bit depressing. It all depends on what has been going on lately that will bring happy or sad times. By the end of the night you are calm and ready to enjoy a good night sleep. By August 31st your mood shifts to work and work projects. You may feel a bit confused and tired but you are willing to take on the challenges. By 7: 10pm you may receive an email, text or phone call from a friend or someone special. It could be that you send someone a special note or text. It's ok to be social at this time.
Finances associated with taxes, credit, loans and child support will be the prime focus on August 25th. It can bring good news as you may receive approval for a loan or line of credit. I feel this should be more of a positive day for you especially if you are working on a court case. Financially this could be a very good day for you to see some positives results and benefits. A bonus or commission may come through. On August 26th and 27th you seem to be at hard work and dedicated to getting projects done. If you are looking for work then you may receive positive news around this day. It could be an interview that pays off down the road. August 28th has you focused on the home. I feel that this could bring a day when you relocate, renovate or make changes around the home especially around 12pm and 5pm. You may be surprised at how family is important and sending them love will be greatly appreciated. it's a great time to show your artistic skills by painting and decorating. On August 29th you seem to be taking care of obligations relating to the home and finances. It could be the purchase or sale of a home. Luxurious items may also be highlighted. You may purchase a computer or vehicle. Remember Mercury is retrograding so make sure to double check all documents before signing. By august 31st you are feeling compassion and love to everyone around you including family. You will live in fantasy or daydream around 2:35pm. At 7:10pm you are full of excitement and anxiety. You will connect well with the people around you and they will want to connect with you. A great day to meet a new friend.
A partner will be your focus on August 25th. The partner may be a business partner or someone more on a personal level. It could be a spouse, lover or friend. The partner may also be a coworker, employee or employer. It's a wonderful day to meet someone new and form a loving or working partnership. On August 26th you seem to be taking care of all obligations and regarding love and children. You will take care of a child or spend time with children especially in relation to sports and hobbies. You may be crafting or creating by writing or taking care of tedious works of art. You seem to be focused and patient at this time. i feel that you may also have some back problems at this time or have to take care of problems with your bones especially your teeth. If you have some problems it may be the time to get a checkup. On August 28th you are feeling a bit angry or frustrated around 12:08pm. It could be towards a female. It may be that you feel rushed. By 4:50pm you are indulgent in food, money and love. On August 29th you seem to be a bit social especially in the afternoon hours. Friends and family just want your attention. You are enjoying the company or communication of someone from the opposite sex. You feel peace at home which is your domain. By August 31st your finances take concern. You may be paying off some bills or debts. It could be time to take care of some financial obligations. By 10:09pm you may receive a call from a female or you connect well with females.
On August 25th you will find yourself busy with errands, tasks and taking care of tedious projects and projects. It's the right time to get work projects done as you will have greater patience for the job. You may see an increase of tasks but you will accomplish plenty in the time you have. Your health will also be a great concern as you will do well exercising and losing weight. On August 26th you seem to be focused on your finances. it's time to take care of the bills and set a budget. You may receive a job offer or opportunity today. You seem to be getting plenty of work done on August 28th especially around 12:05pm. You will do well investing plenty of time and energy into it. Just don't rush yourself. You seem to be indulgent around 4:50pm. You are working hard with tedious project on August 29th. I feel this is a wonderful day to stay focused and accomplish many tasks for the day. At 4:10pm you seem to be connecting with people or even your pet. By 11pm you are feeling content and in a wonderful mood. Great time to just watch a movie. By August 31st you are feeling your imagination increase. Dreams and fantasies stand out around 2:38pm. You seem to be feeling a greater connecting to your intuition. A friend may reach out or connect with you around 7:10pm. You are excited and having fun with friends and family. By 1pm you seem to be in great spirits. You will connect well with a female. Have fun.
Your love life and children will be the main focus for you on August 25th. You will spend time with kids and enjoy the time with them. You may hear news of a baby on the way. There may be a new love for you or you may fall in love. On August 26th your focus turns to your finances and getting work done. You will do well to budget and save. It's also the right time to pay the bills. You may argue with someone possibly a female on August 28th especially around 12:08pm. Be careful not to say something you later regret. Around 4:50pm you are now more focused on giving love and affection to your friends and family. On August 29th you seem to be taking care of your family and or someone very special for you. Emotions increase around 4:10pm. You may receive positive or negative news. I feel that by the end of the night you are at peace and may enjoy a wonderful conversation with someone of the opposite sex. By August 31st you are in a great mood to socialize. You are connecting well with a partner, coworkers and your friends. You may meet someone new today. You are having some fun and enjoying the company you keep around 7:10pm. I feel this is a great time for you to connect with family and share some wonderful moments together. By 10pm you seem to be in a great mood even if you are by yourself. A movie or music brings peace. I also feel that you may enjoy the communication of a female friend or partner. Enjoy.
The home will be the focus for you on August 25th. You may spend the day relocating, renovating or making changes around the home. You may see a roommate move out or move in. A wonderful time to clean out the closets or garage. Your concerns may also be with a mother or female. On August 26th and 27th you seem to turn your focus on exercise, eating healthy and your future including education and finances. You may find ways to establish a career by entering college or receiving an education. It could be learning how to cook, sew or craft some projects. It's the right time to lose weight or eat healthy. On August 28th you seem to be taking care of issues or problems with a partner especially around 4:50pm. You will show love and compassion to this person or partner. The partner may also be a coworker, friend, coworker or employee. You never know how much a difference makes until you show a considerate side of yourself. It will go a long way. You take care of finances relating to taxes. credit and loans on August 29th. You may just pay some bills or balance a checkbook. I suggest to look over your finances and set a budget or plan a financial future for yourself. By August 31st you seem to be enjoying your time with family and friends. You are a very social sign so for you connecting and communicating with the people you love brings joy and excitement. I say why not spend a few minutes sending a friend a text message to see what they have been up lately. A simple message can go a long way. Make time for family by enjoying a nice dinner with them. Make plans for the holidays or the next couple months. You are open to new adventures so get your friends and family involved.
You seem to be busy lately with many obligations at work. It should be a time to slow down but not lately. Your love life will receive a nice boost now that the full moon brings you love, affection and attention. On August 25th your communication will increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may take a quick trip to visit relatives, friends or a sibling. It could be the time to connect with a neighbor by having a simple conversation with them. If you love to gossip then today is the day for some gossip and information. On August 26th and 27th you seem to be having deep thoughts and ideas. Your mind races and you are full of ideas. it's a wonderful time to connect with friends but I feel you will be a bit more shut down and focusing on your own priorities right now. Around 12:09pm on August 28th will be a time to exercise or take care of old projects around the home. You may be a bit upset with a female so try not to say something harsh. I feel that you will also eat quickly or get a snack instead of a meal at this time. At 4:55pm you are indulging in fatty foods, sweets and giving love and affection to someone special even a pet. You are enjoying your time at home on August 29th especially around 10-11pm. By August 31st you seem to be connecting with a partner regarding the home. It could be this is a friend or lover and you are having discussions of the home and how to decorate it. It could be a friend, neighbor, siblings or even a contractor. Today will be the day to make plans for the future especially if you are planning to relocate or renovate around the home.
You will take on the focus and concern of your finances on August 25th. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. It seems to be a wonderful time to pay some bills or even set a budget. On August 26th and 27th your focus turns to making plans for the future. You will do well to plan thoroughly and with such details. It could be to plan a trip or make long term plans. You will look at every number and dollar very fine. On August 28th you seem to be feeling a bit rushed or in a hurry to get some work done especially around 12:05pm. I feel this is the time to make some great accomplishments. At 4:55pm you seem to be loving and indulging with food and money. It could be that you are showing love to family members including pets. By August 31st you are focused on taking care of your friends and family by showing them you are willing to help them out. You seem to be a bit tired or in fantasy around 2:39pm. Around 7:13pm you may receive attention from friends. You may hear some unexpected news. It seems to be a time of surprises but they will be well received. You are feeling social and full of laughter around 10pm. Have fun.
You seem to be very structures and disciplined on August 25th. You are getting projects done and ready to make your mark on the world. It's the time to go on interviews and show your greatest talents and skills. A day to get rid of things you don't need around the house or clean up in the home. Travel is possible on August 26th an 27th. You may travel physically or in the mind. Reading a book or searching the internet brings great interest and studies of someplace new. You may learn about a new area or place. It could be the topic regards your health or your future. You seemed focused. On August 28th you may argue with a female or someone at home around 12pm. It could be that you have many projects planned at this time and you mobilize yourself to get work done. You are full of love around 4:50pm. On August 29th your emotions intensify because you seem to be feeling sensitive. News you hear or something you read may get the worst of you. By 11:30pm you seem to be feeling positive and willing to connect with others. By August 31st its time to reach out to family and friends. Be careful when drinking or taking medications especially around 2pm as you may feel a bit too buzzed and tired. Tonight you are feeling in great spirits and mood. You are social and enjoying the connection to friends and family especially around 7:10pm and 10pm. Enjoy.
Its time to get rid of people and things in your life on August 25th. You may get rid of a bad addiction or something broken in your life on this day. A great day to clean and get rid of items that don't work anymore. On August 26th you seem to be focusing on your finances and looking over your finances and paycheck. You will budget and set a balance for yourself. It's a great time to pay some bills and take your time to look over the small details in your finances. Be careful on August 28th as you may try to rush yourself to take care of errands and may find yourself in an accident especially around 12pm. The accident may be minor like a cut. I feel that the day will continue on in better spirits especially around 4:50pm as you seem to be feeling love and giving love to family, friends and pets. You may also indulge in something sweet. As the week continues the mood shifts to your love life and children. You may get involved in sports or special hobbies. A great time to get involved in sports with children or someone special. You are feeling in a great mood to connect with the people around you. By 10-11pm your time is with the family or connecting with friends, siblings and neighbors. You feel good about yourself and connect well with someone of the opposite sex. By August 31st your creativity shines around 2:35pm. You also seem to be reaching out to the people around you. You may receive a text, emails or phone call around 7:13pm. By 10:09pm you may communicate with a female including friends or the mother. A pleasant night to communicate.
On August 25th your friends will be the highlight of the day. You will connect and communicate with them. You may make a new friend or attend a special event or party with your friends. A group or organization may also be your primary focus and concern. A partner will need your time and attention on August 26th and 27th. It could relate to finances. The partner may be a business partner or someone personal including a lover, spouse or friend. The partner may need to spend time with you to discuss important issues or problems with you. A great time to look over small details in documents and contracts. On August 28th you are focused on finances. You may pay some bills or even gain a source of income. Be careful as you may impulsively spend money and indulge yourself in a new item around 4-5pm. Your communication seems to increase via emails. text messages and phone calls on August 29th. A message you receive may be a bit intense or increase your emotions. You may be a bit sensitive at this time. By 11:40pm you are in a great mood and quite social. On August 31st your premonitions and intuition stand strong around 2:38pm. Be careful as some of your dreams or premonitions bring false results. Carefully think things through before making any final decisions. In the evening hours you seem to be feeling optimistic and confident with friends and family being around you and showing you love. You seem to be connecting and communicating with everyone especially around 7:10pm and around 10:07pm. I feel that this will be a time to be social and enjoy some positive new.

Full Moon August 24th

The full moon on August 24th will fall in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is the sign of beauty, spirituality, love, creativity, fantasy, imaginiation, dreams, ghost and psychic abilities. The next couple weeks will bring you a time to connect your deepest talents to your own sprituality and well-being. You will want to show your creative side by being more in tune with your mind, dreams or imagination. You will show everyone how your own abilities and talents can shine throughout the world by expressing emotions and feelings on paper, drawings or paintings. You may find that the next couple weeks will show your psychic side. You may receive premonitions and dreams that are vivid and detailed. It could be a time to find or connect your sprituality to a source in life. You may find a new religion or new found spritual connection. It could be to an invisivle being or thing.

The full moon will form a tough angle to Saturn the sign of discipline and structure. You will have to get down to business and take care of obligations around you. It may be with finances, billds, debts or with someone else including family and friends. You will work hard and may invest longer hours and time to get projects done. The full moon will make you quite emotional and sensitive so having Saturn discipline you could make you stress out or anxious. Pluto will support this full moon and will intensify the feelings and emotions around you. You may feel a bit weak to drinking or smoking. Be careful not to feel weak and vulnerable to charities or people who only want to take your money but are up to no good. Make sure that everything is legit and worth the investment. You are also thinking of the endless future and how to save and budget. It is going to be the right time to make plans and set ideas for what the future may bring you.

I feel that this full moon will open doors for you to move forward and get ahead in your career, finances and home opportunities. The full moon is telling you that it is possible you just need to want it and focus your time into it.

To find out how this full moon will affect you click on the link below and read your monthly and weekly horoscopes.

The Psychic One
Psychic Readings $1.89/min

Friday, August 20, 2010

Mercury Retrogrades August 20, 2010-September 12, 2010

The planet of communication will effect everything from your computer, your internet service, the phone calls you make and even the vehicles you drive. Its a time to make sure you have the most upgraded anti virus software on your computer. Even begin to invest in adaware or anti spyware program. You may not have any problems with viruses and such but just sending or receiving an email can become a problem. You may have problems making or taking a phone call. You may experience problems with your phone or cell phone. Its a good time to make sure that all your flight plans are set in motion. I remember a couple times when I flew during a Mercury retrograde my flight was cancelled and I needed to take another flight. So many times you will find your flight schedule changes and you wont know till you get to the airport. Make sure you arrive at the airport early enough just in case any problems occur. Your car or truck may break down so if you can do before the retrograde make sure you get everything properly checked. Sometimes it maybe something new that comes up in your vehicle that needs to be fixed. Sometimes the retrograde can actually help in improving communication among people. Click here to read were exactly the retrograde will effect you.

Psychic Reading $1.89/min

The Psychic One
800-275-5336 ext 0234

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Daily horoscopes August 20, 2010

The day will be about friends and special events. You may take time to meet with friends or even be deceived by old friends. A party or special brings out your creative side. A wonderful time to plan a special event or just get out and connect with others. At 12:45pm you indulge in sweets, love and money. At 12:49pm you may find yourself getting a quick bite to eat. By 11:46pm communication arises with everyone around you including family and friends.

Work projects and career opportunities arise today. You may find that today is a wonderful time for an interview or presentation. You will make the right impression. At 12:45pm you are focused on working hard but also thinking of new ways to move forward in your career. You seem a bit rash around 12:49pm. Be careful not to say something you later regret. By 11:45pm you are in a social mood and communications look positive. Time to send out those emails.

Long distance trips and travel look great. Mercury begins it's retrograde cycle today so plan ahead and remember to get to the airport early. You may feel a bit lost and confused today with ideas, thoughts and plans but it could be due to lack of sleep. At 12:45pm you seem to be giving a ton of love to family and friends. At 12:49pm you may find yourself arguing with a female even if you are a female. You are not in a good mood. By 11:40pm you are connecting well with everyone and right now you are a fast talker.

Finances connected to taxes, credit and loans seems to be a concern today. You may have to pay off a debt or you run up a debt when buying clothes or luxurious items. Be careful around 12:45pm as you will be in the mood to indulge in the most sweetest expensive items. You connect well with others but it can also get you into trouble with the money. Make sure to read anything before signing no matter how good it sounds. You seem to make rash or quick decisions around 12:50pm. Slow down. By 11:40pm you are running ideas in your head and may find yourself surfing on the internet for something to buy.

A partner may deceive you or you may be deceived by a partner. The partner may be professional or personal. It could be that you are meeting someone new and what sounds and looks great now will show you later on. Take time to just get to know one another before making rash decisions. Today is a time to figure out what you want for yourself and from others. Around 12:45pm you are in a mood to spend for yourself. it could be in an expensive meal or item. You seem a bit rushed around 12:50pm so take your time to get projects or errands done. By 11:40pm you are connecting and communicating with everyone via emails, text and phone calls.

You seem to be busy running around getting errands done and work projects taken care of. You are open to new opportunities and possibilities. A wonderful time to exercise and eat healthy. You are vocal and social and seem to connect well with coworkers, employees and clients. A great time to meet a new employer or look for a job. You will present yourself well. Around 12:45pm you are loving and compassionate with friends, family and coworkers. Around 12:49pm you seem to be a bit frustrated and rushed to get projects done quickly. By 11:45pm you are feeling good about yourself and feel a great connection to everyone.

You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children today. Be careful as a lover or even a child may deceive you. You may be the one deceiving them. Be careful what you hear or read as it may be a lie. Children are special today and it seems to be a day for you to enjoy kids especially in sports or hobbies. Around 12:45pm you seem to be sending love and affection to family, friends or a new lover. Around 12:49pm you are rushing yourself to get work or errands done by a certain time. By 11:41pm you are communicating with someone via email, text or phone.

It's all about the home today. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It will also be the right time to make time for a mother or grandmother. You will give time and love to the home and family. Time to decorate or change the decor of a room. Around 12:49pm you seem to feel frustrated or angry towards someone or something. Try to stay calm and don't let your anger out to the wrong people. By 11:45pm you are social and connecting with the people you love. A wonderful time to read a book or learn something new.

Communication and travel is highlighted today. You may take a quick trip out of town. Your communication with family and friends is also positive. Be careful what you hear because it will either confuse you or something won't sound right. You are also in the mood to socialize with friends, family and coworkers. Teach something new to someone that will appreciate it. Let someone tell you a story. You will be amazed at what you learn. Around 12:45pm you are ready to connect with those you love and sending love to family works well. At 12:50pm the time to socialize is now but don't force your opinions on others. By 11:40pm you are connecting with everyone that is important to you. A great time to read over a contract or learn of a possible new business venture.

You seem open to learn about your finances and how to build the egg nest. Today is a day to focus on your finances. You may receive a new job offer or opportunity. A great time to learn of new business venture. My concern is that you won't receive all the information necessary to feel comfortable in any new venture. Give yourself time before making any final decisions. At 12:40pm you seem to be spending time with people or pets that are important for you. It may also be a time for you to indulge in your finances. Read before signing on the dotted line. By 11:45pm you are talkative and trying to learn about new opportunities and ventures.

You are selfless and giving your time and attention to others. It's a time to be charitable and loving to family and friends. It could be you offering a ride to a family member or friend. A friend may need your time and attention. You give love to everyone that needs it especially pets and children around 12:45pm. Your creative side shines today but be careful not to get angry at others especially around 12:50pm. Communication goes well especially in regarding to finances around 11:40pm. You will also find time to budget or balance the checkbook.

A partner will need your time and attention. The partner may be a lover, spouse, business partner, lawyer or doctor. You need to communicate your wants and needs. Love and compassion are sent to others today as you are considerate of others needs. You give love and time to the people you love and care for. At 12:45pm you indulge in love and food. You may even enjoy some junk food. Around 12:49pm you may have to deal with a female arguing with you or someone making a comment that you don't appreciate it. By 11:40pm you are connecting with a partner or friend. The communication will open doors to a better future relationship and conversations.

All times are EST
The Psychic One

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Weekly horoscopes August 18, 2010-August 24, 2010

You have plenty going on this week with a week full of tedious obligation. It's a busy time with family and friends. As you get closer to August 20th friends seems to want to spend time with you and you may give more of your time to them. It seems to be a wonderful time to make new friends or a friend becomes a new date. Love may come among your friends. On this same day Mercury will begin it's retrograde cycle from your 6th house of work, service and health. You will have about 3 weeks were you will need to revise work projects. It could be that you may see work assignments and projects increase. There may be computer problems. A coworker or boss may confuse you. It's also time to take care of your health by eating healthy and exercising. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work and service on August 22nd. The next 4 weeks seems to give you a wonderful time to take care of your body and tke care of your work projects. You may be given a new assignment or job offer. I feel that you can accomplish plenty with new job opportunities or even finding new ways to make more money. Your health will also take a concern. You will take care of medical checkups including going to the dentist and receiving other medical attention. It's time to focus on you so you can live a long and healthy life. On August 24th the full moon will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks will make you feel drained and tired. You will catch up on sleep but also focus on your well-being. It's time to get rid of unhealthy people and habits including addictions. It seems to be a very somber time for you but you have to face reality that it's time to make changes in life or else you will never move forward. If you feel that the problems you face are too much to handle then try to handle them one at a time. Stress and anxiety will increase but again remember it's the universe telling you that you need to handle these issues differently but they do need to be dealt with in time. Take the next couple weeks to handle these projects and problems and you will be amazed at how much you can handle.

The week will take on the focus towards children, love and creative projects. For one Mercury will begin to retrograde on August 20th in your 5th house of love, children, sports and artistic projects. The next 3 weeks may bring an old lover or partner back into your life. You may have to deal with old issues again from a partner. There may be issues relating to sports, music, art and children. It could be that some of these problems relate to some lessons or activities. There may be some changes or legalities to take care of. A child may need your time and attention. It also seems to be a wonderful time to go out on a date or meet someone new. Be careful as you may be a bit deceived by what you see and hear. Today also seems to be a great time to focus on your career. A new job assignment may come to you or a new job offer. The sun will enter your 5th house of love and children on August 22nd. the next 4 weeks will bring love, children, sports and hobbies to the limelight. You may join a new sport or hobby including music, acting, signing, drawing, crafting, or even biking, hiking or camping. You have plenty going on here so I doubt you will be bored. You also seem to be a bit anxious so obviously you have a lot going on this week. Take the time to learn something new and explore new possibilities. if you have never gone camping then see what it's like to do so at the nearest camp ground or with friends. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will open the door for you to spend time with friends. The problem is that it may open the door to new problems with a friend. It may be time to bring issues out in the open. You may see a friend relocate or marry. A friend may disown you because of something you did or said. It seems to be a bit of a tough time when having to deal with friends or groups. You also seem to be very stressed and frustrated at work and taking care of other obligations. You feel there is too much happening and discipline is in order. It could depress you or make you feel flustered. Take time for yourself as the next couple weeks can take your weakest behaviors out and make you feel a bit doubtful of yourself.

You are at the crossroads having to decide between the home and career. It could be that you need to make some decisions whether to relocate for a job or bring your work home. On August 19th and 20th you seem to be facing issues relating to a trip and planning for the future. I feel this will be connected to a job or future opportunities for work. You may be taking a trip for leisure but you are also planning your career. It's a wonderful day to also make the right impression on an employer or boss. Mercury will begin its retrograde cycle on August 20th from your 4th house of home. The next 3 weeks will open the door to make changes around the home. You may have to relocate again or make some repairs around the home again. the home seems to have plenty of activities so expect some revisions. The sun will also enter your 4th house of home on August 22nd. The next 4 weeks seems to make you face the realities of the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Someone may move out or you may lose a home. You may decide to bring your work home and so now you need to make room for your work space. You are facing some challenges but they need to be taken care of. You feel a bit anxious and worried but you will be fine. the full moon on August 24th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next couple weeks may bring a job change or promotion. It seems to be a critical time when you may need to make some difficult decisions. You may lose a job or change jobs drastically. It will be tough but change must occur. The good news is you adjust quickly so what may seem difficult at first will bring positive results at the end. hang in there and good luck.

The focus for the week will relate more on how you express yourself and connect with others. You seem to be busy with communication and short trips. The short trip may be around town or to visit a place close by. on August 19th and 20th you seem to be focused on finances especially in relation to taxes, credit and loans. You may pay off a bill or debt. I feel that this is the time for you to get ahead with your finances and set a budget. It's time to be disciplined and watch how you spend your money. It will also be a wonderful time to make the right impression on business partner, lawyers, friends and even a new lover. You seem to be charming and loving to everyone you meet. Mercury will retrograde on August 20th from your third house of short trips, communication and siblings. The next 3 weeks can bring problems with computers, vehicles and the internet. I hope you plan ahead and repair your car or expect to have repairs done soon. Your computer may go a bit haywire on you so make sure you have an antivirus software. Your communication increases with others but you may mix your messages and regret saying something that is difficult to take back. A text or email message may be sent to the wrong person. The sun will enter your third house of short trips, siblings and neighbors on August 22nd so expect more of the same the next 4 weeks. Your communication will increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. On August 22nd and 23rd is when you may easily experience vehicle or computer problems so just be on alert. the full moon on August 24th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks opens the door for you to explore new places and cultures. You may enter college or study abroad. It will be a wonderful time to learn a new language. You also seem to be a bit frustrated and stressed so just take your time and don't push yourself too hard. you may take a long distance trip over obligations at work or for the home. You seem to be taking on plenty for a short time. The trip may come at last minute or you take on certain obligations that can frustrate you. The next couple weeks seems to keep you busy so slow down and take it one step at a time.

It's the month all about you. The week will also be about finances and building financial security. You will take on the initiative to budget and save for the future. As you get closer to August 20th you will take your time to focus on a partner. you may be deceived or argue with a partner. It seems to also be the time to compromise and work problems with this partner. You may form a relationship with someone on a professional or personal basis. It can be the relationship for financial or personal success. Mercury will begin to retrograde on August 20th from your 2nd house of earned income. The next 3 weeks may bring problems with money or a paycheck. Money owed or credit issues can also be a concern. You may make money but not see the increase until later due to other delays. A wonderful time to budget and save. On August 22nd the Sun will enter your 2nd house of earned income giving you 4 weeks to find new ways to make more money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Also on the 22nd you may experience of bit of frustration or anxiety over finances. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans.. The next couple weeks will give you the time for you to pay off a debt or pay off some bills. You may run up a debt on a luxurious item. You may purchase a new computer or vehicle because your old one broke down. It may be the time to invest into a new home. You may feel a bit stressed due to these financial obligations. You may not be happy that now you have another debt to worry about but you will be able to take care of it easily. I also feel that this could be a time when you pay off a debt just to clear it from your set of bills. the time is now to get rid of anything from your life that is holding you back. You will be able to move forward and be happy with your life too.

The week will mainly focus ony our own personal wants and needs. You will take care of your priorities especially in relation to finances, the home and other debts around you. On August 19th your concern turns to a debt in connection to credit, loans, taxes or even child support, alimony or a court base. You will be a bit stressed and frustrated but you seem to just be trying to handle everything at once. It could be a bit debt to buy a computer, vehicle or other big items. On August 20th Mercury will retrograde in your own sign. It is a double whammy for you because Mercury is your ruling planet and it falls in your own sign. You will really take a closer look at how you are taking care of yourself and who you want to become in the future. It seems to be a wonderful time to build your own security. You may have to correct some errors relating to finances but it will help you down the road. Certain concerns relating to family or yourself will be resolved. It's also a day to make the right impressions on new friends and family. You seem charming and charismatic. The sun will enter your own sign on August 22nd. The next 4 weeks will be all about you. It's time to shine and receive plenty of attention. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your partnership house. The next couple weeks will make you take a closer look at partnerships. You will focus on compromising or working on personal or professional issues with a partner. It may bring a time of endings and new beginnings. You may get a divorce or end a relationship. It may be depressing but it may be what will bring you happiness down the road. The partnership may also be business including coworkers, employees and employers. You may end a partnership to pursue your own goals and life dreams. Don't be afraid to take chances but also remember you need to be open to your own wants and needs. Good luck.

You will spend time this week really look deep in your own psyche to figure out if you need to make changes in your life or if you need to just improve what is around you. On August 19th you will spend the next couple days having to deal with issues relating to a partner. The partner may be professional or personal. There may be a disagreement or argument over finances, home or the future. A lover or child may also create problems for you. Your creative side is highlighted and you will be bringing out some wonderful ideas. drawing, painting and crafts go well. You will be impressed with the results. On August 20th Mercury will retrograde from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 3 weeks will bring some secrets out in the open. The Sun will enter your 12th house on August 22nd. The next 4 weeks will make you take a closer look at yourself and get rid of any bad habits or people. You will also take time for a vacation, rest and relax. A wonderful time to get a massage or a facial. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will really make you face your personal health concerns and issues. If you have been ignoring a problems then the next couple weeks brings out some important concerns to take care of yourself. You may exercise and lose weight. You may seek medical attention or take care of routine checkups. It's time to go to the dentist or take care of your body. A checkup may reveal a health concern. Pets are also important. you may lose a pet or take care of a pets health. You may feel a bit depressed because you have to face these problems and issues. It will be a time to face reality and fix the problems. The next couple weeks will also bring an increase of work projects and assignments so expect to feel a bigger sense of anxiety. Hang in there.

The importance for you this week will make you take a closer look at your friends. If you see a gain or loss of friends it is because there is a need for their existence or departure. On august 19th your first concern will turn to the home or a mother. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It is a great time to decorate or paint around the home since you will have Venus and Mars supporting you at this time. You will also be open to new possibilities and places to live. I also feel that you will connect well with a mother or mother figure in your life. Mercury will begin it's retrograde cycle on august 20th falling in your 11th house of friendships. The next 3 weeks seems to open the door to connecting and communicating with friends. You will also build a strong connection with new and old friends. You may have to resolve old issues with a friend, group or organization. On August 22nd there will be some issues or concerns relating to your health or work projects. You will feel a bit stressed and anxiety runs high for you. The Sun will also enter your 11th house of friendships on August 22nd. The next 4 weeks can bring more friends your way. You may see a invite for a special event or party. You are connecting well with groups or people you know and love. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects and sports. The next couple weeks brings you a time to fall in love, find love or a baby is born or conceived. You may find someone new to spend the rest of your life with but other obligations seem to be connected to them. It could be that you spend time with kids in sports or hear news of a baby on the way. Sports, music and other recreational activities run strong. You may join a sport or hobby. It could be biking, hiking, kayaking or even join a sport. Sports are strong these next couple weeks and may get involved with sports. It could be with a child or partner. The full moon does bring some obligations so just be aware that your responsibilities will increase.

The weeks take your priority on long term plans and friends. You will want to connect with the people you know and love. It can get you to make long distance calls or connect through the internet or phone. On August 20th your focus turns to short trips and communication. You may see an extension of communication via emails, phone calls and text messages. You may decide to take a quick short trips to visit friends, neighbors and family. You seem to make a great impression on paper and in person. People will love how you present yourself. Mercury will begin retrograding from your 10th house of career. The next 3 weeks will make you revise old projects. You may run into an ex-employer or employee. Issues and problems from the past will need to be discussed. Expect computer and internet problems. You may already be experiencing these problems now. On August 22nd the Sun will enter your career house giving you 4 weeks to pursue a promotion or advancement. You may receive a job promotion or begin a business venture. You want more for yourself and you will pursue it. At the same time you may experience this anxiousness with other people around you. it could be an anxiety of making the right impression or saying the wrong thing to others. You may feel a bit stressed or anxious. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks may bring a time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It can be a stressful and depressing time especially if you have to leave your home town or a place you lived for many years. You may just relocate for a new job or to live closer to home. Repairs and renovation are also strong but they can be costly. You may begin to bring your work home or open the door to run a business from home. Expect to work harder or feel like you are working more to keep up with the home.

On August 19th and 20th you will take your focus on finances. You may spend lavishly on a new item. You may have to indulge a little to pay off a debt or bill. It could be that you are being a bit careless with your finances. It may be towards a luxurious item with colors and works of art. On August 20th Mercury will begin to retrograde from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. the next 3 weeks may bring about flight delays and errors. Your long distance trips may need to be revised or changed. You may also express yourself and be misunderstood. Be careful what you put out there or else people may find it insulting. On August 22nd the Sun will enter your 9th house of long distance trips and give you 4 weeks to travel, read, study and learn. You will also find yourself feeling a bit stressed regarding projects or a trip. Breathe and relax. For you it may be difficult as Capricorn are natural worriers and hypochondriacs. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your third house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. You will spend the next couple weeks taking a short trip possibly to visit family. It could be for work. Communication increase via the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. There may be greater responsibilities and tedious projects to take care of. It will be a wonderful time to make plans for yourself and just take time for you but it can also be for work or other obligations. You may feel a little down and depressed or just stressed from having to do so much. Hang in there.

You will feel a bit drained and tired around August 19th and 20th. It could be due to lack of sleep or just too much work going on. It's a great time for you to get projects done as you will see your most creative side shine. You will also make a wonderful impression with friends, coworkers, employers and family. Mercury will retrograde on August 20th from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. There may be problems with bills and debts the next 3 weeks. Be careful when paying a bill as you may experience problems with the internet. There could be an error in your bill or loan. I would suggest to double check all your savings and retirement funds. You may have to revise or change your retirement plans. On August 22nd the Sun will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 4 weeks will make you spend time with debts, bills, loans and any credit issues that need to be fixed. You will also take care of obligations relating to child support, alimony and settlements. Finally you may see progress. Communication may go haywire on you including cell phones, internet or phone calls. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks may bring a time to face reality regarding your finances. You may pay off some bills but you may also run up a debt. It could bring a disappointment with a salary, paycheck or other payments. You may lose one source of income for another. It could be you quit or lose a job. It may be the beginning of taking unemployment benefits. the problem could be that the benefits aren't enough to cover all expenses. It may be a tough time financially but you will get through this. I feel next month will open the door for finances to improve so hang in there.

It's going to be quite an emotional week for you. It can be good or bad. You will be the center of attention. On August 19th and 20th you will see your most sensitive and caring side come out. You will give to others and make time for others. The next couple days will be about the people around you and how you can help them out. You are compassionate and caring. You will also extend your love to new people, family and friends. Your pets will also receive love and attention. Mercury will begin to retrograde from your partnership house on August 20th. The next 3 weeks will make you face issues and problems with a partner. The partner may be business or personal. You may run into an ex-partner or lover. You will need to take care of any problems that are there in order to move forward. It may be the time to close one door and open another door. The sun will enter your partnership house on August 22nd giving you 4 weeks to build a loving partnership with someone close to you. you may fall in love or marry. The partnership may be for business purposes. It seems to be the right time to work closely with others for you to advance in your career. It could be someone in a company or entity. Your finances will be a bit of a concern. Then again, you may just be a little too excited about money or ways to make money. The full moon on August 24th will fall in your own sign. I feel this will be great news. It's all about you. The only little problem is Saturn doesn't seem to connect well with Pisces the next couple weeks from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You may feel obligated by some bills or debts. It could be you need to take care of some obligations relating to your health, job or relationships. the next couple weeks will make you face reality regarding your health and yourself and take care of any issues or problems now. Pluto is really supporting this full moon in your friendship house so you seem to see a boost of friends and loved one's. You are going to enjoy the attention you receive now. I feel it's also a time to focus on your own wants and needs including gaining financially or even finding new ways to improve your spirit and health. Enjoy.

The Psychic One

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jupiter oppose Saturn-Conflicts

On August 16th Jupiter will oppose Saturn creating a sense of conflicts and obligations. You may have to worry or focus on taking care of some debts and bills. Your concern may turn to a conflict between your own personal wants and needs and the obligations and needs of other's. Jupiter is currently in the sign of Pisces bringing a sense of spirituality and creativity. Saturn is currently in the sign of Virgo giving you a sense of structure, discipline and focus. You may feel torn between where you would like to be versus where you have to be. It can be difficult to handle because you want to move forward but feel like something is holding you back or behind. Read below how to each sun will be affected by this opposition. You may have begun to felt this opposition since a week ago and will continue on for another week.

Taurus- The conflicts of your work and health can take a toll on you. You may need to rest and relax to be able to complete projects. There may be conflict among coworkers and employers.
Gemini-Your lover, child or friends may be asking a lot of time from you. You may have to find balance among friends and the home. It could be a child needs time and attention while friends need time from you.

Cancer-Your work obligations and the home are full time. You may have to take work home or you set up a work office. Projects may increase or work becomes busy.

Leo-Travel, education and thoughts of the future are your concern. Your future plans includes money, career and the home. You will be detailed in your goals.

Virgo-Finances related to earned income, savings, retirement and credit take priority. You may have to budget to save for certain expenses. Loans and credit concerns increase.

Libra-A partner may create conflict related to finances. You may feel your wants and needs aren't being met.

Scorpio-Work projects, health and anxieties may increase. A great time to exercise with noticeable results.

Sagittarius-A lover or child takes priorities. Friends offer good advice or you view your friends with great respect. You may meet someone older and wiser.

Capricorn-It's about the home and your career. Make plans for the future as your career brings great results. You may improve around the home or home obligations increase.

Aquarius-Communication improves with family, friends and neighbors. You are open to discuss important issues.

Pisces-Finances are important. You may gain financially but you will have other financial obligations related to taxes, credit and loans.

Aries-It's going to be time to focus on your own wants and needs. You may feel obligated towards a partner, friend, family or spouse.

You can read more about this opposition on your weekly and monthly horoscopes at http://www.thepsychicone.com

The Psychic One
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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Weekly horoscopes August 11, 2010-August 17, 2010

The week should be quite busy for you trying to find love or spending time with children. I feel this week is going to give you the opportunity to find love, fall in love or just meet new people. Children are also going to be fun for you including spending time with kids or joining a sport with children. New hobbies and opportunities to enjoy something new is strong. You will enjoy music and the arts at this time. From August 11th through August 16th you want to enjoy life and the people around you. It’s time to hit the club or enjoy a drink at a bar. Sometimes we can be open to doing something different even if it means getting out for a few hours. on August 17th Jupiter will oppose Saturn from your own sign and your partnership house. I feel the next few days and the last week may have easily brought tension with a partner. Remember when I use the word partner I mean a partner professionally or personal. It could be a coworker, boss or friend. It may be a spouse, lover, doctor or lawyer. It depends on what is going on with you that this partner will create problems and tension with you. You may argue or even end the partnership. The ending will only occur only because it is time to let go and move on. It may be the time to bring issues out in the open in order to move forward. If this is the case then so be it. Let it out and move forward.

As you continue the wee you seem to be focused on the home. You may be relocating, renovating or make changes around the home. It could be that you are renewing a lease or making some changes to the home. The home will also be connected to the mother. You may take on greater concern with a mother or someone you see as a mother. It’s time to take care of those around you who have been there in the past for you. You may decide to look for a new place to live. You may have to relocate for your career. I feel this will be a place for you to live long term. As you continue the week and get closer to August 17th your concern will move to work assignments, projects and health. You may have begun to take care of your health by exercising and eating healthy. It may be the time to watch your weight and kick the fatty foods. Your work projects are hectic and you can expect more of it. It will be a very busy week with projects and assignments increasing. Don’t expect to see any rest any time soon. You will be busy but this can also affect your health. If you can keep a schedule then you may notice the projects balancing themselves out later in the week. It may not be anytime soon but by the end of the month.

The week will progress with you focusing on your friends and loved one’s. You may attend a special event or party. It seems to be a very fun time for you to connect with the people that you lost contact with a long time ago. I feel that you will hear from people that you lost contact with even friends that you may have on your friend’s list but don’t really talk to. It’s also going t be a time to take short trips around town or a quick trip out of town. You will increase your communication via emails. text message and phone calls. As you get closer August 17th the challenge you face will relate to love and friendships. There may be a battle between a lover choosing over their friends or making time for you. You may have to make some sacrifices or your partner may have to sacrifice some of their time with their friends for you. It could be that you have so much happening for yourself that you don’t have time for friends. A new love may be taking time from you. It could also be children or a new baby that you need to focus on while your friends are neglected. Take time for yourself and then decide who can have time with you. Children may need to come first and then time with your friends. It’s about you and your own wants and needs first then go from there.

It seems to be a busy time for you focusing on your finances. It’s time to make more money or start a new job. A job offer or opportunity should come for you this next week. Also you may be finding new ways to make more money. You may need to focus your time alone in order to get ahead in your finances. The new moon from august 9th will discipline you and set a budget and save. If you need to set yourself a budget then do so. If you are noticing that you are getting ahead with the finances then be proud of yourself. You will do well and you will invest in long term valuable items including a home, vehicle or computer. As you get close to August 17th you may notice some tension with the home and your career. You may have to bring work home. I feel it will be a wonderful time to set a room for work projects. You may have to decide who needs more time. Its either going to be your work or your family. It’s very tough to set a balance when everyone wants the attention and time from you. You will need to find ways o balance it out. I know it can be a tough time for you to make time for the home or family when work projects are too important to neglect. The week will make you focus and prioritize even if the priorities seem unfair. Just make sure to set some time aside for family, friends and yourself later.

It is your week to shine and to focus on your greatest wants and needs. It’s about you and what makes you happy. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be the time to find love or even have a baby. The new moon from August 9th just increased the energy of you to give you the spotlight to shine. It’s what you want and your own priorities and concerns. I feel the next week will give you greater authority and control of your life. You may decide to eat healthy and exercise. It could be the time for you to feel a great need to take care of work and home projects. If it’s something that makes you happy so be it. As you get closer to August 17th you will feel a bit of a conflict between your current needs and the plans of the future. You may have to really think and plan about travel, education, marketing and your future. It’s time to carefully budget and save especially if you want to invest in a new vehicle or home. It’s time for you to set time aside for yourself especially if you are open to taking a great need in your education or marketing projects. If you are open to learning something new then this is a wonderful time to buy some books or read about a new place, land or country. Take time for yourself and take time to plan in the long haul. You will be surprised at the results you create.

It’s all about your finances this week. The money you earn and the money you save will make a big difference this week for you. You may receive a job opportunity or offer that will be with you for many years to come. You may learn to budget and save for the future. It could also be a time for you to cut back on your finances and stretch out those dollars. The week will bring a time of isolation. You may need this time to make those long term financial plans. It may be the time to let go and move on with your life. If you are ending a relationship then this could be the time for you to begin to budget and save for the future. It will be a week to educate yourself on how to make the dollar stretch by cutting coupons or taking advantage of specials and discounts. You are educating yourself with the money and this week really opens the door for you to plan for your future. On August 17th Jupiter and Saturn seem to be at conflicts with your finances. On one end you have to worry about the money you earn. On the other end it’s the money you gain through a bonus, refund, reward, commissions or gifts. You may see money being spend easily before you receive your paycheck. I suggest to set a budget now or else when the bills come in you will be a bit disappointed. Virgos are really good at budgeting but this week you may feel a bit at odds with the dollar. Too many baskets need to be divided and you may be a bit frustrated on making the money and paying the bills. I feel that you will find a way at the end even though you will be a little stressed at the moment. Hang in there.

You wil spend the week making time for friends. You seem to be social and outgoing and this week is no exception. The new moon from August 9th opened the door to new people in your life. You want to connect and communicate with different people. It’s going to be a great time to get out and socialize with everyone around you. it could be the time to build a long-lasting friendship with someone special. They may be older and wiser. It could be that this person will lead you in the right direction for success. It could be a coworker, friend or even a relative. They mean well and want to be a great help to you. on August 17th you will be experiencing a bit of an opposition between Jupiter and Saturn from your partnership house. They may be arguments with this partner. The partner may be a coworker, boss, friend, relative, spouse or even a neighbor. You will need to learn on how to adjust your time and compromise. It’s about giving back to others and treat them as you want to be treated. It will be the time to show this partner that you also need to be respected too. I feel that this next week will allow you to see that the problems that occur may need to be dealt with and resolved or else come the Venus retrograde in October and it could all be taken away. You don’t want a relationship to end just because no one wanted to compromise.

As you begin the week you are still going to be riding high from the new moon falling in your career house. The next week can open the door for you to seek a new career opportunity and venture. It will be a wonderful time to train or enter a class for you to advance in your career. You may receive a promotion or advancement. It may be the time for you to open or start a business venture. It will be a wonderful time to begin making future plans regarding your career. You can venture out and discover new places and opportunities. As you get closer to August 17th you will feel a bit of a war between the home and your career. You may need to make a critical decision about where you live and where you work. You may need to relocate for your career. It could be that you need to be bring work home which could interrupt the family. A big part has to do with the work decisions and projects that seem to be increasing. You will feel flustered with projects, ideas and decisions that need to be made regarding your career and work projects. Your health will also become an issue. You may not be sleeping well or will begin to eat health and take care of your body. A wonderful time to exercise and just drink plenty of water.

It’s a very active and busy week for you. You seem to be having a full schedule of activities and projects. It will be a great time to get the work done that needs time and patience. You will feel more in control of the projects around you. I feel that this new moon will open the door and opportunity for you to grow and prosper. You may be surprised at where you run into these wonderful opportunities and connections. This is your time to shine and take the authority back to you. If you are working on a project everyone will follow your lead. You will be the direct command of the project for a few days. Your ideas will be taken seriously. On August 17th you will experience a challenge from your love life and your friends. You may be pulled in different directions from a lover, child or friend. It might be that you need to surrender your time to others and you just don’t seem to have the time for it. Friends, family and children all need your time but you seem to be feeling a bit flustered and drained out. Take time for yourself then give time to others or else you will neglect everyone including you. Right now the battle between giving to others and giving to yourself will be a challenge so make the most and best of it.

As you are still enjoying the new moon in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit you will also notice a time of changes for yourself. You seem to be open to new experiences and ventures. It seems to be a wonderful time to explore new ways to make more money and gain financially too. I feel and believe that you will see the green light in building a savings account, securing retirement funds and even seeing the gain through a loan or credit. It will be the right time to face new opportunities and possibilities for yourself. You will focus on making money through taxes, credit, rewards, bonuses, commissions or even through child support. The benefits will be long term and you will see a gain. The gain may not come through financially but more with advice and knowledge. A piece of information may take you a long way. As you get closer to August 17th you may have to focus your time and attention to your home and your career. You may relocate or make changes for your career. It could be that you receive a job offer that takes you to another city, state or country. it’s a critical time for you because it will really make you sacrifice what you are most comfortable with around you. The sacrifice may be family and friends. You may be working so much that you neglect the home. I feel that this is the time for you to balance everything out for yourself and set some strucutre for yourself. If you can create a balance then you will be able to give everyone the time needed. You may lose a roommate, spouse or love because of these battles. Maybe it’s a friend that moves away or a partner that wants their space. There is only so much you can do and the rest will be up to them to want to make the connection to you.

A partner will be your main concern for the week. The new moon from August 9th really made you focus on the people around you. The partner may be someone professional or personal. It could be a doctor, lawyer, coworker or boss that you will work closely with the next week. It may be a spouse, lover or friends that you need to communicate and build a strong connection. It’s time to compromise and build a long term relationship even a partnership for business reasons. You are thinking more about your future and how to build greater security for the future. The security may be for the love of a friendship or business partnership. the great connection or network you build may just bring you long term financial security. A friend may be older and wiser. You may feel that the people around you only are around because they benefit you and you gain from them. You seem to be open to meeting new people who can help you in your future. You may meet an older and wiser friend. The friendships you build now will be with you for a long time. on august 17th Jupiter and Saturn will oppose one another from your house of communication and connections. You may see an extension of communication with family, friends and even neighbors via text messages, emails and phone calls. A wonderful time to connect with those at a distance including family and friends. You want to build a bond with the people that matter the most to you and this is the time to do so.

You may be noticing that you are working hard for the money and taking care of your health. The new moon from August 9th really opened the door for you to take on work projects and assignments. You are working hard to get work done. It may be the time to invest longer hours at work. You will also run into opportunities and connections that can bring on long term results. A new job opportunity or offer may easily come to you. Pets will also be highlighted and you may make time for a new pet or spend time with a current pet. I also feel that you will take care of your health by exercising and eating healthy. You may take care of the health of a pet including their teeth. A wonderful time to exercise with a pet by taking a walk with them if you can. On August 17th you seem to be at odds with your finances including the money earned and the money gained. For instance the money earned needs to go to pay the bills even though you should see more money coming in. As you gain you may also be paying some bills or debts off. It could be that you are trying to get ahead financially so the money coming in needs to go to bills. You may have a deadline of when to pay off the bills. The battle may also be with child support payments, bonuses, commissions, alimony or even the money from a partner or spouse. You may feel frustrated that the money is not coming in or the gains that do come in need to go someplace else. I feel that this week will make you take a closer look at how you are spending the money and how you need to set a budget to get ahead. Good luck.