Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pisces Horoscope for July 2010

For you as a Pisces you are always open to finding love or even being loved by others. You want to be the center of attention even though you shy up when the attention comes to you. The month brings opportunities for love, creativity and children. On July 1st you will spend time communicating with a loved whether it's a child, lover or companion. You will even connect well with people who look at you and respect your personal opinion. You seem to be connected through communication and it's a wonderful time to discuss personal issues and problems with others. On July 5th Uranus will retrograde from your 2nd house of earned income. On July 23rd Jupiter will also begin its retrograde cycle from the same house. Jupiter loves to give whether its more money or more opportunities. While Jupiter retrogrades you may not have all those perks and opportunities. You may have to spend more money for bills or to pay off debts. It could be that you are indulging in material items. Uranus retrograding can also bring some bills but I think it's going to help you slow yourself down from getting carried away with the finances. It could be a great idea to slow yourself down from spending if it helps you a little bit with the retrogrades.

Venus will enter your partnership house on July 9th giving you 4 weeks to compromise and connect with a partner. The partner can be professional or personal. It can be a boss, coworker, friend, colleague, doctor, therapist, lawyer or employee. You may collaborate with someone else in order for you to advance in your career. A great time to discuss personal issues with a spouse, lover or partner as they will be open to compromise. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 10th making the next couple weeks a time for you to work on tedious projects, assignments and tasks. You will be very good at crafting and building. The Sun will join Mercury on July 23rd. Mercury will then enter your partnership house on July 28th in your partnership house. Mercury will improve and increase communication with others so you can clear up any misunderstandings. It's a wonderful time for you to get ahead with a partner and work out personal or professional problems.

I do want to mention that on July 22nd Saturn reenters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. Saturn loves to discipline and your finances are no exception. The good news with Saturn in the 8th house is that it disciplines you how you spend your money. You will be strict with your credit cards and you will make sure to pay your taxes on time. It will also make you budget and save for the future. The bad news is that you may have problems paying your bills on time and could bring problems with taxes. You may not receive a loan approval or have difficulties getting ahead financially. The same things that can be very positive can also be very negative with Saturn. I think it all depends on your motivation and determination to get ahead or behind with your finances. If you know you have a debt due and you rather buy yourself clothes than pay the bill well you can't argue later on when you receive a collections note. It's all about how determined you are to get ahead with your finances.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Is Love promised in your Chart?

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 5th house of love, children, sports hobbies and the arts. The next 6 months seems to give you so many choices and you will love all of them. For one if you choose to indulge yourself in music then this could be the time for you to learn to play an instrument. You could attend a concert or just spend more time listening to music. You may get yourself involved in the arts including theater, acting and singing. Sports and hobbies are highlighted and this could be the time for you to join a sport or hobby. It could be with your children. You may hear news of a child on the way or you may have a child of your own. The eclipse can easily bring a new love. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with a current lover. You may finally say " I love you" to someone special or vice versa. Jupiter and Uranus greatly support this eclipse from your financial house so its a time when you may gain financially or see finances increase because of a hobby. I will mention that gambling is ruled by the 5th house so you could possibly gain through gambling. Let me warn you that there is no guarantee that you will win anything so do not bet your rent money thinking you will hit it big. The other thing I want to mention is that the asteroid Juno will support this eclipse in your 5th house. Juno rules marriage so maybe you may meet your future marriage partner with this eclipse. I am not a big one with the asteroid and their affects but you never know. You will also be a bit rebellious during this eclipse so it could be you come out of your shyness and pursue a new love. It could be that you take greater chance in love, music, art or with your money. Think before you leap.

A partner wants to connect with you on a deeper level on July 7,8, 9, and 22nd. It will be the perfect personal or financial issues with a partner. You seem to be looking over numbers more cautiously and carefully. Personal issues and cleared and resolved.

Finances are looking great on July 10, 13, 23, 26, 28, 30 and 31st. There are many great opportunities to get ahead financially. You may receive a job offer or financial offer. It could also be that you are receiving a bonus, commission or other financial gain through other resources. Keep an eye on these dates as you never know what opportunity presents itself to you.

The full moon on July 26th will fall on your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks seems to bring a time when you are catching up on sleep and taking a vacation. You may simply decide to sleep in because you have been working longer hours or losing sleep. It's a great time to take a vacation to a retreat and to rest and relax. You may finally take care of your health by exercising or receiving medical treatment. It could be that you have to take care of someone else. Jupiter and Uranus are greatly supporting this full moon from your house of finances so you may be working longer hours but your making more money. Saturn will also support this full moon from your financial house so it's all about the money for this full moon. If you do go on vacation then you will take your work with you or you may need to work from wherever you are located. I think this is going to be a fun full moon even though some adjustments need to be made. If you need to take care of your health at least you will be doing well for yourself.

An opposition on July 26th from both your financial houses may push you to face what has always been there for you in regards to your money issues. You may have to pay a hefty bill or debt. Saturn likes to make you face realty while Uranus wants you to take risks and chances. They are both battling each other on this day. It may be time to budget, save pay off some bills. The opposition will continue on for another 10-12 days but you may have felt the energy from this opposition from about 2 weeks ago. Take care of what is there and you will get ahead financially and emotionally.

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Aquarius Horoscope for July 2010

The month seems to have the opportunity for you to take on your health and work projects. You may feel a nit stressed and frustrated that you need to keep pushing forward in order to see results. Your health improves but at what cost. You may feel drained and tired at the end. On July 1st you are taking care of tedious work projects and assignments. It's also a great day to go on an interview as you will do well to answer questions. You will also feel energized to complete tasks around the home.

Uranus will begin it's retrograde cycle on July 5th from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The planet Jupiter will also retrograde but on July 23rd from the same house. Uranus retrograding in your third house could create problems with vehicles, electronics and communication. You want to be careful when you drive as you may be a bit careless creating problems with your vehicle. A cell phone may go a bit haywire on you. It could be that a text message brings about some problems. You will be surprised at pieces of information that you hear from family and friends. Jupiter retrograding will create problems with the people you connect with and your vehicle or car. The problems may grow. I do like though that you will take plenty of short trips around town so that should be good. The short trip may be an hour away from home to visit family and friends. You will enjoy spending time with cousins, aunts and uncles but be careful as some may say something you don't find funny.

Venus will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on July 9th. You will have 4 weeks to see some financial or material gain through rewards, award, gift cards, bonuses, commissions, pay increases, loans, credit cards and taxes. The gain may not be much so don't get too excited. The opportunity may easily be there to see more money but it may not come exactly how you like it. Before you play the casino or lottery financial gains must be promised in your chart for that to occur. Mercury will enter your partnership house on July 10th giving you a couple weeks to discuss personal issues with a partner including a spouse, lover, friend or business partner. The Sun will join Mercury on July 23rd. Mercury will enter your 8th house of joint resources, credit and taxes on July 28th.

Saturn will reenter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on July 22nd. The next couple years will be a great time for you to travel and study new foreign cultures and languages. You may expand your horizons by making greater future plans to save or to secure your future. A great time to market and promote a product. You may even decide to change your beliefs or religion.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

Short distance trips and communication goes well on July 9, 10, 23, 28 and 30th. Be careful on July 30th as I feel you may run into some electrical or vehicle problems. The electrical problems may be in your vehicle especially if you have an electric car. I would say that it is a great time to take a quick sudden trip out of town or explore a new place nearby. Communication increases to everyone via text messages, emails and phone calls. You are social and talkative. You may even receive a surprise message, email or text.

Your finances will take a concern on July 7, 8, 9, 22 and 31st. I actually feel that it should be a wonderful time to look over your finances, balance the checkbook and be able to get ahead in your finances. You will do well counting your dollars and balancing the budget.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can easily bring a time for you to work hard for the money, exercise for a better living and taking care of your pets. The 6th house rules projects associated with crafts like sewing, knitting, crocheting and other art projects. You may decide to take up on of these hobbies and may even turn it into a business. Your health will improve as you lose weight easily and take care of your body by eating healthier. Work projects increase which could make you more money. You may get a new pet or take care of your health's pet. Jupiter and Uranus will support this eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may receive an extension of clients calling you to buy your services which brings you more money. You may take short trips around town for your health or to walk with a pet. I feel that there will be a bit of rebelliousness in you to want to do things differently including working and exercising. It could be that you are focused more on your image and may go to the extreme to have a different body. The eclipse will also be supported by the asteroid Juno. i am not a big believer in asteroids but Juno does rule partnership so you may work closely with someone else to take care of your body or for work projects. The eclipse will be a great piece of gratitude for yourself so use the energy wisely.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks can be quite an emotional time for you. You may receive a big award, finally graduate or even get married. Uranus and Jupiter bring great support to this full moon from your house of travel and communication. You may connect with friends and family. It could be that you take a quick trip to see a friend marry. Saturn will also bring great long term support from your house of long distance plans and future. You think for the future. You plan for the future. The full moon will bring great praise and attention your way. You are finally going to see and receive great benefits and opportunities.

On July 26th the same day as the full moon Saturn seems to be opposing Uranus from your house of short trips and house of long distance trips. All I have to say for you is make sure that vehicle has it's repairs and the computer is uploaded with a internet/computer antivirus program. The opposition can be a little like a Mercury retrograde but not that much power. You may even have to travel back and forth from two different time zones which can get you a bit confused. For instance you might have to work with clients or companies in the east coast while your in the west coast. The time zones are different which is difficult for you to balance out. It may be that you are having to deal with someone who is living in another country and you have to work with them on their hours. It can be very exhausting and confusing but eventually you will find a balance.

Good luck.

Email Reading $15 per question with details.

Capricorn Horoscope for July 2010

It's going to be a busy month with so many obligations around you. It's not all going to relate to work as I keep getting that obligations seem to be spread out in many different ways. It could be from work to the home to family. On July 1st your first obligation seems to be related to a partner or someone that you need to work closely to on a regular basis. It could be that you need to work out some professional or personal issues. Communication is very meticulous so obviously you are seeking details.

Uranus starts to retrograde on July 5th from your 4th house of home. Jupiter will retrograde on July 23rd from the same house. The 4th house of home will rule the home including relocating, renovating and making changes around the home. The times I've seen Uranus in the 4th house it has brought disruptions around the home including electrical problems and people moving in and out. Jupiter on the other hand helps you to enjoy the home. You may also enjoy spending more money for the home but the enjoyment will be there. Jupiter, in general when it retrograde can make you feel like your giving up so the expenses may mount. Uranus retrograding can make you feel anxious around the home. It could be the bills are growing and the rent or mortgage may be difficult to pay due to other expenses that suddenly arise.

Venus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on July 9th. The next 4 weeks will bring you a great time to enjoy spending time with people who are of different cultures and from a different country. You may travel and spend time with family. There could be someone special that you meet during one of these trips or you may travel with a partner. It will also be a great time to learn something new whether its music or the arts and even a new foreign language. Mercury will enter your 8th house of credit, loans and taxes on July 10th giving you a couple weeks to watch over your finances. The Sun will join Mercury on July 23rd. Mercury will enter your 9th house of travel and foreigners on July 28th. The next 3 weeks could bring a trip or you make plans to take a trip. A wonderful time to read, study and learn a new foreign culture.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Is Love promised in your Chart

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

Saturn will enter your career house on July 22nd. It is actually returning back into your career after being in retrograde for a few months. You can expect to work longer hours and gain more tedious projects. You will feel drained and tired but you will also feel that you must keep moving forward. It will be a great time to receive a promotion or advancement. You may finally move up the corporate they say. The opportunity will also be there for you to advance in your own personal way. You may start a business venture or open a new business. A great time to be the leader or in authority of the job. you will not settle for the same ole same ole at work. You want more for yourself and can easily be open to a management or supervisor position. A great time to advance.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your partnership house. The partner could be professional or personal including a spouse, business partner, coworker and friend. The eclipse will have the effects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can bring a time for you to build a new partnership. You may work closely with a coworker, business partner or colleague to advance in your career. It could be that you meet someone special to build a loving relationship. You may get engaged or marry. Jupiter and Uranus seem to offer great help from your 4th house of home so you may enter a business to renovate homes. You may move in with someone special. it could even be with friends. The eclipse will keep making you think and plan for the future. Even though I am not a big believer in asteroids and the affects in our lives Juno, the asteroid of marriage seems to be supporting this eclipse. It's encouraging what is already there which is partnerships for you. it is the time for you to work with others to accomplish a major goal or tasks. There will be a bit of a rebelliousness in you to want to do things differently so be careful on what you do as you may regret it later. Don't assume anything and plan carefully.

Career dates look well for you on July 8, 9, 13, 22 and 30th. It could be the opportunity for you to advance or see a career change. Opportunities may easily present themselves for you so keep your eyes and ears open.

Your home also seems to be looking positive on July 9, 23, 26 and 30th. You may relocate into a new home or receive the approval of a home loan. You may decorate or paint a room. It could be that you buy new furniture for your home.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to see the ending of a source of income. It could be that you get a new job and aren't relying on unemployment benefits anymore. You may go from one job to another. It may be that you are seeing a gain from a different source of income and are changing career paths. Jupiter and Uranus are supporting this full moon so you should see some financial opportunity or gain. It could relate to the home or you working from home. You may relocate to a job closer to home or vice versa. Saturn greatly supports this full moon from your career house. It is great news because Saturn's support indicates long term benefits and opportunities, stability and security. You will enjoy this full moon. As I see it a full moon brings endings but with all this great cosmic energy it should bring some great rewards at the end.

An opposition from Saturn and Uranus on July 26th may create problems for you during this full moon. The opposition falls in your career house and place of living. You may have to relocate to start a new job. It could be that you have to bring work home. You may have to work from home. There may be challenges in the home including having to travel a long distance to go to work. The home, family and your job seem all to be battling it out with each other. All I can say is to try and find a resolution as you will feel the tension for another 10-14 days.

The month of July will help you to figure out your direction with your career and your home. There may be some major changes that will take place in the home but it's house you adjust to it that will make everything easy for you. If you are well prepared then you will get ahead.

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Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2010

You will be very active and busy this month. Career obligations seem to keep you busy but your social life also seems demanding too. You will actually be surprised that your work obligations are going to take too much from you that your friends may need to wait. On July 1st you are feeling mentally active. Your mind seems to be racing with thoughts and ideas. It feels as though you have many obligations and you are just planning and planning so you can complete your projects. Uranus will begin to retrograde on July 5th from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. On July 23rd Jupiter will begin it's retrograde cycle from the same house. Having both Uranus and Jupiter retrograde in the same house can create some confusions for you. You may be confused about a lover or child. There could be a possibility to see an old love from the past come back into your life. Let me quickly explain that Uranus in your 5th house wants space and freedom. You may be open to relationship but you also don't want to feel suffocated in the relationship. Jupiter, on the other hand, encourages love and affection and will make you want to feel loved and seek love. Children may bring some difficulties or you having to deal with children may be difficult for you. You may enjoy sports with a child or join a hobby for yourself including kayaking and bicycling.

Venus will enter your career house on July 9th. The next 4 weeks seems to be a great time when you will receive plenty of praise and appreciation from your job, authority figures and employees. Mercury will enter your 9th house of travel and reading on July 10th. The next couple weeks opens the door for you to take a trip or plan a trip. You may be open to studying or reading about a foreign culture or country. It could also be the right time to learn a new language too. Mercury will enter your career house on July 28th. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to present yourself well in front of coworkers, employees and business associates. Your communication is well and thorough. interviews should also go well too. The Sun enter your 9th house of long distance trips and foreigners on July 24th.

Saturn will reenter your 11th house of friendships on July 22nd. The next couple years seems to be a time when you may not have as many friends as you did in the past. Friends whom you thought were great to hang out with aren't so great after all. You may lose a friend because you aren't feeling connected to them anymore. There could also be a time when you develop a friendships with an older wiser mature individual. You may need their guidance to advance in your career or other personal goals in your life. If you are eliminating some of your friends then it is because you don't need them or they still need to learn many lessons in life. You will notice that people whom you thought were there for you are only around for the wrong reasons. It could be very difficult to accept that a friend, group or organization whom you thought was once there for you just isn't there no more. Sometimes we need to let go of people in order to see the entire picture. As time goes by you will be able to see what you need to do in order to surround yourself with the right people and move forward in life.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in your Chart

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony, bonus and commissions. The eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can easily bring some gain for you including a bonus or commission. It could be that you are advancing in your career and you gain through financial rewards and benefits. You may finally receive the approval to get child support and alimony payments. It will be a wonderful time to invest especially in a retirement fund. You may see the gains from them at this time. It could be that your gain comes from taxes, credit and loans. You may receive the approval of a loan especially if you are trying to get a vehicle or home. A credit line may be extended or it could relate to an equity line of credit. Jupiter and Uranus are supporting this eclipse from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects making this a time when your gains may come from other sources or because of another source. For instance a financial gain related to child support or alimony payments. You push to get a new home because you just got married or about to have a baby. Juno also seems to be supporting this eclipse which can indicate the support and help from another party. It could be a financial advisor, spouse or lover. If it wasn't for this individual you wouldn't get far. The eclipse will help you make future financial plans so think carefully before making any final decisions.

Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors are highlighted on July 7, 20 and 26th. You may take a short trips to visit family and friends. A neighbor may send time getting to know you or you find yourself easily building a bond with them. Communication is strong via emails, text messages and phone calls.

Your career goes well on July 7, 8, 9 and 22nd. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. A time when you may also advance in your career.

Your finances go well on July 13, 24 and 30th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity.

Friends may need your help or you spend quality time with a friend on July 31st. You need to surround yourself with this person as they offer you some valuable information. It could be that you are learning something from them. A group, charity or organization brings you great connections. You may have to make a critical decisions regarding a friend.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 3rd house of communication, short trips, siblings, neighbors and relatives. The next couple weeks seems to bring a time for you to take plenty of short trips around town or to a state nearby. The short trips may be to the next county. Communication seems to increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. The communication may be with your siblings, aunts, uncles and neighbors. You are social and talkative. Jupiter and Uranus will support this eclipse from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next few months may increase your finances because of someone else. Saturn will also support this eclipse from your friendship house. It could be that you work closely with someone to gain financially. It could be that a friend opens new opportunities for you to make more money. A friend, group or charity may effect your finances. Be careful not to indulge but I feel that you will not. It seems to be a great time to make future financial plans and a friend may help you to get there.

A lover or child may be very important for you on July 9, 23 and 30th. You may meet someone to fall in love, find love or spend time with children. It seems to be a fun exciting time which could bring you someone new from the internet or through an email or text message. A wonderful time to also enjoy music and the arts. You may listen to music or attend a concern. ENjoy.

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Scorpio Horoscope for July 2010

The main concern for you this month will related to the home and travel. You may spend time to connect with a sibling or your own neighbor. It will be the right time to expect communication to family and friends. on July 1st your focus will related to communication. You seem to be studious on your communication so you may keep asking someone question after question. It's the constant why question that you keep wondering about. Try not to turn people off by asking many questions. On July 5th Uranus will begin its retrograde cycle from your 6th house of work, service and health. On July 23rd Jupiter will also retrograde from the same house. You may feel a greater sense of anxiety and stress. It could be that work projects and assignments are increasing for you. It will be a wonderful time to thoroughly plan out a strategy to get ahead in your career by planning and organizing your future career goals. You may have to take on more work for the same pay. You may take on a second job to get ahead in your finances. It may be that you have to dump a job because it's too much for you to handle. Your health will also be affected by this retrograde. As stated before stress and anxiety may increase. You may end up with a sudden illness. Your body may be telling you that its time to rest and just relax the body. Get some sleep if you need to relax.

Friends will be a great source of help on July 7, 8, 9 and 22nd. You will enjoy new friends and spend time with old friends. It could be that you see an extension of invites from friends for a special event or party. I would also advise for you to be open and social. Spend time meeting new people and mingle. You never know who you may run into.

Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 9th. The next 4 weeks will bring you the time to enjoy friends. You could make new friends or enjoy time with friends at a special event and parties. A simple invite to hang out with friends at a bar or restaurant can go a long way. Your friends can be anyone you feel a great connection to including a neighbor or a relative. Mercury will enter your career house on July 10th giving you about a couple weeks to focus on your career. You may easily make a great presentation at work or make a wonderful first impression at an interview. On July 24th the Sun will enter the same house. Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 28th giving you about 3 weeks to communicate with friends. You will also see an increase of friends wanting to socialize with you via text messages, phone calls and emails.

Saturn will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 22nd bringing you a couple years to seclude yourself. You may feel a bit depressed, stressed and anxiety about money, relationships and career. You will feel depressed sometimes for no reason. It all could be in your head. Isolation and seclusion seems to come easier for you even though you put yourself there. Guilt may occur because of the slightest reason. I feel that this is going to be a time when you will begin to evaluate your life. If it means seeking therapy then so be it. You may have to spend time these next couple years to discard people and had habits from your life. A good source of therapy can go a long way. You may not realize how badly you need to get rid of some of the baggage because you are so involved in them. it will also be a great time to write and create so put some things together and see what you get.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in your chart

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can increase a time of travel for you. You may travel to a foreign country or place. It could be that you are are studying a foreign culture or country. You may learn a new language. It will be a great time to explore and expand your horizons. It may be the right time to enter college or into a university. You want to broaden your horizons to learn something new. You seem to be open to new ventures and opportunities. Mercury will help you to learn, study and focus on your own opportunities to expand. You want o grow, study and learn for yourself. You may market or promote a product via the internet, radio or television. l If you are starting or running a business this could be the time for you to increase sales by promoting a new product or a current product you are offering to the public. You won't get ahead unless you let people know who you are and what you are offering. Be careful though as Pluto and Uranus square off during this eclipse which can bring about some changes in how you handle people around you. Jupiter and Uranus are greatly supporting you during this eclipse which should bring you a little luck and opportunity. The eclipse will expand your way of thinking and ventures in life so the opportunity to grow and prosper with this eclipse.

Work projects, assignments and offers may come for you on July 13, 24, 26 and 30th. You may see an increase of money and opportunities coming for you during these dates. A job offer may come to you. A great time to take care of your health by exercising and eating healthy.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks may bring a critical time for you in the home. you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you want to simply make some changes around the home like buy some new furniture or paint a room. Uranus and Jupiter will support this full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may create an office room or bring some of your work home. Saturn will greatly support this full moon from your house of secrets and solitude. You may work from home or spend time writing or reading at home. You seek solitude, peace and quiet at home. It could be you are sewing, crafting, knitting or building a project at home for personal or professional services. You may sell some of your projects you create. You will also run into additional dates that will support the home including July 7, 20th and 26th. All wonderful days to plan a move, relocate or decorate.

You will see an opposition from Uranus and Saturn on July 26th. The next 10 days will bring a time for you to take care of obligations relating to your health and work. You will work towards feeling healthier by exercising and eating the right way. It could bring you a time to face your negative traits and work on getting rid of them. It will be a tough process but it seems to be one that you need to work to get rid of. I feel the opposition may help you to recognize some of these flaws are or were related to someone else. It there are old issues to work out then it's time to take care of them.

The month will bring you the opportunity to move or take care of your home. You will also focus on your health even though at times you may feel a bit depressed and worried. You need to face your greatest fears or else you will seclude yourself and not connect with others. Friends will be your support group but also make sure to support them.

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Libra Horoscope for July 2010

The main priority for you this month will be on love, children and your career. You will be very busy with work projects which could easily affect your health. At the same time a lover or child may need majority of your attention. On July 1st you seem to be taking care of a career or work project. You may interview for a job or take a test for a job or education. You seem to be very focused and want to make sure you take care of all projects on time. Uranus will begin it's retrograde cycle on July 5th from your partnership house. On July 23rd Jupiter will retrograde from the same house. When you have both these planets retrograding in your partnership house it can bring about some problems with a personal or professional partner. You may end up in breakup or divorce. It may bring a time of separation whether it's emotional or physically. It can easily begin a phase in your life were you seek independence from other's. You may decide to want your space and be on your own. The independence may come that you move out of the home to get your own place. It's time for you to make your own ideas and plan ideas for yourself. It could just bring a time to seek space from a current partner and it may simply come with having opposite schedules.

Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 9th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to keep feelings to yourself. It may bring a time for you to give selflessly to others. Be careful not to seek love and affection from someone new as you may regret it later. Seeking a secret love affair may not last long at all. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 28th giving you a couple weeks to keep thoughts and ideas to yourself. The Sun will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 23rd. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends. You may reconnect with your current friends. Parties and special events are also highlighted and you will see an extension of invites at this time.

Saturn will enter your own sign again on July 22nd. The next couple years will bring you the opportunity to seek changes for yourself. You may go back to college or enter college. It will bring a wonderful time to lose weight and eat healthy. Saturn in your own sign opens doors to seek independence. You may pursue a goal or tasks that brings greater ventures for yourself. You will want to pursue goals that you felt you missed out when you were younger. It's a time for you to explore options and choices for yourself. If you missed out on certain career goals in the past then you will be open to new prospects in your life. Anywhere from going back to school to taking on a new topic of interest will intrigue you. Open your heart and mind to new ventures as you will discover a new path to life.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in your Chart

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The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 10th house of career. It is a wonderful eclipse to have as it will make you venture out into new territory. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can bring you a new career path or a new promotions. You may advance in your career. It could be that you want to start a business venture. Jupiter and Uranus are squaring off with this eclipse but it seems to make you more confident in your ventures. You will open the door to explore more choices and options in your life. You seem to be able to push yourself to explore new choices in life. If you change careers you are doing so because you seek greater independence in your schedule and for yourself. You may find a job that allows you to work from home. It could be that the new career path gives you greater flexibility to travel and work in different places in the country or out of the country. It will be a wonderful time for yourself but be aware that you seek independence. You won't settle for the same broken path and the same routine. You want different and if it means changing jobs then so be it. You will do what it takes in order to get what you want even if it means making great sacrifices. The asteroid June seems to be supporting you at the same time that Uranus and Jupiter support your partnership house. You may enter into a new career path with a partner. It could be that you want to spend more time with family so you look for a new job that gives you that freedom. The freedom and flexibility will be there so just make sure you make the right decision.

Your home will be a great concern on July 13, 24 and 30th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone is moving out of your home. You may decide to make some changes around the home like painting a room or changing the decor of a room. You may receive the approval of a home loan or rental unit.

You will also be thorough with finances and where you want to be in the future including July 8, 9, 22 and 31st. I feel that you will take the opportunity to figure out what you want to do for your future and thoroughly plan it out. You need to be detailed in your plans or else you will end up being careless about your goals.

A partner may need your attention around July 9, 10, 13, 23, 26, 28 and 30th. All these dates can bring a new partner whether it's professional or personal. You may be open to collaborating with someone else in order to advance in your career. It may not have anything to do with your career but with a home project or regarding children and finances. You may seek a financial advisor or interior decorator. It's a wonderful time to work alongside someone else to help you advance in your career or the home.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 5th house of love. The next couple weeks can easily bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or meet someone new. It seems to be a great time to spend time with children, enter sports or enjoy a hobby. Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn will all greatly support this full moon from your partnership house. Saturn's presence in this full moon indicates to me long term stability and security. You may enter a sport or hobby that you will enjoy for many years to come. It could be that your child gets involve in a sport or hobby for a long time. It will also be a great full moon to fall in love or have someone else tell you that they love you. As nice as it would be to hear it from someone special it may just come from a friend. You may end a relationship but that is only if the relationships has been falling apart. The full moon will affect more so Libras born in the September dates then those born in October. All Libras will still enjoy this full moon.

An opposition from Saturn and Uranus on July 26th seems to concern me a little bit for you. The opposition is from Saturn in your own sign to Uranus in your partnership house. An opposition always involves someone else. You may find yourself caught in an argument with a partner. There could be differences related to finances, love, relationships or a business. The partnership may be business related. I just wanted to quickly mention this opposition so you are aware that this will occur for about two weeks. The tension will be there even if it's in a subtle way.

The month will bring you many great opportunities to plan your career ventures and seek greater independence. You may fall in with during the full moon and will open the doors to spend time with children. As you end the month you may have to make a critical decisions regarding a partner. Good luck.

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Virgo Horoscope for July 2010

You are open to love and friendships this month. You are going to be very social and even see an increase of parties and special invites. On July 1st you will be taking time for friends. You seem to be enjoying time connecting with friends and family. Uranus will begin it's retrograde cycle on July 5th from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. Jupiter will also retrograde in the house on July 23rd. I feel that when Jupiter and Uranus retrograde you may have some financial issues to take care of. It could involves taxes. It could relate to credit cards and loans. You may be able to finally pay off some loans and credit cards. You seem to be really taking care of personal finances relating to retirement, savings, bonds and stocks. I feel this retrograde cycle will help you to take a closer look at how you are handling your finances. You seem to be careful at how you are facing your financial future.

Venus will enter your own sign on July 9th giving you 4 weeks to receive plenty of praise and attention. It will be a time when you change your haircut or get a new wardrobe. You will be able to take a close look at your own self and see if anything to be changed in your appearance. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 10th. The next couple weeks will bring a time when you keep ideas and thoughts to yourself. On July 28th Mercury will enter your own sign. The next 3 weeks seems to bring a time for you to be mobile and active around town. Your communication increases via the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. The sun will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 24th. The next 4 weeks will give you the opportunity to catch up on sleep, seek solitude, get rid of bas habits and people. You also seem to be open to getting healthy by losing weight or eating healthy too.

Saturn will reenter your 2nd house of earned income on July 22nd. The next couple years seem to open the door for you to take care of your finances. You may find new ways to budget and save. It also seems to be a great time to find a job or seek employment to make more money. your finances may also have it's difficulties. It could be that you see a pay decrease. Perhaps it's because you are demoted or there is a paycheck cut. You will worry about money but you also seem to do well to budget your finances. Saturn in your 2nd house has it's positives and negatives so it depends on how you want to take advantage of Saturn. It will help you to discipline yourself. You will be very open to making more money but Saturn is also telling you that you must look at everything realistically to.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. It seems to be a very fun and exciting eclipse. You may make new friends or connect with current friends. You will see an extension of invites from friends, family and anyone who wants to spend time with you. You may be the party planner and invite many people to spend time with you. You are social and active with the people around you or at a club or restaurant. The interesting part of this eclipse is that you seem to be the center of attention. There will be people wanting to talk to you. There will be special events being extended to you. You are extending your time to others and everyone wants to be around you. I really feel that you will enjoy this eclipse. Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus all seem to be giving you great boosts of joy and opportunities with this eclipse so get out and connect with everyone. It's such a positive eclipse that you may just meet someone to fall in love with or spend some quality time with this individual. Just a quick warning be careful not to be excessive as I can see you drinking too much or eating too much during this eclipse. An eclipse can last up to 6 months so the next 6 months may bring too much partying or socializing that you gain weight. Hold back so you do not regret decisions later. Have fun and meet people.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

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You will focus greatly on yourself and your well being on July 7, 8, 9, 20, 22, and 31st. All these dates will give you the opportunity to take care of your health. You may exercise to lose weight. It could easily be that you want to tone your body. You may simply cut back on fatty foods and sweets. A wonderful opportunity to lose weight and take care of you as an individual. You may also take care of the health of your pets. Take advantage of the weather to exercise with your pet by taking them on walks or jog with them. You will notice results.

Your finances will also take on a concern on July 6, 9, 13, 23 and 30th. The finances may relate to taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. You may receive a gain through one of these benefits. There may be financial issues that you need to take care of and resolve. It's the right time to pay off a bill or debt. You may receive a bonus or commission. You could see a gain through a reward, gift card or major discount. A coupon could easily save you big money on a major purchase.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will give you the time to lose weight, exercise and eat healthy. You may begin a health regimen or lose weight by cutting back on fatty foods. You may decide to exercise with a pet by taking walks and even having them eat healthy. You may have to take care of your pet by taking them to the vet. The bones especially the teeth will be important for you during this full moon. You may go to the dentist for a routine checkup. You may need to get a checkup yourself at the doctor's office. July 31st also seems to be a great day to take care of your health. Work projects and obligations also seem to keep you busy. You may receive a new job offer or opportunity within these next couple weeks. Your work obligations may increase with the same pay. Jupiter ad Uranus seem to be very helpful during this full moon which can bring a financial gain. Saturn also seems to be helping you out from your 2nd house of earned which tells me this should be a very good full moon for work and money. Finances may come to you unexpectedly. Work hard and you will receive great praise and recognition for it.

An opposition between Saturn and Uranus seems to come on July 26th from your house of earned income and houses of joint resources. There seems to be a pull between money earned and money gained. I feel this will connect with the full moon so you may feel the next couple weeks that no matter how hard you work your money seems to be going to other obligations related to taxes, credit or a loan. Try to budget your finances so this full moon doesn't seem harsh to you. You may feel a bit flustered and stressed but with all the positive energy coming from Uranus and Jupiter it shouldn't be that harsh on you.

Take time to focus on your priorities. You may feel a need to make friends and spend time with current friends. A great time to reach out to your family and friends. Your health take on a concern during the full moon and work obligations increase. Rest when possible as you will feel tired easily.

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Leo Horoscope for July 2010

It's going to be a very active month for you. There will be many activities related to the partner and work. As you begin the month you will be busy with projects and connecting with people. It's a great time to complete projects and get work assignments done. You are very energetic and active. Uranus will begin to retrograde on July 5th from your 9th house of long distance trips and foreign people and places. Jupiter will also retrograde on your 9th house of long distance travel and foreigners. Uranus and Jupiter work well in the 9th house because they love to make you explore new life and new opportunities. Having Jupiter and Uranus retrograding in this house might make you feel a little lost and confused. You will still have plenty of control over your decisions in life but you may also find yourself changing your mind. You may still go on a long distance trip. It's a great time to enter college or learn a new topic of interest. A great time market a product or promote a product through the internet, radio or television.

A partner may come to you on July 7, 20 and 26th. You may meet someone new or form a partnership professionally or personally. You may meet someone to fall in love, commit, get engaged or married. It could be that you work closely with a friend, coworker, doctor or therapist. You may collaborate with someone else for a business or even a home project.

Venus will enter your 2nd house of earned income on July 9th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you will also spend it lavishly. It will also bring a time when you invest into a home, computer, vehicle or other major purchase. You will feel that it will bring long term benefits and results. Mercury will enter your own sign on July 10th giving you a couple weeks to be mobile. You may be mobile by taking trips around town. Your communication may also increase via emails. text messages and phone calls. On July 28th Mercury will enter your 2nd house of earned income giving you about three weeks to focus on your finances. You will do a great job to budget and save your money. It will also be a wonderful time to seek employment or find new ways to make money. The sun will enter your own sign on July 23rd giving you 4 weeks to receive plenty of praise and attention. You will lose weight, change some of your wardrobe or even change your hairstyle.

Saturn will enter your third house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. Saturn will spend the next couple years spending time for you to handle tedious tasks relating to writing, teaching and communication. Your communication may increase but may also feel tedious. You will be sending more text messages and emails. Phone calls increase too. It could be that you are writing a book or on a blog or articles. You seem more studious and want to learn something new. I feel that it will be a great time when your relatives, cousins, aunts and uncles are more important for you. It could be that you build a greater bond with them. You may have problems with a sibling or neighbor or relative. Be careful as you may have problems with a vehicle, internet, computer or cell phone. A great time to take plenty of short trips around town or into the next state.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

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The new moon lunar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to vacation, rest, relax and seek solitude. It could be that you seek therapy to get rid of bad habits and people. The bad habits may be addictions to alcohol or drugs. A great vacation may just do the job for you. You may get away to a place like Vegas or New York. It will be a great time to explore new places and seek new life and a new you. You may want to evaluate life and who you are as a person. You may write a novel or music. I feel that this is the time for you to find what matters most in life for you. It could bring a bit of solitude for yourself. You will sleep in more often or even sleep at odd times. Be careful not to take on too much work as you may find yourself taking naps during the day even after getting a full night's sleep. You are open to venturing out to discover what makes people act a certain way. Mercury and Jupiter will support this new moon eclipse so expect to be studious and expand your horizons. The eclipse will affect Leo's born in the middle of August more so than all other Leo's. Also I want to let you know that this eclipse is a solar eclipse which is ruled by the sun. Your ruling planet is the Sun so all Leo's will intensely feel this eclipse.

There will be several days to choose from for travel including July 9, 11, 13, 23, 24, 26 and 30th. You may decide to take a long distance trip to a foreign land. It could be that you are studying a new topic of interest or new culture. You may learn a foreign language. It seems to be a wonderful time to expand your boundaries to learn something new from people. A great time to promote a product or market yourself too. July 30th seems to be an awesome day to find new places to live or explore. You may find yourself to be a bit daring and rebellious.

Finances go well on July 7, 9, 13, 22, 26, 30 and 31st. You may run into a great financial opportunity or offer. You may receive a job offer or find new ways to make money. The opportunity may come from an unexpected source. It could come or through the internet.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in the partnership house. The partner may be professional or personal. You may meet someone new or form a business partnership. You may marry or get engaged. Uranus and Jupiter bring great support and opportunities from your house of long distance and adventures. You may meet this partner from a distance. A great time to meet someone new who is of foreign culture. It could be that you build a business partnership to begin a venture online. Saturn will be a big source of help from your financial help. The full moon is being highly supported by Saturn which can easily bring long term positive financial support and gains. I feel this full moon can bring great opportunities to get ahead financially and this partner or entity may be the help and connection you need.

Be careful on July 26th as you will see an opposition from Saturn and Uranus from your house of travel and communication. You may be pulled in so many directions from traveling, communicating, writing and learning. You may have to study and learn new ways of promoting a product. it could be that you need to reach out to people and places and you may feel frustrated that there are too many obligations happening at once. The opposition occurs on July 26th but you will feel the effects from 10 days ago and 10 days after. Take time and focus on taking care of these obligations on time so you don't feel a greater tension and frustration. Hang in there and good luck.

Cancer Horoscope for July 2010

It's going to be a very fun and exciting month for you. it should be a very big momentous time for you since you just experienced full moon eclipse last month in your partnership house. You may be one to get married or get engaged. It could be that you are meeting someone special or even building a business partnership. The partnership may be with a friend. This month brings even more great energy so let me begin.

On July 1st you will have several obligations and projects to take care of. You will be busy but I think you will enjoy the face pace environment. On July 4th Uranus will retrograde in your career house which could bring some challenges with your career. On July 23rd Jupiter will also retrograde in your career house too. On the positive side Uranus and Jupiter open the doors for great opportunities. You may decide to become more adventurous with your career. You may seek greater independence. You may want to invest into your own business and be your own boss. It could be that you are also trying to find new ways to be more flexible in your current work environment. Your schedule may be unpredictable and challenging. It could be that you are promoted to a higher authority position but you seem to have a hectic schedule. On the negative side the next 4 months may bring the loss of a job or a source of income. Your schedule may change frequently or unpredictably.

Venus will enter your third house of short trips, communication, sibling and neighbors on July 9th. The next 4 weeks will bring you a time to communicate with loving and affectionate words. You will let others know that you are compassionate and considerate of their time and feelings. You may decide to take a quick trip to spend time with a lover, sibling, family or friends. You are open to express yourself with people who mean the most to you. A celebration or party can bring you close to family and friends. Love can be wonderful for you to show someone you care about them. You may find love on the internet or personal ads. Mercury will enter your 2nd house of earned income on July 10th. The next couple weeks will help you to find better ways to make more money. You will also budget, save and organize your finances. Mercury will enter your third house of short trips, communication and family on July 38th. The next 3 weeks will bring you a time to take plenty of short trips around town. You will extend communication to everyone via emails text messages and phone calls.

Saturn will reenter your 4th house of home on July 22nd. The next couple years will be all about the home. You may be obligated to relocate for work or family. There may be some repairs or changes going on around the home. You may renovate or decorate in the home. There may be some difficulties with the mother or a mother figure in your life. You may have arguments with this person. There could be difficulties with roommates, electrical equipment at home. You seem to be having some friction going on around the home which may make you feel a bit uncomfortable too.

Cancer Weekly horoscope

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The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your own personal sign. It is a wonderful awesome time for you. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to change your appearance. You may have lost so much weight that you are wearing smaller size clothing. You may change your haircut or your wardrobe. it's time for you to be different. It could be a name change. You may get a new tattoo. The eclipse is being supported by the asteroid Juno, the asteroid of marriage. You may be working closely with someone at this time. it could be a personal trainer, friend, coworker, partner, lover, spouse or doctor to build a stronger persona. Pluto and Uranus seem to be battling it out with each other which may create some problems for you with your career schedule. You may feel a bit tired from trying to balance out time for your personal obligations and a crazy work schedule. It could be that you are not working shorter hours to make time at home for family. Career decisions are critical for you now because it affects how you view your life. You may change your personal habits because you want to see something new in yourself including eating healthier and living a well meaningful life. You balance career obligation and projects to feel freer and greater security. A wonderful time to live your life with a greater independence. The eclipse will help you to see changes that need to be made in yourself so that you can enjoy the new you.

You may form a partnership on July 13, 24 and 30th. It could be a time for you to find love, commit, get engaged or married. You may also form a business partnership. The opportunity can easily be there for you to work closely to someone else including a doctor, therapist, coworker or friend.

You will run into some wonderful career opportunities on July 9, 10, 13, 23, 26 and 30th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It will be the right time for you to start a business venture just because you will find yourself being very focus on tedious projects and tasks. You may relocate for a new job. Great opportunities should come for your career at this time.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks seems to be a time when a hefty bill or debt needs to be paid. It could be that you are paying off a credit card bill so it may seem that you are taking care of a huge financial obligation. You may finally receive child support payments or have to go to court to discuss these issues. You may receive a bonus or commission. The full moon will also bring some great long term results with your finances. You may pay off some bills or take care of other financial obligations so you can get ahead with your finances. Uranus and Jupiter support this full moon greatly from your career house so I feel that this financial connection will be affected by your job. It could be financial gains. You do well with your finances so take focus and keep moving forward.

An opposition from Saturn and Uranus will occur on July 26th. I know this is the date of the full moon but I want to quickly mention that this opposition will include someone else. Oppositions usually bring into affect another individual. It will connect with your career and your home. You may argue with a spouse or partner because you are taking work home or you are working longer hours. The opposition may bring problems with the home or your place of living. If there are financial problems occurring with a partner then it's time to get organized and figure something out. The tension will continue on for the rest of the month and argument may occur because of this. I hope that some resolution occurs or you may end up feeling a bit lost.

A wonderful home-related day come on July 31st. You may relocate or make some changes around the home. It's a great time to entertain at home or clean around the home too.

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Gemini Horoscope for July 2010

The month will actually be quite interesting for you. Your main focus will be all about friends and socializing with others. It's about making new friends and even connecting with old one's. You may be surprised at how people are reaching out to you wanting to be your best friend when you hardly know them. You may have some challenges with a current friend. As you begin the month your brain is working overtime. You are investing so much time and effort making plans and organizing details for the future. Uranus, which is currently in your friendship house will be retrograding on July 5th. Yes there may be problems with friends. Jupiter will also retrograde from the same house on July 23rd. It all depends on what is going on. You may have problems with friends. A friend may move away or you may lose the connection with a friend. I know many times we grow out of being with some of our problems. We may change but they do not or vice versa. It could easily be a time that next few months brings you a time of change. It may be a challenge to take on this retrograde but sometimes it may be what you need to see other's true colors.

Mercury will enter your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on July 10th. The next couple weeks will give you a great time to communicate via emails, text or phone. Your communication will extend to your siblings and neighbors. You may take several short trips around town. Venus will enter your 4th house of home on July 10th. The next 4 weeks may bring a time for you to search for a new place to live. You may decorate or change the color of a room. It could be just a simple change like buying new pillows or new comforter set. You may buy new furniture too. On July 28th Mercury will enter your 4th house of home giving you about 3 weeks to communicate in the home or about the home.

Saturn will enter your 5th house of love, children, sports and hobbies on July 22nd. The next couple years will give you the opportunity to look for a serious relationship. You are not settling for just anyone anymore. You want someone to love you and to be serious about loving others and about relationships. You will also be serious about children. You may be ready to have a baby or you may spend more time with children. It will be a wonderful time to enter a sport with children or to get into a new hobby. Creative projects including music, acting and theater are part of Saturn in the 5th house. You may decide to learn how to play music or a musical instrument. It will be a great time to have a child learn a new musical instrument. You could be open to new games or sports with children or yourself. During these next couple years you may end a relationship or a relationship ends because it's not holding its stability anymore.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can bring some great financial opportunities for you. You may see an increase of money. You can get a new job or find a job that brings you more money. It could be that you make a great investment including buying a home or vehicle. Jupiter and Uranus seem to bring some great support for this eclipse so it should give you a boost of confidence to pursue your career and financial goals. You seem to plan and dream big. Do not be afraid of pursing a dream including going back to college. The new moon eclipse will motivate you to put yourself out there and pursue your dreams. Do not hold back. The eclipse will give you a big boost to accomplish your goals and dreams for the future. You may indulge a little be spending lavishly so even though you may see more money coming in do not get too confident by spending too much either.

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Gemini Weekly Horoscope

There will be a few positive financial dates to look forward to. They are July 7, 13, 23, 24, 27 and 30th. All these dates can easily bring a positive job or financial gain. You may gain through a loan, taxes, credit, bonus, commission or other type of reward or benefit. It could even come through a simple piece of information that can bring long term financial results in the future.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks it will bring a time for you to travel or have others from a distance come to visit you. You may enter college or start taking some new classes to learn something new even if it's cooking classes. You will also be open to adventuring out to the outdoors and making new discovering of life. It could be yu are marketing and promoting a new product or website via the internet, radio or television. You seem to broaden your horizons and are open to new experiences and adventures. Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter all will be very supportive in your adventures with friends and groups. You may work closely with someone to get a new product out on the market. You could be building a partnership to open a new business. You are so much about the future and working on new possibilities and opportunities for yourself. Spread your wings and boundaries because you need to discover the world around you and see what long term ventures and opportunities it brings for you.

On July 26th Saturn and Uranus will be opposing each other from your house of friendships and house of love. You will find yourself being pulled in different directions for about two weeks. It could be that you need to decide to make time for your friends and make time for a lover or child. A child may move away or begin their education and you will have to compromise to a new schedule. It is an opposition and oppositions usually involved another individual whether it's a spouse, lover, child, coworkers or friends. You may feel that you are being pulled in too many separate directions with family and friends needing and wanting your attention. You will find a way to compromise so be a little patient with them and they will appreciate the love from you.

The month will open many doors for you to decide whether you want to build greater financial security or wait and see if something comes to you. The month will make you push yourself to make things happen and not sit around waiting for them to come to you. You are a motivator and will bring results. By the full moon you seem to be open to new ventures and long term opportunities that will affect you for the future. Plan now because it can take a few months to have stability and security. Good luck.

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Taurus Horoscope for July 2010

Your main concern for the month always seem to be about money and getting ahead financially. Your mind is always working on where the next dollar will be coming from. The month will take you in focusing on travel and communication. As you begin the month your mind is taking over with ideas and plans. You may be at hard work coming up with new thoughts and ideas for a business venture. Remember that everything will come together so do not force yourself to do something that does not have a solid plan.

Uranus will retrograde on July 5th from your house of secrets and solitude. On July 23rd Jupiter will also begin it's retrograde cycle. Having both Jupiter and Uranus go retrograde in the same may create some problems for you but I don't think you will notice much a change of feeling. You may sometimes feel that things aren't going your way especially in relation to finances and work. There could be times when you are feeling a bit annoyed with certain health issues that may keep coming back. Health ailments may occur now but it's only as a reminder that you need to do something in order to be healthy. I discovered during a Jupiter retrograde that my back hurt so much it forced me to finally seek the therapy of a chiropractor. If you need to seek assistance from a doctor then so be it.

Mercury will enter your 4th house of home on July 10th giving you about a couple weeks to communicate with others at home. It seems to be a wonderful time to write, text or talk to those who live with you or around you. You will enjoy spending time with roommates and even a mother. On July 28th Mercury will enter your 5th house of love and children. The next 3 weeks seems to bring a time for you to communicate with a lover or child. You will be open to playing games of love or playing board games or enjoying sports and hobbies. You may enjoy playing a sport with a child.

Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children on July 9th. The next 4 weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You may decide to meet someone new or spend time with someone who enjoy and love. Children will also catch your attention including spending time with them and getting involved in sport or other recreational activities with kids. Music, concerts and the arts also motivate you. You may find yourself listening to music, attending a concert or enjoying the special art of theater, painters and even decorators.

Saturn will reenter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 22nd. The next couple years will bring a time for you to work hard for the money and take care of your health. You will invest many hours of labor at work. You will take care of tedious job duties including working in retail or with crafts and sewing projects. You may also take care of others by providing a service for them including hospice care. It could be that you are working on other people's health. You may decide to exercise and eat healthier. It will also bring a time for you to take care of your bones including your back and teeth. You may work on taking care of the teeth or bones of your pet. Pets seem to be a bigger priority or concern. You may spend a great amount of time taking care with your pet by training them or walking and exercising with them.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


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The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. An eclipse has the effects to last up to 6 months. It will be a wonderful time for you to increase communication with everyone via internet, text messages and phone calls. You will also find yourself taking many short trips. It could be for travel or to visit family. The short trips may be 100 miles away or it could be across the country or onto another country. It really depends on how adventurous you are trying to be. Relatives including siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins seem to be highlighted too. You may spend time with relatives or run into them on a social network. The eclipse is being supported by Mercury and Jupiter which tells me you will be very thorough in your plans. Communication and travel with details are well received. The next 6 months can really open the doors for you to find new ways to connect with others. You may also purchase a vehicle, computer or cell phone.

Financial dates to keep an eye on should come around July 7, 9, 13, 22, 24, 26 and 31st. I also feel that this may be connected to the home or a child. You may have to help out a child with rent or to move into a college dorm room. They may need assistance with college tuition or other school funds. You may spend money to buy new furniture or to make some renovations or repairs around the home. You seem to be open to new pastures with your finances and new business ventures will catch your attention.

Positive career dates are July 7, 20 and 26th. Your creative side stands out the strongest but be careful not to exaggerate or to boast. You are on the right track to financial success but you may also lead yourself in the wrong direction if you don't take the time to do some careful planning. Try to use some of the financial dates to help you get more organized with your plans.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 10th house of career, advancements and promotions. The next couple weeks should be a great source of help for you to advance in your career. You will think of new ways to make more money and to get ahead financially. You may begin a new business venture or start a new job. Finances should improve even though you will be working harder for the money. Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter all seem to be in great support of this new moon so you will find your greatest talents standing out during this full moon. You may leave one job to go into a job that brings greater flexibility and security. It may not bring greater freedom but you will feel that you are more in control of your work projects and duties. You should see and feel greater long term security. The full moon will open some wonderful doors for you to succeed in your career so good luck.

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Aries Horoscope for July 2010

The cosmic activities for this month may be low but the power and punch they bring will be significant. Later this month you will experience another eclipse so that alone can carry some strong cosmic energy. July 1st will bring a wonderful time for you to get busy to work whether it's at home or in the work place. You seem to be focused on the smallest of details but you are very focused and determined.

Uranus will begin to retrograde on July 5th from your very own sign. I mention this retrograde to you because my concern has more to do with the effects it brings you. You may feel a greater sense of anxiety or stress. You may easily worry for no reason. It could be that you are frustrated with obligations and you seem to be worried that some of these obligations may not complete on time.

Venus will enter 6th house of work, service and health on July 9th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to eat sweets and indulge in food. If you are trying to lose weight then you want to be careful at this time because you will eat fatty foods and anything sweet including chocolate and sugars. You will get along well with your coworkers and employees. Your work environment seems peaceful and tranquil. You will also enjoy your time with pets. Crafts and creative projects will also be highlighted for you. Mercury will enter your 5th house of love and children on July 10th. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to communicate with a loved one including children. You may pursue games of love so try not to lead anyone on. It will also be a fun time for you to play games and get yourself involved in sports. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 28th. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to work and complete creative projects including websites and other tedious detailed projects. It could include home and work projects. You may be able to work with others to complete these projects.

Saturn will enter your partnership house on July 22nd. Saturn had been in your partnership house a few months ago so now Saturn is moving forward and reentering your partnership again. Saturn in the partnership gives you a few opportunities. For one you may be ready to settle down and commit to a long term relationship. You could form a business partnership with someone who is older and wiser. They may have experience in business ventures and finances. You may meet a new committed long term partner who is serious and possibly a Capricorn. Finally you may end a relationship.

Jupiter will begin it's retrograde on July 23rd from your own sign. July like Uranus retrograding you will feel the same affects from Jupiter. It may feel like a double whammy but do not fear Jupiter is nice when it retrogrades. You may not like some of the effects it brings but it will be gentle with you.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

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The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 4th house of home. An eclipse has the affect to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may decide to make changes around the home by decorating, painting or change some fixtures around the home. You may relocate for your job or to move closer to a family member like including parents. The eclipse has plenty going on cosmically including Mercury giving you great support with Jupiter from your own sign. You seem to be making great plans for the future especially in relation to your home. You may decide to do some upgrades to add value to the home. You may be making future plans to relocate. There also seems to be a bit of a challenge with the eclipse. Pluto and Uranus have been squaring off these last couple months and during a new moon eclipse it can easily bring some eccentric or unique times in your home life. it could come in the way you decorate your home. Perhaps how you live or whom you surround yourself. The people around you may be a bit different and unique. The ideas of your home will also be different. You may decide to add a room in your home but where it ends up being located is different than what you are use to. It's time to take care of the home or the mother so expect to plan and organize.

Career dates are looking wonderful for you on July 13, 24, 30 and 31st. You may hear of great news for a promotion or job opportunity. You will feel ambitious on your career goals.

Additional work days come on July 7, 8, 9 and 22nd. Work projects run smoothly. It will also be a wonderful time for your health to improve or for you to see results from your exercise program.

A partner may need love, affection or some attention on July 22nd and 31st. It seems to be a wonderful time to work out professional and personal issues. You also seem to be willing to compromise too.

Your anxious and full of energy on July 9, 10, 23, 28 and 30th. Your anxieties may bring out great energy for you but you may also feel a bit stressed. Try to stay calm and relaxed.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to increase your group of friends or spend time with old friends. Saturn seems to be supporting this full moon from your partnership house so it could be that you attend a special event like a wedding. Uranus and Pluto will also bring great support to this full moon from your own sign giving you the ability to shine and receive attention. Perhaps you are the one getting married or celebrating a special event like a graduation or birthday party. Pluto will also bring a little support to this full moon which increases a bit of your emotions. You seem to be social and you are open to meeting people and making new friends but you may also see a friend move away or get married. A full moon increases and intensifies emotions so there could be a special event in your life right now especially in relation to friends. You are open to reaching out to people and can make a new acquaintance or find out a valid peace of information from others.

Saturn and Uranus will battle it out on July 26th from your own sign and partnership house. The energy is strong enough to where you may feel the tension from a couple weeks ago and will continue for another 10-12 days. You may have personal or professional problems with a partner. It could be that you need to discuss some issues with this individual and they just aren't willing to compromise. If you feel the stress and tension mounting just know that eventually a resolution will occur even though it may take awhile. Your job is to be patient and hang in there. Do not come in with high expectations or you will face some greater disappointments.

As you see July brings some opportunities for you to view life and the future of your goals and opportunities so you can advance and get ahead in your life, career and relationships. The eclipse will help you to focus on your home and the people that surround you in the home. You may feel a bit disappointed with a partner but friends will always be there. Enjoy.