The month of January will really have great productivity for you to keep busy. You are focused on work projects and your health. You are still enjoying the energy of the full moon from December 21, 2010 that fell in your career house. You may be experiencing two job or career opportunities. You may receive a raise or new job offer. Your career may be taking you to places were you advance in your career. You may receive a promotion. Work projects and assignments will keep you busy on January 2nd. You can expect the work load to increase. you may take on extra assignments and projects. Your health will improve too. On January 10, 11, 17 and 30th all seem to bring about more work for you. You may finally receive a job assignment or offer. Your health improve with exercise and by eating healthy. Pets are also highlighted. You may get a new pet or spend time with a current pet.
The new moon solar eclipse on January 4th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 6 months may bring about a new love, someone to fall in love with or a child. you may fall in love or begin dating. There may be a baby on the way or you hear news of a pregnancy. It could be that you spend time with kids. Sports and hobbies are also highlighted. The great news of this eclipse is that Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all support this great eclipse. You are feeling social and outgoing. You do well for yourself by making the right presentation and appearance. If you feel ready to get out there and expose yourself to someone new then you seem to shine. It's about you wanting to be happy and if it means spending time with kids or a new lover than so be it. It could also be with a spouse or friend. You are active in hobbies and sports. It could be a child who enters a sport or hobby including creative arts too. It could be music, acting, singing or others fun activities. You may enjoy games with kids or with someone special in your life. It is time to enjoy yourself and get out and socialize. Don't be surprise if you find yourself hanging out in bars or clubs. It's time to have a little fun and dance.
Venus will enter your 4th house of home on January 8th. The next 4 weeks may bring a time for you to relocate, design or decorate a home. You may check out new places to live or visit. You may host or entertain family and friends. It's time to decorate, paint or change the sheets in your room or home. People will feel welcomed in your home. On January 13th Mercury will enter your 5th house of love, children, sports and games. The next 3 weeks you may act like a child and play games. You may play games of love. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on January 20th. The next 4 weeks expect to work hard for the money. You may also find yourself exercising and eating healthier. You may cut back on fatty foods and sweets. You also spend time with pets and show them love and affection.
Jupiter will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on January 23rd. The next 6 months will bring opportunities for you to see a financial or material gain. The gain may come through a loan, credit, tax refund, reward, gift, gift cards, child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. Don't be surprised if the next 6 months make it easy for you to build a greater financial security. You will also feel a relief in your life. It is time to let go of the past including letting go of someone in your life. It is time to move forward in life and for your well-being. Your sex life will also improve too. It may be that you find someone attractive or you spend time with a current lover or spouse. You show greater love and affection to them. Enjoy.
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Finances are highlighted on January 7, 23 and 26th. You may make more money or get hired for a new job. Finances may be tight or a debt or bill is due on January 7th and 26th. It could be a day when reality kicks in about your finances and having to pay up some overdue bills. On January 27th Saturn will retrograde from your 2nd house of earned income. The next 4 months will really make you take a closer look on money issues. You may save more easily or plan and set a budget with your finances. You seem more thorough with the money. It's also a time when you may work harder for the money. You may take on more work to make the same pay as you did in the past. The bills or financial obligations may increase. You may relocate to a place where the rent is higher and other bills increase. You do well by budgeting and saving for the future.
The full moon on January 19th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to make some new friends or see an old friend move away. You may reconnect with an old friend from your past. There could be issues that are brought out from a friend that need to be discussed and worked on. There will at least be a resolution. Jupiter and Uranus will support this full moon which may bring a job or friend through a partner. It could be that you gain financially by having a friend connect you to this job. A friend may turn into a lover or business partner or a partner may act more like a friend to you. You may collaborate with someone to build a special event or party. Opportunities to socialize and to get out there with friends and family are strong. Get out and make some new friends or just meet someone new. You never know what type of connection this individual may bring for you.
A partner is highlighted for you on January 2, 3, 10, 11, 13, 17 and 19th. The partner may be a spouse, lover or friend. It could be someone professional like a coworker, employee, employer or business partner. You may work together to build a business or project. Marketing is also highlighted as you may work with a company to promote or market a product. You could meet someone new that may easily be a new long term partner. Partnerships can be for several different reasons including financial, career or personal. Good luck.
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