Friday, December 31, 2010

Capricorn Horoscope for January 2011

As the month begins you are more focused on what great opportunities can come for you and how to get ahead in your career. Partnerships will be a concern but you also seem to be focused on your own happiness too. You are still enjoying the energy from the full moon eclipse that fell on December 29, 2010 in your 6th house of work, service and health. You may noticed more work assignments and projects increasing on you. You also take more focus on your health. You may exercise to lose weight. You will also eat healthy too. Pets are also a concern. You may focus on the health of a pet or get yourself or the family a new pet.

The month begins with a new moon solar eclipse that will fall in your own sign. You will spend the next 6 months focusing on your own wants and needs. In astrology an eclipse lasts up to 6 months. You may receive a new job offer or opportunity. It could be that you find love or fall in love. You may get married or commit to a partnership including business partnership. Venus, Jupiter and Uranus bring about great support to this new moon eclipse. You have great luck on your side. You feel confident and social. you are outgoing and making new friends. People want to be around you and you are reading to mingle and connect with others. There is a time to get out and make some new connections and network. The greatest opportunity may easily come your way. It's all about you these next 6 months.

Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on January 8th. The next 4 weeks can make you keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may hide feelings from someone else. It could be that you pursue someone for a secret love affair. if you pursue love make sure its for the right reasons and not because you are feeling neglected or lonely. You give selflessly. On January 13th Mercury will enter your own sign making you mobile and talkative for the next couple weeks. Get out and connect with others. The Sun will enter your 2nd house of earned income on January 20th giving you 4 weeks to make money or find ways to bring in more money. You may just get a new job or job offer.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Is Love promised in your Chart

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Jupiter will enter your 4th house of home one last time on January 23rd. The next 6 months could bring about a relocation, renovation or make some upgraded repairs. The next 6 months may bring you relocating to a more expensive place or a nicer neighborhood. Any repairs or upgrades will add value to the home. You seem to enjoy the people around you in the home or your neighbors. You are social and talkative. The people you attract have a great sense of humor or seem optimistic and outgoing. Get out of your home for once and walk around you may may be surprised at whom you meet.

Finances are your priority on 2, 10, 11 and 28th. You may make more money or even get a new job. A great time to learn how to budget and save.

Your career will be your main concern on January 7, 23, 25 and 26th. You make future plans for your career or find yourself in a new job. projects and assignments increase too.

Communication seems to be looking good on January 4, 10, 12, 19 and 30th. Communication may increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You are social and outgoing with family, friends and even your neighbors. You could find yourself taking some quick trips out of town. Get out for the day. Fresh air can do your energy some good for once.

The full moon on January 19th will fall in your partnership house. The partner may be someone personal like a lover, spouse or friend. It could be professions like a business partner, coworker, employee or employer. You may commit to a partner. It could be that the next couple weeks you meet someone special to build a long term relationship or partnership. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon which brings excitement and fun. You could meet someone through a friend. it may be that a friend becomes a lover or a lover ends up acting more like a friend to you. You seem to be getting involved in new events that bring about new opportunities. You may network or connect with others to advance in your career. I feel the opportunity is there to build a long lasting relationship that could make you more money or bring you emotional security with someone special. ENjoy.

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