The month begins right away with Venus reentering your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on December 1st. The next 4 weeks will bring a time when you will see a possible financial or material gain. You may gain through a loan, credit, bonus, commission, reward, raffle or other financial gain. Do not bet the rent money just because you think the next 4 weeks may bring a financial gain through gambling. On December 2nd friends are open to spending time with you. You may make a new friend or spend time with old friends. You will also see invites for special events and parties. Be careful on December 3rd as you may run into some problems with electronics, vehicles or even trying to send messages via the internet or text messages. You are also full of anxiety and stress. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks will be a wonderful time to travel. You may take a long distance trip or someone from a distance may come to visit you. The great new moon will seek support from Mars and Saturn. You will be very disciplined and focused to get out and explore. You may also learn a new language or skill. It could be cooking, sewing or crafting. Studies are important for you including college and universities. You may apply for the new semester or enter college. It’s also a time to market a product, or promote yourself via the internet, radio and television. On December 7th you are focused on a partner. The partner may be professional or personal. It’s time to discuss important issues with a partner. Work them out and clear the air so you can build a stronger relationship.
Venus returns to your partnership house. It's great news for you because it gives you 4 weeks to compromise and discuss important issues with a partner. You will be able to work out issues and problems with this partner. The partner may be a lover, spouse, coworker, or even a business partner. It's time to communicate and come to a conclusion or resolution. Your career will take priority on December 2nd. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. It's also time when you a promotion, advancement or business ventures comes your way. On December 3rd there may be problems with a friend. You may argue with a friend or look at things differently from a friend. Differences will stand out. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks may bring a material or financial gain. You may receive the approval of credit or a loan. It could be the gain of a bonus, commission, child support or other settlement. The gain is there and you may easily benefit. Don't bet your rent money thinking you may win the lottery because you may gain very little or nothing at all. It has to be promised in your chart to be able to have any type of gains in your life. The new moon will be supported by Mars, the sun and Saturn. Saturn likes to discipline and this could be a time to work hard for the money in order to see these gains. By December 7th you are taking care of tedious projects, assignments, tasks and chores. You have the time and patience for them too.
December 1st Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health giving you 4 weeks to enjoy your work environment. You will enjoy working with women or the people around you just seem enjoyable. You will also enjoy connecting with pets and coworkers. It's also a time to indulge. You may indulge in fatty foods and sweets. If you are on a diet then you may want to be aware that the next 4 weeks may not be an easy time for you. Travel is highlighted on December 2nd. You may take a long distance trip or have others come to visit you. It’s time to expand your horizons and explore new possibilities. You may study, learn or even just read. On December 3rd you seem to feel a bit anxious and stressed at work or over career projects. You may argue at work or even lose a job. Don't start arguments especially if you want to keep your job. Everyone is sensitive around you right now. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your partnership house. The partner may be someone who is a business partner, coworker, employee, friend, neighbor, spouse, lover, doctor or even a therapist. The next couple weeks you will be relying on working closely with this person or entity. Saturn will bring great support and discipline from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. It may be that you are working closely with someone to conceive a child or to run a daycare facility. It could also be a babysitter, friend or a lawyer if you are getting a divorce. Mars also seems to support this new moon giving you the energy and motivation to keep pushing forward. By December 7th you are focused on love and children. You are making time for a loved one. You may meet someone new who may be older and wiser. Children are also your concern. It's time to discipline them or take care of obligations relating to children, sports and hobbies.
On December 1st Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children. The next 4 weeks may bring a time for you to meet someone special, to fall in love or to spend time with children. You will find yourself getting involved in music, sports, hobbies or the arts. You may attend a sporting event or concert. You are social and connecting with kids. December 1st also seem to be a great day to find love or for a date. Finances should go well for you on December 2nd. These finances are associated with taxes, credit, loans and joint assets. You may receive a financial or material gain. There will be tension, stress and anxiety on December 3rd. You may have problems with electronics and even sending text messages or making phone calls. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect the next couple weeks to be busy. Yu may be working hard for the money. It could be two jobs or just an increase of projects, tasks and chores. Saturn and Mars will bring great discipline and hard work. You will be patient but you will get the work done. It's also a time for you to focus on your health. You will work to exercise and lose weight. It's also a time when you will eat healthy or find a great way to control your food intake. You seem to be also watching the health of a pet. By December 7th your concern turns to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home.
The month begins with Venus reentering your 4th house of home on December 1st. The next 4 weeks will make you focus your time on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some decor changes around the home. You may change the decor of a room by painting, drawing or even just changing the sheets in the bedroom. You may find yourself looking for a new place to live. It's also a wonderful time to discuss any issues relating to the home with a roommate, lover, friend or partner. You may be purchasing a home or even renting an apartment. On December 2nd your focus turns to a partner. The partner may be someone professional or someone personal like a spouse, lover or friend. You may meet someone new that you have a spiritual or soul mate connection. You may collaborate with someone to build a strong business partnership or to advance in your career. It could be for a relationship or a future lover or spouse. Friends will also work closely with you and you will be able to build a loving friendship too. December 3rd can bring about some financial concerns. It may be time to pay some bills or some debts. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with kids. You may meet someone to date or just spend time with them. You may tell someone how much you love them. You or someone else may conceive a baby or a baby is born. You may spend time in a sport or hobby. It could be that one of your children will play in sports or in a hobby. Music, acting and singing are also highlighted too. You may attend a concert or find yourself listening to music. Mars and Saturn support this new moon. Mars bring out the sexuality in you. Saturn brings the security, structure and discipline in your love life. You may be seeking someone who can give you security and commitment. It may be that you attract someone who is older or younger than you. By December 7th communication and travel is highlighted. You may see an increase of communication via the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a new computer, vehicle or phone. Mercury retrograde on December 10th so it may be wise to purchase something before that time. Good luck.
Starting December 1st Venus will enter your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. Communication runs high with family and friends. You are sending letters, holiday cards, text messages and making phone calls to everyone around you. You may take a short trip to visit loved ones or someone may come to visit you. You may connect with a sibling, neighbor or your relatives. It could be during the holidays or on other occasions. Work assignments, projects and tasks seem to keep you busy on December 2nd and 3rd. You can expect to keep busy with plenty of work. You may work hard for the money but you could also be making more money too. Your health is also a concern. You will exercise and lose weight. Your health improves through exercise. Exercise with your pets. A pet may be your concern or priority. Time to get routine checkups for you or for the animals you love. There may be an argument or disagreement with a partner on December 3rd The partner may be personal or professional. Try to work out the problems if possible. The new moon on December 5th will fall in the 4th house of home. The next couple weeks may bring a time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may move to a new home or apartment. It could be your first apartment. You seem to be having new opportunities come your way regarding the home. You may receive a loan approval or modification. It's time to decorate, paint and design a room or the home. You may be looking for new decor especially if you are trying to upgrade a room. You may also purchase furniture or new window panels or bed sheets. Saturn and Mars seem to bring structure and discipline to the home. It's time to get serious about the responsibilities that come with a home. You may need to pay rent or for the first time or take on a mortgage for the first time. You are serious about the home and having to clean out old baggage from the home including old relationships and people. By December 7th your finances should improve. You may receive a job offer or financial opportunity.
December 1st when Venus enters your 2nd house of earned income. The next 5 weeks will bring a time when you will make more money but you will also spend it lavishly. Be careful not to spend your money on things you don't need or items that are frivolous to you. It's also a day when you may buy something special for someone special. You may invest your money on big purchases like a home, vehicle or computer. If it’s a long term investment then it’s worth the pay but also make a wise choice before spending the rent money. On December 2nd and 3rd you may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You may join a child in sports or it could be you joining a sport or hobby. It could relate to music, theater or the arts. You want to explore your creative side so why not paint or draw. You will listen to music, dance and sing. Work projects and assignments seem to be tedious and require lots of patience. You are busy working or may finally receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be in retail or in a restaurant. I know times may be tough and you need to make sacrifices but the hard work will pay off. Schedules are chaotic or unpredictable. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to take a short trip. It could be for the holidays or for work. You may take an unexpected short trip. Communication improves and increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may spend quality time with relatives, siblings, neighbors or even friends. You are social and want to connect with family and friends. Communication extends everywhere and to everyone for you. Saturn seems to set structure for you with this new moon. Saturn is currently in your own sign so your words are more direct and straight forward. You mean what you say and say what you mean. By December 7th you make it a time when you are focusing on yourself. You may exercise, lose weight or even go back to school. You do well on cutting back with fatty foods and taking care of your body.
Venus enters your own sign on December 1st. The next 5 weeks will bring a time when it's all about you. You will be the center of attention. You will focus on your appearance and your looks. You may get a new wardrobe, hair style or even change the color of your hair. It’s a time when you are taking a closer look at what needs to change about you and you will put effort in making the changes. December 2nd will bring a time for you to focus on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It’s time to create, draw and even paint a room. Decorate a room or the home especially for the holidays. You may have an argument or disagreement on December 3rd with a lover or child. Try to stay calm. You could just be more active with children or on your own with a sport, hobby or recreational activities. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks may bring you more money and opportunities to make more money. You are spreading your boundaries and finding new ways to succeed and prosper. If you are looking for a new job you may receive a job offer or opportunity within these next couple weeks. Saturn brings you structure and discipline so expect to work hard for the money. There is a full schedule of work projects, assignments, tasks and chores that need to be taken care of. You may also do well in setting a budget and saving for the future. You may find that you can budget your money more thoroughly at this time. You seem to be looking over the finances and taking care of the bills and other obligations too. The next couple weeks can bring more money and more financial security so good luck. By December 7th you are focusing your time on your own well-being and health. It's time to get rid of what you don't need in life including unhealthy people and habits.
On December 1st you are focusing on Venus entering your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 5 weeks will give you the opportunity to give selflessly. You will give more than what you should. If it’s for someone special or someone you care and love for then it's worth it. If you are giving your time and love and affection away to someone who doesn't appreciate it then it's a waste of time. You will give also to charity or to those in need. You may hide your feelings or hold back emotionally from others. It's also a time for you to hold back especially if you are feeling shy or reserved. You may also have a secret love affair or give your life in privacy. Make sure it’s to the right person and not someone who is unavailable. December 2nd brings a time for you to focus on short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may spend the next couple days taking a quick trip r even spending time visiting the neighbors and friends. Communication extends via emails, text messages and phone calls. Be careful on December 3rd as there may be some electrical problems at home. Problems in the home could come through repairs or other types of disruptions in the home. The new moon on December 5th is all about you. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention. You may seek change within yourself but you seek positive changes. There may be a new haircut, wardrobe or even just a new hair color. You want to be happy and seek something different for once. Saturn supports this new moon from your 11th house of friendships. You appreciate your friends and want to surround yourself with your friends. You will spend time with them and they will make you feel special. It could be a group or organization that you are getting involved in and you feel the center of attention. By December 7th you are focusing your time with friends. You may rely on an older friend to discuss important issues or problems. It could be that this friend will offer your advice. It’s also a time to connect with old friends or make a new one that can help you grow.
Venus is actually re-entering this house giving you 5 weeks when you will spend quality time with friends. You adore your friends and cherish them deeply. You may make new friends or attend special event or party. It could be that you find love among your friends or a lover acts more like a friend. You may see an invite from a friend. The home is your concern on December 2nd. You may spend the next couple days relocating, renovating or making some changes around the home. I also feel that finances should improve. If you’re looking for a new job or financial opportunity then you should see something coming through here soon. On December 3rd your focus turns to communication and the problems it may bring. There may be problems with a vehicle or computer. You may see an extension of conversations via emails, text messages or phone calls. Be careful and control your words. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to rest and relax. You may take a vacation or just catch up on sleep. Saturn will support this new moon giving you the time and patience to take care of any issues or ailments. You may decide that it’s time to take care of problems with your health or with someone else's health and wellbeing. You are disciplined to handle the problems and you seem to be making sure you handle the problems thoroughly. You may seek the guidance of a therapist or doctor to take care of you or someone else. On December 7th your focus turns to your career. You may receive a promotion, advancement or even begin a business venture.
On December 1st Venus will enter your career house for 5 weeks. You will receive plenty of praise and recognition for a job well done. You will work hard and prove yourself to others. You may receive a job offer or an opportunity to advance in your career. A promotion, advancement or business opportunity may come your way. On December 2nd your focus is on you. You will make more time for friends and family. You are supportive, patience and understanding. You make time for them and they will appreciate you. December 3rd seems to have a small challenge with your finances. You may have to pay a bill or debt. It could be that your paycheck is low or not up to your standards. I know it is tough to figure out where the money is coming from but you will be able to figure out how to build up more finances. It’s a bit of a struggle but you are almost there. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next 2 weeks brings more friends. You connect with friends and you may connect with old friends. It could be that you are invited to a special event or party. Saturn will support this new moon which brings about structure with groups, organizations and friends. You may seek the advice of an older mature friend. It could be that you are a leader in your group, organization or with this friend. You will work closely with others to get ahead financially or with your career. By December 7th you are taking care of financial obligations and focusing on those at a distance from you. It’s time to work hard and get the bills paid.
You begin on December 1st with Venus entering your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 5 weeks will bring a time when you will travel frequently or others from a distance come to see you. You may connect well with foreigners or those from a distance and who may come from foreign cultures and lands. You get along well with the in-laws, friends and family members. You reach out to them and you seem to put them first before anyone else. Marketing products on the internet, radio or television goes well for you. On December 2nd you seem to be focused on your personal growth and well being. You work hard to take care of your health or someone else's health. You invest time and effort to build a stronger connection to your own psyche. Seek therapy to get rid of bad people and habits. On December 3rd there seems to be this high energy and activity in you. You are investing plenty of time, effort and motivation to keep yourself going. You are full of energy. The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 10th house of career. It is great news because the next 2 weeks brings great activity in your career house with work projects, assignments and tasks. You are busy but you should also see more money at the same time. You may receive a job offer, promotion or advancement. You have worked so hard to get there and you deserve it. Mars and Saturn support this new moon which tells me that you have patience and discipline to take on these work projects and assignments. The new job will bring tedious tasks but you have the patience to attack these projects and are willing to put the time and effort to succeed in them. You work hard for the money. December 7th seems to bring focus on your finances relating to taxes, credit and loans. You do well catching up to debts and credit cards. You pay off some bills or any financial obligations.
The Psychic One
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