Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Virgo Horoscope for December 2010

The month will be jam packed with great cosmic energy and activities. Expect to be busy and full of fun and activities. If you celebrate the holidays then you know that December will have some activities going on. If you don't then you will still have plenty going on for you. First let me say that starting December 1st Venus will enter your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. Communication runs high with family and friends. You are sending letters, holiday cards, text messages and making phone calls to everyone around you. You may take a short trip to visit loved one's or someone may come to visit you. You may connect with a sibling, neighbor or your relatives. It could be during the holidays or on other occasions. You may find love on the internet or a personal dating site. Focus on spending time with those you care and love. Make sure they know you care about them. You will have have other special love dates including December 10th and December 27th.

Work projects, chores, tasks and assignments seem to increase on December 2, 18, 20 and 29th. You can expect to keep busy with work projects and assignments. You have plenty going on. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Being the holidays retail stores will be very busy and if you happen to work in one of them expect some tedious projects and tasks. Your health should improve. You may exercise, lose weight or eat healthy. It could be that you are taking care of a pet and their health.

The new moon on December 5th will fall in the 4th house of home. The next couple weeks may bring a time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may move to a new home or apartment. It could be your first apartment. You seem to be having new opportunities come your way regarding the home. You may receive a loan approval or modification. It's time to decorate, paint and design a room or the home. You may be looking for new decor especially if you are trying to upgrade a room. You may also purchase furniture or new window panels or bed sheets. Saturn and Mars seem to bring structure and discipline to the home. It's time to get serious about the responsibilities that come with a home. You may need to pay rent or for the first time or take on a mortgage for the first time. You are serious about the home and having to clean out old baggage from the home including old relationships and people. It's time to focus also on a mother whether its your own mother or parent or someone else's parent. You may have to take care of them, reply on them or just look after their health and well-being. The home may be a concern of their own too.

Mercury will retrograde starting December 10th. The next 3 weeks will bring you a time when lovers, partners and children may bring about difficulties and challenges. The 5th house rules love, children, sports, games and creative projects. You may see an old love or ex-partner return back into your life. There may be old issues to discussed with this partner. You may find that you need to discuss old issues with a current partner. It may be about children or others activities with music or the creative arts. A partner could also be a teacher, coworker or friend. Children may be a concern. You may spend quality time with them teaching them a new sport or activity. You are active and motivated to learn new things whether its music or learning a new sport or game. Mercury finally goes direct on December 30th which could easily make you take priorities in relation to the home.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Is Love promised in Your Chart

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Mars will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects on December 8th. The next 7 weeks seems to be a time when you may pursue love, find love or fall in love. Children may bring about problems and difficulties. You may argue with a child or there may be problems with them at school or at home. you are highly active and mobile. Exercise, sports, hobbies and other activities seem to keep you busy. You may join a sport, hobby or even get involved with your kids sports and hobbies. Take this opportunity to exercise and keep yourself active. If you are trying to lose weight then you should notice results at this time. You will also feel energized to get projects done at home or at work. You keep busy and active. There is a drive in you. The drive will bring great results and the completion of projects.

Your love life looks pretty good on December 5, 8, 13, 23, 26 and 31st. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with someone special. It's also a great time for kids. You may hear news of a baby on the way or you conceive. If you have been trying for awhile to have a baby then this can easily be the time to come out pregnant. You may make time for kids and give them great love and affection.

Finances may be a bit tight of difficult on December 7, 23, 28 and 29th. You may find that you need to budget and save. You may have bills to pay and very little money coming in. The bills may pile up or you have hefty bills to take care of. It doesn't help that Mercury is retrograding which is your ruling planet and you will feel a greater weight on your shoulders. Try to plan ahead by setting a budget so when these dates come about you won't feel such a difficult financial burden.

A partner may create problems for you on December 3, 16, 18, 20 and 21st. The problems may be a numerous amount of issues. It could be finances, work, emotional or psychological problems. The challenges can easily make the partnership stronger in the process. A partner is defined as a lover, spouse, coworker, friend, boss, attorney, doctor or even a therapist. You may consult with someone in order to advance in your career, finances or your relationships. Any challenges can easily build a stronger union, bond and connection. At worst it may bring about an ending but only if the connection has been broken enough to were there is no hope for the partnership.

The greatest news seems to come on December 21st when the full moon lunar eclipse will fall in your 10th house of career. This eclipse will fall in the sign of Gemini, the twins. I usually associate the career house for Virgos as having the possibility of two jobs or a job having to deal with communication, technology or electronics. You may have a very busy 6 months with work assignments, career projects and communication. Expect to have a very busy few months. Yes, there may be two jobs or you may see an increase of job projects and assignments. The eclipse falls in 29 degrees degrees which usually marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle in life. You may quit one job to start another job or career field. Perhaps you enter college to study and learn for a new career field. it is time to set some plans and goals. Jupiter and Uranus square off with this eclipse making you feel a bit confident that everything will work out as planned. Try not to get carried away and stick with a solid realistic plan. Neptune greatly supports this eclipse from your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect to work hard for the money but you see results whether its more money, clients and customers. Good luck.

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The Psychic One

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800-275-5336 ext 0234


Leo Horoscope for December 2010

It's going to be quite an interesting and exciting month for you. You may not believe it but you will discover many exciting events and opportunities. The month begins with Venus reentering your 4th house of home on December 1st. The next 4 weeks will make you focus your time on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some decor changes around the home. You may change the decor of a room by painting, drawing or even just changing the sheets in the bedroom. You may find yourself looking for a new place to live. It's also a wonderful time to discuss any issues relating to the home with a roommate, lover, friend or partner. You may be purchasing a home or even renting an apartment. On December 1, 10 and 27th you are enjoying the home and enjoying the presentation of the home. In other words you may find time to decorate or host in the home. How you present yourself in the home will either make a positive or negative presentation. It seems to be a very positive time to enjoy the home.

The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with kids. You may meet someone to date or just spend time with with them. You may tell someone how much you love them. You or someone else may conceive a baby or a baby is born. You may spend time in a sport or hobby. It could be that one of your children will play in sports or in a hobby. Music, acting and singing are also highlighted too. You may attend a concert or find yourself listening to music. Mars and Saturn support this new moon. Mars bring out the sexuality in you. Saturn brings the security, structure and discipline in your love life. You may be seeking someone who can give you security and commitment. It may be that you attract someone who is older or younger than you. Its time to be a grown up in your relationships and with children. You may take time for children or to make time with children. The responsibilities may be with children or your child. It could be that you are open to taking on obligation with a child or partner. The next couple weeks may bring a lover or partner with responsibility and duty but one that you will be patient to invest your time. I feel that you will enjoy the great new moon with love, children and creative projects.

Mars will enter your 6th house of work projects, service and health on December 8th. The next 7 weeks expect to be working hard for the money. You may see an increase of work projects and obligations. You may be working twice as hard for the same pay. Maybe you are taking on two jobs. You may also just be busy with work projects and assignments. Expect to invest plenty of time and effort on work assignments, emails and phone calls. Exercise and your health is important. You may decide to invest in a exercise program or a program to watch what you eat. You will focus on taking care of your body by losing weight through exercise and eating healthy. It could be that you are focused on the health of a pet. You may exercise with a pet especially if the pet if a bigger dog that needs to be walked on a daily basis for more than 30 minutes a day. You will be surprised at how easily you can burn off the calories with a simple walk. Expect the next 7 weeks to be a busy time for you whether it's work or keeping busy with an exercise program. You may get a new pet too.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Is Marriage promised in Your Chart

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Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your 6th house of work, service and health. You can expect to have electronics o haywire on you. Emails, the internet and even text messages may not go through or even be sent to the wrong person. You could fin that certain work projects may need to be revised. A work assignments like a website may not process completely especially if you are making an online purchase. Expect that sometimes the internet may not function properly. Do not fear if you are holiday shopping. it doesn't mean that you will have charges or a credit card stolen. I would advise you to make purchases from websites that are well known or recognizable for you. Just be aware that projects may be delayed or interrupted so make sure to plan ahead so any problems that occur you will still have plenty of time to correct it. The good news is that Mercury will go direct on December 30th. The sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on December 22nd giving you 4 weeks to keep busy with work assignments, projects and your health. You may find this to be a productive and busy time for you.

Work assignments and projects are highlighted on December 5, 6, 8, 13, 23 and 26th. You can expect to keep busy on work projects, tasks, assignments and chores. You may be running into plenty of clients and customers to keep you busy. Exercise on these days and you will notice some great results especially if you are trying to burn off the calories from the holidays. You seem to do well with the results. The health of a pet is also important and so your pet may just end up going to to the vet.

A partner may come to you on December 2, 19th and 20th. The partner may be a lover, spouse, friend or business partner. Partnership is defined as someone whom you are working closely to on a regular basis. It can be a business partner. It could be a spouse or lover or even a friend. You may have to consult with an attorney, therapist or doctor for your health and your well-being. Perhaps, you are working on relationship or marital issues and problems. There may be some psychological or physical problems with you and you will be relying on someone for a short time.

Finances related to taxes, credit and loans are highlighted on December 3, 16 and 20th. You may rack up the credit cards or spend lavishly. It could be that you need to make a credit card payment or pay taxes or deal with a loan. Do not take out a loan if you don't know how to pay it back. You will regret it later. Also having Mercury retrograde make sure you check everything so you know that you are making the right decision with your finances. You may get hasty and not double check where the money is going. Do not take advantage of a situation because you will regret the issues and problems that will follow later on. You may see a financial gain through a settlement, child support, reward, bonus or other gains.

The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 11th house of friendships. An eclipse will last up to 6 months. The next 6 months may bring a group of friends your way. You may connect with an old friend. You may make some new friends even though this being a full moon eclipse will connect you with friends of the past. There may be arguments with a friend or old issues need to be resolved from a friend. It could be in connection to old issues and problems. It may not be a friend but an organization or group that you may join or you develop problems with them. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse which could bring problems in relation to finances. It could also be that you see a friend move away or get married. There will be a sense of optimism, joy and confidence in you. Laughter, fun and excitement seems to also stand out. You may surround yourself with the friends that made you laugh and have fun. You may need their laughter, fund and excitement around you. Be careful though because Mercury, the ruling planet of this eclipse seems to oppose the eclipse which could bring about arguments or conflicting messages. There may be a bit of hastiness with your your messages and connections to friends. I feel this eclipse can really open the door to you evaluating who your true friends are in your life and who you can afford to let go. They will mean something to you or they may be a waste of time and energy. Focus on the friends whom you can rely on and make time for the too. Enjoy.


The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234


Cancer Horoscope for December 2010

You will have a very active month. There seems to be obligations and responsibilities for you to maintain. It may be the month were you are trying to complete projects. Take it in small steps so you don't feel disorganized. On December 1st Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children. The next 4 weeks may bring a time for you to meet someone special, to fall in love or to spend time with children. You will find yourself getting involved in music, sports, hobbies or the arts. You may attend a sporting event or concert. You are social and connecting with kids. December 1st also seem to be a great day to find love or for a date. You will also enjoy December 10, 23 and 27th as great dates for love or to enjoy a date.

The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect the next couple weeks to be busy. Yu may be working hard for the money. It could be two jobs or just an increase of projects, tasks and chores. Saturn and Mars will bring great discipline and hard work. You will be patient but you will get the work done. It's also a time for you to focus on your health. You will work to exercise and lose weight. It's also a time when you will eat healthy or find a great way to control your food intake. You seem to be also watching the health of a pet. You may take your pet to the vet to get routine vaccines or check ups. It could be you that is in need of a routine checkup. If you are looking to exercise you may want to take a walk with your pet if it happens to be a dog. You may also invest in a new pet. The new moon may easily make you focus on your personal well being. Focus on you so you can become healthier and build great prosperity.

Mars will enter your partnership house on December 8th. The next 7 weeks may create arguments with a partner. It could bring about the ending of a relationship or partnership. The partner may be a business partner, spouse, lover, friend, coworker or even a boss. You may build a partnership with someone for business purposes. There could be the possibility that you meet someone special to build a romantic and personal partnership. You seem to want to connect or collaborate with someone to build a success relationship or business. I say use the next few weeks to enjoy the time with others and network. It could bring you a job or other type of connection.

Cancer Weekly horoscope

Is Love promised in Your Chart

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Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your partnership house. You just had Mars enter this house and now Mercury will begin to retrograde from it. There will obviously be personal or professional issues that need to be discussed or resolved again. You may find yourself running into a partner from the past. There could be old issues that need to worked out. Its time to communicate and work out any personal issues or problems. The good news is Mercury will go direct on December 30th so just hang in there.

You will connect well with a partner on December 5, 8, 25 and 26th. You may meet someone special, spend time with or build a partnership. It's time to work out any issues with a partner. You may also be open to going out on a date or just spending time with your friend. You may work closely with a coworker, or a friend on a project or task. You have drive and ambition to get the work done. The Sun will enter your partnership house on December 22nd giving you 4 weeks to enjoy love, affection and a connection with those close to you including professionals.

The home is highlighted on December 7, 19, 23, 28 and 29th. All these dates you may have to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone moves in or out of the home. You may decide to make changes in the home like decorate a room or buy some furniture. The mother is also important or a priority. You may spend time with your mother or someone else's mother or a parent. It could be that they go into a nursing home or hospice. You look after the home and the concern of your home. You may rent a new apartment or home.

The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. An eclipse has the power to last 6 months. The next 6 months will make you take a closer look at what you need to fix in your life. You may have to get rid of bad habits and people from your life. It's time to discard the unhealthy and negative from your life. You may get rid of a habit like alcohol, drugs or a bad behavior habit. Its time to let go of the things in the past that go you nowhere in life. In order to live a healthier life you need to let go of these issues, people or habits first in order to move forward. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse making this a time to indulge and take chances in life or with certain projects. You may focus on taking care of your health by exercising, seeking therapy or taking supplements. You want to life healthier and now is the time to get healthy. Neptune will greatly support this eclipse giving you a sense of security through a light that will help you feel a greater security. You may find spirituality in the process. It could be an angel, God or even a new religion. If it helps you be a stronger person so be it. It will be worth it for you. I feel the eclipse will allow you to let go of the past to make room for the future. A new you for the new year.

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The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234


Gemini Horoscope for December 2010

I know you have been having a tough year especially in relation to your career. For some Gemini's they lost a job because of the recession. Or you may have decided to leave your current job to pursue new career ventures. Jupiter finally went direct from your career house so you may begin to feel great opportunities and career ventures come your way. Jupiter will be moving on into your friendship house in January so you really only have a few more weeks to enjoy the gift of Jupiter in your career house. For this month it's going to be about your own priorities and what will make you happy.

First let me say that on December 1st Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health giving you 4 weeks to enjoy your work environment. You will enjoy working with women or the people around you just seem enjoyable. You will also enjoy connecting with pets and coworkers. It's also a time to indulge. You may indulge in fatty foods and sweets. If you are on a diet then you may want to be aware that the next 4 weeks may not be an easy time for you. Due to the holidays it may be difficult to cut back on the fatty foods so exercise and do a walk or job to get rid of excess calories. December 1, 10 and 27th are wonderful days to connect well with coworkers, friends, employees, customers and clients. You seem to have this aura in you to make the right impression. If you have a point that needs to be made then do it during these days and you will discover a great love and affection from others.

Let me talk about your career. You know that Jupiter has now gone direct in your career house. Uranus will be doing the same and will only last a few months in your career house. It will move on to a new house in March 2011. You will only have about 4 months to enjoy the energy from Uranus. I feel that this is the time of opportunities for you. Your career may blossom and you may finally receive a promotion or advancement you have been waiting for so long. There are a few dates this month that can benefit your career. They are December 3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20th. All these dates can easily bring a little luck in your career or job. I will mention that you may have to work harder for you to advance in your career so don't expect everything to come easily for you. If you are prepared to handle things as they come along then you will be able to go after these challenges and be able to handle everything much easily for yourself.

The new moon on December 5th will fall in your partnership house. The partner may be someone who is a business partner, coworker, employee, friend, neighbor, spouse, lover, doctor or even a therapist. The next couple weeks you will be relying on working closely with this person or entity. Saturn will bring great support and discipline from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. It may be that you are working closely with someone to conceive a child or to run a daycare facility. It could also be a babysitter, friend or a lawyer if you are getting a divorce. Mars also seems to support this new moon giving you the energy and motivation to keep pushing forward. There may be issues and problems to discuss. It is the time to do so now and for you to work on the issues and problems. You seem to be more patient and willing to communicate more openly with others. If you get the issues out you can gain so much at the end.

Is Love promised in Your Chart

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Mercury will retrograde on December 10th on your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support, bonuses and commission. Expect the next 3 weeks to bring some challenges or problems with some of these issues. I will say that Mercury will go direct on December 30th but in the mean time you may have some problems with the finances. It could be credit issues. It could be with a loan. It could be that you have problems with a court settlement. You may also have problems with your paycheck so don't be surprised if you find your check a little short. Mercury always rules electronics and the internet so be careful what you say and what you do because it could come back to you.

Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 7 weeks will bring a time for you to spend lavishly using credit cards or others finances. You may take out a loan or borrow money to pay bills or to buy a house or vehicle. You may have a heavy debt or have to pay a heavy debt or bill. i would suggest to check your credit report for an errors that need to be corrected. You may go a little crazy buying or going on spending sprees. Hold back as you may regret your purchase later on.

There will be some positive financial dates to look forward to including December 5, 8, 13 and 26th. I feel all these dates should go well for you for your finances especially in relation to a bonus, child support, reward, gifts and other financial or material gains. You will notice the last one after Christmas holiday so the gain could be a gift card or money. It may come as a great benefit.

The biggest news for you this year will be that on December 21st you will have a full moon lunar eclipse falling in your own sign. The next 6 months will be all about you. It's a full moon eclipse falling at 29 degrees which means it's time to close one door to open up another door. You may end a relationship or get married. it could be that you move out or move in with someone. You may be changing jobs or be looking to go independent. You may have relied on a job with a paycheck and now you are working on your own. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this full moon eclipse from your career which tells me that your career, job or your goals will be affected by this eclipse. As stated before perhaps, you decide to make a critical change in your career. You may get a new job promotion, advancement or seek a new business venture. Mercury, your ruling planet will oppose this eclipse which could create a bit of disruption. There may be abrupt changes in your career, schedules or your life. I want you to view this eclipse as a time of changes. Change can be scary. Change must occur in order not to be stagnant in your life. it's a time of change but you will survive. Hang in there.

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The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234


Taurus Horoscope for December 2010

As you begin the month Venus returns to your partnership house. It's great news for you because it gives you 4 weeks to compromise and discuss important issues with a partner. You will be able to work out issues and problems with this partner. The partner may be a lover, spouse, coworker, or even a business partner. It's time to communicate and come to a conclusion or resolution. The 1st is also a great day to have a better understanding of one another. Another wonderful partnership date comes on December 10th and December 27th.

Your career will take over for most of the month. You are the hardest working sign and this month is no exception. Keep an eye on December 2, 16, 20 and 29th. Opportunity to advance or to get a job may easily come your way on these days. December doesn't seem to really be a great month for job hunting and to get jobs so you may be lucky to run into some opportunities out there.

Mars will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on December 8th. The next 7 weeks will open the door for travel. You may travel long distance or others may come to visit you. It could also be that you enter or register for college. You want to expand your horizons and you want to explore options. You will find yourself reading and willing to learn something new. You may also publish and market a product through the internet, radio and television. Mass media may just help to sell a product even if the product is you. Your beliefs come to question or you find yourself attending church or studying religions. It's a time to grow and prosper in yourself.

The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks may bring a material or financial gain. You may receive the approval of credit or a loan. It could be the gain of a bonus, commission, child support or other settlement. The gain is there and you may easily benefit. Don't bet your rent money thinking you may win the lottery because you may gain very little or nothing at all. It has to be promised in your chart to be able to have any type of gains in your life. The new moon will be supported by Mars, the sun and Saturn. Saturn likes to discipline and this could be a time to work hard for the money in order to see these gains. You are also focused on getting the work done and completing projects. I hope you use the new moon as an opportunity to advance than to set yourself behind. You may see gains from long term investments so make sure to seek the right advice before doing anything impulsive.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope


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Speaking of working hard for the money you can expect to work hard on December 6, 7, 19, 20, 28 and 29th. Yu may have to invest long hours at work. If you work in retail then you know to expect a hectic schedule throughout the month and especially near the holidays. There could be several end-of-the-year projects that need to be completed. Just be prepared for a crazy month.

Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 3 weeks may bring delays in travel or while traveling. As usual expect the internet or electronics to go haywire. Mercury will go direct on December 30th from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You have to be careful because you may have credit issues. It could be that the issues regard a loan or a credit card. There may be credit report disputes. It's always wise to check your credit report at least once every 6 months just in case. I hope it's nothing major or serious but it's always wise to be wise and alert.

Friends may create some problems on December 3, 4 and 20th. there may be arguments with a friends or you may lose a friend. It could be tension with a group or organization. The group could be a group of coworkers, sponsors, charity or anyone else that you need to collaborate with at this time. The tension may bring some critical problems so try to be reasonable and work out the problems.

The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. It's a very active time for you in your financial house. A full moon will not only bring endings but also new beginnings. The next 6 months may bring about more money for you but it could also mean the ending of a job or income. You may see a financial gain but it also means having to work harder for it. I notice this many times in people who want to break out on their own. They sometimes leave a stable financially secure job to seek their own independence. The problem is that they end up having their struggles and see more money going out and less money coming in. if you are starting a business venture then realize that it takes time to make money and not to expect instant riches. If have you have passion and drive then you will succeed. Jupiter and Uranus square off with this eclipse but it could mean that you are willing to take greater risks. Neptune supports this eclipse from your career house so obviously opportunity and success will be there for you. Just remember the eclipse will show you the next 6 months that you may need to work harder for it but the opportunity will be there. If you can stay focused then anything will be possible for you. Good luck.

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The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234


Aries Horoscope for December 2010

It's going to be quite an adventurous month for you especially since there will be an eclipse later this month. The month begins right away with Venus reentering your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on December 1st. The next 4 weeks will bring a time when you will see a possible financial or material gain. You may gain through a loan, credit, bonus, commission, reward, raffle or other financial gain. Do not bet the rent money just because you think the next 4 weeks may bring a financial gain through gambling. The opportunity may be there but it's not guaranteed. You may receive child support or a settlement. On the same day you enjoy the great energy surrounding you. You feel good about yourself too and send love and affection to others.

Friends are eager to spend time with you on December 2, 10, 18 and 27th. It could be the time to make new friends or spend time with old friends. You may attend a special event or part. It could be you receive an invite to a party. You are also social with family and friends. Get out and reach out to the people you love and care about. They will be happy to hear from you.

The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks will be a wonderful time to travel. You may take a long distance trip or someone from a distance may come to visit you. The great new moon will seek support from Mars and Saturn. You will be very disciplined and focused to get out and explore. You may also learn a new language or skill. It could be cooking, sewing or crafting. Studies are important for you including college and universities. You may apply for the new semester or enter college. It's time to get down to business and plan out your future. Research and seeking the great details of your plans are highlighted. You may focus on religious views or you may have to attend a court hearing. The new moon brings some positive luck so everything can work to your behalf.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

Mars will enter your 10th house of career, promotions and advancements on December 8th. The next 7 weeks will be a time for you to have career success. For instance you may easily receive a promotion or advancement. It could be that you build a business venture or new career. You may pursue your career goals and talents. You will focus on your future and where you would like to be at in years to come. I feel that this is the time for you to figure out what success means to you. You may change your career goals or even enter college or a university. The next 7 weeks can easily bring a new job opportunity or offer.

Mercury will be retrograding this month on December 10th from your career house. There could be a little concern the next 3 weeks because your career may suffer a little. There may be difficulties with emails, projects or the computer breaking down. Office equipment may fail or break down. The things you need to function the most may just fail on you. Communication may be difficult and the internet may suffer too. The good news is that Mercury goes direct on December 30th. You should be able to start seeing your duties and obligation function much easier.

Your career actually has some very positive days including December 5, 8, 13, 14, 26 and 31st. All these dates can bring a career opportunity or offer. You may receive a promotion, advancement or even start a business venture or project. You may enter college or take on a career project that can launch your career. It's all about your direction in life. What do you want for yourself? Are you ready for change or do you want to settle for the same ole same ole? make the decisions so you can begin the new year with a fresh start.

A partner will be your concern on December 7, 23 and 29th. You may meet someone new or even get engaged or marry. The partnership may also be a business partner, friend, coworker or even a lawyer. You may work together to boost your career or a job project.

The greatest and most interesting news of this month will be the full moon eclipse on December 21st. An eclipse has the strength and energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will give you the opportunity to see an increase of communication. You ma find yourself communicating more frequently via emails,, text messages and phone calls. You may also take frequent short trips nearby or out of town. It could be that this is for your job or career. You are social and talkative. You can easily make a great first impression especially at meetings and interviews. Siblings and neighbors connect well with you. You may see a long time neighbor move away or relocate. Electronics may need to be replaced. You may buy a new vehicle, computer or phone. Mercury will oppose this full moon eclipse which is the ruling planet of this eclipse. There could be mixed messages or a lack of communication with others including family and friends. The mixed messages may lead to disagreements and arguments. The Moon square off with Jupiter and Uranus which can bring about great disruptions. You may have an unpredictable schedule that requires you to travel at last minute. Again, electronics may go haywire and may need to be replaced. It could also be quite costly. I feel this eclipse will really also help you and teach you new ways to improve your communication with others. Hopefully this eclipse will open the door for you to expand your horizons and explore greater opportunities.



The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes for November 24, 2010-November 30, 2010

The week begins with you focusing on your personal goals and tasks. You may want to take too much of a chance on a part of your life that you may later regret. You may be careless about it so think carefully and cautiously. Your career or work projects may be a little hasty on November 26th. Stay calm and you will be able to get everything done on time. November 27th seems to be a chaotic day. You may find that you are trying to rush yourself. Your mind will be racing with thoughts and ideas. Anxiety and stress will increase. By November 29th and 30th you are feeling a bit confident and feel that you can go after anything you set your mind to it. Slow down and make sure not to rush yourself. You may find yourself being careless and a bit messy with the plans and ideas.

Friends seem to want your time and attention on November 24, 25, 29 and 30th. You may make some new friends or connect with old friends. You may attend a special event or party. It's time to gather in groups and connect with those close to you including family or even your coworkers. You may come together and celebrate the holiday or a friend wants to spend time with you. Your career is looking well on November 27th. You may receive a job opportunity or job offer. Be careful as I feel that day may also be a little chaotic with schedules, electronics and emails. Your friends and coworkers may want some time with you. You may send a text message or email to the wrong person so double check everything.

Your career is highlighted on November 24, 25, 29 and 30th. I know November 25th is a holiday in the USA so for some of you it may not do much for your career. It could be that some of you have to work on Thursday or later Thursday night for the holiday sales. You can expect to have a very confident and optimistic few days at work. You seem to feel confident you will make several sales in business. You may be busy at work with many clients and customers. On November 27th you seem to be traveling or having others come to visit you. It could be that you are studying or focused on projects for the future. You may make some plans for the future too including entering college or marketing a product.

Travel is highlighted on November 24, 25 and 29th. You may also be busy with marketing and promoting a product. If you are caught in retail or other forms of sales you may have a few busy days. Expect to keep yourself busy. You may feel drained but you will also feel fully motivated to get projects done. You may market on the internet, radio, television or via emails and phone calls. Expend your horizons and see what the future may easily bring you. A partner may create some difficulties for you on November 26th. Yu may argue or have a disagreement. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend or business partner. On November 27th and 28th you are focused on your finances. You may rack up the credit cards or spend lavishly on items for you or someone else. Be careful and try to set a budget.

The week begins on November 24th and 25th with you taking and spending your time on finances. The finances will relate to credit cards, taxes, loans, child support, bonuses and commissions. You may spend a little too much or even begin to spend for Black Friday. You may rack up the credit cards. A loan may finally go through or you have to deal with issues regarding a loan. November 27th and November 29th and 30th will also be getting you to focus on these same issues. You may receive some great gifts, rewards and financial or material benefits. For instance you may receive a free dollar amount coupon while shopping so you gain through store credits or store dollars to use for future purchases. The benefits may come in different ways so don't expect to be lottery winnings or money being given to you. It could come through credits. Work projects may seem a bit hectic on November 26th. It could be that you are working hard for the money. Expect to keep busy. Your health may suffer a little so get plenty of rest. A partner may need to spend quality time with you on November 27th. It could be a business partner, friend or even a coworker. You may work closely with someone to build security and stability.

A partner may bring about some difficulties for you on November 24, 25, 27, 29 and 30th. The difficulties may be a disagreement or argument. It could be that you two have two different views or beliefs. The partner may be a business partner, coworker, friend, therapist, doctor or lawyer. It really depends on what has been going on around you lately for me to narrow down what these issues may be. You are the only one that can narrow it down. There may be problems at work or problems at home. It depends what is going on for you to work it out and talk it out. On November 27th I feel that there could be some disruptions around the home that may create some problems and difficulties also at work. For instance you may find yourself having a busy schedule yet find it difficult to spend time at home. If you are working that day it could be that the job is hectic and very busy. A partner may not understand that it’s a busy time for you. There could be problems with computers, emails and phone calls.

Its going to be a busy time for you to focus on work projects, assignments, tasks and chores especially on November 25, 27, 29th and 30th. It will be a busy day for you. You may have plenty of assignments and work projects. If you work in retail then expect this to be a busy and crazy time for you. Your schedule may be crazy and you may feel a bit frustrated and anxious in the process. Your health may suffer or possibly improve but it could be that you are tired and drained. Your health also seems to be a concern. You may need to take care of your health or the health of others. Your love life looks great on November 27th. You may meet someone new, find love or fall in love. Its also a time to think about kids and spend time with kids. It may be a time were you feel a bit anxious and stressed so slow down and try to push too much of yourself at this time.

Your love life really stands out on November 25, 27 and 29th. You may find love, fall in love or even spend time with children. It could be that you make time with a loved one especially if you have been neglecting them. I also feel that you will feel a bit busy with children. It could be you spending time with them or participating in sports or hobbies. You may try to conceive a baby or hear news of a baby on the way. Music and other create projects are highlighted too. Communicating may be disrupted or a bit difficult on November 26th. A short trip may bring about problems especially if you are flying back home or to a another destination. Communication via text, email or phone may be disrupted. On November 27th the home is a concern or priority. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may move out or a roommate may move in. Changes around the home may occur especially with decorations or new furniture.

The home is highlighted on November 24, 25, 27, 29 and 30th. You may relocate, renovate or renovate around the home. There may be someone that moves in or out of the home. It's time to decorate and furnish a home. You could also focus your time on your mother or someone else's mom. Finances may be a bit difficult to handle or tight on November 26th. You may have bills or debts to pay. You may take a quick trip on November 27th. Communication extends to friends, family and relatives. You may see communication increase via emails. Text messages and phone calls. Reach out to everyone for the holiday if you are celebrating today or just hello to someone whom you've lost contact. Be careful as you may feel a bit anxious when connecting with others.

You may take a quick trip out of town on November 25, 27 and 29th. The quick trip may be to visit family and friends for the holiday. If you aren't traveling for the holiday then you may easily see communication increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You will find that you want to reach out to others just to see what has been going on with them. Family, friends and even coworkers will be delighted to hear from you. Finances look positive on November 27th. I know it's the weekend so you may make more money or you may be busy buying some presents for the holidays. If you travel on the 27th make sure you are fully prepared that there may be delays in travel or even maintenance issues with a vehicle or plane.

Finances are highlighted on November 24, 25, 27 and 29th. The problem is that it all seems to bring challenges in your finances. You may spend more than what you can afford. It could be that you need to pay off some bills or debts. You may find a source of extra income but it may also be that you need to take on two jobs or odd jobs to make more money. You may stress easily over money. You may feel a bit depressed around November 26th. It's time to focus on what hasn't worked in the past and get rid for the issues of the past. You will feel relief and a sense of confidence in you.

It's all about you this next week. You seem to receive plenty of praise and attention especially on November 24, 25, 29 and 30th. You are social and confident. You feel optimistic and feel that everything will work itself out. There is a part of you feeling that everything will come together. Be careful not to feel too confident and optimistic. Come down to reality. You have to face the reality and truth for how it really is around you. Be careful on November 27th. You feel a bit anxious and stressed. You may have plenty of work assignments or projects. You may feel a bit drained. Friends may be difficult on November 26th. Try to avoid arguments or disagreements with them. You seem to feel concerned but the feeling will subside. By November 29th and 30th you are feeling proud of yourself and ready to take on the month of December. It's going to be all about the home and your career so hang in there.


The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234


Monday, November 22, 2010

Astrology Love/Career 5yr Reading

Receive 3 free minutes if your order by November 25th*

I am offering astrology readings for $65. This includes your 5 important questions and a 12 month detailed forecast. Nowhere on the internet or in magazines will you find such a low price for this type of reading. Many astrologers like to focus on the upcoming 6 months and only give you information pertaining to the next 6 months. They will not answer detailed questions about love or work. If you purchase your astrology reading you will also receive a detailed 12 month forecast.. The astrology reading can provide me with information that, as a clairvoyant, I cannot see or predict. I can see and receive information up to 5 years into the future. You will also receive a free Solar Return report ($20) if your birthday falls 3 months before or after the purchase date. This astrology reading can answer questions such as:

Who will I marry?
When will I marry?
When will I get a new job?
Will I get a divorce?
When will I find a new love?

These are a few of the questions you can ask. To find out more information about the astrology reading please click on the link below.

Astrology Readings

The detailed forecast will provide you with plenty of dates and details of upcoming events such as job promotion or when an opportunity for love may arrive. It is a great handy tool to keep as a reference.

To receive an astrology reading I will need your date, time and place of birth. I will also need a prepayment of $65 because this type of reading is time consuming. Just click on the email button below to request your astrology reading today. Serious inquiries only! You will receive your reading within 2-3 days. Request an astrology reading now to receive your reading within the next couple days. Don't forget to send me your 5 questions.

Astrology Reading $65

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

The Psychic One
800-275-5336 ext 0234
* free minutes not available for international customers

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Daily horoscope Nov 18, 2010

Its a very fun and active day. Your friends will want to spend time with you. You may make a new friend or spend time with old friends. You are social and outgoing. You are full of excitement and fun and want to connect with everyone. Venus and Jupiter finally go direct on November 18th. It is big news because both these planets have been making it rough on you. Venus have been creating problems with finances, love and material items while Jupiter has been making you feel depressed and loss of hope. Venus will now begin to make you feel that there is great love and beauty out there. Jupiter will make you feel optimistic and full of positive energy.

You are social and want to connect with the people around you. Friends seek your attention and you want to connect with the people you love. You may have concern over a friend or partner. Career opportunities may come to you today. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus was affecting your love life and finances. Jupiter was affecting you with relationships and friendships. You may have also been feeling that you were giving up hope with family and friends. A partner may have brought problems and arguments. You may have experienced a break up or divorce. Venus and Jupiter finally go direct so it can help the two planets move forward which helps you feel a sigh a relief.

A job opportunity may come your way. i feel its a great day to create projects especially if you work in marketing or in design. You may gain a great career opportunity that could come unexpectedly for you. I feel that this can easily be a great career or financial day for you. Keep your eyes and ears open for an opportunity to come for you. Jupiter and Venus finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your career house so now it will open the doors for you to advance in your career. You may see a great opportunity to advance or receive a promotion. It could be that during the next 4 months you end up starting a business venture. An opportunity may appear unexpectedly. Venus is traveling in your house of work projects and pets. You may feel a closer bond and connection to pets and your coworkers and employees. Your appetite increases too by wanting to indulge in sweets and fatty foods.

You seem excited to take a long distance trip or to travel. It could be that you are making plans for the future including entering a college or university. You may be making plans to relocate or change the decor in a room. Finances are highlighted as you may have to pay a debt or bill too. Taxes, credit and loans are a concern too. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. It's also a time when you may have been focusing on education and marketing. Venus has been in your 5th house of love and children. Venus actually is in your 4th house of home which can be making you closer at your own home issues. You may be relocating or making changes in the home. In a few days Venus enters your 5th house of love and children which can make love relationship improve. You may have ended a relationship or you may have spent more time with kids.

Finances relating to taxes, credit, loans, rewards, gift cards and other financial or material gain may easily come for you today. You may receive a big discount or offer. A great day when you may also receive a bonus or commission or settlement. A partner may need time with you. You may meet someone special or to build a relationship or partnership including for professional reasons. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You may now see financial and material opportunities open up your way. Venus has been traveling in your 4th house of home. You may now see the doors open for you to move forward on a home related issues or concern. Venus will actually be in your third house of short trips, siblings, communication and neighbors for a few days before entering back to the 4th house. You may take a quick trip to relocate to some place new for work or for personal reasons.

Work projects and assignments seem to keep you busy today. You may have a ton of work to do. You are taking care of projects and assignments chores and other duties around the home or work. A partner may surprise you or impress you. You may build a great partnership or relationship today. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been traveling in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Right now it has entered your 2nd house of earned income but it will make its way back into your 3rd house in a few days. You may focus on finances or even spend lavishly. You may also see more money too. In a few day Venus enters your 3rd house of communication and you will begin to see an improvement of communication from loved ones. Jupiter has been traveling in your partnership house. As it was retrograding you may have noticed problems with a partner, coworker, friend or lover. Jupiter is finally going direct and should begin to ease up on you.

You will be busy with work assignments and projects from work or home. You keep yourself busy with errands and chores. Its a great day to create and design a website or even a bedroom. Your love life also shines today. You may find love, fall in love or meet someone special. Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been traveling in your 2nd house of earned income which has been giving you the opportunity to make more money but you may have been spending it lavishly too. At the time of the retrograde ending Venus is actually in your own sign for a few days until it returns back into your 2nd house. You may spend lavishly on your own self image and wardrobe. Jupiter will go direct from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may have been feeling overwhelmed by work projects and assignments. Now you will see a positive increase of work projects and job opportunities. Your health should also improve by exercising, eating healthy and even helping pets lose weight. It could be that your pet needs to go to the vet for medication or routine vaccines.

Its an exciting day for love and spending time with children. You may find love, fall in love or enjoy the day playing games or a sport with kids. The home is also a priority. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been retrograding in your own sign. Right now it's in your house of secrets and solitude but in a few days it will go back to your own sign. You may think twice about your emotions and feelings towards others. Perhaps you hold your own opinions about someone's looks and appearance. Jupiter will finally go direct from your 5th house of love and children. There may be a time for you to end a bad relationship.

You may relocate, renovate or make changes in the home. Someone may move in or out. You could also decorate a room. A quick trip around town or out of town may come unexpectedly. You are excited to take this trip. Communication improves and increases via text, email and phone. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your 4th house of home. You may now see home related issues move forward easily. A relocation will run smoothly or you are able to relocate to a place that you enjoy. It could be a bit costly but you are happy. You will also connect well with your mother or a mother figure. Venus has been traveling in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You may have kept feelings and emotions to yourself. Venus will spend a few days in your friendship house but will move forward into your 12th house of secrets and solitude.

Its a busy day for you. You feel as though you have a ton of obligation and duties even though I feel you are carrying plenty of responsibilities on your own. Communication may be a bit confusing especially via text messages, emails and phone calls. Check your messages or watch what you say. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your third house of short trips, education, communication, siblings and neighbors. You connect well with siblings, neighbors and everyone around you. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. Short trips also seem to increase. You may also decide to purchase a vehicle, computer or cell phone. Venus goes direct from your friendships house. Friends may be open to discussing personal issues with you.

You are social and willing to connect with everyone including family and friends. Finances are highlighted today. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. Money may come in an unexpected way. Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your 2nd house of earned income. Now you will begin to see more money or make more money. There seems to be a great opportunity for you to gain financially. It could actually be through a loan. Be careful as this could also make you spend easily and freely. You may get caught up on spending lavishly that you may use your savings to buy something for yourself or to pay the bills. Venus has been traveling in your career house which brings you opportunities and praise. Venus will enter your 9th house for a few days before going back to your career house. You may take a few trips for your job.

Its a fun day to be you. You are social and having fun all around you. You connect well with family and friends. You are full of life and just enjoying yourself. I feel that this is a great day to connect with others. Show a sign of love and compassion. It will be well received. Get out and be kind. People will notice your warm spirit. Jupiter and Venus finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your own sign and will not bring you plenty of praise and attention. You may receive an award, promotion, gift or even get married. The next 3 months is still all about you. Take advantage of opportunities because after the new year Jupiter will begin praising you with your finances and more money. Venus has been retrograding in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people, places and publishing. Venus is currently in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans but will return to your 9th house in a few days. You may spend a little money on publishing or marketing.

All times are EST.
Read great articles and horoscopes at http://www.thepsychicone.com

The Psychic One
Psychic Readings $1.89/min

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes for November 17, 2010-November 23, 2010

A partner will be your greatest concern on November 17th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend or even a business partner. You are having some thorough discussions and any issues or problems will be dealt with caution. A great time to look over the finances too. Venus will now begin to make you feel that there is great love and beauty out there. Jupiter will make you feel optimistic and full of positive energy. You will feel confident and pleased with the people around you. It may have made you take a closer look at the relationships around you but it's also a time of growth for you. You can only do what is best for you. i think it's time for you to be able to move forward and enjoy life. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks may bring a new job offer or opportunity. Full moons do bring endings so it could be the ending of being unemployed. it could also be the ending of one source of income to start a new source of income. The full moon will receive great support from Jupiter and Uranus telling that this could great opportunity may come unexpectedly or even through a friend, referral or other type of connection. You may not have to look too far to find this great job but I still will suggest for you to keep pushing yourself out there to find this job. Neptune will square off with this full moon could bring some slight problems. You may not get all the facts of this job or what duties you will be taking care of. I day make sure to ask all questions because you never know what will be thrown at you out of the blue. On November 23rd the Sun enters your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places giving you 4 weeks to travel enter college or learn something new.

Expect to be working hard for the money on November 17th. You are taking care of tedious details in projects, tasks and chores. Friends are highlighted for you on November 18th. A time to celebrate or have fun with friends. Venus and Jupiter finally go direct on November 18th. It is big news because both these planets have been making it rough on you. Venus has been creating problems with finances, love and material items while Jupiter has been making you feel depressed and loss of hope. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus was affecting your love life and finances. Jupiter was affecting you with relationships and friendships. You may have also been feeling that you were giving up hope with family and friends. A partner may have brought problems and arguments. You may have experienced a break up or divorce. Venus and Jupiter finally go direct so it can help the two planets move forward which helps you feel a sigh a relief. If you did experience some negative events in the last 8 weeks it was only because it had to help you wake up from the truth or you knew that eventually it was going to happen. Even if you weren't looking for it. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your own sign. The next couple of weeks is all about you. You will receive plenty of attention. It will also be a very emotional time for you. You may have a new baby or get married. Perhaps you graduate or complete a certification. It's all about you. Jupiter and Uranus will support this full moon from your friendship house telling me that friends or groups will be part of this full moon. You may attend a friends party or wedding. It could be your party or wedding that is happening at this time. Neptune is also supporting this full moon even though it is bringing a bit of a challenge. Your career or job will be affected by this full moon. You may need to take care of career or work projects. You may also be a bit confused on what needs to be completed or accomplished in these projects. Friends or groups come together in connection to your career. You may be work together in a project at work with other coworkers and employees. The sun will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to focus on finances and assets. You may receive the approval of a loan or credit card too.

On November 17th your love life is highlighted. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It could be that you are joining a sport or hobby on your own with a child. You may take music, acting or singing lessons too. Jupiter and Venus finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your career house so now it will open the doors for you to advance in your career. You may see a great opportunity to advance or receive a promotion. It could be that during the next 4 months you end up starting a business venture. A great career day comes on November 6th and 18th. An opportunity may appear unexpectedly. Venus is traveling in your house of work projects and pets. You may feel a closer bond and connection to pets and your coworkers and employees. Your appetite increases too by wanting to indulge in sweets and fatty foods. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to feel tired and possibly even moody. You will be able to get rid of bad habits and people from your life. I suggest for the next two weeks to catch up on sleep so you can discard any negativity from your life including anxiety and stress. If you are feeling that a good night sleep does not solve the issue then seek therapy. You may need to get rid of some bad habits including smoking and drinking. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon from your career so you will be busy working. You may find a job that will make you work at night or with graveyard shifts. It could be a time for you to work long hours or to work in solitude. I feel that you could easily gain during this full moon on a financial level. It could be that a great new opportunity comes for you it will just require you to work hard or you may need to adjust your schedule. Neptune squares this full moon which can create confusion or make you feel a little lost. For instance by working longer hours and making more money you feel tired. In the process you can't sleep so maybe you drink to fall asleep. On November 22nd the Sun will enter your partnership house making the next 4 weeks a time when you focus on working on personal or professional issues with a partner. The partner may be a business partner, friend, coworker, lawyer or even a therapist too. Its time to work out issues to build a stronger partnership.

It's all about the home on November 17th. You may relocate renovate or make changes around the home. Someone may move in or out. You may decide to paint, decorate or change the furniture around the home. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. It's also a time when you may have been focusing on education and marketing. Venus has been in your 5th house of love and children. Venus actually is in your 4th house of home which can be making you closer at your own home issues. You may be relocating or making changes in the home. In a few days Venus enters your 5th house of love and children which can make love relationship improve. You may have ended a relationship or you may have spent more time with kids. Changes obviously occurred. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will bring new friends your way. You may actually run into friends from your past. It could be that you attend a special event or party. It's about spending time with groups and friends. You may also lose a friend or leave a group or organization. Jupiter and Uranus will greatly support the full moon from your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places, marketing and education. You may take a trip to visit friends or a friend may come to visit you. It could be you work closely with a group to promote or market. It could be for an education project or for a class. The full moon will also make you look closely at what is not working for you including what friends are not working for you. You may decide to cut some people out of your life because they are unhealthy for you. It may be time to move on. Neptune seems to make things a bit confusing for you so you may not know what direction exactly to take. Perhaps you meet some friends in a glamorous place like Vegas or New York were the lights shine bright. The Sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to work hard for the money, exercise and keep yourself healthy. Time to let go of the fatty foods and balance your food intake.

Communications of all kinds are highlighted on November 17th. You seem to be connecting and communicating with everyone around you. Siblings and neighbors may offer you a piece of advice. Finances go well for you on November 18th. You may receive a great offer or financial gain especially through loans, credit, gift cards, bonuses and commissions. A little unexpected gain can go a long way. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You may now see financial and material opportunities open up your way. Venus has been traveling in your 4th house of home. You may now see the doors open for you to move forward on a home related issues or concern. Venus will actually be in your third house of short trips, siblings, communication and neighbors for a few days before entering back to the 4th house. You may take a quick trip to relocate to some place new for work or for personal reasons. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 10th house of career and promotions. The next couple weeks may bring a promotion, advancement or a business venture. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon from your 8th house of joint resources, financial and material benefits. You may just receive a bonus or commission. It's a great time for you to gain. Neptune may bring about a bit of carelessness so be aware that you may get caught in a cloud of confusion or a cloud. Stay focused and you will see a gain. The gain may come in being praised or promoted. You may begin a business venture and start to see an opportunity come through. I feel that this should be a positive full moon for you and the next couple weeks can bring a great pay off. The Sun will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to find love, fall in love or spend time with children.

The week begins with your concern regarding finances. On November 17th you take care of bills and even balance a budget and find new ways to save. You may receive a job offer or opportunity today. A partner connects well with you on November 18th. You connecting and meeting a partner today can help you go far especially for business reasons. You may advance in your career too. You may meet someone special today. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been traveling in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Right now it has entered your 2nd house of earned income but it will make its way back into your 3rd house in a few days. You may focus on finances or even spend lavishly. You may also see more money too. In a few days Venus enters your 3rd house of communication and you will begin to see an improvement of communication from loved ones. Jupiter has been traveling in your partnership house. As it was retrograding you may have noticed problems with a partner, coworker, friend or lover. Jupiter is finally going direct and should begin to ease up on you. Communication and compromise should come easily. There will be more open communication and the opportunity to work out any personal issues or problems. The full moon on November 21st will fall in 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple of weeks brings a time for you to take a long distance trip or people from afar may come to visit you. It could also be that you are entering or graduating from college or a university. You may take classes to learn something new. You may market or promote a product on the internet, radio or television. Venus is supporting this new moon bringing love and life to you. You may travel with a lover or partner. The full moon connects we;; with Uranus and Jupiter from your partnership house. It can open the door to spending time with someone new and exciting. A short trip with someone special can liven up your day. Communication brings a fun sense of adventure. Neptune supports this full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may improve your health with a personal trainer or with a workout buddy. It could be that you work closely with a coworker on a project. It may be for your education or with a friend for personal reasons. The Sun will enter your 4th house of home on November 22nd making the next 4 weeks a time to relocate, renovate or make some great changes around the home.

On November 17th you seem to be more focused on your duties, goals and tasks. Work projects, assignments and tasks should go well on November 18th. You may see an increase of production, sales, customers and clients. More money can easily come because of this increase of sales. Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been traveling in your 2nd house of earned income which has been giving you the opportunity to make more money but you may have been spending it lavishly too. At the time of the retrograde ending Venus is actually in your own sign for a few days until it returns back into your 2nd house. You may spend lavishly on your own self image and wardrobe. Jupiter will go direct from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may have been feeling overwhelmed by work projects and assignments. Now you will see a positive increase of work projects and job opportunities. Your health should also improve by exercising; eating healthy and even helping pets lose weight. It could be that your pet needs to go to the vet for medication or routine vaccines. You may exercise with a pet or for yourself. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The full moon also affects child support, alimony, bonuses, commissions and even rewards and gifts. The next couple weeks may bring a financial or material gain. You may get approved for a home loan or even to purchase a vehicle. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. I feel that this could come more from you working hard that you gain a bonus or commission. The benefits may come through gifts and rewards. Neptune also supports this great full moon so you seem to be having some opportunities. I feel though that this may bring about confusion of what direction to take with the finances or benefits. For instance you may get a home loan but not know all the steps to getting this home. It could be that there are extra steps to take in the process of getting a loan. You may be a bit frustrated when accomplishing a quota. You work hard and will do everything possible to get ahead even if it means losing sleep or feeling tired and working. I want to mention that this full moon could also bring financial obligations including a high debt or paying off some bills. You may run up the credit cards, have credit issues or even have credit issues. The Sun will enter your third house of short trips, communication, siblings, relatives and neighbors on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to take sudden short trips to visit family and friends. You may also extend communication via emails, text messages and phone calls. You are social and outgoing.

As you begin the week you seem to be really thinking thoroughly on what to do with your life and what direction to take. You may look for a new career or new way to take care of your health. Love and children seem to be your priority on November 18th. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. The home also seems to be a concern for you. You may relocate or make some changes around the home. Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been retrograding in your own sign. Right now it's in your house of secrets and solitude but in a few days it will go back to your own sign. You may think twice about your emotions and feelings towards others. Perhaps you hold your own opinions about someone's looks and appearance. Jupiter will finally go direct from your 5th house of love and children. There may be a time for you to end a bad relationship. It could be that you connect well with someone new. You may also get involved in the arts and music. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your partnership house. The next couple weeks may bring a personal partner or a professional partner. The personal partner may be a lover, spouse, friend, or new lover. The professional partner may be a coworker, employee, employer, doctor, lawyer, therapist or colleague. You may improve the communication with a partner to build a loving or professional relationship. There will be compromise. You seem to be open to change and improvements. Jupiter and Uranus bring great surprises from your 5th house of love and children. You may find love, fall in love or meet someone in the most unexpected way. It's going to be an adventurous time for yourself. If a relationship ends then you are back out there enjoying your single life and having fun. Neptune also supports this full moon from your 4th house of home. You may invite people over and host or entertain. There is an adventurous part in you. If you are meeting a partner for business reason it could be that you entertain and host at home to get to know your business partner. You may run an office at home or your business from home. You are extending yourself well and really getting to know people to build a successful future. The Sun will enter your 2nd house of earned income on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to make more money or even get a new job.

It's all about the friends on November 17th. You may rely on friends for advice. Friends may come to you or you may seek a new friendship or spend time with current friends. It's all about the home on November 18th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Someone may move in or move out. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your 4th house of home. You may now see home related issues move forward easily. A relocation will run smoothly or you are able to relocate to a place that you enjoy. It could be a bit costly but you are happy. You will also connect well with your mother or a mother figure. Venus has been traveling in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You may have kept feelings and emotions to yourself. Venus will spend a few days in your friendship house but will move forward into your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You may hold information or feelings from a friend. It could be important information that is critical but you are afraid to tell them the truth. You are also more sympathetic towards a friend and may give selflessly to them. It's now time to work out any personal or psychological issues that will help you to build a successful and healthy life. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will take a primary focus on work projects and tasks. You work hard for the money and also see an increase of customers, clients and projects. Your health will improve. You will exercise and eat healthier. It could be that this is the time to take care of your health by going to the doctor to take care of an ailment. It may be a routine checkup. You need to focus on your health and well being. The smallest thing can really become big issues years later if not taken care of now. It may also be the health of a pet that you need to take care of. You may exercise with a pet by taking a dog out for walks or a jog which helps you to lose weight too. Jupiter and Uranus will gladly support this full moon from your 4th house of home. You may build a gym at home or begin an exercise program at home. It could be your mothers or a mother’s health that you are attending too. Your job may relate to hospice care or a nursing home. It may not be your health but someone else's health that you focus on. The good news is that this brings about a great opportunity for you to take care of your body and well being. Neptune also supports this full moon from your communication house. I could be that you take care of someone who lives a short distance away or you need to take a couple of short trips to go to the doctor’s office. Either way it’s a positive time for your health even though it might bring some upsetting news. The sun will enter your own sign on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to receive plenty of praise and attention. It's all about you.

As you begin the week you are fully focused on your career. You may work hard on a project that requires tedious details and tasks. You may receive a promotion or job offer on November 17th. A short trip may come on November 18th. Communication increases via text messages, phone calls and emails. Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your third house of short trips, education, communication, siblings and neighbors. You connect well with siblings, neighbors and everyone around you. Communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. Short trips also seem to increase. You may also decide to purchase a vehicle, computer or cell phone. Venus goes direct from your friendships house. Friends may be open to discussing personal issues with you. Venus will enter your career house for a few days before moving forward to your friendship house. A friend or a connection may help your career. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next two weeks brings a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You may meet someone special or spend quality time with someone even with a partner, lover or spouse. Children are highlighted as you may conceive or give birth. It could be that you attend a child's birthday party or you give one of your children a party. It's also a time to enter sports and join a hobby. It may be with children or you may spend time daily activities with children. Music, acting, singing and the arts are also fun for you. Jupiter and Uranus supports this full moon bringing to you fun and excitement. You are adventurous and trying new things. It could be riding ATV’s or motorcycles. You may enjoy music at a bar or club. It could be the first time for you to entertain in a unique setting. Neptune will also support this full moon. You may find yourself caught up in a cloud of love. The Sun will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude making the next 4 weeks a time to seek solitude and peace at home or with others.

Your focus on November 17th will turn to travel, education, and making plans for the future. You may think of what to do for your future and where you would like to be at down the road. On November 18th finances should look positive for you. You may receive a job opportunity or offer or find new ways to make money. Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your 2nd house of earned income. Now you will begin to see more money or make more money. There seems to be a great opportunity for you to gain financially. It could actually be through a loan. Be careful as this could also make you spend easily and freely. You may get caught up on spending lavishly that you may use your savings to buy something for yourself or to pay the bills. Venus has been traveling in your career house which brings you opportunities and praise. Venus will enter your 9th house for a few days before going back to your career house. You may take a few trips for your job. There may be meetings and other big opportunities that come your way. You may advance and receive a promotion or other career opportunity. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks opens the door for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to change homes. You may purchase a home or may need to vacate because you lose a home. It could be that you see someone moving in or out of the home. Jupiter and Uranus bring positive energy to this full moon from your 2nd house of earned income. I feel that this can be great news for you as a financial opportunity comes associated with the home. You may buy new furniture or even sell a home for profit. If you get a roommate then you can easily see a gain because you don't have to pay so much towards the bills or the rent. Neptune is a bit tough on this full moon. You may find that the agreement made isn't clear. If you are closing the deal on a home situation then make sure everything and everyone is in agreement or else you will be disappointed later on. The opportunity is there to gain with the home but do not delude yourself or else information gets revealed that you wish you knew early on. The Sun will enter your 11th house of friendships on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to make new friends, spend time with old friend or event attend a special event or party.

You are taking care of finances relating to taxes, credit and loans on November 17th. It could relate to a bonus or commission. You may pay off a debt or bill. You are full of excitement and fun on November 18th. It's all about you and you want to connect with others around you. Be social and get out for the day. Jupiter and Venus finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your own sign and will not bring you plenty of praise and attention. You may receive an award, promotion, gift or even get married. The next 3 months is still all about you. Take advantage of opportunities because after the New Year Jupiter will begin praising you with your finances and more money. Venus has been retrograding in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people, places and publishing. Venus is currently in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans but will return to your 9th house in a few days. You may spend a little money on publishing or marketing. It could be you spend money on travel or to visit friends. Try to set a budget so you don't spend too much money. The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, education, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks may bring a sudden and possibly unexpected short trip. The short trip may be necessary especially if its work related. It could be that you need to take some travel to visit family and friends. Jupiter and Uranus greatly support this full moon from your own sign. It's all about you. Communication increases and improves via internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. There could be frequent communication with a sibling, neighbor or friends. You are social and seem to be connecting with everyone around you. You may seek education or a class or course of study. It could bring a time when you purchase a vehicle, computer or even a cell phone. It may be that a vehicle breaks down and now you have to make a new purchase. Neptune also supports this full moon which can bring a bit of haze and fantasy. Try not to get caught up in the clouds as its normal for you to do. The problem is that you may overlook the small details that can be costly at the end. The Sun will enter your career house on November 22nd giving you 4 weeks to receive a promotion, advancement or even see an increase of work projects. Expect to keep busy.


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