Friday, October 28, 2011

Jupiter trine Pluto-Business Ventures

On October 28th Jupiter trine Pluto which brings the opportunity to make business and start a business venture. You will broaden your horizons and think more about the future and the possibilities for your future. It could relate to career, education, finances and personal relationships. You will expand your mind and opportunities to think I had it may focus on education and studying a bit new topic of interest. Jupiter love to give while Pluto love to build. These two planets come together to help you build something for your future. It could relate to the business and business ventures. You may take out a loan to start a new business. It could be that you are broadening your horizons of new opportunities to build financial security and stability. You may decide to go back to school for a new career field or to expand your knowledge for your current job or career. You may also focus on issues relating to government, taxes, joint ventures and assets. You may collaborate with someone else including a bank to build a venture or project. A trine represents opportunity in you will be given the opportunity to gain their finances or career. The energy of this day began two weeks ago and will continue on for another six months. You will began to expand the possibilities that you are capable of accomplishing at this time. You have so much to offer its just sitting your mind to it. Read below how every Sun sign will be affected by the trine between Jupiter and Pluto.

Aries – It's about your career as you may receive a promotion, advancement or begin a business venture. You will receive great recognition and praise for your hard work.

Taurus – You expand your mind and study and learn a new topic of interest. You broadening your horizons mentally or physically. You may enter college or market a product on the Internet, radio or television. It could be you study law, or, religion or philosophy.

Gemini – Financial opportunities may come to you in connection to taxes, loans, joint assets, illnesses and commissions. You gain in some way materially or monetarily.

Cancer – It's all about partnerships and building a partnership whether it's personal or professional.

Leo – You work hard for the money and build business and finances. You will see an increase of work projects and money. Your health also improves.

Virgo – You may find love, fall in love or enjoy the company of children. It could be you build of business around children, education or in a partnership. You may hear news of a baby on the way or a baby is born.

Libra – You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home.

Scorpio – Pluto is your ruling planet today it focuses on short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Communication increases through e-mails and text messages.

Sagittarius – Finances go well. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money.

Capricorn – It's all about your own personal wants and needs and focusing on what makes you happy

Aquarius – It's time to get rid of anything that is unhealthy in your life including unhealthy habits and unhealthy people. You will feel healthier and stronger.

Pisces – Friends, groups and organizations go well for you. It could be that you expand your group or friends and build greater connections. It could bring a job or financial opportunity.


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weekly horoscopes October 26, 2011-November 1, 2011


The new moon on October 26th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to receive a loan, credit card, tax refund, child support, alimony, bonus, commission, gift or reward. You may gain through others. It could be also a discount or coupon for free item or food. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all support the new moon which can bring great benefits and gains from others. You want to be careful as Jupiter oppose the new moon. There could be the opportunity to indulge in food, affection and money. It may also be the time for you to give to others. It could be love, affection and attention. It's time a compromise and care. You focus on finances especially with retirement funds, savings accounts, loans, investments and other financial or material gains. Your career seems to be the main focus on October 28th. You may receive a promotion, advancement or new job opportunity or offer. You can expect to work hard for the money and you will run into great opportunities around this time. I feel the energy of this day began two weeks ago and will continue on for another two weeks which brings you many great opportunities. On October 31st and November 1st you may be deceived by others or other people may deceive you. You could also be confused, tired or drained. Be careful when taking any medications as it could make you feel drowsy and sleepy.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to form a partnership with others including a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may work alongside with others to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. Pluto, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all seem to be supporting the new Moon which can bring great opportunities for you to advance in your career or personal relationships. I feel by you working with others can help you financially. It could be a business partner, friend, spouse or other individual that can provide you the assistance and information you need in order to prosper and succeed. I feel the new Moon will make you work hard but it will also bring successful results for the future. On October 28th and October 29th you seem to focus more on marketing, education, law, religion and travel. You may plan a trip or take a trip at this time. It could also be that you are marketing or promoting a product on the Internet, radio or television. It's time to expand your horizons mentally or physically. You may also study and learn a new topic of interest. On October 31st and 1st a friend it may deceive you or you deceive a friend, group or organization. It could be that someone lies to you or withholds the truth from you. The issues may be the opposite where you lie or deceive someone else. You want to be careful at the information you put out there as it could come back to haunt you when Mercury retrogrades late November.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the money but you also make more money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Mercury, Venus and the Sun are all supporting the new Moon which can easily make this a wonderful time for you to enjoy the company of coworkers and employees. You may find yourself working along with females including clients and customers. You also focus on your health by exercising and eating healthy. You could also focus on the health of a pet. The next two weeks can easily bring a time for you to take care of your body through routine checkups and exams. You may find yourself going to the dentist or chiropractor. It is time for you to take care of your body and well-being. You may also have to focus on the well-being of a pet. I feel the next two weeks will be a great time for you to work hard and complete projects on time or to clean up the closet thing get rid of what you don't need at home or in your life. You may also find yourself drinking more water and taking supplements and vitamins. It's time for you to focus on financial obligations and duties connected to taxes, credit cards and loans on October 28th. It could be that you are purchasing a home or purchasing a vehicle. The energy of this day began two weeks ago and will continue on for another two weeks which gives you plenty of time to focus on finances and material gains. I feel this would be a great time for you to get a loan or credit card. You may begin a joint venture or business with other people. You may start a business venture or opportunity to invest with others. On October 31st and November 1st you want to be careful as you may be deceived by coworkers, employees, clients and customers. It could be that you are deceiving them. If not a time to take advantage of people as they may come back at you when Mercury retrogrades starting November 23rd.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your fifth house of love, relationships, children, sports, hobbies and recreational activities. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It's also time for you to be outgoing and social as you will meet new people out at local places and restaurants. You may find yourself at a bar or club. Pluto, Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon as the next two weeks may easily bring a time for you to find love and fall in love. You are social and outgoing as this is a great time for you to connect with other people. You also enjoy spending time with children especially in sports and hobbies. You may find yourself listening to music or enjoying a movie. You want to be careful as Jupiter opposes the new Moon which can make you indulge in love, money and other extravagant items. It's time for you to have fun and get out for a day or two. You may explore new places and opportunities. It's time for you to venture out and discover something new around town or with others. Have a little fun but also be careful as you may take greater chances and risks and may find yourself gambling or gambling at love. On October 28th the partner seems to be a main focus and concern. You may form a partnership for personal or professional reasons. It could be that you are working closely with others to further your career, education, finances and personal relationships. The energy of this day began two weeks ago and will continue on for another two weeks. On October 31st and November 1st someone may deceive you over the Internet or long-distance. You could also have problems sending e-mails or text messages. There could be problems with the Internet or a computer or vehicle. Expect these unexpected on this day.


The new moon on October 26th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next 2 weeks may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate and make some changes around the home. You may purchase furniture or home accessories. It could be that someone moves into the home as a roommate which can easily help you out financially. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all seem to be supporting this new moon which brings about new changes and opportunities for the home. You may purchase a home or sign a lease to an apartment. It could be that you are changing home environments and can open the door to new places to live. Jupiter oppose the new moon which can be an indication of you spending more than what you can afford for your home. It can be on furniture, repairs, accessories or other obligations associated with the home. You may have to take care of a parent, mother or motherly figure. You want to be careful not to do something impulsive that you may later regret. An opportunity for change may come impulsively which can be costly. You may be up for a gamble but right now may not be the right time unless you have done thorough research. The next two weeks can bring change in the home or your surroundings. Be open to change as sometimes it's needed so you aren't stagnant. The focus on October 28th and 29th will fall on work projects, tasks and health. You may run into some great opportunities to advance in your career. You will see an increase of work projects, tasks and duties. There could be a new project or job opportunity for you. It is a time of excess so be careful these next few days as you may indulge in love, food and money. The energy of this day began 10 days ago and will continue on for another 10 days. On October 31st and November 1st be careful as you may be deceived by others or someone deceives you. It could relate to finances connected to taxes, credit cards and loans. Make sure to read every contract twice before singing on the dotted line.


The new moon on October 26th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to take a sudden short trip. You may have planned this trip so it could be to a place nearby or a quick flight trip. Communication may increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a new vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all support the new moon. Pluto is currently in your 5th house of love, children, sports and hobbies. You may travel to visit a loved one including a child or lover. It could be that you meet someone on the internet. You seem to be open to new places and people. You may find yourself at bars and clubs. It's time for you to spend time with a child, lover and discover music, movies, arts and crafts. You may write music or write a blog, novel or book. I feel the new moon will make you work hard and take on obligations and responsibilities towards others. The next couple weeks will help you to connect and communicate with those you love and care for. You will also find yourself open to travel and taking short trips. I suggest to open yourself up to new places and see what you learn. Your love life is highlighted on October 28th. The energy of this day began about two weeks ago and will continue for another two weeks. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. It will also be an enjoyable time for you to enjoy the company of family and friends. You are social and outgoing and may indulge in fatty foods and drinks. Get out there and meet new people as you never know who you may meet. On October 31st and November 1st a partner may deceive you or you may deceive a partner. It could be that you lie to someone else or they withhold the truth from you. Do not form any partnerships unless its in writing. You may also idolize someone today but you want to be careful as you may be disappointed later on.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your second house of earned income. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find a job or new source of income. If you are unemployed and looking for a job then the next two weeks can easily bring you a new job or source of income. You may change jobs at this time as you may be looking to find a better job for yourself that brings you more money and even greater benefits. Pluto will support this new moon from your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors as you may have to travel or take a short trip for this new job. You may find yourself taking frequent short trips or receiving an increase of communication via emails, text messages and phone calls for the job. Venus, Mercury and the Sun all support the new moon from your 2nd house of earned income which can easily make money but you may also spend it lavishly. You may spend lavishly on a trip. Jupiter opposes the new moon which can easily make you spend or be careless with plans. I feel the next couple weeks seem to be a great time to get yourself out there with resumes and applications and seek new possibilities for employment. If you are happy where you are at for your employment then this could bring other opportunities for you. Be open to possibilities and feel confident in yourself. The home is your primary focus on October 28th. you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you purchase a home or rent an apartment. The concern may also be a parent and their health and well-being. The energy of today began 10 days ago and will continue for another 10 days. You are willing to help out other people in need including family and friends. Be careful as they may take advantage of you. On October 31st and November 1st you may experience problems with computers, internet, emails and phone calls. There could be communication issues or problems with office equipment and coworkers. A coworker may deceive you or it could be that you try to deceive a coworker, client or customer.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your own sign. The next three weeks will be all about you and your own personal wants and needs. It's a time for you to focus on what's going to make you happy especially in connection to career, finances and personal relationships. It's time for you to start focusing on a direction in life for you to be happy. You may decide to get a new haircut or hairstyle. It could be that you change something about your appearance especially through cosmetic surgery or even with makeup. You may also decide to purchase a new wardrobe or clothes. It's time to make some changes in yourself and to make some major decisions in your life. Mercury, Venus, Pluto and the Sun all support the new Moon which tells me you have great energy and vitality. If the time of changes in transformation. Jupiter opposes the new Moon which can make you a bit careless in your decisions. You want to accomplish your goals but you also want to be realistic about. I feel the next two weeks will be very helpful for you to receive plenty of praise and attention and to be the center of attention. On October 28th communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. It could be that you are connecting with family and friends. If you are making a major purchase at this time it may bring long term investments. You may have thought about this since 10 day ago but will continue to keep moving forward with these plans for the next 10 days. You may start a business venture or see an increase of writing and reading. Your mind works great so you are able to focus on projects and tasks. on October 31st and November 1st you may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You are artistic and creative which heightens your abilities to create and craft. You do well with projects. You want to be careful as you may be deceived by a lover, partner or child. It could be that you try to deceive them. You may also idolize about someone in which you could be disappointed in the future.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to retreat and seek time alone. You may find yourself being introverted and this could come through a vacation or by staying home alone. It may also be time for you to catch up on sleep and rest and relax. It may be time for you to get rid of what is unhealthy in your life including unhealthy people and habits. If you have been experiencing some addictions including drugs, alcohol and other types of addictions thing you may spend the next couple weeks in therapy or rehab. The Sun, Mercury and Venus all support the new Moon from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You may find yourself keeping feelings and emotions to yourself. There are many thoughts and ideas going through your head. It's not wise to keep things to yourself as you need to be open with your emotions and feelings in order to move forward in life. Pluto supports the new Moon from your second house of earned income which can bring a time for you to vacation or spend money on therapy. Jupiter opposes the new Moon which might make you a bit excessive are extravagant. You want to be careful that you are not careless with food, money or other types of indulgences as you may regret it later on. I would suggest for the next couple weeks to figure out what is not making you happy at this time. You need to make yourself happy first before you can make others happy. If there has been something bothering you then it may be a good idea to take care of the issues now before being able to accommodate to others. Once you have been able to fix these issues then you can move forward with others including a partner, lover, child, friend or any other individual that is important to you. On October 28th your focus turns to finances and the home. You may relocate, renovate or purchase a new home. It could be you decide to rent an apartment. Big changes come to you during this time and you may have begun to feel the energy of this day since 10 days ago and will continue on for another 10 days. You may get involved in a business venture or find new ways to make more money. There is great stability and security for your future as long as you take advantage of the opportunities as you may never see them again. On October 31st and November 1st the home seems to be your main concern as you may decorate around the home. It could be to get ready for the holidays. You want to be careful as you may have someone close to you deceive you or you may be the one deceiving them. Stay alert and don't believe everything you hear.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends and spend time with old friends. It could be that you join a group or organization. You can expect to work hard and to take on some serious responsibilities in connection to groups or friends. You may have to help out a friend or they asked for your assistance and guidance. Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon which tells me that great opportunities for you to connect with friends and build great connections and network for your career or personal relationships. Pluto supports the new Moon from your own sign which tells me you will receive plenty of attention and can easily find yourself being the center of attention. People will want to be around you and will find you interesting to communicate with and spend time getting to know you. You could be selling a product and they will be mesmerized by you. It's all about the information you put out there and see what benefits these people bring to you. It could be financial or personal. You may also attend a special event or party or even find yourself hanging out with friends at bars and clubs. Have fun but also be careful not to be careless and do something you may later regret. It's time for you to focus on your own wants and needs especially on October 28th when Pluto connects well with Jupiter. Jupiter is currently traveling in your 5th house of love, children and relationships. You may form a relationship or partnership with someone or it could be you spend time with children. You may join a sport, hobby or recreational activity. There may be an opportunity for you to get involved in music theater, dance or other artistic activities. It's time to expand your mind and opportunities to learn something new. You may get involved in a business venture or opportunity to make some money. On October 31st and November 1st you may plan a trip or take a trip. There may be communication problems relating to emails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. There could be deception with communication or messages. You may be lost and confused with other people are trying to tell you. Read any contract twice before making a final decision and signing on the dotted line.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or new job opportunity or offer. It could be that you decide to start a business venture or even find new ways to make more money. Mercury, Venus and the Sun all support the new Moon from your career house which makes it a great time for you to receive praise and recognition for all your hard work. You also seem to get along with coworkers and employees. You want to take advantage of the energy from the new Moon as it can be helpful when attending interviews and meetings. You will present yourself well to others and they will appreciate your confidence. Be careful of acting too arrogant or bragging as they may find it as a off. I feel the next two weeks can easily bring you a great opportunity for you to advance in your career and to succeed. it's time to focus on your own wants and needs and to expand your horizons. You are open to new possibilities and ideas on October 28th. The energy of this day began 10 days ago and will continue on for another 10 days. It could be time to get rid of what you don't need in your life including unhealthy people and habits. It's time to discard and move on. You may also be focusing on the home as you may purchase furniture or home accessories. It could be that you are spending on a new home or receiving a new loan for a home. You may be moving into a new apartment and purchasing new furniture. It's time to indulge so be careful not to get carries away with your finances. On October 31st and November 1st you may be deceived by others when it comes to finances. It could be you deceiving or lying to other people about money. Be careful what you do or say as it may come back to haunt you. Not a great time to sign contracts.


The new Moon on October 26th will fall in your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to take a long-distance trip or to have others from afar come to visit you. You may enter college or University. It could be that you study and learn a new topic of interest including religion, law or philosophy. Broaden your horizons mentally or physically and learn something new. You may also decide to take classes and courses to further your training or education for your career or job. Mercury, Venus and the Sun support the new Moon which tells me you are open to spreading your boundaries and willing to connect with others from afar or locally. Communication will increase on the Internet especially through e-mails and phone calls. Pluto supports the new Moon from your 11th house of friendships, groups and organizations which can bring two weeks for you to connect with family and friends and attend a special event or party. You may be hosting your own special event or party especially for Halloween. Jupiter opposes the new Moon from your third house of communication, transportation, siblings and neighbors. You may take short trips to visit family and friends or see an increase of communication with your neighbors and siblings. You could also decide to purchase a vehicle, computer or cell phone. I feel the next two weeks would be a very positive time for you to plan for the future especially when it involves your career, finances and education. If you are planning to take a trip then organize your finances to see if you can afford it at this time. You may find yourself being a bit careless and extravagant which can catch up to you later on. I feel it's a fun time for you to expand your horizons and connect with people from afar as you may learn something new from them. Friends are highlighted on October 28th. You could make new friends or connect with old friends. Communication may increase through emails, text messages and phone calls with friends, groups and organizations. The energy of this day began about 2 weeks ago and will continue on for another 10 days You may travel to visit friends or they may come to see you. You are social and outgoing any may attend and event or party. You may be hosting an event or party. There could be business opportunities that come to you at this time. On October 31st and November 1st it's all about you and your wants and needs. You are compassionate and sympathetic towards others. Be careful as you may feel tired and drained or possibly a bit confused from what other people are trying to tell you.


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New Moon October 26, 2011

The new moon on October 26th will fall in the sign of Scorpio. It is the sign that feels intensity with everything around them. You will feel love, passion, jealousy, dedication, and anger. You may focus on finances relating to taxes, credit, loans, bonus, child support, alimony. There could be a dividing of assets and money. You may form a partnership or build a business. You plan your financial future which may include retirement, 401k and pensions. It's time to take control of your life and make critical decisions that cn affect your future. The new moon will last about 2 weeks. The next couple weeks can bring a time for you to focus on finances, credit, psychology, death or even the future of your finances. Venus will support this new moon making you focus on love, beauty and money. Pluto also supports this new moon which can easily make you take stock and control of what obligations are around you. You will be serious and focus on what matters most to you. Jupiter oppose the new moon as it seems to be a time to take chances which may include indulging in love, food and money. I also feel that this new moon will bring a sense of excitement and positive surprises. You may be running into great opportunities regarding finances and the home. It could be a loan that finally comes through. The only concern that I have during the new moon is Venus squares Mars which can make you a bit aggressive towards someone. Someone else may be aggressive to you. There could be conflicts with other people including a partner or lover. Give a little respect to other people and they will appreciate your sincerity.

Click on the link below to read how the new moon will affect you. Enjoy!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Sun trine Neptune-Compassion

The Sun trine Neptune today which will help you to show great love and compasssion towards other people. It could be a friend, coworker, employee or customer. You are willing to help out others in a time of need. It could also be that you give your support and money to a charity or friend. You are there to help out others and let them know you are willing to help them out even if it's just to hear them out. Take the opportunity to express yourself in a loving and compassionate way to someone who can use a little love. They will appreciate it. You are also artistic and creative at this time. Read below how your Sun sign will enjoy this trine.

Aries-You may feel a greater sense of compassion and intuition. Follow your hunches

Taurus-Your friends will notice how considerate you are to them. You may volunteer to help a charity or organization.

Gemini-You show compassion towards coworker and employees. Clients and customers will notice your sincerity.

Cancer-You may travel or plan a trip. It could be your market or promote a product. It's time for you to shine by showing your artistic skills and talents.

Leo-Finances shows go well especially in connection to taxes, credit cards and loans. You may gain from other people or sources.

Virgo-A partner may give more to you ro you show love and compassion towards a partner.

Libra-You can expect to work hard for the money. You will also drink plenty of water

Scorpio-Love is in the air or you show love and compassion to a lover, partner, child or friend. You enjoy msuic and a movie.

Sagittarius-The home is your focus as you may decorate or make changes around the home.

Capricorn-You may take a quick trip. Communication comes through emails, text or phone with sympathy and sincerity.

Aquarius-Finances can bring gains through a job or making more money

Pisces-Its all about you and your compassion to other people. You are also very intuitive and artistic.


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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weekly horoscopes october 19, 2011-October 25, 2011


It's time for you to focus on giving selflessly to others. It may be to friends and family or to a coworker or client. You seem to be putting other people's feelings first before yours especially on October 20th and 21st. The Sun enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to focus on financial obligations and duties relating to child support, alimony, bonuses, commission, gifts and rewards. You may have to take care of some obligations relating to other people. It could be that you have debts and bills to pay off at this time. You want to be careful on October 24th as you may experience problems of anxiety and stress. It could be due to finances, career or personal relationships. It will be a difficult time to manage all your obligations but you need to take it one step at a time.


You are willing to work hard and serve your community on October 20th and 21st. You may volunteer your time and effort to an organization or group. You are also willing to help friends or even a coworker or employee. I feel this period of time can work for you in artistic and creative projects as your skills and ideas will shine. The Sun will enter your partnership house on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to focus on the partner. You may work well with others to further your career, education, finances or personal relationships. On October 24th you may experience stress and anxiety of work projects and financial obligations.


You seem to do well taking care of work projects today. The energy around you seems to show that you are willing to provide for others without asking much in return. It could be you give more of time to coworkers, clients and customers. You may also be open to helping out a friend or family member. The Sun enters your 6th house of work, service and health on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to work hard for the money. You can expect the next 4 weeks to be a busy time for you. You may be taking care of tedious tasks and projects. It will also be a time for you to focus on your health by exercising and losing weight. You may also focus on the health of a pet. on October 24th friends may be difficult to manage at this time. You may experience a disagreement or argument with a friend. I feel that there may be problems with a group or organization. It may be difficult to connect with them or you may feel that they don't understand you. I wish there was an easy answer but I don't feel the answer will come easily right now. Try to do your best to communicate open about these issues and see what progress is made at this time.


You may plan a trip or take a trip on October 21st. It could be that you have other people from afar come to visit you. You seem to connect and communicate well with people from other cultures and countries. Communication may extend through emails, text messages and phone calls. You may focus on your education or career. I feel this would be a great time to publish or market a product on the internet or television. On October 23rd the Sun enters your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 4 weeks will give you the opportunity to find love, fall in love or spend time with children especially in sports and hobbies. Go out and enjoy a movie or concert. You will enjoy listening to music or watching a movie. There may be news of a baby on the way. Be careful on October 24th there may be problems with office equipment, internet, electronics or with clients, customers or employees. Expect the unexpected. At least you'll be somewhat prepared.


You will do well taking care of financial obligations relating to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions on October 21st. You may receive the approval of a loan or credit card. It could be that you gain through other resources, gift cards, cash or even a settlement or reward. On October 23rd the Sun enters your 4th house of home giving you 4 weeks when you may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be someone moves in or move out of the home. You want to be careful on October 24th as you may experience problems with electronics especially the internet. There may be communication issues especially with emails and text messages. You may experience problems with a vehicle too.


Your health and work projects will be highlighted on October 21st and 22nd. You may work hard for the money but the hard work will pay off. It could also be that you are completing tasks and projects at work or at home. Your health will also be affected as you may be exercising to lose weight or drinking more water. It could be you are focusing on the health of a partner. The Sun enters your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on October 23rd. The next 4 weeks will bring the opportunity for you to take a short trip out of town or nearby town. Communication increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may also purchase a computer, vehicle, cell phone or telephone. I would suggest to be careful on October 24th as you may experience communication problems or the breakdown of a vehicle or computer.


Your love life seems to be your primary focus on October 21st. You may find love, fall in love or enjoy spending time with children especially in sports, hobbies or other recreational activities. This may be the time for you to get work projects done which highlights your creative and artistic skills. You will enjoy listening to music and watching a movie with someone else or alone. The Sun enters your 2nd house of earned income on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to make money or find new ways to build financial security and stability for the future. You may have to take care of some hefty debts or bills on October 24th. There may be unexpected bills or financial obligations to take care of at this time. Be prepared for the unexpected.


The home seems to be your primary focus on October 21st and October 22nd. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that you are decorating or designing a home or a room in the home. It's a time of changes and renovations with the home or with family. You may also be taking care of a mother or parents. On October 23rd the Sun enters your own sign giving you 4 weeks were it's all about your wants and needs. You may focus on your appearance by losing weight and eating healthy. It could be you change your appearance by getting a new haircut or hairstyle. You will feel like the center of attention and take care of what matters most to you. You may be experiencing a bit of stress and anxiety on October 24th. it could be due to many projects and obligation at work or at home. Try to do your best to handle one thing at a time.


The home seems to be your main concern on October 21st and 22nd. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be you are decorating or designing a room in the home. It could also be you are selfless and giving towards a parent or child. The Sun enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to rest and relax. You may retreat just to get away from it all. It could be that you are taking care of work projects in solitude. You may seek therapy to get rid of some unhealthy habits or people from your life. It's time to catch up on sleep and keep to yourself. There may be arguments or problems with a child, lover or partner on October 24th. It could bring stress or anxiety over issues relating to one of these individuals. You may also be taking care of financial obligations including tuition, child support or alimony. It's a stressful time so try to handle things one step at a time.


Communication increases via email, text messages and phone calls on November 21st and 22nd. You may also decide to purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. There will be a sense of compassion and sympathy towards others. The Sun enters your 11th house of friendships on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to connect with old and new friends. You may join a group or organization. It could also be that you spend time with family. You are social and outgoing and may attend events and parties. On October 24th there may be problems with office equipment, computers and electronics. Expect the unexpected today especially with transportation and schedules.


Finances are highlighted on October 21st and 22nd. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you give selflessly to others including charities and friends. Do not give too much or people may start taking advantage of you. The Sun enters your 10th house of career on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to receive praise and recognition for your hard work. You may receive a promotion, advancement or a bonus or commission. There could be an increase of projects and tasks. You may begin a business venture in the next 4 weeks. Be careful on October 24th as you may experience problems with communication, transportation, computers and the internet. There could be a vehicle breakdown. I would suggest to arrive early at the airport as there may be flight delays or schedule changes. There could also be miscommunication through emails and text messages.


You show great compassion and sympathy towards other on October 21st. You are a selfless and compassion sign and today is no different. You are willing to help out others and give more of your time and support to them. The Sun enters your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on October 23rd giving you 4 weeks to travel long distance or others from afar come to visit you. You may market or promote a product on the internet, radio or television. It could be you enter college or a University. You could learn a new language or culture. There may be issues relating to the law or religion. Finances may be stressing you out on October 24th. There may be some debts or bills to take care at this time and they may come at you all at once.


Friday, October 14, 2011

Daily horoscope October 14, 2011


Mercury enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans which will bring three weeks for you to take care of financial obligations connected to others including child support, alimony. It may be connected to a bank or company. It's a great time for you to budget and save for the future. You want to be careful on this day as you may experience anxiety or stress over obligations connected to work or home. You may find yourself indulging in weeks, food and other extravagant items. You want to be careful you do not spend too much or you may regret it later on.


It's all about you and your wants and needs today. You may indulge more than expected by eating and drinking too much. You may spend more than what you had planned so try to stick to a budget or create one. Mercury enters your partnership sign which brings 3 weeks to improve communication with a partner. You may also work closely with others to advance in your career, finances, education or personal relationships. Be careful as you may experience some stress and anxiety with a partner or friend. Issues may be difficult to resolve today.


You can expect to work hard for the money but you also have many task and projects to take care of at this time. It may relate to electronics and computers. It could be that you are working on a project that requires you to focus on many tedious details of this task. Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You want to be careful as you may experience problems with the Internet, computer, telephone and any other electronics including office equipment. It may also be a time for you to get rid of what you don't need in your life. It may be that you have to focus on taking care of your body and house by exercising and eating healthier. Discard would you don't need in your life so you can move forward including unhealthy habits and people


You may act like a kid or play games with children when Mercury enters your fifth house of love, relationships and children. The next three weeks may bring a time for you to play games with children or play games of love. Communication should improve with a lover, partner, children or a group or organization especially through e-mails and phone calls. It would help to open up regarding any issues or problems. You may also getting involved in sports, hobbies, music, dancing or other recreational activities. You want to be careful on this day as you may feel a bit of stress or frustration with someone else as they may have difficulties understanding where you are coming from. It may create a disagreement or argument. You are social and can easily make a new friend or you spend time with current friends. You may get involved in a group or organization and you may find yourself giving more of your support than what you can afford to them. Don't promise more than what you can give away just to make a good impression. You may find yourself regretting it later on. It could also be that they may take advantage of you or expect more out of you in the future.


Mercury enters your fourth house of home today and will bring you three weeks to improve communication at home. It could be through the Internet or through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may relocate or find yourself signing a lease or signing loan documents for a new home. You want to be careful as you may experience some electrical problems at home or with the Internet, cell phone, telephone or vehicle. Expect the unexpected. Your career will also be highlighted on this day in there could be the possibility of a new opportunity coming in your direction. It may be that you gain through other sources and connections. You are feeling very optimistic but also be careful you do not promise more than what you can deliver.


Mercury enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors which will bring you three weeks to see an increase of communication via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You also find yourself taking frequent short trips around town and out-of-town. Be careful as you may experience problems with the vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone on this day. You may indulge on an expensive item in connection to electronics, communication and transportation. It could be that you are spending money on a trip out-of-town or nearby town. You may also be spending money on an item connected to computers and electronics.


You seem to have a very productive day. Your concerns will be relating to finances and financial obligations connected to others especially taxes, credit cards and loans. You want to be careful as you may find yourself spending extravagantly or racking up the credit cards on expensive item. Mercury enters your second house of earned income giving you three weeks to find ways to make more money and to focus on the future of your financial security and stability by budgeting and saving for the future. You may feel a bit of stress and anxiety over finances or financial obligations.


It's all about you today when Mercury enters your own sign giving you three weeks to feel mobile and productive. You seem to do well running around getting projects done and you will find yourself communicating and connecting with others through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. There may be some problems with a partner especially in relation to finances or other obligations. It may be difficult to understand where they are coming from or they may have difficulties understanding you. You may be feeling a bit overwhelmed having to take care of many task and projects at this time. You may feel a bit of stress and anxiety.


You seem to be having many thoughts and ideas running through your head that you are keeping to yourself especially now that Mercury has entered your 12th house of secrets and solitude. I called this running a grocery list through your head instead of writing it down. The next three weeks will make you think which can bring you a bit of stress and anxiety if you are overanalyzing issues too much. You want to be careful as you may indulge in fatty foods, sweets, drinks and money today. Be careful if you are tempted to buy an expensive item as you may possibly regret it later on.


Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships today giving you three weeks to communicate and connect with family and friends or groups and organizations. You are social and outgoing and will do well making new friends and building connections through networking. You may experience some disagreements with others who do not look at things the same way you do. You may enjoy going out and having a little fun possibly with a lover, partner or children. You will find yourself spending and eating too much. If you question later on where all your money went then you want to think back on this day.


Your career is highlighted on this day as Mercury enters your 10th house of career which can bring interviews and meetings. You do well making a presentation or leading a group. Communication extends to coworkers, employees, clients and customers. You may also find yourself sending out more e-mails and making phone calls. You may experience some electrical issues or problems. There may be problems with office equipment, Internet, e-mails or forms of transportation. Expect the unexpected on this day especially in relation to computers and other electronics.


Mercury enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. The next three weeks may bring a time for you to take a trip or plan a trip. You will broaden your horizons mentally or physically. It's time to take on a topic of interest and to study and learn something new. You are mentally focus and can take on any task or project. Communication increases through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may spend extravagantly on an item related to computers, cell phones, vehicles, telephones or other forms of electronics. You may also be focusing on your education and tuition.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Venus sextile Pluto-Financial Gains

Venus sextile Pluto on October 13th making this a day to sign business contracts. It is also a day when any negotiation may bring you a lucrative financial deal. You will succeed in this venture. In astrology the day you start something will bring you long term results from that start date. Today would be a wonderful day to begin a business venture or even a job as you will profit and make wonderful financial gains.

Love also shines during this sextile as you may build a karmic connection with someone at this time. It could be a current love partner or someone new. Friendships grow and you feel a greater connection to friends and even family. You have a serious discussion with business partners, colleagues or even friends and lovers. A relationship grows and you feel a stronger connection to them. Jealousy can intensify even towards friends and coworkers. Hold back your emotions as it may create disappointments.

Read how your sun sign will be affected by the Venus-Pluto sextile.

Aries-Your career shines. You may receive a contract or promotion.

Taurus-Travel long distance. Education and marketing brings results and even money or business.

Gemini-Financial obligations bring positive results.

Cancer-A partnership may develop. You may commit to contract or partner

Leo-Work hard for the money. Money and business grows.

Virgo-You may find love or fall in love. Children are special and a baby may come your way.

Libra-You may relocate, renovate or make changes in the home. Someone may move in or out.

Scorpio-Travel and communication comes to you. You may enter college or learn something new.

Sagittarius-Finances are looking great. Opportunity comes your way.

Capricorn-You seem focus on your wants and desires. Don't hurt others by words.

Aquarius-You need to get rid of people or bad habits from your life. A relevation occurs.

Pisces- Friends connect with you. Envy may come towards a friend. You lead by example.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weekly horoscopes October 12, 2011-October 18, 2011


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your own sign giving you 2 weeks to make it all about you. You may receive praise and recognition for job well done. It's all about your own wants and needs. It could be that you focus on your appearance. You may purchase new clothes or get a new haircut. It's all about what makes you happy. You may have lost weight so now you are focusing on a new wardrobe. It seems to be time when you want to focus on yourself. Saturn and Mercury oppose the full moon from your partnership house which can bring some problems with a partner. It may be time to get serious and take responsibility. You need to start focusing on obligations and duties connected to a partner. It may create disagreements and arguments but its time to compromise. You may feel a bit frustrated but somehow you can resolve the issues. Mars supports the full moon from your 5th house of love, children, sports, hobbies and recreational activities. Its an emotional time for you but you seem to be connecting and getting along with lovers, partners, children especially in sports, hobbies and other activities. I feel this full moon will be a time for you to show great compassion and compromise towards others so just be prepared that you need to be there for others just as much as others have been there for you in the past. Your career is highlighted on October 13th which could bring you a promotion or advancement. You may also be looking for a new job or new ways to make more money. There may also be problems with a partner, coworker, friend or employee. You may form a partnership with someone who may help you advance in your career or with finances. Mercury enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans giving you 3 weeks to focus on taking care of financial obligation debts and bills associated with others including a partner, banks or friends. You want to be careful as you may spend lavishly on items that you may regret purchasing later on. On October 17th and 18th you seem to focus on your career and job and an opportunity may present itself. You may be looking for a new job or submitting resumes and applications. By October `7th and 18th you may spend more than expect. It could be for items for the home, family or your own personal benefit. You do well budgeting and saving for the future.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to focus on your health and well-being. It may be time for you to get rid of what has not the working in your life including unhealthy people and habits. Mars supports the full Moon from your fourth house of home which may bring a time for you to get rid of any old items from the home. It could be that a relationship and an someone moves out of the home. It could be that someone moves into the home or a new place of living. It could be that you decide to relocate or make some repairs and changes around the home. Mercury opposes the full Moon from your partnership house which can be an indication of having some discussions with the partner. It could be that these discussions create complex and can make someone move out of the home. Saturn also opposes the full Moon which creates duty and responsibility and obligation. It's difficult to figure out exactly what's going on here but I feel there is a sense of duty and responsibility and a tough decision is being made at this time. It could be related to the home, partner or finances. You may have to relocate to a smaller place that will cost you less. It could be that you have to relocate for your career. You may find yourself having to take your work home or neglecting family due to work obligations. It seems to be a very difficult time for you as it tough to make an actual decision of family and friends or work, career finances. On October 13th an October 16th you seem to be focusing on travel, education, marketing, promoting, advertising, religion, law and the future of your finances and career. You seem to be making more plans for the future and may enter college or a university. You may promote or advertise a product on the internet, radio or television. It's time to expand your horizons mentally or physically. Mercury enters your partnership house on October 13th which gives you 3 weeks to improve communication with a partner, lover, business partner, coworker, friend or anyone else that can help further your career, finances or personal relationship. You are open to working out any issues and problems. By October 17th and 18th it's all about you and what will make you happy. You seem to be attracting attention and praise. Do not get too arrogant as people will be turned off by you.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to focus on friends, groups and organizations. It could be a time when you lose a friend or disconnect yourself from a group or organization. It may also be that you lose a friend over an argument or disagreement. It could be that a friend moves away or get married. Mars supports the full Moon from your second house of earned income which can bring a time for you to make money in connection to a friend, group or organization. It could be that you are getting involved in a charity to help raise money. You may also be working with a friend or partner to start a business or run a business venture. Mercury and Saturn oppose the full Moon which brings a sense of duty and responsibility. There's obviously some obligations then need to be taking care of and this can relate to a lover, partner, child, sport, hobby or recreational activity including music, dancing and singing. You may be working with a dance group or organization to help raise money or awareness. I feel the next two weeks can be a wonderful time to celebrate and enjoy life and spending time with family and friends. Financial obligations connected to others including child support, alimony, bonuses, commission, settlements, gifts and rewards are highlighted on October 13th and 18th. You may gain through others or receive a great discount or coupon for free items. You may receive a bonus, commission, sale or gain through clients and customers. Mercury enters your 6th house of work, service and health on October 13th which brings you 3 weeks to take care of tedious tasks and projects especially projects with technical details. You can expect to see an increase of emails and phone calls. Be care as you may experience problems with the internet, emails and office equipment on October 13th and 14th. On October 17th and 18th you mind may be working faster than what you can handle. You may feel a bit of anxiety so try to slow down and stay away from caffeine.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your 10th house of career and promotions. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement or career change. It may bring an advancement, promotion, bonus or commission. You may decide to start a new business or change career fields. You may lose a job or source of income. Mercury and Saturn oppose the full moon from your 4th house of home which may bring obligations connected to the home. You may have to relocate for a new job. It could be that you bring your work home which might make you neglect your family. You may be working longer hours which means less time at home and with family. Mars supports the full moon from your 2nd house of earned income. It is a time to make money. You may change job or relocate for a job. I feel the full moon can be very positive for you especially with career and finances. The home seems to be your focus on October 13th. you may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. On October 13th and 16th you may form a partnership or seem to be spending more time with a current partner. You could also work closely with others to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. Mercury enters your 5th house of love, relationships, children, sports, hobbies and other recreational activities including gambling on October 13th. The next 3 weeks may bring a time for you to communicate with a partner, lover or child especially through emails, text messages and phone calls. You may also play games of love. On October 14. 17th and 18th you surround yourself with friends and groups. You are social and may attend an event or party. It may be that you are indulging in money, food or drink with family and friends.


The full moon on October 12th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to travel. You may have others come to visit you. There may be a time for you to expand your mind by learning, reading and writing. You show great creativity and artistic abilities and skills. You may expand your mind and enter college or a university. It could be you want to learn a new topic of interest. You may learn about religion, law or philosophy. It could be that you have to take care of issues relating to the law or religion. There may be legal issues especially in relation to others. It's a full moon so it can bring the finalization of a court battle or a legal issue may not go your way. Saturn and Mercury oppose the full moon which can be an indication of duty, responsibility and obligations. It may related to legal issues, education, career, marketing or travel. You may feel obligated to take care of some issues that may take a big amount of time. You will work hard to succeed as you want to lead and show you can handle any task at hand. Uranus and Mars support the full moon. Mars is in your own sign so expect plenty of praise and recognition. You will work hard and show you are in control of your destiny and goals. Uranus is in your 9th house which bring new fun ways of handling your priorities and responsibilities. I feel the next couple weeks will help you to stay focused on your goals so take action and know you can accomplish you set your mind to it. Communication, reading and writing seems to be your focus on October 13th. You may find yourself studying, reading and writing more articles or emails. You may also purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Communication may increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. I feel that this could be when you are taking care of more tedious tasks and projects at home or at work. on October 13th and 16th you seem to be working hard for the money. You may also be working on your health by exercising and eating healthy. You may be taking care of a pets health. Mercury enters your 4th house of home on October 14th giving you 3 weeks to communicate with the people you live with or nearby your home. You may also communicate through emails and text messages. Be careful as there could communication problems with computers or cell phones on October 14th. On October 14th, 17th and 18th your career is highlighted and you may receive a job promotion or advancement. There could be a connection that leads you to a job offer or opportunity. I feel this week will give you great opportunities to gain financially or through a job opportunity. At the least you are attending more interviews and meetings that may advance your career.


The full moon on October 12th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks will bring a time when you pay a hefty debt or bill. It could be towards taxes, credit cards and loans. You may also have financial obligations associated with others including child support and alimony. It may be that you are paying off some bills. There could be issues with bonuses and commission. Saturn and Mercury oppose the gull moon which can bring duty and responsibility that feels heavy on you at this time. Both planets are opposing from your financial house which means it may be time to pay some bills even if you don't have the money for it. There may be financial obligations that are due now and no two ways around it. You may stress and worry. The obligations may be associated with others including a partner, lover or child. Mars supports the full moon from your 12th house of secrets and solitude which tells me some of these obligations may be medical related or connected to your health and well-being. There could be obligations associated with family or other private matters. The full moon will make you take a close look at these financial issues and it may be time to budget and save for the future if you want tog et ahead with the finances. On October 13th and October 16th you may find love, fall in love or enjoy spending time with children. You may attend a concert or enjoy a movie. It could be you enjoy leisure activities including sports, hobbies, music or other recreational activities. Finances seem to be your concern on October 14th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make money. You do well budgeting and saving for the future. Mercury enters your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on October 14th giving you 3 weeks to see an increase of communication with other people. You may find yourself taking frequent short trips around town. On October 14th and 17th you may travel or plan a long distance trip. It could be that you study and learn a new topic of interest including law, religion, foreign languages, cultures, philosophy and science.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your partnership house. The next two weeks will bring a time for you to focus on the partner. It may be time for you to form a partnership or get engaged or get married. You may possibly meet someone new to form a relationship. It could be that you are working with others to further your career, finances, education or personal relationships. It's time for you to compromise even though it may be difficult at this time. Saturn and Mercury opposes the full Moon which tells me you have great duty and responsibility to take care of with this partner. It could be that you need to compromise and work out the issues and problems through therapy, counseling or discussing the issues openly with one another. Mars supports the full Moon from your 11th house of friendships, groups and organizations. I feel the energy is great to work together to come to a solution so that everyone can move forward with the partnership. I understand it can be difficult to compromise and make decisions but try to do your best at this time. The full Moon heightens emotions and the next two weeks are no exception. You will bring out your own emotions which can make you sensitive at this time but it needs to be dealt with in order to face the problems and fix them head on. I also want to quickly mention that the disagreement or argument may come from a friend and you may possibly lose a friendship if you do not work out the issues and problems at this time. On October 13th the Sun and Saturn will come together in your own sign making it all about you and your wants and needs. It will be easier for you to lose weight. You will also have a very mature approach to ideas and decisions in your life. The home seems to be your priority on October 14th and 16th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Mercury enters your 2nd house of earned income on October 14th giving you 3 weeks to focus on your finances. it's time to budget and save for the future. Financial transactions should go well but be careful on October 14th when you may experience a technical error during a transaction. By October 14th, 17th and 18th you are focus on finances relating to taxes, credit cards and loans. You may spend lavishly on an item you later regret. It could be that you are taking care of financial obligations relating to other people.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to work hard for the money or to change jobs. It could be that you finally receive a job offer or opportunity. Expect this to be a very busy time for you with many task and projects. It could be that you take care of many task and projects at home. It doesn't all have to be work related. You may also focus on your health by exercising and eating healthy. It may be time to lose weight and to take care of any medical checkups and exams. You may also have to take care of the health of a pet. If you are active than this could be a time for you to take walks or job with a dog. It could easily help you to lose weight and stay fit. Mercury and Saturn oppose the full Moon making this a time of duty and obligation. You will work hard and you will feel that you are investing more time and effort for the same pay. You also work hard on exercising and losing weight to see little results at this time. I feel you will eventually see the results you are looking for in a project, task or exercise program you just need to stay focused. Mars supports the full Moon from your 10th house of career. The full Moon seems to indicate stronger focus on career and finances. You seem to be busy with tedious task and projects that you also seem to be taking care of these obligations too. I feel the full Moon would be great for you to take on challenging tasks or job that will eventually help you to succeed. On October 13th and 16th the focus seems to be more on you as Pluto, your ruling planet will shift the energy to your house of communication, siblings and transportation. You may see an icnrease of communication with family and friends. It could be you purchase a vehicle, telephone, computer or cell phone. You may take a quick short trip out of town. Mercury enters your own sign on October 14th giving you 4 weeks to feel mobile, vocal and active. You are a chatter box and seem to connect well with the people around you. You want to be careful on October 14th as you may also experience problems with office equipment, internet or through other forms of communication. A partner may need your time and support on October 14th and 17th. You may form a partnership or work alongside with others to further your career, finances, education or career. You want to be careful that you are not promised more than what you receive.


The full moon on October 12th will fall in your 5th house of love, children, music, sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You may hear of news of a baby on the way or you may conceive a child. It could be a child moves away for school or to move out on their own. there could also be the possibility of a relationship ending in the next two weeks. Emotions run high and you may find yourself being more sensitive than usual. Saturn and Mercury opposes the full Moon which is an indication of duty and responsibility towards a lover, partner or child. It could be that you have to pay or take care of financial obligations connected to a child or partner. Mars supports the full Moon from your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places each could be that you are obligated towards others. It may be for legal reasons including child support, alimony or other obligations and duties connected to someone or something else. It could also be that you are focusing on advertising, education, marketing or promoting a product. The education may be connected to a child and the responsibilities and duties that come with financing their education. It could also be that you are promoting or marketing a product via the Internet, radio or television. It seems to be a very heavy time for you during this full Moon so expect to work hard. Friend are important for you on October 13th and may give you advice or guidance. You may seek a friends advice or even from a mentor or teacher. The information they provide you could help you out and steer you in the right direction. On October 13th and 16th finances are highlighted as you may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may find ways to save for the future or make money through other resources. Mercury enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on October 13th giving you 3 weeks to plan and keep thoughts and feelings to yourself. Be careful on October 14th as some of these thoughts may come out especially if its suppose to be a secret. You may also suffer stress or anxiety. On October 14th and 17th you will work hard for the money and may gain through a bonus, commission, sale, client or customer. You will also indulge in fatty foods, sweets, drink and money.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes and repairs around the home. It could be that you get rid of old furniture and replace it with new furniture. It could also be that you purchase home accessories. A full Moon marks endings and this could be the ending of a home. You may lose the home to foreclosure or relocate because you are moving out of your parents home or moving into a new place for yourself. Saturn and Mercury oppose the full Moon which gives a sense of duty and obligation at this time. There is a heavy feeling of doubt, fear, responsibility, depression, stress and anxiety regarding these home issues. It could also be that you have to spend excessively for new furniture or home decorations. Mars supports the full Moon from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans. It could be that you are charging up the credit cards for new furniture and decorations your it it may also be that you are taking care of some obligations and responsibilities connected to others. It could be that you have to divide assets with someone else including a partner, lover or child. There will be a sense of responsibility and compromise in connection to the home or people you live with at home so plan accordingly if there are any changes during the next two weeks. Saturn, your ruling planet seems to be weighing on you on October 13th. You may have to take care of some obligations at work or at home. You may feel stressed from projects that need to be done by a certain time. You may feel criticized by those in authority or from men. It's all about taking care of your wants and needs on October 13th and 16th. You may focus on issues relating to taxes, credit cards and loans. You do well focusing on your finances or taking care of personal relationships or your career. It's all about what will make you happy and what direction you need to take to get there. Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships on October 13th giving you 3 weeks to increase communication with friends, groups or organizations. By October 14, 17th and 18th love, relationships and children seem to be your main focus. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children in sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. You may indulge watching a movie or going out to a concert. Have some fun but play it safe.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next two weeks can bring a time for you to take a sudden short trip to visit family and friends. It could be that you decide to purchase a vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Communication may increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. I feel that this would be a time of you having to take care of duties and obligations connected to anyone in these issues especially offense Mercury and Saturn are opposing the full Moon. It looks to me that any investment that you make at this time may be a bit costly or take a lot of time away from you. You may find yourself having to pay to replace a vehicle or computer. There may be repairs that need to be made as it may cost you more than expected. Mars supports the full Moon from your partnership house which can bring an increase of communication with the partner, lover, spouse, friend, coworker or employee. I would say take advantage of the opportunity to communicate as a can resolve old issues and problems. If there are any issues to discuss then the next two weeks will be the right time to get these issues out in the open and to resolve them. On October 13th and 16th you could find yourself making plans for the future. it may include entering college or university. You may focus on marketing, promoting, advertising, publishing or taking on a topic of interest. You will broaden your horizons mentally or physically. It could be you plan a trip or have others come to visit you from afar. Mercury enters your 10th house of career which can bring interviews, meetings and presentations. Communication should increase through emails and phone calls which could help you to make sales and money. On October 14th and 17th the home is your priority and could bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some repairs or changes around the home.


The full Moon on October 12th will fall in your second house of earned income. The next two weeks may bring a time for you to receive a job offer or opportunity. It could also be that you gain financially in some way. Saturn and Mercury will oppose the full Moon from your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit cards and loans which can bring a duty and obligation of financial or material obligation towards others. Depending on what has been going on for you it could be that you have obligations to take care of in connection to a divorce including child support and alimony. It also could be that you finally pay off a debt or bill. There may be these heavy obligations to take care of or to finally complete and come to an end. Mars supports the full Moon from your 6th house of work, service and health which tells me that one way or another you will be able to work hard for the money which will help you to find a way to accommodate to any financial obligations that you need to take care of. It could also be that you are focusing on your health and taking care of any obligations connected to your health including routine exams and checkups or surgeries that may be a bit costly. I feel that the next two weeks can be a positive time for you to work hard for the money but you will also see more money in return. If you are in sales thing you could easily gain a bonus or commission or more clients and customers to build your income. Yes, you will be working harder than usual but you will also see some type of positive return. Financial obligations associated with taxes, credit cards, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony, gifts and rewards. You may have to take care of a debt or bill. You may also focus on financial obligations connected to other people. On October 13th and 16th you will enjoy the company of friends, groups and organizations including charities. You are social and outgoing and connect well with people. You may attend an event or party. Mercury enters your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on October 14th which gives you 3 weeks to plan a trip or take a trip. You may study a topic of interest. You could also be marketing or advertising on the internet, radio or television. By October 14, 17th and 18th you seem to be focusing on communication. You may see an increase of communication via emails, text messages and phone calls. It could be that you purchase a cell phone, computer, telephone or vehicle. Be careful as you may spend more than expected at this time especially on electronics.


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Venus enters Scorpio October 8, 2011

Venus enters Scorpio on October 8th making it a time of deep intense passions for your loved one’s. You may feel obsessive or possessive of the one you love or the one you would love to love. You feel a deep desire to attach yourself to someone else or something else. Hang on to the one you love but do not try to control them. You may have a desire to probe beneath the surface of others. It might even make you research other people’s background. You seek commitment or other forms of attachments from those close to you. Be careful not to suffocate your lover or even your loved one’s. It will be a great time to study and research especially if you need to work on a project for school or your job. You seem to be more focused and a bit of a workaholic. You will push yourself to the ultimate limit which could make you a bit extreme in your work, tasks and chores.

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weekly horoscopes October 5, 2011-October 11, 2011


On October 6th your focus seems to be on the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker, employee's, financial advisor, therapist or doctor. It may be time to have a serious discussion regarding career, personal relationships, education or finances with this partner. You may need to work out some issues or problems with someone else especially if it will help you to build a stronger relationship or connection. On October 7th your focus seems to be on friends, groups and organizations. You show great compassion and sympathy towards a friend or give more of yourself and your time to a group or organization. You show great compassion and support towards others but you also want to be careful that you are not taken advantage of. Venus enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically through other sources. It could be through give the rewards. It could be that someone lend you money or you gain through a loan or credit card. It could be that you just receive a special discount or free gift. Also, your sex life will improve at this time. On October 10th and October 11th it seems to be all about you and your own personal wants and needs. You want to be a little careful as you may find yourself being a bit careless on some of your decisions and obligations.


It's a time for you to work hard for the money on October 5th and October 6th. There may be many task and obligations to take care of at this time. You seem to be focused on taking care of the tedious details of a project or task. It could also involve chores and errands at home. Your career is highlighted on October 7th. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It may bring a promotion or advancement. You show great compassion and sympathy towards coworkers and employees. It would also be the perfect time for you to show great creativity on a project or task. Venus enters your partnership house on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to collaborate and compromise with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there are any issues or concerns than this would be the time to work them out. You will also be open to compromise especially if it helps to resolve the issues. On October 10th and October 11th you may find yourself making some plans for the future that may not come through. You want to be careful you do not promise more than what you can accomplish. I feel this is a great time for you to plan and organize but not to start on projects.


You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children on October 6th. You may also have to have a serious discussion with a partner, lover or child. You may get involved in sports, hobbies, music and other recreational cavities. There may be financial obligations connected to one of these activities or individuals including tuition and other financial obligations and duties. You may plan a trip or take a trip on October 7th. It could be that you are entering college or University. You are making plans for the future then may involve your career, education or vacation. It's time to expand your horizons mentally or physically. I feel this is a great time for you to make plans for your financial and career future. Start setting a budget to save for the future. Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulgent fatty foods and sweets. It will also be a time for you to connect well with coworkers, employees, clients and customers. You may find love at work or could be that you connect well with your coworkers and employees. You want to be careful if you are on a diet as the next four weeks may be difficult for you to stay on your diet. On October 10th and October 11th it's all about France, groups and organizations. You want to be careful as you may stress over some obligations connected to others. You may also experience a disagreement with a friend but it's also a great time for you to make new friends. You may get involved in an organization or find yourself leading a group or organization. One piece of advice that I want to put out there is this could be a time for you to start a site venture the only problem is I don't feel this site venture will succeed or have problems in succeeding. You may need to change your course of action in order to get it to move forward.


The home seems to be your concern on October 5th and October 6th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that you have obligations of making repairs or renovations. It's not a strong time to decorate or design but it's a great time to plan and organize especially when it comes to figuring out the cost of the renovation, repair or decoration. On October 7th your focus will turn to financial obligations connected to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. You may gain through one of these resources or it could be that you have obligations to take care of connected to one of these resources. Venus enters your fifth house of love and children on October 8th The next four weeks will bring a time for you to find love, follow love and spend time with children. If you are single and available then this would be the time for you to get yourself out there and find and meet someone new. It could be that someone pursues you. You enjoy music and spending time with children. You also find yourself outdoors and may even hang out near bars and clubs. On October 10th and October 11th your focus seems to be on career and finances. You may have to revise some projects or it could be that you are attending a meeting or interview. The concerned that I have at this time is that it may not be an interview that brings you a new job or there may be some challenges that you will be facing in order to move forward with a certain job offer. There could be the possibility of losing a job or having a schedule change on you. It seems to be a difficult time with your job or career but there should be a solution coming soon.


As you begin the week their focus will be on transportation, communication, education, writing and reading especially on October 5th and October 6th. You will do well on the small details of a project or task. On October 7th your focus seems to be on a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker or employee. You seem more compassionate empathetic to them. It could also be that you feel a greater spiritual or soul mate connection to someone. Venus enters your fourth house of home on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be a time for you to look for new place to live. You may also decide to decorate and design around the home or a room. You may purchase new furniture or purchase home accents to decorate a sofa, bed or room. It is a time for you to paint and draw or decorate in the home. On October 10th and October 11th your focus is on travel, education, law and foreign studies. You may enter college or University but you also want to be careful as you may lack the focus and discipline to take on the studies. You may also market or promote a product via the Internet, radio or television that may not pay off at the end. You seem to be more confident that anything you take on at this time will work itself out when it may bring great disappointment.


On October 6th you seem to be focusing on finances and financial obligations. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. You also do well at budgeting and saving for the future. Take advantage of this day as you are disciplined on taking care of the tedious details of finances including bookkeeping, accounting and balancing the checkbook. You will work hard for the money on October 7th and will take great caution and care towards coworkers, clients and customers. You show great compassion and sympathy to other people. It's also great time for you to exercise and lose weight. You will find yourself drinking more water on this day. Venus enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends or to spend time with sibling, relatives, parents, neighbors and friends. Your communication will also improve through e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You show greater compassion and affection towards others including a partner or lover. You may also see love on the Internet be a social network or dating site. On October 10th and October 11th you want to be cautious and aware that financial obligations connected to taxes, credit cards and loans may be a bit costly or overwhelming. You may have to take care of a hefty debt or bill.


It's all about you on October 5th and October 6th. You will focus on your own personal wants and needs whether it's connected to your career, finances or personal relationships. You will also do well at losing weight and eating healthy. Your love life and children are highlighted on October 7th. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children especially in sports, hobbies, music, movies and other recreational activities. Venus enters your second house of earned income on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you also spend it lavishly. You may invest your money and material items that you think will bring you a long-term value or investment. The next 4 weeks brings a time for you to focus on financial obligations, debts and bills. You may have to set a budget or save for the future. You may have a disagreement with a partner or lover on October 10th and October 11th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. There may be a bit of anxiety regarding personal or professional issues then need to be resolved. Difficulties can arise if everyone is being stubborn with one another.


You may be feeling a bit depressed or stressed on October 5th and October 6th. It could be that you have some health issues to take care of. It may also be that you have some financial obligations to take care of and you feel there is not enough money to take care of these obligations. Stress, anxiety and depression can occur around this time. On October 7th the home seems to be your main focus. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. You may decorate or design a room or the home. Venus enters your own sign on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring plenty of praise and attention for you. you will also focus on your own personal wants and needs. You may change your parents or style by purchasing new clothes or even changing your appearance. It is a time for your own personal change and what you would want for yourself. You will receive plenty of praise and attention. You will feel like the center of attention. It is a time for you to attract people into your life including family and friends. It is time for you to get a new haircut or hair color. By October 10th your focus seems to be on working hard for the money and taking care of projects and tasks at work and at home. Do not rush through these projects as you may find yourself having to revise or repair them again. You may have some challenges or disagreements with coworkers, clients and customers. Stress and anxiety can occur due to the pressures of these obligations and projects.


On October 5th and October 6th your focus seems to be on friends, groups and organizations. You would take on a serious approach towards a friend or group. It could be that you are seeking their advice and guidance. You will also take a closer look at who is worthy to still be in your life or whom you can rely on. You may decide to let go of a friend whom you feel this taking advantage of you. Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors are highlighted for you on October 7th. You may take a short trip out-of-town or nearby town. Get out and explore new places around town and see what you discover. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. Venus enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may also keep secrets to yourself. It is also a time for you to give selflessly to others. You want to be careful that you do not give more than what you can afford emotionally and financially or else others will take advantage of you. It may also be a time for you to keep secret love affairs. I hope you are not pursuing a love affair because you're feeling neglected. If you are involved in another relationship like a marriage then you first want to see what can be fixed in the marriage before opening the door to someone else as you may later regret it. On October 10th and October 11th there may be some problems with a lover, partner, child, group or organization. It could bring a disagreement or argument. You may have to accommodate for others even if you don't want to at this time. It could bring a bit of stress and anxiety especially if it relates to finances.


The focus on October 6th will be on your career and finances. You may receive a promotion or advancement. It could also be that you are starting a business venture. If you are a student then you may be focusing more on your education and what direction you need to take in order to proceed forward with your education and career. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may also work with a headhunter or recruiter to get a job. On October 7th you may receive a job offer or opportunity or find ways to make more money. It may come in a artistic or creative way. You may also decide to give selflessly in a financial way to someone or a group or organization. Be careful as others may try to take advantage of you. You will also be making plans for your financial future by saving and budgeting for the future. Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on October 8th making the next four weeks a time for you to socialize and connect and communicate with family and friends. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to spend time with friends and enjoy the company of friends. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You are social and outgoing and will connect with people around you. You will find yourself outdoors meeting new people and making new friends. You may find yourself attending parties and special events or it could be you that is putting together a special event or party. On October 10th you seem to be focused on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. There could be the possibility of you losing a home or having to relocate either unexpectedly or due to financial obligations. You may also begin a business venture at home but you want to be careful as they may not work out the way you expected.


You may plan a trip or take a trip on October 5th and October 6th. It could be that you are entering college or University. You may decide to study a topic including law, religion, philosophy, science, technology or sociology. You seem to do well at focusing on the small details of a topic. You are disciplined and focused to take on any studies that are very detailed. There could be the possibility that you have to take care of obligations connected to law and courts especially if you're going through a divorce or have other legal issues. It's all about you on October 7th when you are more empathetic and compassionate towards others. You will find yourself making more time for family and friends. Venus enters your 10th house of career on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention at work. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. It is your time to advance in your career and to receive recognition for the hard work that you have done in the past. You may also find love at work or you are social and friendly to others at work. You connect well with coworkers and employees. On October 10th and October 11th communication and transportation may create problems for you. It could bring repairs or misunderstandings. You may decide to replace a cell phone or telephone. It could also be that you are having problems with computers or the Internet. I feel this may be a time for you to be feeling a bit anxious or stressed due to financial obligations connected to repairs and bills.


On October 5th and October 6th you may find yourself taking care of financial obligations and bills connected to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony and other financial obligations and assets connected to others. It may be time to pay a debt or bill. You will do well budgeting and saving for the future especially if you need to look over your finances. You may gain through a bonus, commission, settlement, inheritance, gift or reward. You may also gain through a discount or coupon. I suggest to take advantage of the energy of these days to budget and to do some bookkeeping. On October 7th you seem to be focused on giving more of your time to others including family and friends or even to coworkers and employees. You seem more considerate towards other people's needs and making sure they are happy and satisfied. You show great compassion and sympathy. Venus enters your ninth house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places on October 8th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel with someone special or you may travel to visit them. It could also be that you will be open to learning something new including music and the arts. You will enjoy spending time with the in-laws and they may come to visit you. It would also be a very positive time for you to expand your horizons and learn something new. On October 10th and October 11th there may be financial problems including debts and bills that may be overwhelming and stressful. It could be that you are paying off a debt or have incurred debt. It's easy to rack up the credit cards but it will also catch up to you later on so you want to be careful not to get careless as you may regret it later on.


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