As you begin the week you seem to be a bit indulgent on December 15th and 16th. You may spend a bit lavishly or even give too much emotionally. Try not to give too much just to receive very little. On December 18th you are socializing with friends and family. You may connect with someone from your past. Friends need you and you connect well with them. Be careful as electronics may go haywire. Your career is at a high on December 19th. You may receive a contract, promotion or advancement. A job may come your way. A great day for friends comes on December 20th. Get out and connect with them. You are sympathetic and compassionate towards friends. The greatest and most interesting news of this month will be the full moon eclipse on December 21st. An eclipse has the strength and energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will give you the opportunity to see an increase of communication. You may find yourself communicating more frequently via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may also take frequent short trips nearby or out of town. It could be that this is for your job or career. You are social and talkative. You can easily make a great first impression especially at meetings and interviews. Siblings and neighbors connect well with you. You may see a long time neighbor move away or relocate. Electronics may need to be replaced. You may buy a new vehicle, computer or phone. Mercury will oppose this full moon eclipse, which is the ruling planet of this eclipse. There could be mixed messages or a lack of communication with others including family and friends. The mixed messages may lead to disagreements and arguments. The Moon squares off with Jupiter and Uranus, which can bring about great disruptions. You may have an unpredictable schedule that requires you to travel at last minute.
Its a time to celebrate with friends on December 15, 16, 18 and 20th. Friends come to you and connect with you. It could be old friends wanting to connect with you. You may receive an invite to special events and parties. You may attend a party or special event on these days too. Your career is improving on December 18th and December 20th. You may receive a promotion or new job. The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. It's a very active time for you in your financial house. A full moon will not only bring endings but also new beginnings. The next 6 months may bring about more money for you but it could also mean the ending of a job or income. You may see a financial gain but it also means having to work harder for it. I notice this many times in people who want to break out on their own. They sometimes leave a stable financially secure job to seek their own independence. The problem is that they end up having their struggles and see more money going out and less money coming in. if you are starting a business venture then realize that it takes time to make money and not to expect instant riches. If have you have passion and drive then you will succeed. Jupiter and Uranus square off with this eclipse but it could mean that you are willing to take greater risks. Neptune supports this eclipse from your career house so obviously opportunity and success will be there for you.
Be careful in regards to your career on December 16, 18 and 20th. There may be some changes in schedule or with departments. You may find yourself taking on more work than what you can handle. It could be a job change. You may start a new job but it comes at last minute. Expect to be some anxiety and major changes in your career. You may be stressed and filled with projects and obligations. Travel is highlighted on December 18th and 20th. You may study and learn. The biggest news for you this year will be that on December 21st you will have a full moon lunar eclipse falling in your own sign. The next 6 months will be all about you. It's a full moon eclipse falling at 29 degrees, which means it's time to close one door to open up another door. You may end a relationship or get married. It could be that you move out or move in with someone. You may be changing jobs or be looking to go independent. You may have relied on a job with a paycheck and now you are working on your own. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this full moon eclipse from your career, which tells me that your career, job or your goals will be affected, by this eclipse. As stated before perhaps, you decide to make a critical change in your career. You may get a new job promotion, advancement or seek a new business venture. Mercury, your ruling planet will oppose this eclipse, which could create a bit of disruption.
Travel is highlighted for you on December 16, 17, 18 and 20th. You may travel long distance or even enter college. It could be that you learn something new for yourself. It could be a new language or new culture. Foreign people and places may come to you or you may visit a foreign land. It's time to plan for the future. It may include trips or your own goals in life. It's time to expand your horizons. Finances are highlighted on December 18th and 20th. The finances in discussions are related to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses and commissions. You may gain financially through a bonus, reward, gift cards or even through other sources. The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. An eclipse has the power to last 6 months. The next 6 months will make you take a closer look at what you need to fix in your life. You may have to get rid of bad habits and people from your life. It's time to discard the unhealthy and negative from your life. You may get rid of a habit like alcohol, drugs or a bad behavior habit. Its time to let go of the things in the past that go you nowhere in life. In order to live a healthier life you need to let go of these issues, people or habits first in order to move forward. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse making this a time to indulge and take chances in life or with certain projects. You may focus on taking care of your health by exercising, seeking therapy or taking supplements. You want to life healthier and now is the time to get healthy. Neptune will greatly support this eclipse giving you a sense of security through a light that will help you feel a greater security.
It's a week were finances are your concern. You may have to pay some hefty bills on December 15, 16, 18 and 20th. The finances that you have concern over are taxes, credit and loans. You may charge up the credit cards to buy presents for the holidays or to spend lavishly for yourself. You may possibly gain financially from a bonus, commission or reward. On December 18th and 20th your concern is a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend or business partner. You may start a partnership or work closely with someone else. It could be for business or personal reasons. You build great confidence to collaborate with others. They could bring you luck and opportunities. The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 11th house of friendships. An eclipse will last up to 6 months. The next 6 months may bring a group of friends your way. You may connect with an old friend. You may make some new friends even though this being a full moon eclipse will connect you with friends of the past. There may be arguments with a friend or old issues need to be resolved from a friend. It could be in connection to old issues and problems. It may not be a friend but an organization or group that you may join or you develop problems with them. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse, which could bring problems in relation to finances. It could also be that you see a friend move away or get married. There will be a sense of optimism, joy and confidence in you. Laughter, fun and excitement seems to also stand out. You may surround yourself with the friends that made you laugh and have fun. You may need their laughter, fund and excitement around you. Be careful though because Mercury, the ruling planet of this eclipse seems to oppose the eclipse, which could bring about arguments or conflicting messages. There may be a bit of hastiness with your messages and connections to friends.
Expect to have a busy workday on December 18th and December 20th. Projects seem to increase and you are keeping busy. A great day to take care of tedious tasks and chores. On December 16, 17, 18 and 20th you may have a disagreement or argument with a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker or even an employer. Be careful not to say something you later regret. The greatest news seems to come on December 21st when the full moon lunar eclipse will fall in your 10th house of career. This eclipse will fall in the sign of Gemini, the twins. I usually associate the career house for Virgos as having the possibility of two jobs or a job having to deal with communication, technology or electronics. You may have a very busy 6 months with work assignments, career projects and communication. Expect to have a very busy few months. Yes, there may be two jobs or you may see an increase of job projects and assignments. The eclipse falls in 29 degrees, which usually marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle in life. You may quit one job to start another job or career field. Perhaps you enter college to study and learn for a new career field. It is time to set some plans and goals. Jupiter and Uranus square off with this eclipse making you feel a bit confident that everything will work out as planned. Try not to get carried away and stick with a solid realistic plan. Neptune greatly supports this eclipse from your 6th house of work, service and health.
You seem to have a busy schedule. Work projects and assignments seem to grow and keep you busy especially on December 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20th. You have plenty of projects that keep you busy. it could be for the home or at work. You may be running around left and right trying to get work done or even getting tedious tasks done. You are very thorough in your assignments and tasks but it could also drain you out. Take your time and handle things one step at a time. You will get plenty done with especially if you need to connect and communicate with others. A great day for communication comes on December 19th via emails,, phone calls and text messages. Connect with coworkers, employees and even friends. Love and children will be highlighted for you on December 18th and 20th. You may find love, fall in love or even spend time with kids. It could be that you get yourself involved in sports or a new hobby. It could be in music too. The greatest news for you comes with the full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st. The eclipse will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. An eclipse can last up to 6 months. The eclipse may bring several long distance trips for you. You may travel or others may come to see you. Education is important. You may enter college or a university. It could be that you decide to take on a course or class in a topic of interest. It could be in cooking, sewing or even for real estate. It's a time to expand your horizons. You seem to want to know more and learn more. You will read books or literature. If you are feeling a lack of education then you may feel studious at this time. I feel that this is a great time for you to plan for your future. It could be to set a plan for the next 12 months or the next 12 years. You may feel that you want to begin the New Year with a new you. Jupiter and Uranus squares this eclipse from your 6th house of work, service and health giving you the opportunity to work hard and bring in more money. You may be studying for your career. It could be you are learning new software for the company, which helps you advance in your career. I feel this is the time for you to gain because you seek knowledge and you want more for yourself. Do not hold back. The eclipse is allowing you to advance in your career. It's time to close one door and make way for a new path in life. If you hold back then you restrict your opportunities. It's time for you to shine. The eclipse may also help you to market or promote a product via the internet, radio and television.
Love is in the air on December 16, 18, 19 and 20th. The only problem is that love may come with some problems, arguments or hurdles. The challenge may be different for everyone so just be aware that it may bring some disappointments. Children may create problems for you or you may feel a sense of obligation to them. The home is highlighted on December 18-20. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. An eclipse has the energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring concerns with taxes, loans, credit cards, bonuses, commission, joint ventures, join capitals and join assets. If you are in the process of a divorce then the division of assets will affect you during this eclipse. The next 6 months can really bring upsets with financial obligations. You may owe taxes or pay a hefty bills or fine relating to credit cards, settlements, court cases, child support or alimony. The square between Uranus and Jupiter tell me that some of these obligations may be costly and unexpected. You may have to pay some bills that you thought could wait or it could be that these debts come due to a divorce or loss of job or income. Mercury will also oppose this eclipse giving you challenges with these obligations. You may try to work out a way to pay some of these bills or debts but run short of funds. It could be that you have difficulties making a bonus or commission only because the quotas have gone up.
The home seems a little unstable on December 16, 17, 18 and 20th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. There could be problems in the home or you may find that some people in your home or neighborhood are unstable. You ay take a quick trip around December 18th, 19th or 20th. It could be that communication improves and increases via emails, phone calls and text messages. You are highly social. The eclipse on December 21st will fall in your partnership house. The next 6 months may bring a time for you to end a partnership. A partner could be a spouse, lover, business partner, therapist, lawyer, doctor, friend or even a coworker. You may end a relationship or partnership. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse from your 4th house of home. You may be the one having to move out of the home or it could be that you see someone else moving out of the home. Maybe it’s a realtor, lender or financial advisor connected to the sale of a home that you break ties with or that you finally complete a transaction with them especially if you were selling a house. The eclipse falls in the sign of Gemini, the twins. You may end one relationship to begin a new relationship. It could be that you changes business partner or you add another partner. The partner may help you to advance in your career and help you make money. You have to be careful because you may be a bit careless in your transactions and negotiations. I feel that you will be a bit hasty or rushed.
Problems with communication, siblings, neighbors or your vehicle seem to come on December 15, 16, 19 and 20th. You may decide to spend a little on a computer, vehicle, or cell phone. Remember that Mercury is retrograding which could bring you some problems with the internet, emails and the telephone. On December 18th and 20th you are also focused on your finances. You may see a financial gain. It could come from a new job or new financial opportunity. It is time to open the door to new possibilities and opportunities. The gain may also be a loan or material gains. The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. An eclipse has the cosmic energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months may bring about an extension of work projects, assignments and tasks. You may work hard for the money but see an increase of clientele or customers. Take time to take care of the projects even around the home. You seem more patient to take care of the little projects around you. You may also have to focus on your health by exercising and losing weight. It could be the health of a pet too. There may be the possibility of you taking on a new craft like sewing, knitting and cooking. Jupiter and Uranus square off to this eclipse from your 3rd house of short trips, communication and studies. You may travel frequently for work projects. It could be that you see an increase of emails and phone calls but it brings more business and money too. Mercury opposes this eclipse making it a bit of a challenge when it comes to communication. You may run into a herd of emails, request or orders that could make it overwhelming for you.
Finances are highlighted on December 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20th. All these dates may bring about financial gains but with obligations. For example you may see a financial gain but through a high interest loan. It could come from having to work longer hours than anticipated. You may be feeling a bit drained in the process. It could be that you use the last of your resources to make a major purchase. Do not bet that everything will work itself out only to be disappointed at the end. On December 18th and 20th you are selfless and giving of your time to friends and family. The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. An eclipse has the cosmic power to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring a time when you may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. There could be the possibility of ending a relationship but only if the relationship has already been suffering and falling apart. The next 6 months could bring love, relationships and even a baby. You may spend quality time with children or hear of a baby on the way. Jupiter and Uranus square off with this eclipse from your 2nd house of earned income. There may be financial obligations with a lover, partner or a child. It could be that you are moving in with a partner or buying a home. You may spend a bit lavishly so try to set a budget in the process. Mercury seems to oppose this eclipse, which may bring about some arguments, disagreements or stress and anxiety during this eclipse. You may need to discuss some important issues or problems with a lover or child. The eclipse will allow you to close the door on your past to make way for the future.
It's all about you from December 15th through December 20th. Talk about receive plenty of praise and attention. If you’re looking to gain attention then expect it to happen in the next few days. It's time for you to shine. You may receive a promotion, job or financial gain. it could come from love and children. You may feel good about yourself. Be careful not to be too confident and indulge in fatty foods and sweets. On December 18th and 20th you are feeling a stronger intuition. You may consult a psychic or astrologer at this time too. A great time to get rid of bad people and habits from your life too. The great big news for the month comes with the full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st. The full moon eclipse will fall in your 4th house of home. An eclipse last up to 6 months and you may begin to see the effects of the eclipse 30 days before the eclipse hits. The next 6 months will bring issues relating to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be a time to relocate from one place to another. Maybe you decide to move into a bigger place like a 2 bedroom apartment. The eclipse falls in the sign of Gemini, the twins so you may be moving into a 2br apartment or home. There may be discussions or issues with places to live. You may be trying to figure out where to live. The full moon eclipse brings completions or endings. There may be the ending of one home to move into another. It could be the ending of a relationship. I feel that the next few months may also help you to get rid of what you don't need in your life especially in your closet or garage. It's time to get rid of junk in your storage, closets or garage. Clean out what you don't need in life including people and things. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse from your own sign. You seem optimistic and jovial. You are upbeat and confident. Somehow as much as things may be a bit chaotic you are excited about the chaos. Mercury opposes the eclipse and will make you feel a bit stressed and anxious with home obligations or the family. It could be a mother that is your concern.
The Psychic One
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