Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weekly Horoscopes for June 29, 2011-July 5, 2011


On June 29th you may experience problems at work. There may be many duties and obligations to take care of or you may have a disagreement or argument with a coworker or employee. You will feel a heavy sense of anxiety and stress. The month begins with the new Moon eclipse on July 1st falling in your 4th house of home. The next six months may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. An eclipse has cosmic power to last up to six months. It may be a time for you to purchase a new home or to get a new apartment. It could also be that you are making some renovations and repairs around your current home. You may also focus on the health and well-being of a parent. Saturn squares the new Moon eclipse from your partnership house. You can expect some duties and obligations with the partner in connection to your home. You may have to relocate for a partner or it could be that there are obligations connected to this partner. For instance, you move in with a partner or lover to accommodate for them. If there are any financial obligations than this could be a time when the two of you agreed to move in with one another as it will help to get ahead in the finances the partner may also be a friend, business partner, coworker, employee or spouse. Mercury enters your fifth house of love and children on July 1st giving you three weeks to communicate openly with a lover or child. You may play games with children or games of love. On July 2nd your focus is more on a spiritual and psychological concern. You may feel tired and want to retreat in a more private way. It could be that you just need to catch up on sleep. You may also connect with psychics, mediums and those of the paranormal. You may also experience problems with the partner. The partner may be a coworker, friend, spouse, lover, business partner or employee. There may be disagreements and arguments with others. Venus enters your fourth house of home on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to look for new place to live or to decorate and change the decor in a current place of living. You may browse through houses or apartments to see and feel which house that the best for you. It may also be a time for you to paint and decorate a room or the home. On July 4th you are caught in a cloud of fantasy and dreams. It is a very spiritual time for you and you will feel a sense of a fantasy. It is the holiday so it could be that you are attending a party or special event. You also connect well with a lover or child. You may hang out with children or enjoy the holiday with a lover, spouse or partner. You may spend lavishly at this time. On July 5th you may find yourself being a bit careless with your finances. Your career is also highlighted as you may take care of projects that require great patience and tedious details.


There may be disagreements and arguments with others on June 29th. It could be that you are working hard for the money and seem to be having disagreements and arguments with coworkers and employees. You also feel tired and even ill so try to get as much rest as possible. On July 1st the new Moon solar eclipse will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next six months will bring a time for you to take frequent short trips out of town or possibly to visit family and friends. Your communication will also increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You will also find yourself improving communication with sibling, relatives and neighbors. Saturn squares the eclipse from your second house of earned income which may put a damper on your finances. It may be that you will find yourself spending more money to travel. It could be to visit family and friends or because you just want to get out and next board new places. Mercury enters your fourth house of home on July 1st giving you three weeks to focus on improving communication in the home. You could also purchase a computer or telephone to increase your communication with others. On July 2nd you spend time with friends and even make new friends. You may be part of a group or organization. You connect well with others and seem to feel a greater bond and even spiritual connection with others. There may be disagreements and arguments at work or in relation to work projects. You may feel criticize and judge that the work is not being done the right way or not being done on time. It could be that you are judging others. You may also see an increase of work projects, tasks and duties. Venus enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to travel to visit family and friends or to spend time with sibling, relatives, parents, neighbors and friends. You connect well with friends and groups on July 4th. You may attend a barbecue, party or special event for the holiday. You are social and outgoing and may find yourself making new friends are spending time with old friends. By July 5th you show great optimism and confidence. You may want to be careful as you may have problems with communication and transportation.


On June 29th you may experience problems with joint finances including taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony, settlements and other financial obligations and duties. There may be arguments or disagreements connected to these types of finances including bonuses and commissions. The new Moon solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next six months will bring a time for you to make more money and to receive job offers and opportunities. If you are currently working and wish to change jobs than the next six-month will be the right time to do so. A big part of it has to do with a new Moon eclipse that will give you a great big boost of confidence and energy to move forward to change jobs for the next six months. I keep repeating the fact that in eclipse last month and for you being that it falls in the financial house you could and asked for anything better. Neptune is currently in your house of career which will just add an initiative or you to feel confident to go for a new job or even just get a new job or financial opportunity. It will be a great big boost of confidence and security for you. Saturn squares eclipse from your 5th house of love, relationships and children. I feel that this eclipse will create tension with the love relationship or family. Mercury enters your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on July 1st. The next three weeks will bring a time when you would take frequent short trips around town. Communication will also increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. On July 2nd career projects and opportunities are presented to you. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may receive a promotion or advancement. You also experience problems, duties and obligations with work projects and those of higher authority. You may feel that you are working endlessly and getting nowhere. You will feel stress and anxiety at this time. Venus enters your second house of earned income on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to make more money but you will also spend it lavishly. On July 4th career opportunities may present themselves to you. It could be a day when you receive a job offer or opportunity. You may also receive a promotion. I feel that this is also very positive day for you to socialize and connect with others. On July 5th you may find yourself being a bit disorganize. It is not wise for you to make plans and to keep changing them. Try to write things down so you are more focused and dedicated to your plans.


On June 29th you may experience problems with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, employee or coworker. If there is anyway to resolve the issue at this time they do so but it may be a difficult time to resolve the issues and problems. The new Moon eclipse on July 1st will fall in your own personal sign. An eclipse has cosmic power to last up to six months. The next six months will bring a time for you to focus on your own personal goals and appearance. You may decide that it is time for you to change careers or go back to school to pursue your education. Your body and image will also place and importance for you throughout the next six months. You may lose weight and eat healthier. It could also be a time when you change your own appearance by getting a new tattoo or a new haircut or hairstyle. You may also change your wardrobe and began seeking a new casual are classier design. It could be that you are starting a new job and the dress code would be much different than what you are used to wearing of clothing. Saturn squares the eclipse from your fourth house of home which tells me that you will place him duties and obligations connected to the home. It could be that you decide to move out of your own home to get your own place. Mercury enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 1st. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to keep thoughts and ideas to yourself. On July 2nd you may plan a trip or take a trip. I will suggest and advise you then you want to be as organized as possible because there seems to be some disruptions or disagreements this time. It could be that you may have problems with flight schedules, transportation or documentation. Plan ahead and even create a checklist so you don't become disorganized during this time. Venus enters your own sign on July 3rd giving you four weeks to focus on your own personal wants and needs. You may change your parents or style by purchasing new clothes or even changing your appearance. It is a time for your own personal change and what you would want for yourself. On July 4th you may plan a trip or take a trip. You are broadening your horizons by learning and reading. It could be that you enter college or University. It is a positive day for you to market or promote a product via the Internet, radio and television. Your career is also highlighted at this time as you may receive a promotion or advancement and may even see an increase of finances. By July 5th friends, groups and organizations may be asking too much from you. It could be that they need your help and support and you may feel a bit overwhelmed at this time. It is okay to say no.


You can expect to work hard for the money on June 29th. The day will be full of projects and activities. The new Moon eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. An eclipse has the energy to last up to six months. The next six months will bring a time for you to rest and relax. You may seek a vacation or even a few vacation. It could be that you have more time for yourself so you are focusing on taking care of your health and well-being. It is a time for you to seek a massage or therapy. Therapy may come because you need to get rid of some bad habits including drugs, smoking or other addictions. There is nothing wrong with seeking therapy as it is very healthy for you especially for relationships in your own personal well-being. Saturn squares the eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. There may be a sense of duty and obligation connected to these vacations or time for yourself. It could be that you have to travel to a retreat or rehab center in order to heal yourself. Mercury enters your own sign on July 1st. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to be very talkative and mobile. You do well communicating with others via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. On July 2nd your focus turns to work projects and obligations. You do well financially in regards to taxes, credit cards and loans. It is a time for you to work hard for the money and get projects done. Your very artistic and creative. You also feel a sense of criticism and judgment from other superiors, clients and customers. Your health may be affected especially your back or bones. Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may also keep secrets to yourself. It is also a time for you to give selflessly to others. A financial gain or opportunity may come for you on July 4th. The opportunity may come through taxes, credit cards, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support or alimony. There may be financial or material gains including a gift card or gift certificate. You may plan or take a trip on this day. You are broadening your horizons and may market or promote a product via the Internet, radio or television. Your mind is racing with many thoughts and ideas. By July 5th work projects increase in you seem to be busy taking care of projects, assignments and task. You may be a bit careless so try to do your best to be organized.


There may be problems or difficulties with a lover, partner or child on June 29th. It could bring a disagreement or breakup. You may possibly meet somebody new but there is no guarantee on this day. You may face challenges taking care of projects and tasks. The new Moon solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 11th house of friendships. It is also the sign and house of hopes and wishes. The next six months will bring a time for you to spend quality time with friends and even make new friends. You may join a group or organization. You are social and outgoing and want to connect with the people around you. The 11th house also rules hopes and wishes and business profits from a business venture. An eclipse has cosmic energy to last six months. The next six months may bring a time for you to make more money from a business venture or it could be that you collaborate and work with others in order to build a business. Saturn squares the eclipse from your second house of earned income. It may be a time when you will spend money in order to enjoy yourself with friends and family. It could be that your finances need to be changed or rearrange in order for you to advance in your career. Mercury enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 1st. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to keep thoughts and ideas to yourself. It may be a good idea for you to have a check less so you can feel much more organized. you connect well with a partner or lover on July 2nd. It is a time for you to compromise and work out any issues or problems. Venus enters your 11th house of friendships on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to spend time with friends and enjoy the company of friends. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. You connect well with a partner on July 4th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. Finances also go well especially in connection to taxes, credit, no wounds, child support, alimony, settlements and any other financial or material gains. On July 5 there may be a disagreement or argument with a partner, lover or child. If you can try to do your best to work out any issues or problems with this partner, lover or children.


On June 29th the main focus will be on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could bring some disruptions from people you live with including roommates, partners and lovers. You may feel stressed and anxious about the home. The new Moon solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 10th house of career. The next six months will bring a time for you to receive a promotion, advancement, business venture or job offer or opportunity. It is a time for you to expand yourself and seek employment there brings you great recognition and praise. Saturn squares the eclipse from your own sign making this a time of great responsibility and security. You feel great obligation and duty to get work projects done and to work longer hours. You may invest a lot more of your time and effort to advance in your career or to show others what you are capable of accomplishing on your own. If you decide to start your own business you may feel that you will invest a lot of work just to get the business running forward. Mercury enters your 11th house of friendships on July 1st. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to increase communication with friends and family. You may connect with friends via social network, e-mails, text messages and phone calls. On July 2nd work projects increase. It's actually pretty positive that you should see more money or more opportunities in the future. It can be a difficult day as you may feel stress, anxiety and even pressure from those in authority. It could bring disagreements and arguments with coworkers and employees. Venus enters your 10th house of career on July 4th. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to receive praise and recognition at work. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may receive a promotion or advancement. It could also find love at work or in a business. Work projects, task and duties improve or are completed on time on July 4th. You work well with the partner. It could also be a day when you connect well with the partner including a spouse, lover, friend or family member. It is a time for you to feel sense of excitement and fun with the partner or lover. By July 5th you may experience the challenges in regards to financial obligations and duties. You may have to pay a hefty debt or bill. There also may be problems in the home. You may have problems with a roommate, lover, partner or family member.


Communication may be difficult on June 29th. You may have problems with short trips, transportation and communication. A vehicle may breakdown or you may have computer or Internet problems. You feel stress and anxious to connect and communicate with others. You may see communication increase via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. The new Moon solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 9th house of long-distance trips, foreign people and places. An eclipse has a cosmic power to last up to six months. The next six-month will bring a time for you to travel long-distance or have others come to visit you from afar. You may broaden your horizons by visiting a place for them to you or even studying and learning a new culture or language. It may be a time for you to enter college or University. You will want to read, study and learn new topics of interest. Saturn squares the eclipse from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. It may feel like a depressing time for you. I feel this would be a time for you to seek solitude or travel and vacation and privacy. It could be that you are going on a retreat to seek space and independent. It is a time for you to keep emotions and feelings to yourself and what you want to do for your future. Mercury enters your 10th house of career on July 1st. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to make a new presentation at work. Interviews and meetings should go well. You find yourself communicating and connecting with coworkers and employees more frequently through the Internet, e-mails, text messages and phone calls. Your love life is highlighted on July 2nd. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You are social and outgoing and want to connect with the people around you. There may be problems at work or at home. You may feel a disconnection from someone of authority. A positive day for your love life comes on July 4th. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You enjoy communicating and connecting with the people around you. You are social and outgoing. Work projects, task and duties increase on this day. You have a lot of work to take care of what you would take care of it on time. I July 5th there may be problems with a partner, lover, business partner or spouse. You may see things a bit carelessly. It is time to be as cautious and careful and understand that others have feelings too.


Finances seem to be your main concern on June 29th. You may have to take care of financial obligations and debts. It could be that you have to budget and save for the future. The new Moon Solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. An eclipse has the energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically by or through others. You may receive a bonus, commission, child support, alimony, joint capital, settlements and other financial or material benefits and gains. You will also focus on your own psychological well being which is a co-dependency of your financial or material security. For instance if you have a job that makes more money and gives you bonuses then you feel content and happy to get ahead financially. It could also be that as you build more confidence for yourself you feel the sense that you can go after what you really want including buying a house or investing into your retirement or savings. Savings accounts and retirement funds are also highlighted at this time as you will find yourself saving easily and being able to focus on retirement and saving for the future. You are planning and organizing more for your financial future and security. You may also collaborate and work with others in order to get ahead financially or materialistically. Saturn squares the eclipse from your 11th house of friendships, groups and organizations. Mercury enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on July 1st. The next few weeks will bring a time for you to focus on financial obligations and duties connected to taxes, credit cards, loans and other financial or material resources and obligations. On July 2nd the home is your main focus and concern. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could also be a time for you to take care of repairs and renovations. Venus enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to gain financially or materialistically through a bonus, commission, child support, alimony, gift certificate, gift cards, rewards and raffles. You may also gain through games of chance like the lottery or casino but I will warn you that big winnings need to be promised in your birth chart in order for you to really gain be financially. Before you go out there and bet the rent money or mortgage payment you may want to get and astrology reading done first to see if there is big winnings are there for you. On July 4th you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you decide to decorate a room or look for a new place to live. Your love life is also highlighted at this time as you may host and entertain at home. You may meet someone new or fall in love. I feel you may run into someone on the Internet or through a dating site. By July 5th work obligations, task and duties seem to increase and you may find yourself being careless at this time. Finances may be a bit extravagant especially if you're trying to make a purchase for the home. Try to set a budget so that you don't overspend at this time.


It's all about you on June 29th. You may find yourself feeling ill or tired. It really depends on what has been going on that has been making you feel this way. You could also feel confused about the direction in life you want to go. The new moon Solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your partnership house. the partner could be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. An eclipse has cosmic power to last up to six months. The next six months may bring a time for you to find someone who you will commit to and fall in love with them build a long-lasting relationship. You may get engaged or get married. You may form a professional business partnership. It could be that you work closely with others to further your career or further your education. Saturn squares the eclipse from your 10th house of career. Saturn is your ruling planet and it falling in your career house gives an added bonus. The problem is that it is creating tension with the partner so it could bring disagreements and differences with someone that you work with professionally or personally. Mercury enters your eighth house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on July 1st. The next three weeks will bring a time for you to focus on taxes, retirement funds, savings account, credit cards, loans, joint resources and assets. you may decide to take a quick trip out-of-town on July 2nd. It could also be that you plan a trip at this time. Communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may also purchase a computer, vehicle, cell phone or telephone. You may experience difficulties with those in authority including those in management or even coworkers and employees. Saturn seems to create some difficulties here and Saturn is your ruling planet. You will feel the harshness even stronger. Venus enters your partnership house on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to compromise and connect with the partner. You are more concerned about their well-being and making sure they are happy. You may also meet someone new at this time. It could be that you work with coworkers and employees on a work project or task. You may take a quick trip around town or out-of-town on July 4th. It could be that you are enjoying the holiday outdoors and in a different town or city from where you live act. You are adventurous and want to discover someplace new. It could even take you to places like Las Vegas and New York. By July 5th your focus turns to love and relationships. There may be some challenges and difficulties with a lover, partner or child. You may be care less on how you handle issues and problems. Do not over exceed your expectations as you may be disappointed later on.


It's time for you to get rid of any unhealthy habits or people from your life starting June 29th. You may focus on your health and well-being. It could be that you focus on the health of someone else. You may feel ill at this time. The new Moon solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next six months may bring a time for you to take care your health by exercising and losing weight. You may also find yourself eating healthier and cutting back on fatty foods. It could be that you focus on the health of a pet especially if you just got a new pet and you will find yourself going to the veterinarian frequently. Work projects, task and duties will increase during the next six months. You can expect to work hard for the money or you may even work twice as hard for the same pay. Mercury enters your partnership house on the July 1st giving you the next three weeks to have open communication with the partner. If there are any issues or problems that need to be discussed this is the time to do so. Finances are looking positive for you on July 2nd. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity. You may find new ways to make more money. Be careful as you may feel that you need to work extra hard and know or to advance with your finances. Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health on July 3rd. The next four weeks will bring a time for you to indulgent fatty foods and sweets. You will connect well with coworkers and employees. You will also connect well with female coworkers, employees, clients and customers. You enjoy your work environment. On July 4th work projects task and duties bring financial benefit thing gain. It could be that you receive a job offer or opportunity at this time. By July 5th your focus is on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could also be that you are planning around the home and getting rid of unwanted items. Make sure that you read a contract carefully especially if you are purchasing a home are signing a lease for an apartment.


Friends, groups and organizations may bring difficulties and challenges on June 29th. It could be that you are trying to connect and get along with others and they may be bringing problems to you. The new Moon solar eclipse on July 1st will fall in your fifth house of love and children. The next six-month may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love and spend time with children. It is a time for you to put yourself out there so you can find someone that could bring you a long-term committed relationship. You also find yourself spending time with children or even conceiving a child. It could be that you hear news of a baby on the way. Creative projects and artistic skills are highlighted at this time through music, dancing, singing and the arts. Your artistic abilities will heighten at this time. You may find yourself listening to music or attending concerts frequent late. You also find yourself spending time with children possibly through sports, hobbies and other recreational activities. On July 2nd the perfect day for it to be about you. Jupiter and Neptune get along with each other on this day to bring you great opportunities for travel and communication. You may purchase a new vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. Expect that this is going to be a day for you to be working hard for the money. You may also pay a hefty debt or bill. It is a time for you to take care of financial obligations and duties. On July 3rd Venus enters your fifth house of love, relationships, children and recreational activities. The next four weeks may bring a time for you to find love, almond the spend time with children. You will find yourself listening to music and going out to bars and clubs. You enjoy entertainment and been social with others. Get out and mingle as you never know who you may meet. On July 4th you may meet someone new or spend time with children and family. Finances go well is you may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you find new ways to make money especially through the Internet. The job listing may be find it on the Internet. You seem to be a bit careless on July 5 as you may indulge and spend more than what you should on a vehicle, computer, cell phone, telephone or other electronic gadgets. You may experience problems connecting with others around you including family and friends. It is a time to socialize and connect with others especially in groups and organizations.


The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234

Monday, June 27, 2011

Daily Horoscopes for June 27, 2011


You may experience some problems at work or with major career decisions. You may have to relocate or change jobs to make a career change. It may be a time for you to have disagreements and arguments with coworkers and employees. You may also feel a sense of dominance with others. You are full of energy and vitality today. Your motivated to get projects done at work and at home. At 12:24 PM communication increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls.


Your mind seems to be racing at this time. There is great energy it around you and you seem to be a bit anxious and impulsive. Do not do something you later regret. You may also experience problems with others and higher authority or with the people that you love with. It feels as though others one to take advantage of you or it may be you that wants to take advantage of them. At 12:20 PM you are social and outgoing and want to connect with the people around you and may even make a phone call at this time.


Financial obligations and duties connected to taxes, credit and loans are highlighted at this time. It may be time for you to pay a hefty debt or bill. You may also have to deal with issues relating to child support, alimony, loans, credit cards, bonuses and commissions. It may be a disagreement or argument with someone else relating to any of these financial obligations and benefits. You connect well with friends and are social and outgoing. You may make a new friend at this time or spend time with old friends. It would also be a positive time for you to join a group or organization. You are social and outgoing and may attend a special event or party. You can expect to be social around 12:24 PM as communication increases at this time. You may also run a quick errand.


You may have a disagreement or argument with a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. There seems to be a bit of a tug-of-war going on. One may try to dominate the other. Your career is highlighted around this time as you are very motivated and anxious to get work done. You may submit resumes and applications. It could be that you attend an interview or meeting around this time. You connect well with coworkers and employees. You may receive a tax, e-mail or phone call around 12:20 PM.


Your main concern will be on travel. You may plan a trip or take a trip. You will also be focusing on the future and any projects you need to take care of any to be completed by certain timeline. It is a time for you to market or promote a product on the Internet, radio or television. You may also enter college or University. You can also expect to be working hard for the money and dedicated time and effort to completing projects and tasks at work or at home. You are social and communicative around 12:24 PM and may connect with others via e-mails, text messages and phone calls.


You're focusing Stabile financial obligations related to taxes, credit, loans, bonuses, commissions, child support, alimony or any other financial obligations and duties connected to others. You may receive a positive application approval on the loan or credit card. It could be that you receive a bonus or commission. You may experience problems with a lover or child. There may be a sense of control or you may be the one trying to control them. It could also bring a disagreement or argument with others. Communication improves and increases around 12:20 p.m. at the time when you may connect and communicate via the Internet, text messages, phone calls or even take a quick trip around town.


Your focus for the day will be on a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or employee. You may spend time with someone or work alongside with others to further your career. You could meet someone new or build a stronger relationship or partnership with someone out. It's also a positive day for you to communicate and connect with the partner and discuss any issues or problems. You may also feel a battle between your work in your home. You may have to work longer hours or have to bring work home. There may be problems at home and someone may move out. There could be disagreements and the home. At 12:24 PM communication should improve with others via e-mails, text messages and phone calls.


It is time for you to work hard for the money. It is a positive day for you to complete projects and tasks at home and at work. You are full of energy to motivated to get work done. There may be problems with travel, flights, vehicles are communication. You may have a disagreement or argument with someone else. They may want to dominate you are you feel like you want to dominate them. At 12:20 PM you are social and outgoing and want to connect with others.


A lover or child is your main concern for the day. You may find love, follow love or spend time with children. There is great activity and you feel full of energy to play sports, hobbies or enjoy other recreational at to duties. It's a positive day for music and fun. You may have a disagreement or argument with others regarding finances. The finances may relate to taxes, credit cards, loans, child support, alimony and even income earned. You may take a quick trip around town or run some errands and chores around 12:24 PM. It's also positive time to receive a text or e-mail at this time.


The home seems to be your main concern for the next couple days. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It could be that someone moves then or moods out of the home. You may also have a disagreement or argument with the partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, business partner, friend, coworker or employee. Whatever is going on at this time it may bring a resolution. The only problem is there may also be a sense of wanting trying to dominate the other. Communication should go well around 12:20 PM as you may receive an e-mail or phone call at this time. It could be that you are the one reaching out to others. You are social and want to communicate. Communication may come from a female.


You may decide to take a quick trip at this time. The quick trip may be around town or someplace nearby your place of living. May be a quick trip out-of-town by flight. Communication improves and increases via e-mails, text messages and phone calls. You may purchase a new vehicle, computer, cell phone or telephone. There may also be a sense of psychological or emotional issues at this time. You may feel stress and anxious. You may receive a contact from a female around 12:20 PM. It may be that you are the one reaching out to someone else whether there a female or you are the female.


Finances go well today. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you handle financial transactions in a positive way and may even gain a bargain or great deal at a store. If there are any issues as discussing finances the never when should be more an agreement with each other. You may feel disagreement or argument with a friend. It could be that there seems to be a bit of dominance or control with a friend, lover, spouse, group or organization. You may try to control them or feel that you want to control them. It could be the other way around. A financial transaction may come through around 12:24 PM. May be that you are the one making the financial transaction. You may also e-mail, tax or phone someone at this time and it could be a female or you may receive contact from a female. It does not have to be a female it could just be an e-mail, text message or phone call.

All times are EST


The Psychic One

Psychic Readings $1.89/min

800-275-5336 ext 0234

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sun sextile Jupiter-Benefits

The Sun sextile Jupiter today and tomorrow giving you and bringing you opportunities and benefits. You may receive a piece of information that could open the doors to great opportunities for success, career and finances I feel that you may run into a great bargain out in the stores or you feel generous to give more of your time, money and support to others. You feel happy and content. It is a time of sharing and giving love, affection and support. It may be you give more of your time to others as they gain the rewards and benefits of your love and affection. Enjoy the next two days as you seem to be more positive and optimistic.


The Psychic One

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pisces Yearly Horoscope for 2011

It's going to be a very busy year with your career. There is plenty to look forward to for yourself. The last full moon on December 21, 2010 fell in your 4th house of home. You may be in the process of relocating or making some changes around the home. You will experience more eclipse's in your home life but also including your career and love life. You begin the year with a new moon solar eclipse on January 4th falling in your 11th house of friendships. The next 6 months can easily bring about an increase of friends. You may connect well with the friends around you or run into some new friends especially through a social network. You gain friends and will even find yourself attending special events and parties. It's time to be social and connect with the world. Jupiter, Uranus and Venus are all social planets and they want you to connect with everyone around you. Get out because you seem to be making some new friends and there could be the possibility to find love among your friends too.

Your love life may easily grow on January 19th. The full moon falls in your 5th house of love and children. You have two weeks to find love, fall in love or just meet someone special. It could also be that you spend time with children. Music and artistic projects are highlighted too. You may attend a concert or just enjoy sports with children. There will be a new moon eclipse falling in your 5th house on July 1st. The eclipse brings you 6 months of cosmic power. You may find true love or get into a loving relationship during these 6 months.. You will have Saturn squaring off with this new moon eclipse which means there could be some boundaries, discipline or structure with this relationship. There could be challenges and hurdles with this individual. Maybe they live long distance or they have obligations with their children or ex-partner. It'll be quite interesting but you will also be excited too.

Mars will enter your 5th house of love, children and recreational activities on August 3rd. You will enjoy an additional 7 weeks to find love, pursue someone new, spend time with children in sports or hobbies. You may feel a strong sexual energy with someone special whether it's someone you have been with for a long time or someone new. Get involved in sports and hobbies. You are active and enjoying yourself. Musical activities are highlighted too. You connect with children and may get involved in their special activities. In additional you enjoy a full moon in your own sign on September 12th that should really put you in the spotlight for love and adventure. You never know who you may meet or who you find yourself connecting with at this time. It's two weeks of great love, admiration and attention.

You have many special dates for you. They mainly involve finances so let me tell you that the dates given may involve several financial obligations. It could involve loans, taxes, bonuses, commissions, rewards, settlements, child support, alimony, gift cards, donations or even just gifts. They dates are:

January 28, 2011

February 6, 2011

February 14, 2011

April 18, 2011

June 17, 2011

September 29, 2011

October 26, 2011

All these dates will make you focus on finances including retirements, savings and investments. It depends on what has been going on in your life on how these dates will affect you. Mark them on your calendar or just keep an out eye out for them.

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Jupiter will return to your 2nd house of earned income on January 28th. The next 6 months can bring you more money or financial opportunities. You may also spend easily so be careful. More money could be from a new job or financial opportunity. Jupiter will enter your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication on June 5th. You will have 12 great months were you see communication increasing via emails, phone calls and text messages. If you are in a business then this could bring you more business with phone calls and services increasing. You connect well with your neighbors and siblings. It is time to reach out and communicate with relatives including your cousins and aunts. Short trips occur more frequently too.

Uranus will enter your 2nd house of earned income on March 12th. You will have 7 years were Uranus may bring about sudden financial gains. It could be that you gain through investments or even games of chance. There could also be sudden losses too. I have seen people go into debt when they had Uranus in their 2nd house. Be careful not to be making mistakes that you later regret especially if it means lending money to people who don't pay back. Do not charge the credit cards when there is no reason for it. Try to pay cash first before relying on the cards.

Finances are looking good on

June 17, 2011

July 31, 2011

September 2, 2011

September 23, 2011

November 27, 2011

Be careful of your finances on these the following dates:

April 3, 2011

September 25, 2011

Bills may be due or you find yourself having to pay a big debt on these dates.

If you are wondering about Valentine's day I will tell you it should be a very good day for love. You know how I mentioned your 5th house of love would be rockin this year well on Valentine's Day the Moon will be in your 5th house of love. it is a financial day so you may have to pay some bills but if you seek a date I don't think you will have a problem finding one. It could be you meet someone for the first time on that day. You could also decide to spend it with your children too.

The home is highlighted with the new moon eclipse on June 1st. The next 6 months may bring a relocation, renovation or changes around the home. A full moon eclipse on December 10th may bring some repairs or endings of the home. It could be that you get rid of some furniture or get rid of someone from your life. It could bring time of endings and new beginnings. You are seeking change and it could take you to a whole new place of living. You may just get rid of some old things in your closet or garage too.

A full moon eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next 6 months may bring a new job, promotion or advancement. You may start a new business or even gain through a career change or new career field. I feel it will be pretty good for you especially if you want to make more money. Keep an eye on the next 6 months as you may gain financially through a job change or promotion. A new moon eclipse in your career house will come on november 25th. You will receive plenty of cosmic energy from Uranus currently in your financial house. It is great news because this tells me you stand a great chance to make money. I need to mention that you have to put yourself out there in order to make these opportunities come your way. You cannot expect it to land in your hands. There may be a connection but it's because you made it known that you are seeking work or more business. I feel the eclipse will do you quite well. Good luck.

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope for 2011

Expect that 2011 will be a year to let go of some people and let go of some bad habits. It could be a very therapeutic time for you. Maybe you are beginning to realize that some things around you aren't necessary and it's time to move on. You will begin on January 4th with a new moon eclipse in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 6 months will be a cleansing time for you. You will focus on your health and take care of the body. It's also a time to let go of some emotional and psychological issues from the past. It's time to rest and relax. Take a vacation and have some fun so you can rejuvenate your energies. You will be able to think clearly and look at issues logically. You are more focused and you are ready to move forward in life. Time to take care of your health or it could be someone else's health. They could be going to the hospital or its you having to go to the hospital yourself. You are cleansing the body. You will also find yourself in more solitude. It may be time to be by yourself. You may spend more time alone because you are writing a book or writing music. You may seek peace and solitude. Its time to craft and create and bring out the best in you.

January seems to be a big month regarding your health especially with the full moon on January 19th that helps you to exercise and lose some weight. A new moon eclipse on July 1st gives you 6 months to feel healthier and to eat healthy too. It could be the health of someone else including a pet that you are focused on. By the way expect work projects to increase. Mars will make you spend 7 weeks on your health starting August 3rd. It's good news because you will get some great results for your body. You will feel healthier and you are working hard for the money. Good time to also set a budget too.

On January 28th Jupiter will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 6 months you are focused on taking several short trips. You will also focus on increasing communication with family and friends. You will turn your focus to the home on June 5th when Jupiter moves into your 4th house of home. The next 12 months could bring a time to relocate or make some changes around the home. It will add value to the home. You may relocate to a more expensive place or neighborhood. Uranus will enter your 3rd house on March 12th but will remain in the 3rd house for 7 years. The next 7 years you can expect plenty of short quick trips. I was born with Uranus in the 3rd house and I find myself taking frequent little shorts mainly an hour or so just for fun. I also have fun connecting with family especially siblings. I write plenty and seem to socialize with mainly family. I also enjoy astrology. Uranus in the 3rd house can easily get you involved in astrology.

If you are wondering about Valentine's Day well it's going to be a day to focus on work. You may not care to enjoy the day or have too many work projects to complete. It's all business for you. You may easily make time for someone special but they will need to accommodate to your busy schedule.

The home will be highlighted on July 8, October 14th and November 27th. It could be dates when you may relocate, renovate or find yourself making some changes around the home. You may just end up buying some furniture or painting a room.

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A full moon eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next 6 months seems to be all about friends. You may make new friends or spend time with some friends from your past. You are feeling social and outgoing. You are connecting with people you love and want to build a friendship or connection with through a social network or through special events. Referrals and connection can easily bring you great results in the future. You have a very optimistic outlook and want to just have a great laugh with the people around you.

You have a serious outlook on life on

January 23, 2011

February 14, 2011

April 18, 2011

June 17, 2011

September 29, 2011

All these dates tell me that it's time to get serious with finances, relationships, security, and the home. You may discover it's time to budget and build a greater security for yourself. You are open to trying to new things to build a greater for yourself. Make changes and make sure you are heading the right direction. I feel that you will see some great results with setting budgets and building a greater financial security.

You have a great new moon eclipse on November 25th falling in your 11th house of friendships. The last one was a full moon and this one could bring 6 months of great fun and joy with friends and family.

The year ends with a full moon eclipse falling in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. You did have a new moon eclipse in this same house back on June 1st. That eclipse could of easily brought you a new love or a baby. The full moon eclipse on December 10th may bring an ending or a baby is born. If there is an ending of a relationship that is only because the relationship was already falling apart. It could be that you fall in love and build a stronger bond and closeness with someone special. You may take the relationship to the next level. The eclipse will last 6 month so it could come to you in the next 6 months. A child may come into your life or someone is pregnant. You may join a sport or hobby or finally see your skills and talents pay off. It's a time to have fun and enjoy new ventures.

Capricorn Yearly Horoscope for 2011

As you begin the year you will start off with a new moon eclipse on January 4th that will fall in your own sign. It will be an incredible new moon eclipse for you. The next 6 months can easily bring about some significant changes and improvements for you. It's a big eclipse because you have Jupiter, Venus and Uranus all supporting this eclipse for you. There could be opportunities for your finances to improve. You may build on a great loving relationship. You may meet and fall in love with someone special. It could be that you seem new ventures to make more money. There may be a business venture. There may be changes in yourself. You may lose weight and change your hair or wardrobe. You now look healthier and sexy. You give a new glow and change in yourself. It's all about you during this eclipse.

It's all about the partner on January 19th so the next couple weeks could bring about someone to build a great connection with them. Last year you experienced a series of eclipse in your sign and in your partnership house. Some were new moon and new beginnings and other were full moon s which brought endings or even a next serious step. You will still experience more of the same this year but it's all coming to an end which means it's time to get serious and take life seriously. If you are seeking a partner even a business partner then you have to be ready for it. If its not working out for you then it's time to end it. I've already run into a few Capricorn or people who have Capricorn rising who are divorcing or having martial problems. The problems need to get fixed or else it's not going to improve.

You have a new moon eclipse in your partnership house on July 1st. The new moon seems to be a bit of a challenge only because you need to work at this partnership in order to move forward. There is no two ways around it. It is time to get serious and have some serious discussions about the future. Uranus and Saturn square off at this time which could bring about sudden endings or possibly sudden new beginnings. It being a new moon eclipse doesn't always mean great new life and relationship. The great new life could be you wanting more for yourself so that you can be happy of your own wants and need from your partners wants and needs. At some point you need to pull yourself away from what makes you happy. Pluto opposes this eclipse which can make things quite intense and emotional. It's time to let go and move forward. It may not be what you want and seek but it needs to be done. If it brings about a new partnership or new life to an existing partnership then it's for the great of the relationship to build great love and security. The partnership grows and build into a great bond and connection. Focus on the security of it and grow with one another. It will help build a loving relationship or even a marriage.

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Jupiter enters your 4th house of home on January 25th giving you 6 months to relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. the next 6 months may bring a time to buy a new home or get your first apartment. It will be expensive in in a great neighborhood. It could be that your rent goes up or your mortgage payment increases. On June 5th Jupiter enters your 5th house of love and children. The next 12 months will bring you a new love or you fall in love. Children are important. You may spend time with children or even have a baby yourself. Music, arts and even fun times socializing are highlighted. You are out there enjoying life with friends and family. You may find yourself at the bars and clubs especially if you just turned 21. Uranus will enter your 4th house of home on March 12th. The only concern I have with Uranus in the 4th home is that it can bring about sudden endings in the home. The home can be relationships, marriages or losing a home. Uranus will be in the 4th house for the next 7 years. i have seen people lose a home through foreclosure and had to move out quickly. If you lose a job you may find yourself having to relocate. There could also be sudden changes in the home. For instance you relocate suddenly and/or you were able to sell your house quickly. I saw were someone put their house on the market and within 3 days they were able to sell their house and had to move out so quickly. They purchased a new home but now the couple is divorcing. So many sudden unexpected changes may occur during this Uranus cycle.

The home is also highlighted on:

April 3, 2011

July 31, 2011

September 23, 2011

September 29, 2011

These dates may be moving dates or when you make changes around the home.

Love and relationships will be highlighted on:

June 8, 2011

September 2, 2011

October 19, 2011

November 27, 2011

Wonderful dates to find love, fall in love or enjoy time with children. You may also participate in a sport or hobby. It's also time to dance and enjoy music too.

The new moon eclipse on June 1st will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect the next 6 months to be busy and keep yourself busy with work assignments and projects. Its great news if you want to increase your clientele or customers as you will see more money coming. I feel that you will be busy sending out mailers, marketing your products and even trying to connect with customers and clients. You are social and all that hard work will help you make more money. A full moon eclipse in your 6th house will come about on December 10th. Another 6 months of hard work and labor. You may also get a transfer to another location too. You seem to be open to expanding your horizons and trying new things to improve business. It could also be a time when you may take on sewing, knitting or even building a website for yourself or your business. You are busy but you should see finances improve. Expect to work hard and don't stress so much as it will just make it worse for you. Stay cal and you will see improvements. Good luck.

Sagittarius Yearly Horoscope for 2011

The year seems to bring a few major events. On one end it's about the home and another end it's about love, romance and children. The events begin right away with the new moon eclipse on January 4th falling in your 2nd house of earned income. The next 6 months can easily bring more money. It can bring a new job offer or opportunity. You may see a raise, bonus or commission. It will be quite an interesting 6 months as money can easily increase through hard work.

Jupiter will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects on January 28th. You have about 6 months were Jupiter may bring you someone to fall in love with or someone to date. You could just be spending more time with children and having fun with them playing sports or starting a new hobby. Clubs and bars also seem to attract your attention and it could be time for you to go out club dancing or just hanging out at the bars. Be careful and don't get crazy as it could bring problems in the future. Jupiter will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on June 5th giving you 12 months to exercise, eat and drink healthy and even take care of your pets. You may also see work projects increase but you could easily make more money.

Uranus will enter your 5th house of love and children on March 12 but will stay in that house for 7 years. Uranus is a much slower moving planet so the effects will be much longer lasting. Uranus in the 5th house of love could bring about some unique relationship. You may date long distance or find yourself dating some eccentric people. You could want space and freedom and not a committed partner. Children may bring about problems or they may move out or have their own independence.

Friends will also be important for you especially on:

January 28, 2011

February 6, 2011

April 8, 2011

June 17, 2011

September 29, 2011

October 26, 2011

All these dates can bring you more friends or some friends from your past. You may look up to the advice of an older wiser friends. Groups, parties and special organizations are also important for you.

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If your not feeling overwhelmed yet of all the events happening for you then expect more. On June 1st the new moon eclipse will fall in your partnership house. This is big. The partner can be a marriage partner, lover, friend, business partner, coworker or someone you spend a close time with on a regular basis. The next 6 months may bring this partnership to build someone big like a business or a relationship. You may collaborate with a friend for business purposes or a friend becomes a lover. You will have a full moon eclipse on December 10th that falls in the partnership house. You may end one relationship and find yourself starting a new one after December 2011. It could be that you are building a partnership and so you are working through the process to complete the paperwork to begin working together. There are many different reasons why this partner will exist. It could be a connection or referral that helps you advance in your career. It could be for financial or personal reasons.

I like that you will have a full moon eclipse in your own sign on June 15th. It depends what is going on that this eclipse can really help you or hurt you. it will be an emotional time for you. Maybe you relocate away from family or you end a relationship. It could be that you lose a job or you change jobs completely. There may be major changes happening for you. You may get married or hear news of a baby on the way. Perhaps you purchase a home or your first vehicle. The next 6 months can be quite life changing. If you want change then expect it in the next 6 months.

Another new moon eclipse will come on July 1st in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 6 months may bring the approval of a loan or credit card. You will be able to see financial increases including a raise, bonus or commissions. You may find it easier to gain financial or materialistically.

Great days for love comes on:

April 3, 2011

July 31, 2011

September 23, 2011 and September 25, 2011

You may find love, fall in love or spend time with a lover or with children.

Work projects increase on July 8th and September 2nd. It could bring more business and more money.

The great new moon eclipse on November 25th will be all about you. The next 6 months could bring opportunities and growth for you. A new job or love relationship may come your way. You may lose weight or change your hair style or wardrobe. Its about you and what you want for yourself. The new moon will highlight the love life and children so it could be a new pregnancy or you spending more time with children.

You have plenty to look forward to this year so hang in there. Good luck.

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope for 2011

You can expect to have a year that will be full of communication and short trips. Its the year to create a new revolution for yourself. The road you seek may open up new paths and new adventures. The new moon solar eclipse on January 4th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. It's a positive solar eclipse with great opportunities and gains. You may decide within the next 6 months to travel or enter college. It could be that you begin writing a book or find yourself writing frequently on the internet via blogs and emails. Your communication may extend via text messages and phone calls. Communication can extend to your family, friends and even your neighbors. You seem to connect well with the people around you. You may invest in a computer, vehicle, phone or your education. Your knowledge will grow and its time to get to learn new things.

Your love life is still full of unexpected surprises and even challenges especially on January 17th. You may meet someone new, fall in love or build a loving relationship. Children also fulfill fun and excitement.

Jupiter enters your 6th house of work, service and health on January 28th. The next 6 months will extend work projects and assignments. Finances can easily improve because of it. your health also improve. Exercise and eating healthy are positive. Take supplements. Jupiter will enter your partnership house on June 5th giving you 12 months to focus on your partner. Yu may work out personal issues and problems. You may marry or get engaged. A partner may be a business partner, lover or even a friend. Uranus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on March 12th but will stay in this house for about 7 years. The next 7 years bring a time when you seek greater independence in your career. You may become self employed or an independent contractor. Your work schedule may change or there is greater flexibility in your career. Anxieties and stress may easily increase at this time too.

You will have some great career dates to look forward to including:

April 3, 2011

July 31, 2011

September 23, 2011

These are dates were career and job opportunities may come for you. There could be a new business venture or a job change. Your health may also improve through exercise.


Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

 Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.


A new moon on March 4th may bring love or a child for you. The next couple weeks opens the door to find love, fall in love, conceive a baby or have a baby. You may also spend more time with children.

A partner may come for you on June 8th September 2nd and October 19th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker or business partner. You may work closely with someone who will help you to advance in your career. There could be someone to love and eventually marry. You may form a business partnership to open a store or restaurant.

On June 1st the new moon eclipse will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony. Finances or material assets may easily be gain in the next 6 months. The end of 2010 brought a full moon eclipse in the same house which may have completed an old debt or joint asset. You may have paid off some bills or other obligations. This eclipse may bring some new debts and bills. For instance you apply for a home or car loan. It's a gain but it's also a new debt. A full moon eclipse in this same house will come on December 10th.

A full moon eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next 6 months may easily bring more money your way. You may make more money but you may lose a source of income. It could be you lose a job to start your own career independently. An opportunity may arise that makes you take chances in your career and finances. You will have a new moon eclipse on November 25th that can bring new money and new opportunities for financial growth. It all depends on what has been going on for you. If you are seeking new employment then this could be the time you get a new job. if your looking for new job growth then the next few months can bring more clients and customers. It seems to be a time for you to expend your horizons and opportunities. You may easily find ways to make more money but you also have to work hard for it too.

In this whole process you seek change and part of these change bring transition. You are the sign that is easily open to transition. A few great dates of transition and letting go of the old comes on January 23, April 18, June 17, and October 26th. You may seek help or therapy. it could be that you are taking care of your body or taking care of someone else. You will even get rid of what you don't need in your life including people and things. Time to let go so you can move onto the future and a new path.

Libra Yearly Horoscope for 2011

It seems to be the year of travel and the ability to communicate. You will find yourself taking frequent trips or increasing your communication with everyone around. You are social and connecting with neighbors and siblings. You will begin the new year with a new moon eclipse on January 4th falling in your 4th house of home. The next 6 months may bring a relocation. You may focus on taking care of repairs or other changes around the home. Roommates may move in or move out. You may purchase a home or get your first apartment. You may need to relocate for your career.

Your career is actually highlighted with the full moon on January 19th. The next two weeks may bring a promotion, advancement or the start of a business venture. Mars will enter your career house on August 3rd giving you a wonderful 7 weeks to see great improvements in your career. You may get promoted, advancement or start a business venture. You may be attending college or completing some courses to receive your degree. Its going to be a wonderful time to grow and possibly even receive a raise.

Jupiter will return your partnership house on January 28th. There will be 6 months for you to improve the communication and connection with a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, doctor, lawyer, coworker or business partner. You may get married, engaged or build a strong friendship with someone close to you. It could be that you are working closely with someone including a coworker or boss. Uranus will enter the partnership house on March 12th. Jupiter will only spend 6 months in your partnership house but Uranus will last 7 years in your partnership house. Uranus though seems to create a little turbulence in the partnership house. It can bring a sudden unexpected partner yet it can end a partnership. I have seen many divorces and sudden breakups during Uranus in the 7th. You may find yourself attractive to eccentric people or find a lover who is more of a friend to you.

Great dates for partnerships, love and relationships come on April 3, 2011, June 8, 2011, July 31, 2011 and September 25, 2011. I would be cautious and careful on September 25th because it can bring a break up.

Losing weight will come easily for you especially on the following dates:

January 22-23, 2011

February 6, 2011

April 14, 2011

June 17, 2011

September 29, 2011

These dates work well if you are pursuing a career, entering college or taking on some classes or courses. You seem studious, focused, ambitious and determined to succeed. Make them down as they will be quite beneficial for you.

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

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The new moon eclipse on June 1st will fall in your 9th house of foreign people and places. You may find yourself traveling frequently. It could be that you will be taking classes over the internet or taking classes on communication. You want new direction and life for you. You will work hard and Saturn discipline will help you stay focused. The eclipse will last for 6 months. On December 10th you will have a full moon eclipse in the same house. A full moon may bring endings and completions so it could be you are completing your education. It could bring a few more trips especially quick short trips. You may find yourself communicating and connecting with people from a foreign culture or country.

The full moon eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 6 months could bring the end of a vehicle for you. It may be so old that you need to invest in a new one. You may be having to invest in a new phone , cell phone or computer. Short trips are also highlighted. You may take sudden frequent short trips. Your communication will increase and improve via emails, text messages and phone calls. You connect well with siblings, neighbors, cousins and other relatives. You will have a great eclipse falling in your 3rd house on November 25th. A new eclipse will bring 6 months of trips, communicating and spending time with relatives. You may travel for work. You may travel just to get out of town. You may make a major purchase relating to computer and vehicles.

You have a great career eclipse to look forward to on July 1st. The new moon eclipse will bring you 6 months of career opportunities and offers. If you have been struggling to get a job make sure to keep an eye on all the time frames I mentioned because your career is strong this year. If you want to get promoted then this year looks great for the promotion. If you are hoping to start a business venture then this year will bring the opportunity to get that off the ground. You seem more optimistic and willing to take chances. I feel this eclipse could easily bring you great luck.

There is so much coming for you this year so make sure to read my monthly and weekly horoscopes and any daily horoscopes throughout the year. You will receive plenty more details of your great career opportunities so good luck.


Virgo Yearly Horoscope for 2011

The new year will begin with a new moon on January 4th falling in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The 5th house is the house that make you enjoy love, spending time with children, the arts including sining, dancing and music. It's also the house that highlights sports, hobbies and recreational activities. The next 6 months may bring love. You may find a relationship or someone to date. You may date a few different people. Love and relationship may easily come to you but you also need to know exactly what it is you wants yourself. Venus, Uranus and Jupiter all greatly support this new moon eclipse giving you great luck and opportunities to find someone of great status and who can be open to the belief of relationships. It's going to be a fun and adventurous eclipse that may bring a baby or surround you with children. You may join a sport or hobby. It could be that a child joins a sport or hobby. You seek fun time which could put you in clubs and bars. Don't try to get too reckless.

Your finances will be a concern on:

January 23, 2011

February 14, 2011

April 3, 2011 and April 18th, 2011---expect to work hard for the money or obligations are big.

June 17, 2011---a financial opportunity or job may come your way.

September 29, 2011

October 26, 2011---another day to work hard for the money or you feel stressed and frustrated from working too much.

All these dates are great for your finances. You may budget, save or find new ways to make money. It could be that you are getting a new job. As mentioned before you may work hard to make more money. Be careful not to take on to many obligations as you will stress out and worry.

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

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Jupiter enters your 8th house of financial obligations and opportunities associated with taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony, business ventures, join capital and other types of gains. Jupiter enters your 8th house on January 28th. The next 6 months brings great financial opportunities including bonuses and commissions. Jupiter will enter your house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on June 5th. Jupiter in the 9th house extends travel. You may also educate yourself entering college, university or take some classes to learn something new. Uranus will enter your 8th house and join Jupiter on March 12th. Jupiter usually only last up to 12 months in one house but Uranus will last 7 years in this one house. You may have some unexpected credit issues. You could see incredible financial gains via loans, credit and taxes. There could be tax issues and problems. Its good to be aware that credit, loans and taxes may all brings problems in the next 7 years. You may also experience identity theft.

There should be some positive financial dates for loans, taxes, credit, child support, bonuses and commissions on January 17, April 3, July 31 and September 25th. Be aware that the September date is not positive which could bring a big debt.

The new moon eclipse on June 1st will fall in your career house. The eclipse falls in the sign of Gemini which could bring you two jobs. You may be able to balance two different job duties or multi-task. Saturn will help bring in the money but expect to be working hard for it.

The full moon lunar eclipse on June 15th will fall in the 4th house of home. The next 6 months could bring you into a new home. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs in the home. Someone may move in or move out. You may decide to buy new furniture or get rid of old worn out furniture or other items. You will experience a new moon eclipse on November 25th which could complete any projects or tasks at home or related to the home. You obviously see you have plenty going on in the home so expect some challenges. You may find yourself moving in and out of the home or to several different locations. You may just travel to frequent places for your business or your job.

The new moon eclipse on July 1st will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next 6 months may easily bring an extension of friends. You may join a group or organization. The friends you make may be old friends or an old friend may bring to you a new friend. You seem to be social and outgoing. It's a great time to get out and enjoy life. Jupiter support this eclipse from your 4th house of home. You may invite friends to your home or spend time at your friends house. You may house shop with a friend. It seems to be an eclipse with obligations from your financial house. You may have to work hard for the money. The friends you make may be coworkers/ Get out for once and connect with new and old people.

The full moon eclipse on December 10th will fall in your career. You had a new moon eclipse earlier in the year that brought opportunities. This eclipse may bring an ending to a career choice or job. It could be that you end one job to start a new job or a new career. The energy is great at this full moon so plan ahead so you can begin 2012 with great opportunities. You never know you may just get promoted within the next few months.

Leo Yearly Horoscope for 2011

Once you enter 2011 you will really begin to focus more on socializing and connecting with the people around you. You will see an increase of friends. It could also be that you are open to connecting with family and coworkers. The full moon eclipse from December 26th falls in your 11th house of friendships. it could bring more friends or you may see some friends go or relocate. The year of 2011 will highlight more of the same and some. On January 4th the new moon solar eclipse will affect your 6th house of work, service and health. The next 6 months will bring an increase of work projects, assignments, tasks and projects. It can bring about more money with the great help of Venus, Uranus and Jupiter. You can see a financial gain or even a promotion. It could also bring commissions and bonuses. You will work hard for the money but the hard work pays off.

You may see a financial gain on January 17th and January 23rd. It could be a bonus, commission, loan or credit. It may also come in the form of child support, alimony or a settlement. Uranus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on March 12th. The next 7 years you will have a change in beliefs. Your beliefs may be religious or spiritual. it could be how you view life. I knew someone who wanted to find a man and get married. She had no luck finding the future marriage. Once Uranus entered her 9th house she gave up on the belief of marriage and settled for just a committed partner which she is still with now. Jupiter enters the same house prior to Uranus on January 28th giving it 6 months for travel and connect with foreign people and places. Jupiter will last 6 months and give you the benefits of travel, marketing, publishing and education. You may promote a product via the internet, radio and television. You may enter college or a university. Uranus will last 7 years in this same house. On June 5th Jupiter will move and into your 10th house of career. The next 12 months will bring career opportunities. You may advance in your career and receive a promotion. Some of you will start a business or venture out into new career territories. The opportunities are endless. You will prosper and grow.

Communication, short trips and education will be highlighted on January 23, February 14, April 3, 18, June 17, September 29 and October 26th. All these dates do well for you in communication especially if you are reaching out to others via text messages, phone calls and emails. Short trips around town or to visit family and friends will also be highlighted. You may have to travel for work or to spend time with others. You are social and outgoing. its also a time when you may write, create or educate yourself. You may enter college, university or even take on some new studies. You seem to be open to connecting and communicating with siblings, neighbors and even cousins. A great time to reach out with people whom you lost contact with lately.

Is Love Promised in Your Chart?

Get a more personalized astrology reading with your most personal top 5 questions answered for the low price of $65. This includes a 12 month forecast. Just send me your date, time and place of birth and your top five questions to get this astrology reading. Get your answers within 48hrs. Click the "buy now" button to order your astrology reading today.

Leo is the sign that enjoy love and to give love so I am sure you are wondering about Valentine's day. Well the moon is in the sign of Cancer which falls in your 12th house. You may be a bit too tired to get out on a date. You may decide to have a romantic night at home or in a more private setting than to get caught up in the craziness of the day out in public. You also see to have a more critical approach to love or even the special day. Maybe you want the day to turn out a certain way. You take care of the tedious little details that can score you some points. Good luck.

Your career soars on May 17th when Mercury and Venus enter your career house. Remember in about 2 weeks Jupiter enters the same house. The highlight of your career is about to make itself known You may receive a big promotion or a job that puts you in higher status. The opportunities may extend to a business or new venture. I say keep an eye throughout the month of May through even November 2011 as your career will shine and bring great opportunities.

The new moon solar eclipse on June 1st will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next 6 months brings an extension of friends. You may connect with friends via a social network, organization or group. You may find that you attend a special event or party. It could be you putting the party or event together. A group connects well with you. Communication increases with friends and family.

The full moon eclipse on June 15th will fall in your 5th house of love and children. The next 6 months may bring the ending of a love relationship. The relationship may have already been suffering and you just finally decide to complete put it to an end. You may also fall in love, find love or even meet someone new. You may close one door to open a new door. in In other words you may end one relationship and in a few months find yourself starting a new relationship. Children are also highlighted. You may conceive or give birth. You surround yourself with children. It could be that you spend time with children in sports or hobbies. it may be a time of love. It may be a time of freedom. You will fight for your freedom and look to get what you want even if it means moving on from what disappointed you in the past.

Career opportunities may easily come for you on July 8, September 2, October 14 and November 27th. These dates may bring for you a job opportunity or offer.

The new moon solar eclipse on November 25th will fall in your 5th house of love and children. You had a few moon eclipse a few months back and now its a new beginning. You may find someone to build a loving relationship. You may date or spend quality time with someone special. Sports, hobbies, artistic talents are highlighted. For example you may join a sport, hobby or even invest in singing or music lessons. You want to learn a new talent and skill. it may be music, theater, arts or even learning to play a musical instrument. Venus and Uranus support this eclipse giving you a fresh new outlook on love and life. You explore and adventurous. New life comes your way because of this eclipse. You may meet someone on the internet or an unexpected way.

The full moon lunar eclipse on December 10th is all about friends again. Friends come and go. You may also be open to new friends. You may lose a friend for whatever reason. They may relocate or get married. You may finalize a group or organization. You may join a group or organization. It may be that you are the leader. Special events and parties are highlighted. You may spend more time more people and make new friends. You are social and outgoing. If you can connect with others you will see a gain with others. Get out and make some new friends. also friends will be open to making time for you and wanting to connect with you. Have fun and enjoy.