It's going to be a very fun and exciting month for you. I know I say that many times but this month is true. Well, actually if you are excited about career and work projects then this month will be quite fun for you. As you begin the month you will still feel the energy from the full moon eclipse of December 21, 2010 falling in your 3rd house of shorts, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may still be taking on plenty of short trips or seeing an increase of communication with family and friends via text, email or phone calls. You are mobile and communicative. It could be the time when you purchase a vehicle or computer.
On January 4th you will start the month with a new moon lunar eclipse falling in your 10th house of career. As mentioned in the past an eclipse has cosmic power to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring wonders for you because it affects your career. If you have been out of a job then expect the next 6 months to bring you a job. You may even see a job around this date of the eclipse or within the next 7-10 days. It could come 30 days from now or even a couple weeks ago. I feel that this is going to be a very positive eclipse for you because Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all supporting this eclipse. Venus and Jupiter bring luck and money. Uranus can bring them suddenly. You may be sitting at home one day and the next you are giving an interview for a job opening. Two days later you may be working at your new job. The opportunity is there to get work. You may receive a promotion, advancement or even begin a business venture. Saturn will bring great discipline so expect to work hard for the money. Pluto will make you intensely passionate of your goals. I feel this eclipse can really open the doors for career success. You have to want it bad enough to put yourself out there and to succeed. For some of you the opportunity may come knocking on your door but for many you need to let the world know you want this opportunity.
Partnerships seem to have a little difficulty on January 4, 7, 26 and 29th. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker or even business partner. There may be arguments or endings. As you can see the eclipse will be effected by the eclipse. It could be your hard work and dedication may bring problems with a spouse or business partner. If you are forming a business partnership make sure to write everything out and sign a contract. I have seen too many business partnerships fail because no actual contract agreement was made at the start of the business. Disagreements can help open up communication so stay calm and be civil with each other. It can really bring resolutions. Saturn will also retrograde on January 27th giving you about 4 months that could bring difficulties or problems with a partner. It could be good or bad depending on how big the problems are in the partnership. If it has been falling apart then the retrograde will easily heighten the issues and problems.
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Venus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips on January 8th. The next 4 weeks can bring a time for you to travel for love. you may take a trip to visit someone special or it could be that they come to you. You may learn something new including music, foreign cultures and lands. It's time to study and learn. It could even be a new language. You will get along quite well wit the in-laws too. On January 13th Mercury will enter your own 10th house of career The next 3 weeks you seem mobile and communicative. You are active and ready to strike up a conversation with anyone. Contracts, interviews and presentations go well. On January 20th the Sun will enter your 11th house of friendships. Expect to have 4 weeks were you will be social and outgoing. It's all about the friends. You will connect with new and old friends.
Friends will also be highlighted on January 3, 4, 10, 11 and 17th. You may just hang out with friends or coworkers and have a little drink together. There may be invites to special events and parties. It's a great time to get out and connect with the people around you.
Jupiter will enter your own sign on January 23rd. The next 6 months will be all about you. You could easily attract love, money and opportunities. It could also attract fatty foods. You are full of laughter and joy. You connect well with the people in your life and you feel a great confidence in yourself. Do not criticize because that just creates negative energy for yourself. Jupiter is taking one last ride in your sign before moving on to a new sign and house later this year. It is your last opportunity to take advantage of the great energy being given to you. You gain grow and prosper just by staying focus to your own needs.
Expect it to be a time of reflection on January 4, 12, 13, 19 and 30th. You will get rid of what you don't need in life but it's also time to face the truth. Your health will improve with exercise and eating healthy. You are taking care of the body which could bring great strength and mobility. If you feel that you have been gaining weight then these dates can help you get started with your weight issues. Take some supplements and eat some fruits and vegetables. You will live longer and feel healthier and active too.
The full moon on January 19th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks could bring a relocation, renovation or you may just make some repairs around the home. Jupiter, Uranus and the Sun all support this great full moon. Your health may be a primary concern or issue but you seem to be doing well for yourself. Any health concerns can bring great results. You have to make sure to take care of yourself too. I feel that this could bring you a new place to live. You will enjoy the environment. You may have to spend a little more to enjoy your new place. It could be that you buy new furniture or decorate a room. You seem pleased with the results. I feel this full moon will help you to enjoy your home environment but it may also make you realize that some things you just need to let go.
CynthiaThe Psychic One
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