The month will really bring you so much activity especially in connection to finances. Right now you seem to be consumed with the full moon eclipse back on December 21, 2010 that fell in your partnership house. You may be taking care of some issues relating to a partner. The partner may be a spouse, lover, friend, coworker or business partner. You may be ending a relationship. it could be through a divorce or breakup. it could even be a business breakup. You may also get married or commit to a partner including a business partnership too.
On January 4th the new moon solar eclipse will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next 6 months you may see more money or build a greater financial security. An eclipse has the effects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months you may get a new job or find a new source of income. It could be that you find new ways to make money. There will be new tax laws starting this month that could help you have a little more money in your pocket from your paycheck. Jupiter, Uranus and Venus all seem to be supporting this eclipse which brings luck and opportunities. You may find a new job through a connection or by networking. If you have been feeling a bit strained financially then you may be in luck. It could be that you run into a job opportunity by chance. Luck comes in unexpected ways. It could be that you finally hear news of a job opening and you end up getting the job. The opportunity to improve your finances will be there. You just need to want it yourself.
Friends seem to be a little negative or harsh on January 7, 23 and January 26th. They may speak the truth or you hear news from one of your friends that is unpleasant. it could be that you need to go out of your way for a friend. You may see a friend relocate or you confide in a friend. A friend may give you bad news.
Venus will enter your own sign on January 8th. The next 4 weeks will bring about praise and attention your way. You may feel a great desire to look your best. You may buy new clothes or change your hair style or haircut. You will be the center of attention. Mercury will enter your 2nd house of earned income on January 13th giving you 3 weeks to find new ways to make money. You will focus on saving and making more money. The Sun will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on January 20th. The next 4 weeks you may increase your communication via emails, text messages and phone calls. It could be that you take frequent trips to visit family and friends. You are social and outgoing. Education may be important too. It's time to educate yourself or enter college.
Is Love Promised in your Chart
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Jupiter will return to your 5th house of love and children on January 23rd. The next 6 months seems to be about love, children, music and the creative arts. You may find love, fall in love or just go out on a date. It could be that you spend more time with children. You may get involved in their sports or hobbies. it could be that you enter a sport or hobby. You may also find yourself socializing in bars and clubs. You want to connect with others around you and it could be through music or just having fun with friends and family. Get out for once. You will be surprised at the people you meet.
The home will be your main focus on January 2, 4, 11, 12, 13 and 19th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. it could be that you paint or decorate the home. You may buy some new furniture. Someone may move in or out of the home. It is time to enjoy the home by hosting or entertaining at home. You may purchase a home or rent a new apartment.
Finances will also be highlighted on January 12, 17, 23 and 26th. You may get a new job offer or opportunity. Finances may improve or you see a new financial gain. Time to focus on saving for the future. Plans and ideas come to your head at this time and how to advance in your career or how to save and build financial security.
The full moon on January 19th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The full moon will bring about obligations. You may have to pay a hefty bill or debt. it may be related to a loan, vehicle or taxes. You may also take on a focus with child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. You may gain through one of these resources. The gain could be through a reward, bonus, raffle, gift card or other financial or material benefits. Jupiter and Uranus greatly support this full moon which tells me you may see a financial gain through an unlikely source. It could be through a friend. I feel that this full moon will show some discipline on you. You may need to budget wisely in order to make your finances last. It could show you that you need to plan more thoroughly for the future. If you have some financial issues then you need to begin to save or learn new ways of savings. Once you get that down then you will be able to feel organized in your future financial security.
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