They are:
Stage One Denial and Isolation
Stage 2:Anger
Stage 3: Bargaining
Stage 4: Depression
Stage 5: Acceptance
Today we will discuss Stage One-Denial and Isolation.
When you first hear about the loss you will experience denial. You may try to convince yourself that the situation is temporary or not in existence at all. It could be that you try to isolate yourself from the situation so you do not have to face the realities of the issue. If you have suffered the death of a family member you may experience denial and isolation or even numbness. It may be easier for you to handle the loss by isolating yourself with alcohol or drugs. Feeling in denial about the situation will just hold you back from the reality of the situation. It may even make you feel delusional.
Grieving takes time. There is no time line when you should stop grieving. I still grieve at times about the loss of my cat 8 years ago. It can easily creep up on you at unexpected times. If you suffered the loss of a relationship then you may experience denial that the breakup has occurred. You may even feel that giving the situation some time may just bring the other person back---and it very well may be possible. You have to still realize that a breakup or ending has occurred no matter what the future brings for you. It can be difficult to deal with so try not to drain your sorrows in drugs or alcohol even though many times its easier to not feel pain or depression.
The best way to handle the denial and isolation stage of grief is by facing what is in front of you. If you cannot contact that person anymore then realize the truth behind it. If you notice that your loved one is not with you in person or on a daily basis then realistically a loss has occurred. Face reality and you will begin facing the next stage of grief.
The Psychic One
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