You begin the month by having Venus enter your 10th house of career. On December 1st Venus will enter your career house for 5 weeks. You will receive plenty of praise and recognition for a job well done. You will work hard and prove yourself to others. You may receive a job offer or an opportunity to advance in your career. A promotion, advancement or business opportunity may come your way. Your career also looks great on December 1, 10 and 27th. All these dates go well for you for your career. You may receive a job opportunity. A wonderful compliment may also come for you.
Your finances will also be highlighted on December 3, 16, 18, 20 and 31st. These dates can be positive or negative for you. You may receive a financial gain but not the way you would expect. You may have to pay a debt or bill. I feel that there are some financial obligations that need to be taken care of during these dates. There could possibly be a raise or some type of financial gain it just won't come easily for you.
Mars will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on December 8th. The next 7 weeks seems to bring a time for you to seek solitude and focus on your health. You may have to rely on what will make you a better and stronger person. You may get rid of a bad habit or a bad person in your life. It could be smoking, alcohol or a bad habit that may be taking over your life. Its time to seek therapy or rehab facility to become a healthier person. Its time to go to the doctor and get the routine checkups or health exams necessary in your life. You will be able to take care of your body and if you need to take medications so be it. It may also be that you are taking care of the health of someone else whether its a family member or even a pet.
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Your health is also a concern on December 5, 8, 13, 26 and 28th. Its time to take care of your body and take care of any ailments that can hold you back from living a healthier future. If you need to seek therapy do so.
Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks brings a time when you may keep feelings, emotions and moods to yourself. Thoughts are kept in secret. Mercury retrograding brings some secrets out in the open. Mercury goes finally go direct on December 30th so expect some chaos in these couple weeks. The Sun enters your 12th house of secrets and solitude on December 22nd. The next 4 weeks brings a time for you to seek solitude, rest, relax and take care of your health.
You seem selfless and giving on December 2, 13, 18, 19 and 31st. You are open to making time for friends and family. You reach out to others and they appreciate the time and attention you give to them. Your friends will appreciate the time and attention and you will feel loved and appreciated by them. Call up a friend or send a loving note to your friends letting them know you care about them.
The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. An eclipse has the cosmic power to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring a time when you may find love, fall in love or spend time with children. There could be the possibility of ending a relationship but only if the relationship has already been suffering and falling apart. The next 6 months could bring love, relationships and even a baby. You may spend quality time with children or hear of a baby on the way. Jupiter and Uranus square off with this eclipse from your 2nd house of earned income. There may be financial obligations with a lover, partner or a child. It could be that you are moving in with a partner or buying a home. You may spend a bit lavishly so try to set a budget in the process. Mercury seems to oppose this eclipse which may bring about some arguments, disagreements or stress and anxiety during this eclipse. You may need to discuss some important issues or problems with a lover or child. The eclipse will allow you to close the door on your past to make way for the future. You need to get rid of what you don't need in your life to make way for the future. If it means getting rid of one relationship to move forward into a new relationship then so be it. It's what will make you happy that matters now. You may start a new sport or hobby too. Enjoy. Get out and have some fun but also be responsible.
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