The week begins on December 29th with problems in a partnership. The partner may be personal like a spouse, lover, friend or coworker. It could be professional like a coworker, business partner, lawyer or doctor. The problems may bring about a disagreement or argument. It depends what has been going on in the past that will bring the next couple days issues or baggage from the past. If these issues can be dealt with then you can compromise and move forward. If not it could be the start of a ending. On December 30th Mercury will finally go direct. You will have the ability to take care of contract or negotiations. You will be able to plan and move forward. Plans work out well for you and you are able to compromise. It could involve education or marketing too. On January 1st and 2nd your focus turns to your friends. You may connect well with family and friends. Start the New Year with a new friend or new connection for your career. On January 4th you will start the month with a new moon lunar eclipse falling in your 10th house of career. As mentioned in the past an eclipse has cosmic power to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months will bring wonders for you because it affects your career. If you have been out of a job then expect the next 6 months to bring you a job. You may even see a job around this date of the eclipse or within the next 7-10 days. It could come 30 days from now or even a couple weeks ago. I feel that this is going to be a very positive eclipse for you because Venus, Jupiter and Uranus are all supporting this eclipse. Venus and Jupiter bring luck and money. Uranus can bring them suddenly. You may be sitting at home one day and the next you are giving an interview for a job opening. Two days later you may be working at your new job. The opportunity is there to get work. You may receive a promotion, advancement or even begin a business venture. Saturn will bring great discipline so expect to work hard for the money. Pluto will make you intensely passionate of your goals.
Expect to be working hard for the money on December 29th and 30th. You will have plenty of projects keeping you busy and you will feel very active and motivated. You may feel that you are doing too much work but at least you will keep busy. On December 30th Mercury will finally go direct from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks will make you focus on your finances especially relating to credit cards, loans and taxes. You may organize your finances and plan for the future. On January 1st and 2nd you seem to be doing well for your career. You may hear news of a new job or career opportunity. It is time to plan the future and even enter college to keep yourself updated with the latest education and training. January 4th with the new moon solar eclipse falling in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. As you heard me before state an eclipse has cosmic power to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months may bring a few long distance trips for you. You may travel a distance or others come to visit you. It's also a time for education and training. You may enter college or a university. It could be a training or vocational school. Marketing is also highlighted. You may market yourself or a product via the internet, radio or television. You will expand yourself and your knowledge. It's a very positive eclipse because Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all seem to offer great support to this eclipse. It is a very beneficial group of planets helping this eclipse because it could bring money, luck or opportunities.
It seems to be quite a stressful week for you. there is plenty going on that will keep you quite busy. On December 29th you seem to be focusing your time on a lover or child. You have many obligations with family and this seems to be one of them. Family may keep you a bit busy or there are many obligations and activities that you need to take care of. Sport, recreational activities and even music may be something to enjoy. Mercury will finally go direct on December 30th from your partnership house. It is time to discuss and communicate with a partner. The partner may be a doctor, lawyer, friend, lover or even a coworker. You are social and outgoing. On January 2nd your focus turns to travel, education and marketing. You may register for college or enter a university. You make plans for your future and career. It is time to promote a product including yourself, through the internet, emails, radio or television. It could be that you plan a trip or take a trip. The new moon solar eclipse on January 4th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. As you may know by now an eclipse will last up to 6 months. The cosmic power of an eclipse can bring financial luck and opportunities for the next 6 months. There is a wide range of opportunities that can come to you including loans, credit, tax refunds, bonuses, commissions, gifts, rewards and joint resources. If you are looking to build a business partnership then you may gain through another source or person. You may receive a loan whether it's for a home or vehicle. It could be that you are sharing assets or finances with someone else so you may gain from someone else. You may marry and gain through your partner. It's going to be a very interesting and exciting eclipse because Jupiter and Uranus will support this eclipse from your career house. Venus will support this eclipse too. All these planets can really bring about financial opportunity and gains.
It's all about the home on December 29th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that you need to clean the house or get rid of some old items in the home. It could be that someone moves out. There may be difficulties in the home or especially with the people living in your home or near your home. It could be time to move on. Most likely you will find yourself cleaning out the closets and the garage. Mercury finally goes direct on December 30th from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may spend the next couple weeks taking care of some work assignments and projects. You read more about your health and how to take care of your body. On January 4th the new moon solar eclipse will fall in your partnership house. A partner is someone whom you collaborate with closely including a spouse, lover, friend, coworker, business partner, employer or employee. An eclipse has cosmic energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months you may meet someone new that could end up being your long term partner. You may marry or build a business partnership. The partnership may be for business purposes including working with someone to help your business grow. It could be a promoter or investor. You may build a close friendship with someone who could become a mentor or long time friend. It is a very positive eclipse because Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all seem to be supporting this eclipse. Venus and Jupiter are beneficial planets because they bring luck and opportunities.
The week begins with you taking on some serious discussions or communication with others. It could be a sibling or neighbor. You may also take on the focus of writing and creating. Education is also important. You may have issues with a sibling or neighbor that eventually gets resolved. On December 30th Mercury finally goes direct from your 5th house of love and children. The next couple weeks you are communication more frequently with a lover or child. You may plan children games or play games of love. It is time to work out personal issues and problems with a lover or child. On January 2nd and 3rd you are focused on finances relating to taxes, credit and loans. It could be that you begin working on your taxes or paying off some debts or bills. You may work alongside someone else to take care of these issues and problems. Finances could come in the form of a gain via a bonus or commission. The year of 2011 will begin with a new moon solar eclipse falling in your 6th house of work, service and health on January 4th… I feel that the next 6 months will be about working hard for the money and building security for yourself. You will spend the next few months busy with work projects and assignments. You are planning for the future and you find new ways to make more money. Expect to spend longer hours of time working. Your schedule may be a little crazy. You seem to be investing more time and effort with projects. You write, plan and work more hours. You will connect well with coworkers, employers and employees. It is a money-making eclipse for you. Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all seem to get along so well with each other during this eclipse that you may easily find yourself making more money from all the hard work you invest. It is finally your time to shine and show others how well of a job you perform.
The week begins with you stressing or worried about money. Finances may be tight or you are worried about money or a paycheck. You may work harder for the money. You seem to be focusing on where the money is coming or how the money will show up. Also expect to work harder for the money too. Mercury will finally go direct on December 30th from your 4th house of home. Communication increases or improves at home. The communication may include contracts, loans, a lease or other agreements for the home. On January 1st and 2nd your concern will regard a partner. The partner may be a lover, spouse, friend, business partner, lawyer, doctor or business associate. You may build a connection with someone else. The new moon solar eclipse on January 4th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 6 months may bring about a new love, someone to fall in love with or a child. You may fall in love or begin dating. There may be a baby on the way or you hear news of a pregnancy. It could be that you spend time with kids. Sports and hobbies are also highlighted. The great news of this eclipse is that Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all support this great eclipse. You are feeling social and outgoing. You do well for yourself by making the right presentation and appearance. If you feel ready to get out there and expose yourself to someone new then you seem to shine. It's about you wanting to be happy and if it means spending time with kids or a new lover then so be it. It could also be with a spouse or friend. You are active in hobbies and sports. It could be a child who enters a sport or hobby including creative arts too.
It's all about you on December 29th when Saturn seems to be working with Mars. You will find yourself working much harder. You are stressed and frustrated but you keep yourself going. If you are studying you feel that you have full obligations. It could be that you are putting something together and feel many pressures from work or school. On December 30th Mercury will finally go direct on your 3rd house of communication, short trips, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks seems to increase communication via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may take frequent short trips around town. Communicate may increase with your neighbors. On January 2nd your work projects and health are highlighted. You spend the next couple days exercising and eating healthy. You will also focus on work projects and taking care of assignments and paperwork. You may see an increase of clients and customers. On January 4, 2011 falling in your 4th house of home. The next 6 months may bring a relocation, renovation or repairs around the home. An eclipse has cosmic power for a good 6 months so you may find that the next 6 months you may need to relocate possibly for a job change. It could be that you need to make some repairs around the home. The repairs may have been long in the waiting and now you are taking care of them. You may also be dealing with people who live with you including loved ones and roommates. Someone may move in or out of the home.
You seem to be feeling a bit down and depressed on December 29th. It could relate to finances and debts. You may be feeling this way due to a relationship or family issues or concern. The mood will subside but in the meantime try to do your best to look at a positive side. Make plans and set goals. You will be able to get through this time period. On December 30th Mercury finally goes direct from your 2nd house of earned income. You seem to be setting plans for your financial future. You may also look and find new ways to make more money or to save for the future. On January 1st and January 2nd the home is your priority. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone moves in or out of the home. On January 4th the new moon eclipse will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 6 months will highlight for you short trips possibly to visit family and relative. Communication that will increase via the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. You may extend communication to cousins, aunts, uncles, siblings and even your neighbors. You seem social and outgoing. It's going to be a very social active eclipse. You know an eclipse brings great energy for the next 6 months. Jupiter, Venus and Uranus are all supporting this eclipse which you can expect more social gathering, parties and special events. You may be surprised how friendly and outgoing you seem to be with others and vice versa. You get yourself out there and connect. You may be networking and building connections. Short trips may also occur because you are traveling to visit loved ones. It could also be work-related too.
The week begins for you with some problems connected to a friend. The friend may be a coworker or even your boss. There may be disagreements or arguments with this individual. You may feel a bit frustrated or hear some bad news from a friend or even a family member. You are also feeling a bit overwhelmed. Mercury finally goes direct from your own sign on December 30th. You will be mobile and talkative. It's time to get errands done on time. On January 1st and 2nd the home is your main priority. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. On January 4th the new moon solar eclipse will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next 6 months you may see more money or build a greater financial security. An eclipse has the effects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months you may get a new job or find a new source of income. It could be that you find new ways to make money. There will be new tax laws starting this month that could help you have a little more money in your pocket from your paycheck. Jupiter, Uranus and Venus all seem to be supporting this eclipse which brings luck and opportunities. You may find a new job through a connection or by networking. If you have been feeling a bit strained financially then you may be in luck. It could be that you run into a job opportunity by chance.
Expect to have a busy week with many obligations at work on December 29th. You will work hard for the money or feel the year-end crunch. There are many duties and obligations that need to be invested at this time. Keep pushing forward and hang in there. On December 30th Mercury finally goes from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks you seem focused and your mind is fully active. You plan and set plans into motion. On January 2nd you are communication and seem social. Communication may increase via emails and text messages. You could take a quick trip or a short trip out of town or back home. The new moon solar eclipse on January 4th will fall in your own sign. It is great news because the next 6 months should bring great opportunities for you. You will also have Jupiter, Venus and Uranus all supporting this eclipse which brings luck and opportunities. Leave it up to your ruling planet, Saturn to bring some discipline and focus. Expect to work hard but the opportunities will be there. It could be a time for you to get a new job or find that great loving relationship. The door opens up for you to advance and gain in the next 6 months. You may finally hear of a job or new financial opportunity that comes your way. You will be focused and dedicated. It's time to change your appearance. It could be through a new haircut or wardrobe. Have fun and get out there. Show off a little. You're always so serious.
It is time for you to get back to work. Work could be around the home or at work. You may focus on losing weight or spending time with the kids on December 29th and 30th. Expect to put a lot of time and effort to advancing in your career or to plan for the future. On December 30th Mercury finally goes direct in your 11th house of friendships. It's time to connect and communicate with friends and family. Get out and socialize. You are the sign that loves to connect with people. On January 2nd your focus turns to money. It could be that you begin to look for a job or find new ways to make more money. You are also focused on spending. Try to set a budget and don't spend on something you don't need at all. On January 4th the new moon solar eclipse will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 6 months will bring about a time to take a vacation or to relax more. You want to get out and just enjoy being out and about. You may take a vacation or make more plans for travel. It could be that you need to get rid of some bad habits or people in your life. Seek therapy and get yourself out there. Venus will greatly support Uranus and Jupiter which can bring you some financial opportunities and gains in the most unexpected ways. Saturn and Pluto will ground you to make plans for your financial future. You may have a little more money in your pocket but it doesn't mean go spend either. Go out there and budget. You will thank yourself later on.
Your finances relating to taxes, credit cards and loans will be your main focus on December 29th. You may have to pay a hefty bill or debt. It could make you feel that money is tight or you need to find a way to budget your finances. On December 30th Mercury finally goes direct from your 10th house of career. You are focused on reading, writing and communication more frequently. It is a great time to make a presentation at work or go for an interview. On January 1st and 2nd it is all about your own personal wants and needs. You get yourself out there and want to connect with the people around you. A great spiritual day for you. By January 4th the new moon solar eclipse will make you focus on friends and family. You are making some future plans. The next 6 months seems to be all about friends. You may make some new friends or find yourself socializing and outgoing. Connect with people out there and see what it brings you. You are willing to get out and connect with the world. You may be part of an organization or group. You could see an extension of invites and parties. It could be you hosting a special event or party. Venus and Jupiter are full of fun and joy. Uranus also brings about a sense of fun and excitement. You want to enjoy yourself but Saturn will also make sure you are focused on your duties and obligations.
The Psychic One
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