The month will really have plenty for you to enjoy. It's going to be all about the partner. Right now you are enjoying the effects from the full moon eclipse back on December 21, 2010 that fell in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. It is a time to let go of bad habits and people. It could relate to health issues including mentally and emotionally feeling drained. It's time to let go of the past and move towards the future even if the past is an old relationship.
On January 4th the new moon solar eclipse will fall in your partnership house. A partner is someone whom you collaborate with closely including a spouse, lover, friend, coworker, business partner, employer or employee. An eclipse has cosmic energy to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months you may meet someone new that could end up being your long term partner. You may marry or build a business partnership. The partnership may be for business purposes including working with someone to help your business grow. It could be a promoter or investor. You may build a close friendship with someone who could become a mentor or long time friend. It is a very positive eclipse because Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all seem to be supporting this eclipse. Venus and Jupiter are beneficial planets because they bring luck and opportunities. You may meet a partner who can help you to grow and prosper financially or materialistically. It could be your future partner is financially secure. They could be optimistic, confident and secure in themselves. Saturn seems to be making you work hard for this partner. There could be obligations. You may need to make some sacrifices or relocate to be with this partner. There may be contracts or negotiations signed with this partnership. It's a fun and exciting eclipse so there is plenty to hope for during this eclipse.
Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on January 8th. The next 4 weeks brings a wonderful time for you to connect well with coworkers. Exercise goes out the door as you may find yourself eating fatty foods and sweets. You focus also on crafts, sewing, design and pets. You may create or craft. Your bond may be towards a pet. A new pet may come into your life or you give extra love to a pet. Mercury will enter your partnership house on January 13th. The next 3 weeks will improve communication with a partner. It is a great time for you to compromise and work out personal issues and problems. The Sun will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on January 20th. The next 4 weeks seems to be all about loans, credit cards, taxes, refunds, rewards, bonuses and commissions. You may easily see a gain at this time. There could possibly be money owed.
Jupiter will enter your 10th house of career one last time on January 23rd. You have 6 months to gain through a career advancement, promotion or business venture. The next 6 months may bring a raise or promotion. You may begin a business venture. It seems to be a time when its about your career and where you would like to be in the future. You may seek education or take a couple classes or training courses to further your career. In June Jupiter moves on to another house so this is your last opportunity to possibly see a big gain in your career. Next opportunity won't come for about another 4 years at the earliest or even 12 years at the latest. Take advantage of opportunity. Remember that you need to put yourself out there and let employers and people know that you want to advance in your career.
Is Love promised in Your Chart
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Your career is also highlighted on January 2, 11, 13, 19 and 29th. You may receive a job opportunity or offer. It could be that you advance or decide to start a business venture. It's also a great time to set plans into action and see what opportunities come your way.
It's going to be all about the home on January 7, 23, 26 and 30th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Saturn will retrograde in your 4th house of home on January 27th. The next 4 months will really make you focus on the home. There could be electrical problems in the home. someone may move in or out of the home. There could be disagreements or arguments with contractors, roommates or your neighbors. It may be a bit frustrating that you may need to make changes around the home but these adjustments let's you see what is really going on around you. January 7th may bring problems in the home so keep an eye on that date.
Finances related to taxes, loans and credit stand out on January 11, 17 and 23rd. You may receive the approval of a loan or it could be a tax refund. Bonuses and commissions may also come to you.
The full moon on January 19th will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks will be all about you. You may receive a promotion, start a business, get pregnant or even get married. You will receive plenty of attention and praise. It is a fun and exciting full moon because the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus all support the full moon. You may build a new career or start a new job. Opportunities easily come to you and may come unexpectedly. I feel this full moon will open doors to new possibilities for your future. You are expanding your horizons and making plans for your future. Great luck and opportunities come for the next two weeks. Good luck.
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