As you begin the week your main focus will turn to friends and your love life. There seems to be a polar opposite going on between love and friendships for you. You may feel stuck and in love with a friend or look at a friend in a different light. Don't get caught in the clouds, as you may be disappointed later on. You are very creative and artistic today. You are very tedious with work projects and a great time to take care of chores. On July 9th and 10th Venus will enter your 6th house of work service and health giving you 4 weeks to indulge and sweets and fatty foods. You may spend the time next 4 weeks gaining weight than losing weight. A great time for you to connect with coworkers. Mercury will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects bringing you a couple weeks to pursue love and to act like a kid. You may play games of love or play games with children. You seem to be working hard for the money. You are full of energy and excitement so try to slow down. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next 6 months can give you a time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may change the decor of a room or relocate into your own place. It's a time to rebel and go against the norm so this could be your first place or you may be leaving someone to move out on your own. It also seems to be a time for you to partner up with someone so you may be moving in with someone. The home is highlighted as well as the mother. You may be helping a mother around the home. Read more of this eclipse by clicking here By July 13th you are focused on your career, which could easily bring you an opportunity or offer. You may change jobs or receive a promotion. A great time to pursue new ventures so good luck.
You are always working hard and thinking of ways to work harder for the money. You are ambitious and have a strong sense of hard work ethics. On June 8th you seem to be focused on work and projects. You may receive a promotion and job opportunity. Your love life may improve, as it's a great time to discuss personal issues with a partner or child. On July 10th Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children giving you 4 weeks to find love, fall in love or spend time with children. You will also listen to music and possibly attend a concert. On the same day Mercury will enter your 4th house of home spending a couple weeks were you will improve communication around the home. You will find yourself communicating via emails and text messages to family and friends. You seem to be at full speed and energy so a great time to get projects done around the home and with family. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communications, family, siblings and neighbors. The next 6 months seems to be a wonderful time for you to take short trips around town or to visit family. They may be sudden and spontaneous but you will have fun. You seem to be open to the fun and excitement of trying something new so it could be that you are open to meeting new people or going to new places. Your communication increase via the telephone, emails and text messages especially with family and friends. If you are self-employed then this could be a great time for you to see an increase of sales. You are out to enjoy yourself and have some fun so go out there and explore new places. You may learn something new along the way. To read more of the eclipse click here. Make sure to read your monthly horoscope too. By July 13th you seem to be open to exploring far and beyond. You may take a long distance trip or learn a new language or culture. A great time to just get out and expand your boundaries.
The week starts off with you focusing your time on long distance plans and trips on July 7th and 8th. You may be planning to take a trip to visit family or a new foreign country. You will explore your horizons and see what is out there for you to discover. You may find love with a foreigner or with a foreign country. The home also seems to be a priority for you so you may be relocating or making some renovations around the home. On July 9th you are taking care of projects around the home or finding a new place to live. Friends will also be highlighted and you seem to be open to making new friends too. Venus will enter your 4th house of home on July 10th giving you 4 weeks to look for a new place to live or even change the decor in a room. You may be open to new opportunities for the home including renting a place with new decor and structures. You may be inspired to paint or draw in the home. Mercury will enter your 3rd house of short trips and communication on the same day bringing a couple weeks to take several short trips around town. You also seem to be open to communicating with everyone around you. The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next 6 months brings you opportunity to make more money or find new sources of income. You seem to be taking chances so you may find yourself entering into new career paths that you have never ventured into in your past. You may partner up with someone to bring you these connections. Read more about the eclipse by clicking here. Also read your monthly horoscope. By July 13th you are focused more on finances relating to taxes, credit and loans. You will get ahead with your finances and seem to be paying off some bills. You may receive the approval of a loan or credit card.
It's going to be a very interesting and exciting week for you. It's going to be all about you. On July 7th and 8th your first concerns seems to focus on communication and travel. You may take a quick trip out of town. You will be very thorough with your plans. You seem to expand your horizons and are open to new places. Communication should go well via emails, text and phone calls. On July 9th work projects seem to keep you busy. Your anxieties may increase but you are taking the projects at full speed. You may receive a job offer or opportunity today. Venus will enter your third house of short trips and communication on July 10th. The next 4 weeks seems to be a wonderful time to visit family and friends. Your communication seems to be thoughtful and full of love especially with loved ones or a new love. You may find love on the internet. Text messages and emails are of love and compassion. Mercury will enter your house of earned income and finances on July 10th giving you a couple weeks to sort out of your finances and find new ways to make more money. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th falls in your own sign. The next 6 months is all about you. You may make some serious changes in your life like graduating, getting married or moving away. You may lose significant weight or change your appearance. You can read more about the eclipse in your monthly horoscope or click here too. By July 13th you are focused on a partner. You may marry or form a business partnership you may meet someone new or even build a new friendship. It seems to be a great time for love and for friendships. Spending time with a partner can also help you get ahead in your career. Enjoy.
As a Leo you may have been worried about money lately either how to save it, make more of it or how to get ahead financially. On July 7th and 8th you should be able to find a great way to increase your finances or see a financial opportunity come your way. You will be able to pay off some bills or takes care of some debts. Your mind is racing with thoughts and ideas on July 9th. I great time to think of new ideas and make plans for the future. Be careful not to stress too much or you will lose your train of thought. Venus will enter your 2nd house of earned income on July 10th giving you 4 weeks to make more money but you will also spend it lavishly. On the same day Mercury will enter your own sign giving you a couple weeks to mobilize and increase communication with the people around you. You are active and talkative. The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next 6 months may bring a time to catch up on sleep, rest, retreat or even write in solitude. You need alone time and you need it the next 6 months. Jupiter and Uranus support this eclipse and gives you plenty of opportunity for growth. You may need to get rid of some people or bad habits in your life. A partner may assist you in your ventures for life. Read more of this eclipse by reading your monthly horoscope and clicking here. A wonderful time to take care of your health by exercising and eating healthier. On July 13th work projects and assignments go well. You may see an increase of projects or clients. A time when there could be more or a job offer.
Worries and stress seem to come naturally for you. It's always been a personality trait of yours. This coming week is no different. On July 7th and 8th your concern turns to you and all about you. It could be about finances or your health. You may worry about work projects or your family. It will somehow connect to your own personal needs. You seem to be very thorough so this could help you in getting down to the details. Finances relating to taxes, credit and loans seem to also go well for you on July 9th. You may pay off some bills or debts. It could be that you receive the approval of a loan, credit or tax refund. Venus will enter your own sign on July 10th giving you 4 weeks to receive plenty of praise and attention. The next 4 weeks seems to give you the opportunity for change. You may change your haircut or wardrobe. There is a part of you that wants to be different. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on the same day giving you two weeks to run thoughts and ideas through your head without telling others. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next 6 months will bring you a time to make more friends and see an increase of special events and parties. You seem to be reaching out to everyone around you including new and old friends. You are social and everyone just loves to be around you. Parties are fun and highlighted the next 6 months. Jupiter and Uranus support this eclipse from your 8th house of finances, taxes and credit so there may be a gain through you networking. Get out and enjoy yourself. You will be surprised at who you meet. Read more of the eclipse by reading your monthly horoscope and clicking here. On July 13th your focus turns to kids and love. You may meet someone new or fall in love. The new love may be someone with a Scorpio trait or just very passionate and intense. Children bring love or you spend more time with children. Your creative ideas are strong.
You love to love and always need to feel loved. On July 7th and July 8th you will have the opportunity to increase your need of love. You may find love, fall in love or keep your head in the clouds about a lover. Be careful not to idealize someone and they end up not being who you think they are. At the same time you are figuring out the small details in life from where your finances are going to how to budget around you. On July 9th you seem to be focused on a partner. The partner may be personal or professional. A wonderful time to connect with someone special or to work with someone who can help you so much for the future. Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 10th giving you two weeks to increase your communication with friends. Venus will also enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on the same day. The next 4 weeks will give you a time to keep emotions and feelings to yourself. You may hold back feeling to surprise someone. You will also give selflessly. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 10th house of career. The next 6 months can give you the tools to advance in your career by receiving a promotions or advancement. You may begin a business venture. It's easier for you to partner up with someone who can lead you in the way to advance in your career. You may be open to new ventures and opportunities. Open the door to explore and see what you discover. You will plan more for the future so this could also give you the time to enter college or take some classes. Read more of this eclipse by reading your monthly horoscope and clicking here. On July 13th you seem to be open to exploring options for the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. A wonderful time to enjoy the company of your mother or a mother figure.
As you begin the week the home seems to be your priority. On July 7th and 8th you may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could also be a wonderful time to spend time with the mother. You seem to be open to new places to live or change the decor of where you are at right now. Friends seem to be your greatest concern and you may even make a new friend today. Work projects seem to keep you busy on July 9th. It could be that you receive a job opportunity. Your health seems to improve even though I feel that you will be a bit stressed. A great time for an interview or to make the right impression on others. Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 10th giving you 4 weeks to make new friends and enjoy spending time with friends. You may find love among your friends or treat a lover more like a friend. Mercury will enter your career house giving you a couple weeks to communicate with coworkers and those in high authority. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 6 months seems to extend your time in taking long distance trips or communicating and connecting with others from a distance. A partner may travel with you or you take trips to meet someone special. You can read more about how this eclipse affects you by reading your monthly horoscope and clicking here. By July 13th your communication extends to everyone around you via emails, text messages and phone calls. You seem to connect well with friends and family. A quick trip out of town may do well for you so enjoy.
There seems to be plenty going on for you this week especially in relation to your career. On July 7th and 8th your priorities seem to be connected to job opportunities and job assignments. You are working endlessly to get projects done. You seem to be doing well taking care of the assignments but also feel like a perfectionist. You may have to invest your time into projects that need time and consideration. At the same time you may text, email or make a phone call to a family or friend. You may offer to help them out or they give selflessly to you. On July 9th a lover or child may come to you unexpectedly. They may do something for you. Someone from the past may reappear. You are also spending time with kids or even enjoying your time in sports, hobbies and music. Mercury will enter your house of long distance trips and foreigners. You may spend the next couple weeks making a trip or planning a trip. Reading and learning something new excites you. Venus will enter your career house giving you 4 weeks to receive praise and recognition for a job well done. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 6 months should give you the opportunity to gain through a loan, savings, investments and credit. Jupiter and Uranus bring support from your 5th house of love, children, music and sports. You may invest into a product or even into a child's tuition. Long term plans and negotiations are in the works. Read more of this eclipse by reading your monthly horoscope. By July 13th you are focused on finances. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money.
July 7th and July 8th will be a couple of days for you to take care of issues related to finances. You may not look at things clearly and how to get ahead financially. You just know they need to be taken care of. You may feel a bit of excitement and fun but you also know that you need to take care of the obligations around you. You tend to be good with saving but now some of that savings may need to be invested somewhere else. On July 9th your home takes your main concern and you may need to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be a quick decision you need to make or one that you have already been planning out for awhile. Venus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places making the next 4 weeks a time to travel and possibly travel for love. You will also talk to people from foreign countries and cultures. It's also a time to learn something new and study a new topic of interest. Mercury enters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit on July 9th giving you a couple weeks to focus on issues relating to credit, taxes and loans. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your partnership house. The next 6 months will give you the opportunity to build a partnership. The partnership may be personal or professional. You may work closely with someone to further your career. You may get married or meet a new lover or partner. A wonderful time to work out personal issues with a current partner. You can read more of this eclipse by reading your monthly horoscope and clicking here. July 13th will give you a great opportunity to spend time with a partner to discuss finances or personal issues. You may meet someone new today too.
It's going to be a week for you to take your main focus on finances especially on July 7th and 8th. You may need to take care of concerns related to taxes, credit and loans. A wonderful time to get ahead with the finances especially when paying off some bills. You may receive the approval of a loan or credit. You also seem to give selflessly to friends and will make time for them too. Communication increases and improves on July 9th via emails, text messages and phone calls. Mercury will enter your partnership house on July 10th giving you a couple weeks to communicate with a partner about personal or professional issues. Venus will enter your house of joint resources, taxes, credit and sex on the same day. The next 4 weeks give you the opportunity to gain through loans, credit, rewards, gift cards ad even through scratch-of ticket or lottery. As a Reminder any gains through a casino or lottery need to first be promised in the chart so don't bet the rent money. Your sex life will also improve or increase. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 5th house of work, service and health. The next 6 months will bring you a great time to take care of your health by exercising and eating healthy. You will also be open to taking care of your pets or the health of a pet. You also seem to be focused on your body and bones including your teeth and receiving regular medical checkups. Work projects and assignments increase and you may have many more projects to take care of too. You will become a workaholic. Communication increases and short trips also increase too. It could be to visit family and friends. You will email, text and see and increase of phone calls. Read more of the eclipse by reading your monthly horoscope. On July 13th you will focus on taking care of obligations around the home and with family.
You are the sign that enjoy dreaming and having visions of insight. On July 7th and 8th you seem to be exploring these visions. It could be about the future or about your dreams of the perfect life or relationship. A partner may come to you or you form a great partnership with a friend or coworker. It could be that you are finding new ways to get ahead in your finances and you are looking for new ways to advance in your career. You dream but also give your time selflessly to others. On July 9th finances are highlighted. You may receive a source of income or get a new job. Opportunities to advance in your finances will also be there for you. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 10th giving you two weeks to take care of tedious work projects. Venus will enter your partnership house on July 10th giving you 4 weeks to compromise and collaborate with a partner. The partner may be professional or personal. A great time to work out issues with them. The new moon solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 5th house of love, children, sports and activities. The next 6 months may bring a new lover. You may fall in love. A baby may come your way or you may spend more time with children. Sports and hobbies are also highlighted so you may enter a new sport or get into anew hobby. Music and the arts seem delightful too. You can read greater details of this eclipse by reading your monthly horoscope and by clicking here too. On July 13th a friend may be open to spending time with you or you make a new friend. It’s all about being with your friends and even spending time with them at a special event or party. Enjoy yourself. Socialize and see who you meet.
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