The main priority for the week will relate to the activities of the new moon solar eclipse that fell in your 4th house of home. You will still focus on relocating, renovating and making changes around the home. As the week progresses you begin to shift your priorities to your own personal wants and needs especially on July 16th around 2:56pm. Be careful around 11:19am EST when you may run into some sudden quick changes or schedule or routine. You may feel a bit anxious at this time. On July 18th you enjoy time with friends especially around 10:30am. You seem to be social with everyone and may even have a premonition about a friend. Work project intensify around 7:55pm. EST. By July 20th you are giving selflessly to a friend. You may feel a bit ill today too.
As you are still experiencing the energy of the new moon eclipse on your third house of short trips and communication you may also be thinking and planning frequently. You may find yourself increasing your communication with everyone around you including family and relatives. Your mind focused a bit on other priorities including resting and relaxing. On July 16th you seem to be a bit nervous or stressed especially around 10:26am EST. Try to stay calm. By 2:56pm you are feeling indulgent. On July 18th you seem to be working hard for the money and have many great ideas and projects in the works. Around 7:45pm you are getting work done and are feeling ready to spend time at home. By July 20th work projects stress you out. You may lose sleep and not feel well at the end. It can feel a bit strenuous but try to take small breaks.
The new moon eclipse from earlier in the week has made you focus on your finances. If you need to make more money then you will find ways to bring in more money. You will also focus on your future financial goals and priorities. You may receive a new job opportunity. As the week progressed you then begin to focus on travel and making long term plans especially on July 16th and 16th. Around 2:56pm EST on July 15th you may take a trip or plan a trip to spend time with friends. Your friends will be a big priority these next few days. You may receive a surprise email, text or phone call from a friend around 11:19am EST on the 16th. Around July 18th you are feeling a bit confident in your finances especially around 10:26am EST. By July 19th and 20th you seem to be taking care of some debts or bills. You may feel a bit stressed regarding some bills.
You know it's been all about you lately with this new moon solar eclipse that occurred earlier in the week. It will be a time of changes and new beginnings for you. Spread your wings and see what great opportunities come your way. I feel the next 6 months will open some wonderful doors for you. Around July 16th and 17th you seem to be focused on your career goals and tasks. Expect some electrical problems or problems with emails especially around 11:20am EST and 2:50pm EST. As you continue the week you will begin to take care of concerns related to the home. The home is strong for you and you will take care of business connected to the home on July 18th. Around 10:25am you are feeling connected to the home so issues regarding the home will be strong. Late that night around 7:55pm EST you are focused on a partner or having discussions with someone else. They may bring concerning news. By July 20th you are focused on financial concerns regarding taxes, credit and loans. You may need to pay some bills or find a way to get ahead with the finances. it could be a debt that needs to get paid.
You are still coping with the activities from the new moon solar eclipse falling in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. You are working longer hours and even feeling tired in the process. You may have experienced a schedule change. As you continue onto the week on July 16th you seem to be focused more on the future. You seem to be connecting with others around you especially at 11:19am EST and 2:56pm EST. Communication is great with people from afar. You seem to be connecting with those who are foreign or living a distance from you. On July 17th and 18th you seem to be more focused on connecting with a partner especially around 10:26am. This could be your soul mate or someone you feel a close connection to. Work projects pick up by late afternoon and into the evening. By July 20th you are working hard and making some wonderful to get ahead with your finances and career. Enjoy.
The new moon solar eclipse earlier this week has you focused on your friends and making time for your friends. You are more social and outgoing. As you work through the week you are focused on work projects and your health. As you get closer to July 15th and 16th you are taking care of your finances especially those related to taxes, credit and loans especially around 11am and 3pm EST. You may pay a bill online but be careful as the payment may not process correctly or the internet may be a bit slow. On July 18th your health takes concern especially around 10:20am EST. You will drink more water and exercise. It's going to be a great time to lose weight and take care of your body. On July 19th and 20th may bring some health concerns. You may feel ill or even feel a bit light-headed. It could be that you are feeling a bit bloated and nausea. It will go away but it could be because of something you ate. You may just feel a bit tired at this tired.
The eclipse from this week has got you focused on working hard for the money. You seem to keep yourself busy. It could also bring a time for you to take more authority over a project or a job. You have plenty of going on for yourself. You may even get a new job or promotion. On July 15th and 16th you will connect with a partner. Communication with a partner is highlighted around 11:10am and 2:50pm EST. It's a great time to discuss and work out personal or professional issues with the partner. On July 17th and 18th you focus on love and children. There could be someone special that you feel a deep love with a soul mate at 10:25am. You may have a premonition over a loved one. There may be times of intense emotions and feelings towards other or something. By July 20th you are feeling a bit confused regarding a loved one or lover. Someone you meet may not be suitable for you. I feel that you have a few choices in life but for some reason right now you seem a bit confused.
You seem to still be open to communication and travel. It seems to be a great time to connect with others and take short trips to visit family and friends. Your communication increases via emails, text messages and phone calls. A great time to socialize and meet new people. On July 15th and 16th you seem to be focus on work projects and your health. I feel that on July 16th you are working hard and you seem to be busy getting work done. Your first concern comes around 11:19am EST when there may be internet, email or electrical problems. You seem to be a bit indulgent with foods and emotions at 2:56pm EST. On July 18th you will begin to focus on your home or the month especially around 10:26am EST. You will take care of issues around the home including relocating, renovating or making changes around the home. You may clean the home or buy new furniture. By June 20th your home seems to be a bit chaotic. You may enjoy the action but you seem to keep busy around the home. You may entertain at home. Your creative side comes out so great time to paint.
The eclipse from July 11th has you focused on finances relating to taxes, credit, loans and retirement. You may be looking deeper into your financial obligations and taking a closer look on how to get ahead with your finances. It seems to be a great time for you to take care of some debts and bills. You will be able to get rid of any bills. The week continues on July 15th and 16thwere you are focused on your creative talents and skills. You may receive a surprise email, text or phone call from someone special or a child. You may take the on your own instincts to reach out to someone around 11:20am and around 2:50pm EST. A great time to enjoy some music too. Your focus on connecting with someone spiritually on July 18th especially at 10:26am. You will enjoy some music or a movie. A great time to lose yourself in a book. Finances look positive around 7:56pm. By July 20th you are communicating with people around you including your neighbors, siblings and friends. Be careful driving as you may be a bit confused with directions.
You are taking time to focus on a partner or partnership. The eclipse is helping you to move forward with someone or something to further your career or personal life. Your communication with others improves and you will be able to accomplish so many goals in the process. A partnership may form professionally or personally. The week continues on with you taking time for the home on July 15th and 16th. On July 16th around 11:15am and around 2:55pm will give you an opportunity to clean up around the house or even make changes around the home. You may have to make a quick trip just to get chores and errands done around the home. As we get closer to July 18th you are focused more so on finances especially around 10:25am. Finances seem to be taking a concern for you around July 18th and 19th. A great time to get ahead with your finances. As you end the week on July 20th you seem to be a bit stressed or worried about your finances. You could be feeling a bit pressured to take care of your finances or some figures don't add up. A great time to balance the checkbook.
It seems to be a very active week for you as you are focused on issues relating to work, service and health. Your health seems to be taking on a greater concern with this weeks eclipse. You will exercise and lose weight. It's a great time to take care of your health by eating healthy. Work projects will increase too and so this could be a busy time for you. On July 16th you seem to be connecting and communicating with friends and family especially around 11:18am EST and 2:54pm EST. You are social and outgoing. Even a quick email or text can go a long way. On July 18th you seem to be friendly and social with friends and family. You are giving selflessly to others and want to hear their concerns especially around 10:20am. By July 20th you are feeling a bit creative and loving towards the people around you. You seem to have more patience for friends and giving them time. Coworkers and family can take so much from you but right now you seem to be compromising and understanding towards them.
If your single then you seem to be open more to love. It could be the love of animals, children or seeing couples being in love with each other. You may be open to meeting someone new even if it's just to socialize. You will attract people easily to you. You may even fall in love soon. As you continue onto the week you are focused on your finances especially on July 16th. Be careful around 11:15am EST, as a financial transaction may be difficult to process. It could be that you are taking care of some other financial obligations at last minute. Around 2:50pm you seem to be feeling a bit optimistic and indulgent so be careful not to break the bank. On July 18th you are taking your time to relax and connect with your spiritual well being especially around 10:25am when you may have a premonition. Friends are fun to connect with around 7:50pm so you will be open to building a great connection with them. You seem to feel a bit ill or tired around July 20th. You may need to catch up on sleep or just need to rest and relax. A great time to create.
The Psychic One
Psychic Readings $1.89/min
800-275-5336 ext 0234
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