The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in the sign of Cancer. It is the sign that rules the home and the moth in us or our own mothers. The women is ruled by Cancer. A solar eclipse is usually ruled by the sign of Leo because Leo ruling planet or Star is the Sun. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. You may have begun to feel the affects since 30 days ago. You may feel it's affects 30 days later. The next 6 months could bring a time for changes in the home. There may be major decisions that need to be made about the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may simply change the decor in a room or paint a room. You are feeling compassionate, nurturing and loving towards everyone around the home. It could even be your pets. The mother in you comes out. You may become a mother or spend time with a mother. There could be a female that you view as a mother. It seems to be a wonderful time to nurture and care for someone especially the elderly. The eclipse seems to square off with Uranus and Jupiter, which could easily make you indulge in the home. You may spend more on a home whether it's a home to rent or purchase. Make sure that you are budgeting the numbers and seeing what you can afford on a monthly basis. If you are just decorating a room then it may be you spend on lavish items for a room. Certain furniture stores charge $25 for an accent pillow. Shop around and you can find great deals on your local retail store. Pluto square off with Uranus at a time when you will find yourself rebelling from the norm. In other words you take greater chances in life because you’re tired of being stagnant.
The most interest part of this eclipse is that the asteroid Juno, the goddess of marriage, will greatly support this eclipse. I am not the huge believer in asteroid and their affects on planets and eclipses but you never know what Juno may bring for you. Maybe you decide to bring a partner or roommate to live with you. You could also be collaborating with others to decorate a room or change the decor in your home. If you do find yourself working closely with others then it could be Juno giving you a little boost. Again, I don't rely on the asteroid and their affects but then again anything is possibly with an eclipse.
The eclipse will affect anyone born around the3rd through the 12th of any month from any sun sign. Everyone will feel the affects from this eclipse but those born around the days mentioned will feel it the strongest. Also if you are a Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo or Pisces you will feel it in a more personal way because this eclipse will fall in a personal house in your sun sign. It could involve personal relationship and the people around you. Again this eclipse can last up to 6 months so if you don't see events kicking in right now the next 6 months may eventually tell the story.
Click on the link below to read where and how this eclipse will affect your sun sign.
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