It's going to be a fun and exciting time for you filled with laughter and fun. You should find this as a great time to hang out with friends or do something spontaneous. The Sun will enter your 5th house of love, which would be a great time to find love, fall in love, listen to music or spend time with kids. At 4:55am you seem to be in a rush. Slow down. You may also feel a bit depressed. Expect the unexpected around 5:33am. You indulge in laughter around 11:14am but are open to enjoying a nice meal. BY 11:18am you seem to be focused at getting work projects done.
Your open to spending time with friends and catching up to what they have been up to but you may also feel a bit drained and tired. Catch up on sleep and rest for the day. Your mind may be racing and full of anxiety so even more so you need to slow down. You seem to feel obligated and in need to take care of some tasks around 4:55am. It's early but your motivated to work. You may experience some electrical problems around 5:30am. You are open to socialize around 11:10am and seem to full of positive energy. By 11:15am you take words, thoughts and ideas seriously. It's time to get down to business. The Sun will enter your house of home giving you 4 weeks to possibly relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home.
You are full of energy, fun and joy today. Friends, family and coworkers find you a joy to hang out with and communicate. You may read something new and different. The Sun will enter your 3rd house of short trips and communication giving you 4 weeks to take sudden short trips and increase communication with everyone. At around 5am you seem to be grounded and serious. You are fully awake and getting down to business. Your mind races with work projects and ideas around 5:32am. You find yourself indulging in food and sweets around 11:10am. It could be just cravings. By 11:18am you seem to be taking certain feelings seriously. You will be fine but also process these emotions to see what they mean to you.
A wonderful day to focus on your career. You may receive a job offer or advancement. An unlikely source can lead you to a great job opportunity. The Sun will enter your 2nd house of earned income giving you 4 weeks to make more money or find new ways to bring in money. You may feel a bit stressed or anxious around 4:55am. Relax and stay calm. At 5:33am you seem to feel anxious and riding at full speed energy. Again slow down. At 11:14am you are feeling much more positive and optimistic. By 11:18am a partner may offer you a solution or compromise. It could also be a financial advisor, coworker or friend.
It's time for you to get out and have some fun. You enjoy electronics and the new things in life. You want to connect with people from other cultures and languages. The internet will also be very exciting for you. You are open to exploring new possibilities. The Sun enters your own sign giving you 4 weeks to receive plenty of praise and recognition. You will be the center of attention just as you prefer. Early in the morning around 4:50am your concerns turns to finances. You may wake up wondering about a bill or even getting ahead in your finances. It could depress you. At 5:31am you may experience problems with electronics. It could be that you receive a email or text message at this time. You are feeling good about yourself and enjoying a great laugh around 11:13am. By 11:17am you are getting work projects done and full of energy.
You may see a financial or material gain today. It could come through a loan, credit, child support, alimony, bonus or commissions. It should be a positive day of opportunities and gains. The sun will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude giving you 4 weeks to catch up on sleep, rest, relax and even take a vacation. At 4:50am you seem to be awake probably before you prefer to. You will feel energized to get up and get some work or errands done. At 11:14am you are feeling a bit confident and enjoying a great time with others. By 11:18am your emotions and feelings can be a bit extreme so don't get frustrated over a minor thought or issue.
It's going to be a fun day for you as you may meet someone special through the internet or through an unlikely source. It could be that you spend time with someone close to you. You are full of fun and laughter and want to share that with others. It could be that a partner brings some interesting news for you. The sun will enter your friendship house giving you this time to spend time with friends and make new friends. At 4:55am you seem to be burdened with duties and obligations. Around 5:33am there could be some disruptions around the home or with a vehicle. You are feeling happy and content around 11:14am. By 11:18am you get down to work and seem very studious.
You can expect this to be a busy day at work. You may also receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. The Sun will enter your career house extending the opportunity to advance in your career. You may feel a bit depressed or stressed around 4:55am. Schedules changes or you receive some type of contact from someone around 5:30am. At 11:10am you are feeling social and friendly with everyone. By 11:17am your feelings intensify and you are feeling a bit attached, jealousy or a deeper love.
It's time for you or you may meet someone new. You give more of your time to someone close to you including children. A great time to begin a new sport or activity. The Sun enters your house of travel, education and media giving you the opportunity to expand your horizons and travel to a for away place. You may be open to new adventures and foreign countries. The morning begins with you feeling fully active and alive to get some work done. Around 4:55am through 5:30am you seem to be either wide awake or eager to get some projects done throughout the day. You always see the bright side of everything and later in the day is no exception. Around 11:14am you are optimistic, indulgent and full of laughter. By 11:18am you seem to be focused and getting to work.
The Sun will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans today making you focus on finances, credit cards, loans, alimony and child support payments. You may have to pay some hefty bills. At the same time you seem to be focused on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. At 4:54am you are a bit serious and maybe a bit stressed. You are feeling a bit anxious around 5:30am. You seem to be in the mood to eat some sweets and fatty foods around 11:09am. By 11:18am you are fully motivated and energized to complete some work projects or chores around the home.
A partner will be your concern and priority now that the Sun has entered your partnership house. They may be a bit dramatic or in need for attention. You also seem to be open to extend communication with the people around you via emails, text messages and phone calls. A great time to connect with friends and family through the internet or text messages. You may meet someone new on the internet. At 4:55am you are rushing yourself to get ready for work or to get some tasks done. If you are sleeping then you may just wake up to go t the bathroom at this time. Around 5:33am you are feeling a bit jumpy. Communication may come through at this time. You feel social and optimistic around 11:10am. A great time to enjoy time with friends and coworkers.
You are going to work hard for the money these next few weeks now that the Sun has entered your house of hard work and health. You will also take care of your body and may lose some weight or eat healthy. Finances should go well as you may receive a job offer or financial benefit or gain. At 5:33am you seem to feel a bit rushed but may find a new way to make money. It's a time to look over finances, as there may be some errors. You are in a great mood around 11:10am. I believe that you feel there is no wrong answer and no room for failure. By 11:18am you are focused, disciplined and getting down to business.
All times are EST
The Psychic One
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