On August 3rd Mars seems to have you working hard for the money or living up to your obligations. On one end Mars in your partnership house is opposing Jupiter in your own sign. You are a bit confident and optimistic but that's only because you are trying to lift your spirits. You don't want to invest too much confidence only to feel disappointed later on. At the same time Mars is squaring off with Pluto which is making you increase your energy which is great to get projects done. Be careful as you may fall ill in the process of trying to do too much.
Friend will play an important role for you on August 4, 20, and 27th. You may feel a greater need to spend time with friends or you may make a new friend at this time. A great time to attend a special event or party.
The new moon on August 10th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks seems to bring a wonderful time for you to find love fall in love or meet someone new. Children will also be important for you as you may conceive a child, hear of a baby on the way or you may just spend more time with kids. Your creative skills will also be highlighted You may paint, draw, sing, dance or get into theater. You will enjoy music by attending a concert or simply listening to the radio more frequently. It seems to be a great time to invest your greatest skills into this new moon as you will receive help from Mars from your partnership house. There could be someone else willing to invest their time and effort so that you can advance in your career or personal life. A partner can be a lover or business partner or coworker. Intense emotions and feeling may arise from these great changes in your life so be careful not to get too passionate about your goals.
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Venus enters your partnership house on August 7th giving you 4 weeks to compromise and collaborate with a partner. The partner may be a business partner, lover or friend. It could be a doctor, lawyer or even a therapist. You seem to be in a greater compromising state of mind which is great for others who felt that you did not want to work with them. now you are open to helping them out.
A partner seems to be there for you on August 8, 16 and 26th. There will be great compromise with this other individual regarding finances, love, business or career decisions. You may also form a serious partnership during one of these days.
Mercury will retrograde on August 20th from your 6th house of work, service and health. The next 3 weeks you can expect to see errors with computers, emails, documents, websites and even text messages. This is your fair warning to double check everything as you can easily expect some flaws and glitches in the process. Your health may also be a problem as you may have to take greater care of yourself too. You will be able to take care of obligation for your health and work so the retrograde should help you out at the end.
The Sun enters your 6th house of health and work projects on August 23rd giving you 4 weeks to take care of your health and even the health of your pets. You may adopt a new pet or even focus on getting healthier by exercising and losing weight. Work assignments and projects seem to go well as long as your aware of the Mercury retrograde taking place at the same time. It's a time to look over what at times you may be careless at other times. It's a sign to slow down and look at things carefully.
The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks seems to bring a time for you to feel tired. You will sleep in more and you may find yourself feeling ill. It will have to be a time for you to decide whether you are handling your obligations properly. You seem to be feeling a bit stressed and anxious at this time. An illness can come easily at this time which might make you take some medications or sleeping in longer hours. I suggest to relax and rest as much as possible so you can rejuvenate your own energies. You have done so much and you need to keep yourself going but you are also not superwoman or superman. Take time for yourself and just rest.
Career dates look well on August 2, 9, 25 and 28th. All these dates may bring you a job opportunity or offer. You may also begin a business venture or advance in your career.
The month opens the door for you to think about your future. You will take the time to make major decisions in your life. It could turn everything around for you too. I feel that your career will open some new doors so this is the time to jump on opportunities. Good luck.Cynthia
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