You are full of joy and happiness especially in relation to your friends. You may spend time with friends or make a new friend today. You may see an invitation to a special event or party. At the same time there may be some lies thrown around in regards to a friend. Be careful what you're told as it may not be the entire truth. You may even doubt yourself. It could also be a day when you may feel ill or a friend feels a bit ill. The opposition between Saturn and Uranus from your own house and your partners house will really open the doors to look at reality and see who they are as a person. You may need to make some critical decision regarding a partner or it's time to change your own personal wants and needs.
A job offer or opportunity may just come through for you. You may receive a raise or promotion. A great day to be you. It could also be a contract you sign but be careful and read between the lines. You may be told one things but end up doing something else. You may be deceived or lied to today. You will also experience an opposition from Saturn and Uranus currently traveling in your house of work, service and health and your house of seclusion. You may have to take some time off or work alone. I feel that stress, anxiety and depression will only heighten around this time. If you don't learn to rest and relax then you will feel overwhelmed by the obligations of your day. It's a critical time to decide what you want for your health. You will either feel healthier or it's time to just lose weight and take care of your body. Work obligations will also increase.
A great day to enjoy friends, laugh and even attend a party. You are in great spirits and mood, which is unique lately. Your financial obligations may seem a bit confusing. You may have a debt or bill to pay or pay off but make sure you get everything in writing. If you are applying for a loan then the contractual obligations may not be completely and thoroughly explained. Don't rush yourself or else you will regret it. Your love life and social life will suffer a little bit with the Saturn-Uranus opposition from your house of love, children and friends. You may be pulled in two different directions from making time with friends to making time for loved one's including children. Schedules may conflict with the time you do have left for the day. This opposition will continue on for another week so expect the tensions to progress for a while.
Career opportunities open up and you may just receive a promotion, job opportunity or offer. You may feel a bit lost on the duties and tasks that need to be done. Also be careful on who you befriend as you may not want to trust them. Lies and deceit can easily go around or you deceive others. You will also find yourself in a bit of a haze or just lost in the clouds. If you feel sick then rest and relax for the day. The home will be affected by career decisions when Saturn opposes Uranus. It's time to decide and make some sacrifices for the job.
As a Leo you are open to taking on every challenge that comes to you. You are open and ambitious. Today you broaden your horizons and open the doors to new ventures. It could be to plan a trip or to study a new subject. You may expand your horizons to learn something new. You will also draw your attention to someone in your life, which could even be a business partner. There may be a bit of distrust or dishonesty with this partner. You may get caught up in a fantasy of love and admiration towards someone today. Do not believe everything you see as reality will kick in and make you see everything for how it really is for you. It's going to be a day for you to get down to business and take action to see results. The Saturn-Uranus opposition will make you focus on your way of speaking and writing. You will send a statement that can affect everyone around you. You may invest in a vehicle, computer or phone.
A great day for finances as you may receive the approval of a loan, credit card or tax benefit. It could also come in a child support payment, bonus or commission. Financial gains may come today. At the same time your health and work projects increase. Your creativity level will skyrocket which is great if you are writing or creating a project like sewing, knitting or even building a website. Your health will need to be taken care of today as you may feel a bit ill or tired. If you don't feel well then it could be that you are working too much or stressed. It may be that you need to rest from working out too much or feel a bit tired from lack of sleep. Eat the right way and take your vitamins and supplements to feel healthy too. The Saturn-Uranus opposition will make you take a close look at your finances. You may feel tight on funds or really need to budget and save.
A partnership may form today or you may be building a stronger relationship personally or professionally. It's time to work closely with someone else. You may meet someone special today. They will be optimistic, joyful and have a great sense of humor. The opposition from Saturn and Uranus may bring problems from a partner so it's the right time to discuss personal issues and problems. The Mercury-Neptune opposition may be deceitful as a partner may not tell you the entire truth or you are lying to them. I would double-check everything about them and to make sure they are being sincere. I would also look at everything around you and see how loyal and honest you are being towards others. A friend may not be reliable or you see to be having problems with coworkers, friends and family.
Work projects and obligations are looking great today. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Struggles with work or projects seem to be creating problems with coworkers or those in high authority. You may argue or disagree with someone at work. Projects seem to be taking plenty from you. Also work projects look great. You are creating or decorating a room with such detail and artistic skill. I would double check every detail in a lease or loan as you may be deceived at this time. It may not be someone deceiving you it could be that you don't read everything carefully and may find yourself regretting it later on. A great time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Work seems to take a lot from you so you may feel tired and drained. A great time to take care of your health by exercising and eating healthy.
Love, children and creative projects are highlighted today. You may meet someone special or just hang out with kids to enjoy the day. It could be a great day to enjoy sports and recreational activities. The Saturn-Uranus opposition seems to be creating difficulties with friends and lovers. There could be a battle on your social life and making time for everyone. You are busy working and trying to get work projects done. I suggest to just take one thing at a time even if you have to neglect some people. You can't be there for everyone and everything. Set a priority list so it does not make you feel scattered and drained. A great time to exercise and even spend time with animals and family. Pets will appreciate the time being spent with them.
A quick trip, communication or even buying a new vehicle seems to be looking good today. You may purchase a new vehicle, phone or computer. Be careful and make sure to read all the fine print, as any contracts signed may be unclear to you. you may want to be aware that certain changes can occur today especially since your home will be affected. You may relocate for a new job. It could be that a critical decision needs to be made where you want to be in your life. Career changes may occur but it also means making some other major changes in your life. You may feel a bit confused or lost in your final decision. Give yourself a little time to finally decide what to do next as you want to make the right long term decision. It's going to affect you in the long haul so be aware of the changes occurring around you. Nothing to take lightly.
You seem to be outgoing and social today with communication extending to everyone including the neighbors. You will connect with friends and want to know what is going on with them. A great social time to even make new friends. You may feel a bit pulled in different direction right now. You don't know whether to focus on the goals at hand or to start new. It can easily confuse you. Do not make an impulsive decision you later regret.
Finances should go well today. You may receive a job offer or opportunity to make more money. Obligations associated with taxes, credit and loans are highlighted. You may need to pay off some bills or take care of some other obligations regarding child support and loans. You may receive a bonus, loan or commission. You are highly creative and intuitive. Your psychic ability kicks in at high speed so your gut instinct will be right at this time. Be careful not to doubt yourself. Go with what is hitting you now and don't question everything. If you are feeling a bit drained with your creativity and abilities then just slow down and relax.
All times are EST
The Psychic One
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