It's been a very tough month as you have been really focusing on your career. It may have even increased your anxiety and stress levels too. The week should bring a bit of ease and relaxation. On July 22nd Saturn will enter your partnership house again. The next couple years seems to open the door to relationships and partnerships. Several things can happen here. You may commit to a current lover or partner. You may marry or form a business partnership. You could be more open to working on personal and professional issues with a partner. It could also bring a break up and divorce but only if the relationship was already falling apart. As a matter fact today seems to be the perfect day to discuss personal matter or issues connected to the partnership. It may dissolve a business partnership or a relationship. You may need to decide what is most important. If you need to seek therapy so be it. You need to work on the problems before it's too late. The Sun enters your 5th house of love, children and music on July 23rd giving you 4 weeks to enjoy time with kids and even find a new love. If you are single and ready to mingle then it's time to put yourself out there. You would be surprised at who you attract. Music and the arts are also highlighted. You may join a sport or hobby. You will also be open to new fun and enjoyment with friends and family. Today will also be a great day to laugh and socialize. Jupiter will begin to retrograde from your own sign on July 23rd. The next 4 months may bring a time for you to indulge in food or even feel a bit depressed. Pull yourself back and relax. On July 24th you seem to be feeling a bit tense and stressed in trying to complete work projects or getting a job. You are feeling a bit confident so perhaps you receive a job offer today or around this time. A great today to put yourself out there and impress those of higher authority. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to see some friends leave or move away. A friend may marry or take a new job offer in another state or city. Even though it's a full moon which could bring endings I feel this should be an overall positive full moon. Jupiter and Uranus bring joy to this full moon giving you the feeling to enjoy meeting new people and spending time with friends and neighbors. Family also seems delightful. Saturn really brings a greater help and comfort from your partnership house. A friend may just end up being a long term BFF or best friend. You may form a business partnership that will be around for a long time. The full moon will really make you connect well with others and you seem to be open to building long security with this individual or entity. You will also feel confident and optimistic of the future. There could be tensions arising from a Saturn-Uranus opposition but I feel it's something you can handle.
You are always the sign that needs to keep busy. It could be busy at work or busy in the home. You are a hard working sign that may end up doing too much. On July 22nd Saturn will enter your 6th house of work, service and health. Talk about doing too much. You will become a workaholic if you aren't already there. You will invest great amounts of time to get projects done and even invest extra hours at work to get ahead with a work project. You are busy and you seem to keep yourself going. It is fine to work hard for the money but don't over do it either. Your health also takes a concern. It's an easier time to lose weight and eat healthy. You will make sure to take care of your health by exercising and receiving your medical checkups. Today would even be a wonderful day to cut back on fatty foods and eat healthy. Pets will also be important. You may spend time with pets or even adopt a new pet. You seem disciplined to take on tedious assignments and tasks. Jupiter will retrograde on July 23rd giving you about 4 months to feel a bit isolated and anxious. It's time to work on yourself and get rid of bad habits and people in your life. The Sun will enter your 4th house of home and give you 4 weeks to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Today also seems to be a great time to set some plans up for the future and move forward with projects and ideas. On July 24th your priorities will be on your health and well-being. You will focus on taking care of you and how to get healthy. You will begin to focus on what habits and people are negative for you and it seems to be the right time to get rid of them. You may seek therapy. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 10th house of career. It could be a significant time in your life when you receive a job offer or opportunity. You may gain a promotion. The full moon seems to have so many great perks for you. You have Jupiter ad Uranus supporting the full moon, which could make it a time when you work more in isolation. The offer or job may be given to you in private or you work privately on your own. Saturn will also be a great joy to have supporting this full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. I feel this should be a great full moon for job, money and opportunities. The job offer or assignment can bring long-term results and connections. You may run into a connection or someone in authority to get you ahead in your career. I feel that the opportunities will be endless. I suggest to use this full moon to put yourself out there and let people know you are out and ready to work hard and make some money. A very enjoyable full moon for you even if you have to work hard for it. The only little warning is the opposition from Saturn and Uranus, which could put a strain in your work projects. You may have to work longer hours or invest more time to get ahead in your career. Just to be aware of the possibilities. Good luck.
You are going to be very social this month even if you are trying to stay home. It's going to be difficult to be at home. On July 22nd will bring Saturn entering your 5th house of love, children and the creative arts. I feel that the next couple years will open the door for you to fall in love with someone who is older, wiser or even a Capricorn. You may get tired of looking finding someone who just wants to date and not form a serious relationship. It is now time for you to get serious about love and find someone who is ready to settle down. You may have problems with a child. It could be that you have to spend extra time with a child especially if they need to be disciplined or you need to have them grow up a little. Conceiving may bring some problems too. A new baby may be a handful so hopefully you have extra help. Creative projects are highlighted including music, sports and hobbies. You may begin to learn a new musical instrument or a child may take on music lessons. Today will be a great day for you to be structured and disciplined to deal with some of these issues. On July 23rd Jupiter will begin to retrograde from your house of friendships. The next 4 months may be a time for you to see some friends move away or a change of friends. You may also throw a party or attend a special event. Be careful not to indulge towards your friends especially with emotions and love. You will be in a great mood to spend time with friends today and enjoy a great laugh. The Sun will enter your third house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication on the 23rd giving you 4 weeks to take a trip or see an increase of communication. You may buy a new vehicle, computer or cell phone. On July 24th you will turn your attention to enjoying time with family, friends and networking with others. If you are trying to build a great connection with a group to get ahead in your career then make sure to take advantage of this day. As a matter fact you may be noticing about a week ago that friends may have been popping out of nowhere. Friends and family want to spend time with you. You may have problems with a friend. A great time to get out and connect with others. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks can easily bring a trip for you. You may travel to a foreign country. You may have others visit you. It will also be a time for you to enter college or a university. Mass marketing and publishing is also highlighted so you may promote a product via the internet, radio and television. It's going to be a fun and exciting full moon with Jupiter and Uranus supporting this full moon from your friendship house. You may spend time with friend or visit a friend. It could be that friends come to see you. Saturn will also be a wonderful support so this will be a time for you to enjoy yourself. You may learn a new language or even read some books about a new place or topic of interest. Get out and discover new ventures. Enjoy.
The week will be jam-packed with great opportunities for you. I feel that this seems to be a joyous time for you to focus on finances and even possibly advance in your career. On July 22nd Saturn will enter your 4th house of home. Saturn has come back to this house so the next couple years can make you face the issues related to your home. You may be forced to move out or relocate especially if it's connected to a new job. There could be delays and problems with a construction project. You may have problems with roommates and your neighbors. I am just trying to help you with all different ways and ideas of how Saturn in your 4th house of home may affect you. You could finally just move out on your own. It's a time to feel mature and get your own place. There are many different ways to enjoy Saturn but it may also work against you too. Today seems to be a great day to clean around the house and take care of some errands too. Jupiter will begin to retrograde on July 23rd from your career house. There may be some obligations to take care of or you may feel stressed from work. You may finally see a job offer or promotion especially on July 24th. The opportunities may finally open up for you. You may feel stressed and anxious regarding work projects too. The sun will enter your 2nd house of earned income on the 23rd giving you 4 weeks to make more money or even receive a job offer. You may receive an exciting an unexpected phone call or email today so keep your eyes and ears open. You may see a job opportunity from an unexpected source. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit. The full moon may easily make you pay off a debt or take care of a financial issues especially relating to child support, alimony or a settlement. Jupiter and Uranus do greatly support this full moon, which could easily bring you a little luck. Saturn looks very positive, as it will help you in being structured with finances. You may budget and save for the future. The next couple weeks seem to be a great time to get ahead with your finances too so good luck and set yourself a budget. I do want to quickly mention that during this full moon you will be faced with an opposition from Saturn and Uranus from your house of home and career. There may be some difficult decisions that need to be made. You may have to relocate for a job. If you work at home you may have to make some sacrifices with the family to spend longer hours working on a project. Be aware that some form of sacrifice will have to be made.
You obviously have plenty going on for you this week. I think you enjoy keeping yourself busy and enjoying the fast pace energy too. As you begin the week on July 22nd Saturn will enter your third house of communication, short trips, siblings and neighbors. The next couple years will make you write more frequently and take frequent short trips. The short trips may feel more like an obligation than for enjoyment. Communication extends to family, neighbors, friends, on the internet and through text messages. You may find yourself texting more frequently and making excessive phone calls. On this day you will begin to see the increase of obligations of communication and writing. You may take a short trip to visit family and friends. The Sun will enter your own sign on July 23rd giving you 4 weeks to make it all about you. Jupiter will begin to retrograde on the 23rd from your 9th house of long distance trips and foreign people and places. There may be some changes in trips you take or dealing with certain groups of people. Your views may change and you may even change your beliefs or religion. The retrograde will allow you to open your mind to new possibilities just don't indulge or become overly confident in the situation as it could lead to disappointments. I feel that on the 23rd you may easily plan a trip or open your mind to new places and people. A great time to make new friends or connect with the people around you. You will feel a greater connection to other that may come in a spiritual form. On July 24th you are open to new adventures and possibilities. You want to expand your horizons and open the door to new areas in your life. You could learn something new or read some books. You want to learn and this is a great time to do so. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your partnership house. I feel this will be a wonderful full moon for you. The partner will be affected by this full moon. If you are looking to form a business partnership then you may be finalizing a deal during the next couple weeks. The partnership may be personal. You may marry or get engaged. It may even be a tine for you to meet someone new and fall in love. Even though full moons tend to bring negative results this full moon is full of opportunities. Jupiter and Uranus will support this full moon giving you great connections to further your career or personal life. If you are forming a business partnership then this partner may help you further your business with advertising. You may form a partnership with someone who is foreign or comes from a foreign land or culture. Saturn will also be a great source of help and bring you long-term benefits. It could be a long-term partnership. It may be someone older and wiser. The partner may be a Capricorn or have some great Capricorn traits. I feel this will be a wonderful time to connect with a partner from your past, as they should be more open to discussing personal or business issues with you. Luck and opportunities can easily come by compromising with this partner so enjoy.
Your main concern for the week will relate all about finances. The money and earn and the money related to debts will be highlighted. On July 22nd Saturn will enter your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple years seems to open the door to ways on making money and how to keep it in your wallet. It's going to teach you some valuable lessons on how to save and budget. You are a very talented sign who can make a dollar stretch out for miles but Saturn in your house of income may add a bit of burden for you. I know you are doing everything possible to get ahead with finances but this is the time to get down to business. You may discipline yourself to save and budget. You could pay off some bills including credit cards and other debts. The money you earn may not be enough. You may cut back on your income by settling for a part time job or using your resources to get ahead with your finances including saving for a car or computer. Be aware that changes relating to your finances will eventually need to be changed or improved. A great day to budget, save and balance the checkbook will come on the 22nd. On July 23rd the Sun will enter your house of secrets and solitude. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to rest, relax and catch up on sleep. Jupiter will retrograde from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit on the 23rd. The next 4 months will make you face reality regarding finances and credit. You may also take care of a surgery procedure or receive medical attention. You seem to feel a bit of excitement on this day as you may gain through other resources including a bonus, commission or credit of sorts. On July 24th a debt, credit or tax issue needs to be taken care of. You may have to set a budget or pay a hefty bill. You seem to be feeling a bit of confident so you may be paying off a bill. I also feel that you will open the door to new possibilities and ways to make more money. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect to work hard for the money but you also enjoy keeping yourself busy. I feel that this should be a positive full moon for you. For one it's about work and finances. You should be working more for the money but will see great results with the finances. I feel that you may increase your work projects and assignments to get ahead in your career. It can easily open the door to new possibilities and opportunities. Great connections and benefits may come your way. Your health will also take a concern but it should improve. You will exercise and eat healthy. You will see long-term results from it. Pets will also be a priority for you as you may focus on the health of a pet or even adopt a pet. It may be the emotional excitement of getting a new pet that heightens this full moon for you. I feel this is the time to take care of you and take care of your own wants and needs so you can live a healthier life. As for your career build your own wants and needs so you don't settle for less.
It's going to be a very social period of time for you this week. Friends will be popping out of everywhere so don't be surprised by the invites you receive this week. On July 22nd Saturn will enter your own sign giving you 2 years to focus on your energy on you. The next couple years will give you a time when you will look deep within yourself to find what you have been missing out on all this time. You may go back to school to get a college degree. You may take on some music lessons or other type of lessons. You are growing up even if you are older and wiser. It's a time to learn and discover something new about yourself. A great day for you to focus on your own wants and needs will come on July 22nd. You seem to be focused and disciplined to take care of the tedious details. Jupiter will retrograde on July 23rd from your partnership. Whenever I see Jupiter retrograding in the partnership house it easily can bring a divorce, separation or break up of a partnership. It can even include business and professional partnership and relationships. Jupiter is at it's weakest at this time and can bring some disappointments with someone else in the next 4 months... On the same day the Sun will enter your friendship house giving you 4 weeks to see an extension of friends and see an increase of invites and groups. You will also enjoy the attention from others and seem to enjoy parties and special events. The event may relate to family just enjoying the day. Difficulties and challenges with a partner can come on July 24th. There may be a disagreement or argument at this time. The tension may have begun from a week ago. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next couple weeks may give you the opportunity to find love, fall in love or hear news of a child on the way. You may meet someone new or fall in love from someone coming from a different culture and country. Saturn gives you the ability to build a long-term future with this person. It could be a creative project including writing, music, theater or even taking on some lessons that bring long term opportunities and results. You may join a sport or hobby that you will enjoy for many years in the future. It also seems to be a wonderful time for you to expand your goals. If you do meet and fall in love with someone they may be now be ready to commit to you. Your special someone may be older and wiser. I feel that this should be a wonderful full moon for you but I want to also be realistic. It could also bring an ending of a relationship but this is only if the relationship was already falling apart.
As you begin the week you will focus on getting rid of bad habits and bad people in your life. Saturn will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 22nd. The next couple years will really make you face your greatest fear. You may feel a bit depressed about life but you have to ride the emotions in order to narrow down your insecurities and life lessons. You may come to the realizations that some of the people in your life aren't healthy for you. It will be a time for you to look deep in yourself and get rid of negative energy. You will also find yourself working in solitude especially if you are writing. You may worry about money or have feelings of guilt. Jupiter will retrograde on July 23rd from your 6th house of work, service and health. It will be a time for you to take care of your health and get active. You may lose weight easily or may have to exercise more often. Work projects and assignments seem to increase. You work harder for the money and expect to see longer work hours. A pet may also need help or you buy or adopt a pet. The Sun will enter your career house giving you 4 weeks to possibly see a promotion, advancement or new business venture. A great career day comes on July 23rd so keep your eyes and ears open for new opportunities. On July 24th you may see an increase of work projects. You will be busy and feel a bit exhausted in the process. If you do open the door for a new job then today may be the day for a new job opportunity. You may have some health concerns or issues including a feeling of feeling ill or tired. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple weeks could bring a time to relocate, renovate or make some repairs or changes around the home. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon, which tells me you may work from home or bring work home. Saturn also supports this full moon from your house of secrets and solitude. Any work done will be done privately or from home. It could be that you are writing a book, document or piece of literature. It will be the time to expand your mind to new ventures. You may be busy with work but you are fully aware of the need to keep yourself busy and going. The opportunities will pay off down the road so good luck.
It's going to be a time of reflection for you. The week will help you to open your eyes to the friends and people around you. I feel this week will allow you to view your friends in a different light. Maybe it's a time of growing up for you. As we begin the week on July 22nd Saturn will enter your 11th house of friendships. The next couple years will open your eyes to the friends you have been holding onto. Maybe some of these friends were unhealthy for you. Maybe they are a great gift for you. The friends that stick around are friends that can be a source of help for you. The friends that leave are friends who are unhealthy or need to grow up. You will take a better view of life through your friends. Some friends may be older and wiser. You may also take a leadership role in a group. A great time to take on discipline and structure with friends will also come on this day. Jupiter begins to retrograde on July 23rd from your house of love and children. Someone from your past may come back into your life. You may also have to end a relationship. Children may become more problematic and difficult to handle. The Sun will enter your house of long distance trips, foreigners and communication. The next 4 weeks can easily bring a time for long distance trips, education, mass media and studies. A great time for love will come on July 23rd. You may reconnect with a love of your past or spend time with a current love. I also feel that you may be open to joining a new hobby or sport. You want fun and excitement and this is the day to do it. The fun and excitement will extend to July 24th. You may meet someone new or have fun with kids. I would warn you that there could be problems and tension with a lover, partner, child or friend. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks seems to be a time for you to increase your communication with family, friends and coworkers via emails, text messages and phone calls. You may run into some communication problems through the internet, vehicle or cell phone. Jupiter and Uranus seem to bring a bit of luck during this full moon so it could help to get a new car or computer. Saturn will also help you in your house of friendships so a quick trip may be to visit friends or family. You are social and outgoing so the time to get out is now. You may be open to taking a road trip or just connecting with people you haven't seen in awhile. Take time to fix issues with friends and family, as the next couple weeks will be the right time to do so.
The week will bring you the time to take the focus on your career. You will work harder for the job you take on but you are disciplined to do so. Saturn will enter your 10th house of career on July 22nd spending two years in the career house. You seek authority and you will aim for more of a leadership role. It could be that you receive a promotion to advance as a manager or other authority figure. It could be that you want to begin a business venture. You will take the reigns to success and nourish them into your own creation. Expect to invest more time and effort in your career too. I feel that tedious tasks and details may be a bit challenging but you have the time and patience for it too. The Sun will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit on July 23rd. The next 4 weeks brings a time for you to take care of finances related to taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony. You may pay off some debts too. At the same time Jupiter retrogrades from your 4th house of home. You may experience problems in the home. It could be that you need to relocate or make some repairs around the home. You also seem to be up for some changes so you may be making some impulsive decisions. On July 24th you will have to face these issues relating to the home. It’s a critical time for you and you may have to make a decision that you don't want to take on. You may relocate for your job. The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. I feel this full moon should be quite positive even though it's a full moon, which can bring endings. Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn all seem supportive of the full moon. You may gain financial opportunities. You may leave one job to go to another job. You may also gain financially from the home or adding value to the home. The full moon will make you face some realities but it's also a time to make some major changes in your life if you want to move forward in your career and for the home. Be careful though as Saturn and Uranus oppose one another which tells me you seem to feel the tension in your major decisions. The decision may also relate to another individual. You may have to relocate because your spouse or partner received a job opportunity in another state or city. Hang in there and just be prepared for these major decisions this coming week.
You are going to be taking a close look at the world around you and finding out many answers to life. You will want to know more and learn more. It will make you realize that some things in life aren't what they assume to be. On July 22nd Saturn will enter your 9th house of long distance travel, foreign people and places. The next 2 years will open the door for you to travel a long distance. You may have to take a trip more for obligation. Your beliefs may change. It could be with religion or how you view life and your future. It also seems to be a great time for you to publish and market yourself or a product including music or a book. On July 23rd the Sun will enter your partnership house giving you 4 weeks to connect and communicate with a partner. The partner may be professional and personal. You may spend time with a therapist, doctor or lawyer. Jupiter will also retrograde on the 23rd from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 4-5 months may push you to focus on your communication with others. You may find yourself obligated to communicate with siblings, neighbors, family and friends. Your communication will extend to friends through emails and phone calls. You also seem to be more obligated to take short trips around town or to visit family. Communication and connections seem more hectic for you on July 24th. You obviously have plenty of mobility. You will also feel open to doing something spontaneous like taking a road trip or even buying a nice big purchase like a computer or vehicle. I believe it's going to be because you feel it's something you need for yourself. On July 26th the full moon will fall in your own sign. It will make you quite social. You seem to be open to connecting with everyone around you. The full moon will be all about you. Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn all support this full moon so expect to build a great relationship with new and old friends. You will connect better in groups because you want to be everyone's friend. It may also bring you a great time to lose weight and even buy some nice clothes for yourself so enjoy.
It's time to get focused on your finances and begin to set a budget and save. On July 22nd Saturn will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple years will really make you take a closer look on your finances. You will pay off some debt but you may also incur some debts. You may have problems with child support, alimony, bonuses and commissions. i would suggest to use this time to get ahead with paying off some bills and debts including taxes and credit cards. I hope it opens your eyes to new ways of handling money. For some Pisces it may bring the loss of a possession or material item. On July 23rd Jupiter will begin to retrograde from your 2nd house of earned income. The Jupiter retrograde can make you feel that you are working harder for the money. You may have financial obligations that could make you feel a bit tight on funds. It also can be the door that you need to pay off some bills because you will spend less and advance in your finances. You could receive a job opportunity but the pay may not be that great. The sun will enter your 6th house of work, service and health giving you 4 weeks to work more extensively for the same pay. It could bring you more money but you are investing more time into work projects. You will also focus on your health by exercising and eating better too. Pets will be important as you may focus on your pets health. A great financial day should come on July 23rd and 24th so keep an eye on those dates and see if any great opportunity comes your way. i would even suggest to keep an eye on July 26th as a great financial date for you. The full moon on July 26th can easily bring you more money. The full moon falls in your house of secrets and solitude, which will give you two weeks to feel tired and rest. There are many positives to this full moon. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon from your house of earned income so money may be flowing in from a private source or from a job. Saturn also supports this full moon from your house of joint resources, taxes and credit. I feel that this full moon will give you the opportunity to get ahead in your finances and may easily help you to advance in your career. Positives finances should help you to focus on your greatest opportunities. A full moon brings endings so it could be the ending of one source of income. It may bring another source of income that will bring long-term results. It may relate to savings, retirement, a new long-term investment. The long-term investment could be a house, computer or vehicle. Be open to the full moon as it can go a long way.
The Psychic One
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