The month should be very important for you as you still seem to be open, friendly and social. You will spend time with friends and make new friends. It's also a wonderful time to be part of a group or organization. You will make a wonderful leader who can give directions and everyone will listen. On August 2nd you will experience the peak of a trend that has been going on since late July. You seem to be experiencing a square from Jupiter and Pluto from your partnership house and home. There could be a great big battle with the people or person you live with including a spouse, partner or lover. It may even be a roommate. You may feel that the two of you want two different things. You may lose a roommate or partner. Conflicts and disagreements occur because there will be a difference of opinion of just not viewing things alike anymore. It's time to figure out what steps to take and if it's time to let go and move on or hang in there and make it work.
Mars has just begun to travel in your own sign and will continue throughout all this month. You will take action and force to move forward in projects and major decisions in your life. You are fully energized and ambitious to get projects done, exercise or just focus on taking on some priorities. On August 3rd you are a tyrant ready to attack anything that gets in your way. You may be a bit forceful or arrogant in your ambitious. I would say to use this energy for work or to get chores around the home. Do not use this energy towards other people as you may be more on the attack than to be sympathetic and caring.
You will have a few additional dates to focus on the home including August 9th and August 25th. These are dates for you to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. You may just decide to paint a room or change the decor in a room or home.
Venus will enter your own sign on August 7th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to receive plenty of praise and attention. You will change or get a new haircut. It could be that you buy a new wardrobe or new just a new piece of clothing. You seem to be open to changing your look. It could be that you lost some weight so you can fit in smaller clothes or even slender clothing. It's your time to shine so take advantage of opportunity and show it off. Mars is still in your own sign so use the energy to increase your sex appeal or even make a great presentation with coworkers or for an interview. The sun will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on August 23rd. Te next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to seek rest, relaxation and get rid of some bad habits and people. It's time to let go what is unhealthy in your life including negative people too.
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The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will bring you two weeks to spend time with friends. You may make new friends or spend time getting to know a group of people or an organization. It would be a wonderful time for you to put yourself out there with other people and socialize. You are good at making the right first impressions. You will do well with selling a project, presentation or even selling yourself for a job interview. it's the time to shine and give 100% of yourself. It's all about how badly you want it in your life to make these changes. Friends will be there to support you. You may attend a special event or party. It may be a party or event you are participating in or putting together yourself so enjoy and have fun.
On August 4, 7, 20th and 27th seem to be great days for love, romance and socializing. You may meet someone new, fall in love or just get out and make some new friends. It will also be a wonderful time to spend time with kids, join a sport, activity or special hobby. The sport may include recreational sports like football and soccer. The arts may also catch your attention including music and theater. It may be that a child is joining these activities and you are participating or helping out. A great time to show your creative side.
On August 16th you seem to be making a critical decision regarding a partner. There may be some problems or issues in connection to a partner. The partner may bea spouse, lover, business partner, doctor or coworker. It seems that discussions about this partnership need to be resolved. If you need to seek therapy to resolve these issues then it's time to go to some session to take care of these problems. I feel that this is time time to face the problems and get them taken care of before they get worse.
The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks seems to be a time for you to feel burdened by work obligations. The work load may increase or you may lose a source of income. I feel any changes done around this time will be due to you making these decisions. It seems to be a great time to complete work project so this could be crunch time in completing work projects. Your health should improve also at this time by exercising, eating healthy and seeking medical attention. you may receive medical routine checkups and vaccines. It seems to be a great time during these next couple weeks to exercise and eat healthy and notice some results. Pets will also be your priority. You may get a new pet or see an aging pet pass away. It could be that you are taking your pet to the vet to get it's vaccines. You may exercise with your pet by taking it out on walks and seeing the two of you lose weight or get into shape. Spend time with your pet and build some bonding moments with your pet. They will appreciate it. A great time to adopt a pet too.
The month brings out your social gifts and lets you see that it's time to face your relationship with others. Take care of yourself and the pets and people around you. You will receive great rewards for being there for others.
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