Read below how each sun sign will feel the affects from this opposition
Aries- You’re focused on work, money and health. You may have to take care of your health or find you lose weight easily while working.
Taurus-Friends seem to demand more attention from you while a lover or child needs you too.
Gemini-Your home is your castle and you feel driven to sacrifice for your career.
Cancer-Travel and communication are highlighted. You want to expand your knowledge and may learn something new today.
Leo-Finances seem to be a challenge or you feel pulled between saving, budgeting and being able to make a major purchase.
Virgo-It's all about your own wants and needs. You will lose weight easily but will also feel a greater need to take care of your body.
Libra-You may feel depressed, frustrated and worried about finances or your health.
Scorpio-It's a time to enjoy company but to also make time for friends. Spend time with children.
Sagittarius-You may relocate, renovate or make repairs around the home.
Capricorn-Get out today and see what fun and exciting ventures come your way.
Aquarius-You will take a closer look at your finances and see what changes or improvements need to be made.
Pisces-A partner may bring problems. Important issues are discussed and resolved.
You can also read in greater detail how this opposition will affect you by reading your monthly horoscope at
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