It's going to be a busy month for you. It's all about working hard and your health. You seem to have plenty going on and you are keeping busy. Family and friends will also be highlighted but especially more so a partner. Important business meetings and discussions can easily clear the way to a wonderful partnership. On August 2nd and 3rd there seems to be a couple things going on. For one your finances seem to be a concern. You may indulge in a nice luxurious item or it could be you have some hefty bills to pay off. The other concern is with friends and family. You may have to pay off a bill or loan in connection to family. You may get a loan for a home, vehicle or computer. You seem to be feeling a bit obligated around this time. Your obligations are all connected to finances. The finances of money earned and the finances of money given including loans, taxes, credit, child support and bonuses. You seem to feel a great temptation to splurge so make sure you do your research before spending it big.
Finances still become an issues on August 7, 9, 16, 22 and 24th. On August 7th and 16th you may have a bill to pay off because I feel there will be a big amount of money owed or given. You may splurge on the item I was mentioning earlier or you may pay off a debt. It seems to be a very tight situation but somehow you manage. The urge to splurge is still continuing with you but I feel you will be able to find a way to set a budget especially on August 16th. You are in conflict with your finances but I feel you find a way to balance it all and even find a ways to save. It actually would be a great time to budget and save believe it or not. You would be surprised how well you can stretch out the dollar. You may indulge in food and sweets around August 9th so if you are on a diet then don't expect to eat well on that day or around that day.
Venus will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit on August 7th. The next 4 weeks will highlight financial opportunities and benefits connected to loans, credit, bonuses and commissions. You may gain through a reward or gift. The gift could be a gift card or other material or financial benefit. Mars has been in this same house and will continue in this same house throughout all the month of August. Mars in your 8th house can bring debts and credit issues. You may pay off a bill or you may incur debt. I hope you are not racking up the credit cards because you are in this mood to splurge. Your sex appeal and sex life will increase too. It would be a great time to check your credit report for any errors. The sun will enter your partnership house on August 22nd giving you 4 weeks to connect, communicate and form a partnership. The partner may be personal or professional. You may work closely with a coworker, boss, friend or lover. A great time to discuss and work out personal issues.
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The new moon on August 9th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next 2 weeks will give you the time to work hard and complete work projects and assignments. You will be very busy and you have a lot to care take care. Your health will also be important and you will exercise and eat healthy. It's also a time when you will receive regular medical checkups and take care of your body by going to the dentist or physician. Pets will also be important. You may exercise with a pet or your focus on the health of a pet. You may also decide to get a new pet. Pets seem fun and exciting to you and this could be the time for you to adopt a pet. The next couple weeks will keep you busy with work, health and family. You are social and open to connecting with the people around you so for now just enjoy being with the people you love and enjoy.
A great time to connect with family and friends seems to come on August 4, 19, 20, 25 and 26th. Friends will want to connect with you and catch up to see what you have been up to. You will also be open to spending time with family. There may be a family special event or party to enjoy the company of family and friends. You seem to be enjoying the love of the people around you.
The full moon on August 24th will fall in your own personal sign. Yes, that is two weeks were it's all about you. You may receive plenty of praise and attention. You will be the center of attention. It's going to be about what you bring to the table by giving to those that also need your help. You are a selfless sign so the next couple weeks would be great to give your time to charity. You will feel a bit emotional. You may get engaged, marry or even conceive a baby. It could be that you graduate or enter college. It may be the time to advance in your career or see some type of career or financial advancement. You may find love or fall in love. I will mention that Saturn seems to be a tough on this full moon from your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You may have to make some critical decisions regarding finances and debts. It could be that you are faced with a dilemma and need to make a major decision. You will feel a bit pulled in different direction in having to decide what direction to take. It can be a bit difficult and confusing but just remember you are doing this for yourself. Stress and anxiety will come naturally during this full moon so just remember to relax and take time to think some things through before making a final decision.
As you can see work projects seems to increase but your health improves. Finances all around take over for the money but you seem to find a way to balance a budget and save. Pets and family are important for you this month and the health of a loved one is important. The Mercury retrograde will open the door to resolve issues with a partner but it also helps you to move forward.
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