Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 28th giving you a few weeks to focus on work projects and obligations. Mercury will retrograde in this same house on August 23rs so expect over a month when you will work on many tedious projects while some of them may need to be revised. You will also take concern on your health and take care of your body. Mars will enter your partnership house on July 30th giving you 7 weeks to focus your time on a partner. The partner may be personal or professional. It may be arguments or disagreements with a partner. You may build a partnership with someone or work closely with a friend, doctor, lawyer or therapist. You seem to be a bit rash and bold at this time too do be careful not to say something you will later regret. You seem to be hard at work on a partner and discussing important issues with this individual. The partner may be a coworker, business partner or private entity or corporation. It could be to get a business off the ground. You need to work with others in order to further your career. You will get down to business and get projects done. On August 1st your career seems to be taking plenty from you and this could really make things a bit chaotic. You are riding on a time schedule but you also want to accomplish so much. I just feel that you are feeling stressed, anxious and feel that others are taking control over you. Learn to control your time and realize that some things are beyond your control. The energy from August 32nd will continue on to August 3rd and you seem to have so much energy and passion for work projects and personal goals. It can really be a big day for you but you seem to be a bit ill or feeling drained. You carry a high optimism but also know that some of these plans may not pan themselves out.
On July 28th Mercury will enter your 5th house of love, children, creative projects, sports and the arts. Mercury will spend about 7 weeks in this house due to a Mercury retrograde next months. You may act like a kid, play some games or sports. Love is great as long as you are not playing games of love. Give love and time to someone special but do not restrict them. Mars will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 30th giving you 7 weeks to work hard for the money and exercise. You will spend more time completing projects and getting projects done. You may also see an increase of projects too. Exercise and eating healthy will also be important. You will lose weight and eat healthy. Work projects may increase but also your time with your health. You will see great results with your health. If you get sick you will find the right solution to cure your illness or at least maintain it. Pets are also highlighted and you will exercise or spend time with pets. You are full of energy and should see results with work and your weight. On July 31st you are a workaholic. Expect to invest time in getting projects done on time. On August 2nd you seem to be a bit confident that obligations and work assignments can get done on time. I feel those in authority may not appreciate the work done. As you're noticing that your work takes over so expect this to be a busy week. I hope you make sure to rest as you may easily feel work out and tired. Take time to rest the body as you could easily fall weak to unexplained illnesses. You could just feel worn out. Your key word for the week is to relax.
It's all about the home starting July 28th when Mercury enters your 4th house of home. The next 7 weeks will bring a time to increase communication at home. Be careful next month when Mercury retrogrades in this same house as you may have some problems with the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. On July 30th Mars will enter your 5th house of love giving you 7 weeks to pursue love or join a sport or hobby. There may be arguments with a lover or child. You may have problems with a child and their behavior. You are fully active and energized. You may find yourself mobile and running around town. A wonderful time to get out and just enjoy the environment around you by hiking and biking. Your creative skills are heightened. You may have an argument with a lover, partner or child on July 31st. It can really bring some problems with someone close to you. A wonderful time to get projects done and you are working endlessly to complete the project. On August 2nd friends seem to take your time and attention. It could be that you are putting together a special event and seem to feel frustrated that you have plenty of work to do. Finances are also your priority and there could be obligation with tuition, a loan or credit issues at this time. You are stressed and a bit anxious. By August 3rd your confidence will rule the day and you feel that everything will come together. Make sure to read the small print on contracts before signing. You don't want to question anything later on.
As you begin the week Mercury will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors on July 28th. The next several weeks will take you to a journey around town and to see an increase of communication via internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. Mercury will retrograde on August 20th so be aware that you may have communication or vehicle problems. Whatever you can take care of now will go a long way. On July 30th Mars will enter your 4th house of home making the next 7 weeks a time to relocate, renovate or make some changes or repairs around the home. You may decide to clean out the garage or closets. A great time to do some summer cleaning. I have noticed many times when Mars enters the 4th house of home that it can bring endings. The ending may be of the home or of a relationship. A partner may bring about some positive news for you. You may also work closely with a coworker, friend, doctor, therapist or even a lawyer. You may argue with this partner or coworker. On July 31st there seems to be some serious discussion or issues regarding the home. You may relocate at this time or take care of problems around the home. It may bring a time of obligations and duties. Your career and job seems to be full of obligations around August 2nd. It could take plenty from you and you seem to feel a bit burdened by so many projects. You may have to relocate for a new job. The obligations continue onto August 3rd, as you will take on many projects especially in connection to the home. All projects will come to fruition but also be aware that you may feel a bit drained in the process.
Mercury will begin to travel in your 2nd house of earned income on July 28th. The next 7 weeks will give you the opportunity to find ways to make more money or to learn how to budget and save. You will also learn how to get ahead with your finances. On August 20th Mercury retrograde in this same house so it could bring problems with money. Something to be aware of. As you travel into the week on July 30th Mars will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 7 weeks will increase communication big time. You will travel more frequently and conversation increases with everyone including siblings and neighbors. You may see an increase of emails, text messages and phone calls. Don't rush during while traveling or you can get into an accident especially around July 30th and 31st. You are filled with obligations and communication with everyone on July 31st. There could be a herb of emails or phone calls that need to be made. Chores and errands seem to suddenly increase. Work obligations, errands and duties are feeling a bit too much for you, as you get closer to August 2nd. You are an ambitious sign and loves a great challenge but you are feeling like it might be a little too much. I feel that you can take on the challenges you just need to create a balance for yourself so you don't feel tired and drained. As we continue onto August 3rd you are still going and your energy is still flowing. You can tackle on anything that comes your way. I would say use the energy you have going now to complete projects. You would be amazed at the results you create.
It’s going to be all about you this week when Mercury enters your sign on July 28th. The next 7 weeks will increase your mobility and connections with everyone. You seem to be talkative and social. A great time to just get out around town and discover something new. Mars will enter your 2nd house of earned income on July 30th giving you 7 weeks to see more money or work hard to make more money. You may argue over money or see some discrepancies regarding a paycheck or bill. You may find new ways to make more money or see an increase in a paycheck. Your obligations seem to also turn to a child or lover. You may find that certain financial obligation may tighten the purse strings a little but some financial duties need to be taken care of. It could be connected to a vehicle, computer, tuition or even some bills. If you have some financial obligations to take care of then expect to work much harder for it. You will notice these obligations around July 31st. You feel tired and drained and will keep working hard to get the work done. Financial obligations related to taxes, credit and loans seem to take over around August 1st and 2nd. You are feeling a bit flustered with your finances and it may be a bill or debt that needs to be paid off. It could be that you have an urge to splurge so calm down and take your time before making a major purchase. You will also notice these obligations and urges continuing onto August 3rd. There may be some financial debts and bills but you also need to set a budget for yourself. You won't get ahead with your finances if you are always finding something new to spend your money.
As you begin the week on July 28th Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude. It's what I like o call running the grocery list in your head. You seem to be running with many thoughts and ideas that can get you a little bit confused. Next month Mercury will retrograde in this same house, which could make you reveal some secrets. Mars will enter your own sign on July 30th giving you 7 weeks to feel high energy and motivation to get work projects done and even exercise. it seems to be a wonderful time to begin a new project including exercising or just cleaning out the closets. Be careful not to do anything rash as you may end up hurting yourself by trying to figure things out too quickly. You may burn yourself from cooking too fast. As you get into July 31st you seem to be taking care of many projects on the same day or around the same time. It could be a combination of errands, cleaning the house and even spending time with family and friends. You may feel a bit down and depressed. As you enter August especially close to August 2nd there seems to be obligations with a partner. It's a great time to get down and focus your energy with work and the home. You seem to be taking care of projects around the home or possibly relocating. As you continue onto August 3rd your career and home seem to be battling at odds with each other. You may need to relocate by a certain time before you begin your new job. It may be that your new job seems to involve a long traffic time and this could really make you think if it's time to move. You may feel a bit frustrated but you are also riding in high energy. Take the initiative and remember that there are certain obligations that need priority now and not later even if it means taking on a major decision.
It's going to be all about your friends starting July 28th. Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships giving you about 7 weeks to increase communication with friends. On August 20th Mercury retrogrades from this same house, which could bring some revealed secrets or gossip regarding a friend. Be careful when sending emails or text messages because during the retrograde you may end up sending something to the wrong person. Mars will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 30th giving you 7 weeks to take care of your body be eating health and exercising. It could also be that you need to get some surgery or go to the doctor to get rid of an illness. You may visit someone at the hospital or you need to go to the hospital. A critical decision may need to be made regarding your health or someone else's health in these next 7 weeks. You may also take a short trip to visit friends or you may just email, text or phone a friend. Health obligations are a priority on July 31st. You may face the face that certain illnesses cannot be left unattended. It could be a simple cold that needs to be taken care of. You will feel much healthier and better once you figure out what could be wrong. You may also just feel tired and need to catch up on sleep. As you enter August you will also focus on your health and work assignments. Expect to see an increase in work obligations especially around August 2nd and 3rd. You may feel a bit stressed and tired but you seem to keep pushing forward. A great time to exercise, lose weight or exercise with pets.
Mercury will enter your 10th house of career on July 28th. The next 7 weeks seems to open the door to new career projects and opportunities. You will do well on an interview or presentation. I will let you know that on August 20th Mercury retrogrades in this same house so expect some challenges, delays or revisions. You may need changes some projects or ideas. Mars will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 30th. The next 7 weeks may bring arguments with friends. You will see an extension of invites from special groups and friends. It seems to be a great time to focus your energy on activities with friends. You may help a friend relocate or even join them in a sport or other activities. Get out and enjoy what is out there in life and focus on the opportunity to spent time with friends. You may even make a new friend in the process but don't start arguments with them. As you continue onto August you will be faced with some difficulties regarding a lover, partner or child on August 2nd. There seems to be obligations that need to be taken care of and you may feel a bit tired. You are always full of energy but this time it may be a bit too much for you. It is a wonderful time to play sports or get involved in other recreational activities including biking, hiking or a hobby. By August 3rd you are in a great mood to take risks and chances with the people around you. You may begin a new conversation with someone who can bring great connection to you. You are highly optimistic and confident which many times just comes naturally to you. Enjoy the day with family and friends and make them feel upbeat for once.
On July 28th Mercury will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, mass marketing and universities. The next 7 weeks seems to be a wonderful time to travel and to make a new discovery. You may extend your explorations by reading a new foreign culture or land. You could be open to new places and cultures. On August 20th Mercury will retrograde from this same house, which could bring delays in any planned trips. You may have to make some changes or revisions to documents or paperwork especially in relation to school and passports. I suggest to do everything possible now to move forward with plans and ideas before the retrograde cycle kicks in. On July 30th Mars will enter your 10th house of career giving you 7 weeks to advance in your career. You may enter into a new business or school. It could be that you begin to study and learn for your career. You may receive a promotion at this time. It could be that you begin a business venture or begin to research of a new business venture. The opportunities open up for you and you want to bring success your way. You are full of high energy and can accomplish the goals for your career. There easily can be positive results. On July 31st you are working hard for the money and investing so much time and effort to succeed. On August 1st and 2nd your home seems to be the main focus. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. The tension will continue onto August 3rd. You may feel overwhelmed by the duties and tasks needed to be taken care of but you have to handle everything one step at a time.
Starting July 28th Mercury will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 7 weeks can easily give you the time to straighten out your finances or pay off some bills especially in relation to credit and loans. You will also be open to savings and retirement funds or finding better ways to save for the future. I do want to let you know that Mercury will retrograde on August 20th in this same house. it could bring problems with credit and debts. I will warn you now to try and get all paperwork done now so you don't regret it later on. Or, at least know what to expect. On July 30th Mars will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next 7 weeks seems to open the door to travel or to have others come to visit you. You may connect well with foreigners. It could bring a time for you to learn a new foreign language or culture. It's time to expand your horizons and read to learn something new. On July 30th and 31st you are full of energy and trying to get so much done in such a short time. You may travel but be careful, as you may be a bit too hasty in your drive or trip. You will also be prone to accidents so try to slow down and watch where you are walking. On July 2nd your priorities turn to communication with family and friends. The communication you are open to can including emails, text messages and phone calls. Friends are always opening to hearing from you, as you are always full of joy and ideas. Reach out to family or a friend and let them know you are there for them. Fun and laughter extends to friends and family on August 3rd so have fun and socialize.
It's all about extending your communication to a partner. The partner may be a business partner, lover, spouse, doctor, lawyer, coworker or therapist. The next 7 weeks increases the communication. I want to quickly mention that on August 20th Mercury retrogrades from your partnership house, which tells me there will be some old issues to discuss. On July 30th Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes and credit. The next 7 weeks seems to be a time for you to deal with issues relating to debt and credit. You may pay off some bills or run a high debt. It could be that you have some credit errors that need to be cleared from a credit report. Also the next 7 weeks may bring a time to divide assets with a partner. Your sex life should also improve or increase. There may be some issues to discuss regarding debts and finances on July 30th and July 31st. I feel you being very disciplined to take care of these issues and seem to have a firm plan in place. On August 1st and 2nd your concerns turn back to finances again and this time you have an urge to splurge. Do not spend on something you later regret. If it's a long-term investment then think it through and move forward with the purchase. I say research it. You will feel this urge to continue onto August 3rd. You are feeling very confident to move forward with your finances and may spend on something you believe is necessary. Again just research it then move forward with your plans. Remember set a budget.
The Psychic One
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