For you as a Pisces you are always open to finding love or even being loved by others. You want to be the center of attention even though you shy up when the attention comes to you. The month brings opportunities for love, creativity and children. On July 1st you will spend time communicating with a loved whether it's a child, lover or companion. You will even connect well with people who look at you and respect your personal opinion. You seem to be connected through communication and it's a wonderful time to discuss personal issues and problems with others. On July 5th Uranus will retrograde from your 2nd house of earned income. On July 23rd Jupiter will also begin its retrograde cycle from the same house. Jupiter loves to give whether its more money or more opportunities. While Jupiter retrogrades you may not have all those perks and opportunities. You may have to spend more money for bills or to pay off debts. It could be that you are indulging in material items. Uranus retrograding can also bring some bills but I think it's going to help you slow yourself down from getting carried away with the finances. It could be a great idea to slow yourself down from spending if it helps you a little bit with the retrogrades.
Venus will enter your partnership house on July 9th giving you 4 weeks to compromise and connect with a partner. The partner can be professional or personal. It can be a boss, coworker, friend, colleague, doctor, therapist, lawyer or employee. You may collaborate with someone else in order for you to advance in your career. A great time to discuss personal issues with a spouse, lover or partner as they will be open to compromise. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on July 10th making the next couple weeks a time for you to work on tedious projects, assignments and tasks. You will be very good at crafting and building. The Sun will join Mercury on July 23rd. Mercury will then enter your partnership house on July 28th in your partnership house. Mercury will improve and increase communication with others so you can clear up any misunderstandings. It's a wonderful time for you to get ahead with a partner and work out personal or professional problems.
I do want to mention that on July 22nd Saturn reenters your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. Saturn loves to discipline and your finances are no exception. The good news with Saturn in the 8th house is that it disciplines you how you spend your money. You will be strict with your credit cards and you will make sure to pay your taxes on time. It will also make you budget and save for the future. The bad news is that you may have problems paying your bills on time and could bring problems with taxes. You may not receive a loan approval or have difficulties getting ahead financially. The same things that can be very positive can also be very negative with Saturn. I think it all depends on your motivation and determination to get ahead or behind with your finances. If you know you have a debt due and you rather buy yourself clothes than pay the bill well you can't argue later on when you receive a collections note. It's all about how determined you are to get ahead with your finances.
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A partner wants to connect with you on a deeper level on July 7,8, 9, and 22nd. It will be the perfect personal or financial issues with a partner. You seem to be looking over numbers more cautiously and carefully. Personal issues and cleared and resolved.
Finances are looking great on July 10, 13, 23, 26, 28, 30 and 31st. There are many great opportunities to get ahead financially. You may receive a job offer or financial offer. It could also be that you are receiving a bonus, commission or other financial gain through other resources. Keep an eye on these dates as you never know what opportunity presents itself to you.
The full moon on July 26th will fall on your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks seems to bring a time when you are catching up on sleep and taking a vacation. You may simply decide to sleep in because you have been working longer hours or losing sleep. It's a great time to take a vacation to a retreat and to rest and relax. You may finally take care of your health by exercising or receiving medical treatment. It could be that you have to take care of someone else. Jupiter and Uranus are greatly supporting this full moon from your house of finances so you may be working longer hours but your making more money. Saturn will also support this full moon from your financial house so it's all about the money for this full moon. If you do go on vacation then you will take your work with you or you may need to work from wherever you are located. I think this is going to be a fun full moon even though some adjustments need to be made. If you need to take care of your health at least you will be doing well for yourself.
An opposition on July 26th from both your financial houses may push you to face what has always been there for you in regards to your money issues. You may have to pay a hefty bill or debt. Saturn likes to make you face realty while Uranus wants you to take risks and chances. They are both battling each other on this day. It may be time to budget, save pay off some bills. The opposition will continue on for another 10-12 days but you may have felt the energy from this opposition from about 2 weeks ago. Take care of what is there and you will get ahead financially and emotionally.
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