You will be very active and busy this month. Career obligations seem to keep you busy but your social life also seems demanding too. You will actually be surprised that your work obligations are going to take too much from you that your friends may need to wait. On July 1st you are feeling mentally active. Your mind seems to be racing with thoughts and ideas. It feels as though you have many obligations and you are just planning and planning so you can complete your projects. Uranus will begin to retrograde on July 5th from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. On July 23rd Jupiter will begin it's retrograde cycle from the same house. Having both Uranus and Jupiter retrograde in the same house can create some confusions for you. You may be confused about a lover or child. There could be a possibility to see an old love from the past come back into your life. Let me quickly explain that Uranus in your 5th house wants space and freedom. You may be open to relationship but you also don't want to feel suffocated in the relationship. Jupiter, on the other hand, encourages love and affection and will make you want to feel loved and seek love. Children may bring some difficulties or you having to deal with children may be difficult for you. You may enjoy sports with a child or join a hobby for yourself including kayaking and bicycling.
Venus will enter your career house on July 9th. The next 4 weeks seems to be a great time when you will receive plenty of praise and appreciation from your job, authority figures and employees. Mercury will enter your 9th house of travel and reading on July 10th. The next couple weeks opens the door for you to take a trip or plan a trip. You may be open to studying or reading about a foreign culture or country. It could also be the right time to learn a new language too. Mercury will enter your career house on July 28th. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to present yourself well in front of coworkers, employees and business associates. Your communication is well and thorough. interviews should also go well too. The Sun enter your 9th house of long distance trips and foreigners on July 24th.
Saturn will reenter your 11th house of friendships on July 22nd. The next couple years seems to be a time when you may not have as many friends as you did in the past. Friends whom you thought were great to hang out with aren't so great after all. You may lose a friend because you aren't feeling connected to them anymore. There could also be a time when you develop a friendships with an older wiser mature individual. You may need their guidance to advance in your career or other personal goals in your life. If you are eliminating some of your friends then it is because you don't need them or they still need to learn many lessons in life. You will notice that people whom you thought were there for you are only around for the wrong reasons. It could be very difficult to accept that a friend, group or organization whom you thought was once there for you just isn't there no more. Sometimes we need to let go of people in order to see the entire picture. As time goes by you will be able to see what you need to do in order to surround yourself with the right people and move forward in life.
Is Love Promised in your Chart
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The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support, alimony, bonus and commissions. The eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can easily bring some gain for you including a bonus or commission. It could be that you are advancing in your career and you gain through financial rewards and benefits. You may finally receive the approval to get child support and alimony payments. It will be a wonderful time to invest especially in a retirement fund. You may see the gains from them at this time. It could be that your gain comes from taxes, credit and loans. You may receive the approval of a loan especially if you are trying to get a vehicle or home. A credit line may be extended or it could relate to an equity line of credit. Jupiter and Uranus are supporting this eclipse from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects making this a time when your gains may come from other sources or because of another source. For instance a financial gain related to child support or alimony payments. You push to get a new home because you just got married or about to have a baby. Juno also seems to be supporting this eclipse which can indicate the support and help from another party. It could be a financial advisor, spouse or lover. If it wasn't for this individual you wouldn't get far. The eclipse will help you make future financial plans so think carefully before making any final decisions.
Short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors are highlighted on July 7, 20 and 26th. You may take a short trips to visit family and friends. A neighbor may send time getting to know you or you find yourself easily building a bond with them. Communication is strong via emails, text messages and phone calls.
Your career goes well on July 7, 8, 9 and 22nd. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. A time when you may also advance in your career.
Your finances go well on July 13, 24 and 30th. You may receive a job offer or opportunity.
Friends may need your help or you spend quality time with a friend on July 31st. You need to surround yourself with this person as they offer you some valuable information. It could be that you are learning something from them. A group, charity or organization brings you great connections. You may have to make a critical decisions regarding a friend.
The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 3rd house of communication, short trips, siblings, neighbors and relatives. The next couple weeks seems to bring a time for you to take plenty of short trips around town or to a state nearby. The short trips may be to the next county. Communication seems to increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. The communication may be with your siblings, aunts, uncles and neighbors. You are social and talkative. Jupiter and Uranus will support this eclipse from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next few months may increase your finances because of someone else. Saturn will also support this eclipse from your friendship house. It could be that you work closely with someone to gain financially. It could be that a friend opens new opportunities for you to make more money. A friend, group or charity may effect your finances. Be careful not to indulge but I feel that you will not. It seems to be a great time to make future financial plans and a friend may help you to get there.
A lover or child may be very important for you on July 9, 23 and 30th. You may meet someone to fall in love, find love or spend time with children. It seems to be a fun exciting time which could bring you someone new from the internet or through an email or text message. A wonderful time to also enjoy music and the arts. You may listen to music or attend a concern. ENjoy.
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