On June 25th Mercury squares Uranus creating problems with electronics, computer, appliances and even with your mind. You may feel a bit stressed and anxious. You may do something impulsively because of these anxieties. Try to relax and slow down by walking, running or just getting out of the home for a couple hours. You may experience problems with a cell phone, computer, television, radio and the internet. Don't be surprised if your internet slows down or goes a bit haywire on you. You may noticed that certain electronics just seem to be more difficult to work easily than in the past. Give yourself time to relax when these moments occur, as you may easily feel a bit more frustrated. If you are feeling a bit anxious then read my article on Anxiety to help you find ways to control it. The energy of this day will last today and tomorrow so be aware of what could happen to you.
Articles: Anxiety
Horoscopes: The psychic One website
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