Your health will be a big concern for you today. It could be that you are coming down with the flu or you may feel that you need to take care of your body more frequently. There may be problems with your bones including your spine and teeth. You may have to see the attention of a chiropractor. It will be a wonderful time to exercise and eat health. You will notice the results of all the hard work you are investing into your body. You may have a ton of tedious projects to take care of today. Friends will also be a great support. You may make a new friends or connect with old friends. A wonderful time to meet friends at a party or special event. Around 5am you seem to be a bit anxious. It could be that you are restless and impatient. Your are highly optimistic and indulgent around 6:55am. There may be problems at work or with a home-related project around 11:31am. By 3pm you are indulging in sweets and love.
Your love life and children may be a bit difficult to manage. You may have problems with a lover or someone you meet. It could be that a child is creating difficulties for you. You may feel frustrated that they are not cooperating with you or don’t want to compromise. Your career is looking up today. You may receive a promotion, advancement or the opportunity to start a business around this day. You are highly alert and energized around 5:03am. You may wake up earlier than expected. At 6:55am you seem to be in a good mood and may throw a joke out there to someone nearby you. Your home or people at home may create some problems for you around 11:30am. Try not to take things personally. By 3pm you are feeling a need to want the sweetest fattiest things around you. it could just be a doughnut. A great time for you to show someone you care about them by helping them out.
You may have problems with travel plans or just trying to make time for yourself. You may not feel all that well. Your finances may play a part in all these concerns. You dream of wonderful places to visit. You may take time to give to a charity. family or friends. Around 5am you are writing or emailing someone important. It could be that you are making a phone call to others or making special plans for yourself and/or others. Around 11:30am you are feeling a bit emotional or sensitive. Other’s may try to control you. By 3:03pm you are feeling a positive vibe with the people around you. A great time to socialize and get around town.
You may have problems with a vehicle, computer or phone today.. Make sure to take your vehicle for repairs. You may simply have some internet or phone connection problems. It may feel a bit frustrating that some of these problems occur and you may not be aware how to handle them. Around 11:31am you seem to feel tension with a partner, friend or coworker. They may try to dominate you or you may try to manipulate them. You may have problems with a mother. By 3pm you are feeling loving and affection to family and friends. You will be in a great mood to reach out to someone who needs some love and compassion themselves.
Finances may be a bit challenging today. It could be that you are working hard for the money it seems that any business venture you take on will put you on a busy work schedule. You will feel tired and drained. A great time to get tedious work projects done. At the same time a partner may need your time, love and attention. You may give more of your time to others including a lover, spouse, friend or coworker. A great time to plan a business partnership. At 5:03am you may run around taking care of emails and phone calls. You may receive an unexpected piece of information or news. Around 6:55am you are feeling boisterous and confident. A great time to get projects and little errands done. At 11:31am you are being a bit pushy or aggressive with someone else. It could be that you are a bit demanding. By 3pm you are in a relaxed mood.
You are feeling healthy and strong. Be careful not to push yourself too much as you may strain a muscle or hurt your bones. Relax and just spend time taking on some light exercise techniques. A great time to take care of errands and chores around town and at home. Your health improve and you find yourself drinking plenty of water. Work projects and assignments show your creative skills and talents. A great time to sew, craft, knit or put a nice little project at home together. Around 11:31am you are a bit pushy or frustrated with a child or lover. It could be someone close is not in a compromising mood. They may not be patient with you or you are not patient with them. By 3:03pm you are compromising and giving your time to others.
Today seems to be a difficult day when it comes to your health and your emotional well-being. You may feel a bit confused, stressed or anxious. You may not be feeling well or even feel very tired. There could be difficulties having to cooperate with others. It might be time to let go. At the same time your love life and children seem to be in need of your attention. You may meet someone new, fall in love or spend time with children. You give more of your time to others today. Around 5am a partner, spouse or even a pet may disturb you from your regular schedule. At 6:55am you seem to be a bit optimistic and happy. Around 11:31am you are feeling a bit dominated or controlled by someone or something else. You may feel a bit submissive. By 3pm you are sending love and warm wishes to others. You are in a great mood at this time.
A friend may create problems for you today. You may argue or have a disagreement with a friend. It could be that someone else is pressuring you to make a decision you aren’t ready for. Your home will also be a concern today. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Around 6:55am you seem to be indulging in laughter and food. It could be that you are in the mood for something sweet. At 11:31am pressures from other people even a salesman may make you feel uncomfortable. I get this uncomfortable feeling for you. By 3pm you may lavishly spend too much so control your impulses.
Work and job projects and assignments will drain you out today. Even though it’s a weekend you seem to be stressing and worrying about a job or project. The project could be connected to your home but you seem to be doing more work at home. Your stress levels may get you to drink or indulge in food or money. Try to take some time off and relax. You will feel relaxed if you learn to meditate or take time off for yourself. Communication and short trips looks positive today. You may find yourself connecting with everyone via the internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. A sibling or neighbor may need your help and you are willing to help out. A 5am you seem to be a bit alert and fully awake. A great time to start the day with some projects. At 6:55am you are full of laughter. Finances take some of your time around 11:30am. It could be a financial transaction. By 3:03pm you are giving love and affection to a friend or family member.
Your ruling planet Saturn seems to be fighting against the Sun today making this a difficult day for you to be able to connect and get along with others. You may feel overwhelmed by duties and obligations. It could just be too much work for you to take care of today. Finances should go well. You may receive a check or find a new opportunity to make some money. An opportunity may present itself to you. Around 5am you are feeling hyper or may feel energized to get work done around the house. It could be that you receive a special messages. Also keep an eye around 7am for news or a piece of information that may come to you. You seem to be feeling a bit tension or pressures possibly from a female around 11:30am. Try to handle your day by focusing on your priorities.
You seem to be taking time for yourself today. At one moment you are volunteering to help others including friends and family and the next minute you just want time for yourself. You won’t be so much in the mood to socialize but you do want to keep contact with family and friends. Finances related to taxes, credit and loans may bring problems. You may pay off a hefty bill or debt. It could also be that you are looking over some of your finances to see were you need to make major changes for yourself. A great time to budget and save. At 6:55am you are feeling a bit optimistic that everything will work out. You are looking forward to your day. Around 11:30am you seem to want to be left alone while someone else possibly a female won’t leave you alone. By 3:03pm your mood seems to be more content and friends feel love from you.
A partner may create problems or arguments with you. It could be that this partner may be seeking plenty of attention from you too. There may be a disagreement from a family member, friend, spouse or lover. A coworker may bring some problems for you too. Your creative and psychic abilities are standing strong. You seem to be writing, painting and crafting some wonderful projects. It seems to be a wonderful time for you to put your sense together and see what great projects come alive. You are having some great moods and frustrations today. Around 6:50am you are feeling confident and your mood extends to foods and sweets. Around 11:31am you are trying to work with others but they may not be patient with you. A bit of dominance may occur. By 3:01pm the mood around you is loving and caring to family and friends.
All times are EST
The Psychic One
Psychic Readings $1.89/min
800-275-5336 ext 0234
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