Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Libra Horoscope for July 2010

The main priority for you this month will be on love, children and your career. You will be very busy with work projects which could easily affect your health. At the same time a lover or child may need majority of your attention. On July 1st you seem to be taking care of a career or work project. You may interview for a job or take a test for a job or education. You seem to be very focused and want to make sure you take care of all projects on time. Uranus will begin it's retrograde cycle on July 5th from your partnership house. On July 23rd Jupiter will retrograde from the same house. When you have both these planets retrograding in your partnership house it can bring about some problems with a personal or professional partner. You may end up in breakup or divorce. It may bring a time of separation whether it's emotional or physically. It can easily begin a phase in your life were you seek independence from other's. You may decide to want your space and be on your own. The independence may come that you move out of the home to get your own place. It's time for you to make your own ideas and plan ideas for yourself. It could just bring a time to seek space from a current partner and it may simply come with having opposite schedules.

Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 9th. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to keep feelings to yourself. It may bring a time for you to give selflessly to others. Be careful not to seek love and affection from someone new as you may regret it later. Seeking a secret love affair may not last long at all. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on July 28th giving you a couple weeks to keep thoughts and ideas to yourself. The Sun will enter your 11th house of friendships on July 23rd. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to make new friends. You may reconnect with your current friends. Parties and special events are also highlighted and you will see an extension of invites at this time.

Saturn will enter your own sign again on July 22nd. The next couple years will bring you the opportunity to seek changes for yourself. You may go back to college or enter college. It will bring a wonderful time to lose weight and eat healthy. Saturn in your own sign opens doors to seek independence. You may pursue a goal or tasks that brings greater ventures for yourself. You will want to pursue goals that you felt you missed out when you were younger. It's a time for you to explore options and choices for yourself. If you missed out on certain career goals in the past then you will be open to new prospects in your life. Anywhere from going back to school to taking on a new topic of interest will intrigue you. Open your heart and mind to new ventures as you will discover a new path to life.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in your Chart

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The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 10th house of career. It is a wonderful eclipse to have as it will make you venture out into new territory. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can bring you a new career path or a new promotions. You may advance in your career. It could be that you want to start a business venture. Jupiter and Uranus are squaring off with this eclipse but it seems to make you more confident in your ventures. You will open the door to explore more choices and options in your life. You seem to be able to push yourself to explore new choices in life. If you change careers you are doing so because you seek greater independence in your schedule and for yourself. You may find a job that allows you to work from home. It could be that the new career path gives you greater flexibility to travel and work in different places in the country or out of the country. It will be a wonderful time for yourself but be aware that you seek independence. You won't settle for the same broken path and the same routine. You want different and if it means changing jobs then so be it. You will do what it takes in order to get what you want even if it means making great sacrifices. The asteroid June seems to be supporting you at the same time that Uranus and Jupiter support your partnership house. You may enter into a new career path with a partner. It could be that you want to spend more time with family so you look for a new job that gives you that freedom. The freedom and flexibility will be there so just make sure you make the right decision.

Your home will be a great concern on July 13, 24 and 30th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone is moving out of your home. You may decide to make some changes around the home like painting a room or changing the decor of a room. You may receive the approval of a home loan or rental unit.

You will also be thorough with finances and where you want to be in the future including July 8, 9, 22 and 31st. I feel that you will take the opportunity to figure out what you want to do for your future and thoroughly plan it out. You need to be detailed in your plans or else you will end up being careless about your goals.

A partner may need your attention around July 9, 10, 13, 23, 26, 28 and 30th. All these dates can bring a new partner whether it's professional or personal. You may be open to collaborating with someone else in order to advance in your career. It may not have anything to do with your career but with a home project or regarding children and finances. You may seek a financial advisor or interior decorator. It's a wonderful time to work alongside someone else to help you advance in your career or the home.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your 5th house of love. The next couple weeks can easily bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or meet someone new. It seems to be a great time to spend time with children, enter sports or enjoy a hobby. Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn will all greatly support this full moon from your partnership house. Saturn's presence in this full moon indicates to me long term stability and security. You may enter a sport or hobby that you will enjoy for many years to come. It could be that your child gets involve in a sport or hobby for a long time. It will also be a great full moon to fall in love or have someone else tell you that they love you. As nice as it would be to hear it from someone special it may just come from a friend. You may end a relationship but that is only if the relationships has been falling apart. The full moon will affect more so Libras born in the September dates then those born in October. All Libras will still enjoy this full moon.

An opposition from Saturn and Uranus on July 26th seems to concern me a little bit for you. The opposition is from Saturn in your own sign to Uranus in your partnership house. An opposition always involves someone else. You may find yourself caught in an argument with a partner. There could be differences related to finances, love, relationships or a business. The partnership may be business related. I just wanted to quickly mention this opposition so you are aware that this will occur for about two weeks. The tension will be there even if it's in a subtle way.

The month will bring you many great opportunities to plan your career ventures and seek greater independence. You may fall in with during the full moon and will open the doors to spend time with children. As you end the month you may have to make a critical decisions regarding a partner. Good luck.

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