As you begin the week you may discover that some of your friends aren't being truthful and honest with you. It may be that you aren't being upfront and honest with them. You may also believe your own thoughts and ideas regarding a friend. Your assumptions may be wrong. On June 10th your mind seems to be working at full speed. You may have premonitions and ideas. It's a great time to study astrology or science. You seem to be keen and focused on some great ideas. Mercury will also enter your third house of short trips and communication so expect to see an increase of trips around town and your communication increases with everyone especially through emails and text messages. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Gemini rules this new moon so the next couple weeks open the door for you to take a couple of quick sudden trip. Your communication may improve and increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. You are social and communicative with friends, neighbors and relatives. Obligations seem to take plenty of your time during this new moon so expect to run errands and other tedious tasks. At least you should see improvements in your health. Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 14th giving you a few weeks to find love, fall in love or enjoy your time with children. You are social and may hang out in bars and clubs. By June 15th you are working hard for the money and may see a great career opportunity come your way. It could be the time to advance in your career or invest in a career venture. Good luck.
Your career will become your priority on June 9th. It seems to me that you are not getting the entire story. If you are interviewing for a job then all the details and duties of the job may not be explained thoroughly. I would suggest to ask questions and read the fine print. On June 10th you seem to be feeling high strung and full of energy. You will indulge yourself in electronics and other special gadgets. It will be a great time to plan for the future especially if you are entering a new career field, taking some training classes or want to plan a trip. Mercury will also enter your 2nd house of earned income, which brings great opportunities for jobs. You are full aware and active. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your 2nd house of finances. The next couple weeks seems to be a wonderful time for you to receive a job opportunity or offer. The new moon falls in the sign of Gemini, the twins which could bring two job opportunities. You may also see a pay increase or a new source of income. Neptune seems to be supporting your career house and Saturn is helping you to get to work. I feel this is going to be a wonderful new moon. I feel that you are organizing and planning to get ahead. Uranus is giving you support to advance so use the opportunity to plan ideally. Venus will enter your 4th house of home on June 14th giving you 4 weeks to decorate your home. You may entertain or host at home. A great time to decorate or paint a room. You seem to be open to new ideas to remodel at home. You may also just look for a new place to live. You seem excited about the new ideas. By June 15th you are making long term plans. A great time to think about your financial future and see were you end up. You will also feel a bit of luck on your side.
Now that Uranus has moved away from your career house it should open the doors for new career ventures and opportunities. On June 9th you seem to be making travel plans. You may dream of a place to visit or live. It could be near water or a different country. It's ok to dream. On June 10th Mercury will enter your own sign giving you about 2 weeks to mobilize and connect with everyone. You seem to be all over the place so slow down and rest. Friends are also highlighted and you seem to be in a great social mood. You are connecting well with new friends who you may meet via the internet or phone. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your own sign. It may be the right time to reach out and connect with friends, family and coworkers. You may also change your appearance. Your home will also be affected by this new moon so you may be relocating or making changes around the home. A great time to relocate or a cheaper place or receive some great bargains for the home. Venus will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, neighbors and siblings. The next 4 weeks seem to bring a time for you to communicate with family, friends, siblings and even your neighbors. Your words are of love and compassion. You are caring and affection to others. You are also open to meeting new friends or reconnecting with an old friend. Friends may want more than a friendship from you. By June 15th you are socializing and meeting new people. You may be open to meeting new people or may even make plans for a party or special event. Finances also seem to take a priority, as you will do well with organizing your credit, taxes, loans and credit cards. You seem to have it balanced out and will plan to save and budget. It could be you are approved for a loan. Good luck.
Your finances especially related to taxes, credit, loans and child support will take your priority on June 9th. You want to make sure you read the fine print and you understand everything being told to you as you may be left confused or lied to. You want to get all the details recorded or documented. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on June 10th giving you about 2 weeks to keep thoughts and ideas to yourself. Your career seems to be on your mind so you may be planning a business venture. It could be related to the internet. You may also be open to new jobs that are related to electronics and computers. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks seems to bring a great opportunity to rest, relax and take a vacation. You may receive a couple of breaks from work or your work may take you to far away places. Obligations and duties will also become demanding so you will have to find a way to balance it all out. You are determined and focused to take care of these duties. On June 14th Venus will enter your 2nd house of earned income giving you 4 weeks to make money but you will also spend it lavishly. You may venture into a business or some new idea for career or a special long distance trip. By June 15th you are working with a partner whether it's for personal or professional reasons. A great time to make long term plans with this partner, as ideas seem to move forward.
On June 9th a partner may end up being a bit deceitful. You may want to keep your eyes and ears open for information that does not make sense. You may also be caught in a dream or fantasy about a partner, lover or spouse. You may idealize them when in reality they aren't whom you take them to be. Do not try to convince yourself of something that is not there. Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships on June 10th giving you about two weeks to extend your communication with your friends. You are extending invites and communication goes well via emails, text messages and phone calls. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks will bring new and old friends. You are having conversations with everyone. Neptune brings friends closer and a friend may turn into a partner, lover or colleague. You feel a greater connection to your friends and family. Finances seem to be taking priority so this partner or friend may be connected to work or a business. You seem to do well with friends. Invites are being extended to parties and special events. You may have to decline some invites. A mature and wise friend may come to you or you may give advice to a friend. Venus will enter your own sign on June 14th giving you 4 weeks to change your appearance or find new ways to look better in yourself. You may invest in a new wardrobe. Travel and new ventures will also be highlighted. By June 15th you are working hard for the money or for your health. Work projects and assignments go well and your health is improving too. A pet's health may also improve too.
As the week begins your health and work projects are your main concern. You may find yourself drinking plenty of water. It could be that you are taking on many creative work projects. You seem to be focused on taking care of obligations around work. Pets may also need to be taken care of or loved. Mercury will enter your 10th house of career on June 10th giving you about 2 weeks to extend communication around work. You also seem to be looking for a second job or job in communications or computers. You seem to be making big plans that will help you find new ways to get ahead financially too. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your career house giving you two whole find to receive two jobs or two job offers. Communication is strong and you will be working hard for the money. You seem to find yourself busy at work. A great time to build a business venture or involve yourself in new business opportunities. You seem to be well informed of new opportunities and of the future. A great time to advance in your career. Venus will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on June 14th giving you about 4 weeks to keep feelings to yourself. You may seek love secretly. You may also give selflessly too. At the same time you are feeling excited as a new financial opportunity may just appear itself to you. By June 15th a lover or child may come to you or you will feel a greater connection to someone special. You may build a stronger bond with a lover or partner. Children, sports and hobbies will also be highlighted. You may enter sports or take on a new hobby. You also seem to be doing well with your finances or finding new ways to improve on your finances. A great financial opportunity may come today.
Your love life is taking priority for you on June 9th. You may give selflessly to a lover or child. Be careful not to be idealizing a lover or someone new you meet as you may easily be disappointed in them later on. Mercury will enter your 9th house of travel, education, foreign people and places. You may learn a new language or read about a foreign land or country. You are fully excited of new ventures. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks seems to open the door for you to possibly take two long distance trips. It could be you study and learn at a university or college. You may learn a new language or other different cultures. You may publish a book or music. It could also be that you are marketing or promoting a product. Your creative side is highlighted and you seem to be hard at work and focused. It could be that a child is going off to college or you are opening the door to greater pastures. You are disciplined and focused. Venus will enter your 11th house of friendships on June 14th making the next 4 weeks a time to spend time with friends. You may attend a special event or party. Friends are wonderful and you make new friends. A friend may turn into a lover or a lover acts more like a friend. On June 15th you are taking care of errands and obligations in the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You seem to be structured and focused on taking care of these projects and obligations. You may also receive a loan approval for a home. It a great time to entertain at home or invite friends over to your home.
The home will start the week on June 9th. You will make plans for the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. A great time to paint or create a room. On June 10th Mercury will enter your 8th house of taxes, credit, loans, child support and alimony giving you about two weeks to educate and focus on taking care of debts and finances. You will also be taking care of work projects and assignments. You may feel high strung with many projects. It's time to also take care of your health too. You may receive a bonus today. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your 8th house. As I just mentioned the 8th house rules, taxes, credit, loans, child support, settlements, alimony, banks, retirement and investments including stocks and bonds. The next couple weeks may bring a gain of some sort that will not be related to your earned income. It could be that you are seeing gains through a bonus, child support payments, commission or court settlement. You may gain through a reward or gift card. Taking stock of what's in front of you can really pay off. Friend bring a great source of help and connections. A friend offers you great advice about an investment. On June 14th Venus will enter your 10th house of career giving you 4 weeks to receive praise and recognition for a job well done. At the same time your work obligations are well received or improved. By June 15th short trips and communication improves with family and friends. You are seeing an increase of text messages and emails. It's a great time to connect with the people you love by sending them a note of love and affection. Your work or a job opportunity may come your way.
It's going to be a very interesting and fun time for you on June 9th as short trips, communication and family seem to be highlighted. You may find that you are taking a quick trip to visit family. Communication also seems to be highlighted via emails, text messages and phone calls with siblings and relatives. You are social but be careful as you be misled or confused with a piece of information. Mercury will enter your partnership house on June 10th giving you about two weeks of communicating with someone important to you. You may work out and discuss important issues or concerns. Your love life may also take a sudden jolt of excitement as you may meet someone new on the internet or through a special text message. It could also be a wonderful time to connect with a partner, lover or child. The new moon on June 12th will bring you a couple of weeks to find love, fall in love, spend time with children, join a sport or start a new hobby. You seem to extend your communication with everyone including children, relatives and friends. You may take a quick trip to visit someone including a child. It could be for a child's birthday party. You seem to be hard at work do this quick trip may not allow you to have complete fun. A wonderful time to socialize and get out and meet new people. You will have fun. You may have to deal with two significant events so you will be quite busy. It may be that you have important issues to discuss with a child or lover or the person you meet may be older and wiser. Venus will enter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on June 14th. You may travel to visit someone special. You may travel with a lover or partner or a child. Your in-laws will be a great source of help. Everyone seems to get along with each other. A great time to learn something new including music and writing. It's time for fun and some exciting adventures. On June 15th your finances take your focus and priority. You may receive a raise or job offer. A great time to plan ahead with your finances and save for the future. You work hard to receive great benefits and opportunities so good luck.
Your finances may be a bit confusing to you on June 9th. I feel that it's a great time to receive a job offer or opportunity but my concern is that you may not get the whole story. It could relate to other people's money including loans and credit. If you are applying for a job all the details and duties may not be thoroughly explained to you during the interview process. Make sure to get all the details before signing on the dotted line. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health giving you two weeks to work on projects and assignments on June 10th. You will also take care of your health too. The new moon on June 12th will give you the opportunity to advance in your career. You may take on a couple of projects or assignments at around the same time. You will be working hard for the money and opportunities should be flying in. Your health will improve and you should be eating and exercising for a healthier body. You may also run into a job or opportunity that will easily be there for the long haul. It could be a client or investor. Venus will enter your 8th house of joint resources including, taxes, credit and loans on June 14th. The next 4 weeks will bring you the opportunity to gain through other's including a bonus, commission, credit and loans. Your home will also be very beneficial as you may receive a home loan. By June 15th you are working hard and very ambitious. You are putting 100% of yourself into projects and your health. You may be exercising like crazy to have a great healthy body and appearance. You are feeling very good and positive of yourself. You may also relocate, renovate and make changes around your home. Have a party at home or invite a neighbor over and socialize. You may be surprised at who wants to connect with you.
On June 9th you seem to dream and give selflessly to others. You feel compassion and love to your friends and family. It will be a wonderful time to connect with someone even if it's your neighbor or friend. Mercury will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 10th bringing you two weeks to play games of love, act like a kid or even communicate with a lover or child. You may be open to taking a sudden quick trip around town or to a locale that you have never traveled into. You seem to be open to new exciting places. it could be that you connect and communicate with others via text messages and the internet. The new moon on June 12th seems to bring great opportunities for love, children and adventures. You may enter a sport or get a new hobby. The hobby may be in music, writing or learning about the arts. You seem to be open to new possibilities within yourself. You will travel into new and greater pastures in life and this new moon is telling you to go for it. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with a child. Finances seem to be related to this new moon so you may have to deal with issues of child support or helping a friend out with money. It could also be a gift card or reward. Venus will enter your partnership house on June 14th giving you 4 weeks to compromise and connect with a partner. The partner may be a business or personal partner. It’s time to work out issues or problems with them. Others are willing to collaborate with you. You may also run into a great time to begin a business venture or even meet someone new via the internet. You may spend time with a friend who may become a future partner. By June 15th you seem to be focusing more on getting rid of any bad habits and bad people in your life. You may decide to eat healthier or take care of other's personal problems. You will also be taking care of the home so a great time to clean out the garage or closets.
Pisces love to dream and fantasize and on June 9th you are doing just that. It could be about a person, place or thing. it may be that you are dreaming big about your future and goals. Mercury will enter your 4th house of home on June 10th giving you two weeks to improve communication around the home. It could be that the communication is about the home or the people living with you. You also seem to be focused on financial obligations to your home. it could be to invest in furniture or repairs. The new moon on June 12th will fall in your 4th house of home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may decorate or change the decor of a room. You are highly creative and artistic. You seem to be focused on new ways and opportunities to gain in the home. It just seems to be that you are taking on new ventures with the home. You may focus on two rooms, two places of living or move into a two-bedroom home. A partner may be the one moving in with you or you collaborate with a partner to decorate or help you move. A place you move into will be a place for you to stay for a long time or for a good amount of time. Repairs are a valued investment. Venus will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on June 14th. The next 4 weeks you seem to get along with everyone at work including female coworkers. You will also indulge in sweets and fatty foods. If you are in the process of losing weight then you may find it difficult to lose weight, as you will be eating unhealthy meals. You will enjoy your work place. You may also find a great job or financial opportunity on the 14th. You may be surprised at how money or some other financial gain comes to you. By June 15th you are enjoying your time with friends. It's all about your friends and connecting well with them. You may make a new friend or spend time with an old friend. You may attend a special event or party. Today also seems to be another positive financial day. Have fun and enjoy.
The Psychic One
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