Today and tomorrow it's all about your friends. They are open to spending time with you and making time for you. You show compassion to your friends or they show compassion towards you. You will be open to spending time with them or even attend a special event or party with your friends. You will be surprised at how open they are to you. At 6:10pm you may have a bit of a conflict with another male figure or someone of the opposite sex. You may also feel a bit ill.
Work projects, assignments and career goals will be your main concern for the next couple days. I feel that this will be a wonderful time for you to focus on your career path. You will have great ideas and will be able to dream of the path you most desire. Creativity shines especially if you are making a presentation or about to attend an interview. You will write beautifully and you seem to have words, thoughts and ideas easily come to you. Around 6:13pm you are feeling a bit frustrated with work or people around you. Relax and try not to take out your frustrations on others.
Travel will be highlighted for the next couple days. You may be planning a trip near water. It could be that you end up staying in a hotel by the pool, beach or lake. You will also focus on learning, studying and educating yourself. You may study foreign languages or different human cultures. Music and other creative projects will be highlighted too. It could be that you are learning how to read, write music. it's a great time to dream big and put plans together. Around 6:10pm you are feeling angry towards someone else whom isn't listening to you. It could be a friend or coworker.
Finances related to taxes, credit, loans, and child support will be your concern for the next couple days. I don't feel that you will see reality about your finances at this time. I wish I could say you have everything under control but it could be that there are some big debts that need to be paid including taxes, credit and child support payments. I would suggest to realistically look over your finances, set a budget and get organized. You will be able to save easily and make payments on time. There could be problems with the internet around 6:05pm. Make sure you are making safe transactions especially if connected to finances.
A partner will come to you or you will work closely with someone else. A partner can be a personal partner like a spouse or lover or it can be professional like a coworker, doctor, business partner or friend. Be careful the next couple bring confusion with a partner or you may not see everything that your partner has to offer you at this time. You may hear one thing but be told something different. A partner, colleague or friend will be very compassionate, loving and giving but may also bring a form of disappointment if they don't live up to your expectations. You will also feel need to give your time and compassion to other's. Around 6:13pm you may argue with someone else or have a disagreement with someone else. It could be that you are not feeling well.
Work projects seem to keep you busy today and tomorrow. You are working hard for the money and seem to have many obligations. Work projects bring out the best in you. Your artistic side comes out. It seems to me that you will find yourself dreaming a little bit of where you would like to be in your future. It could be in a different place or environment. You r health should improve. You will drink plenty of water. At 6:10pm you seem to be working hard and getting work done. It could be you and vigorously involved in a health or exercise program.
It's a beautiful day to find love, fall in love or give selflessly to children. You are in the mood to love even if it's to love towards children, friends, or family. You seem to be open to understanding other people's problems and issues. Around 6:13pm you may run into some difficulties with someone else. It may be out in public or at home so be careful.
The home will be special for you. The next couple days may bring a time to paint, decorate or change the decor of your home. You may relocate, renovate or make repairs around the home. Your mother will also be in need of your time and you will volunteer your time. Around 6:10pm there may be problems with electronics or items working properly in the home.
You are open to travel either by taking a short trip to a place nearby or travel in the mind. Communication seems to be increasing via emails, text and phone calls. You are social with family and friends. It may also be the right time to purchase a vehicle, computer or cell phone. Be careful around 6:11pm as you may have vehicle problems or problems with computers, cell phone or even other electronics around the home. There could be a disagreement with someone of the opposite sex.
It's going to be all about finances today and tomorrow. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. A great time to budget and save on finances but you may also be caught up in an illusion about money so be realistic. You may make a purchase today that may be a bit grandiose. There could be frustrations at home or at work around 6:13pm. You may feel that tasks aren't going your way. Slow your pace and just know tomorrow will be a better day.
You seem to be compassionate, giving and loving towards others including family and friends. The next couple days seem to highlight your creative skills ad talents. You may also focus on learning or writing music or a book. It seems to be that you are highly intuitive and generous towards others. Around 6:13pm you are feeling a bit frustrated towards others. You may not connect well with someone else. Your errands may not run smoothly or you are feeling tense for having to take care of too much at once.
Your psychic abilities and premonitions seem to be strong the next couple days. You are feeling devoted to friends, lovers and family. You feel a great keen sense of insight. You could experience an epiphany moment or self revelation of yourself or of others. You may take care of others or you may take care of your own health. Around 6:10pm you seem to take care of others but may find difficulties with someone of the opposite sex. You may feel ill or someone else may fall ill. It's time to just relax and take care of projects around you. Someone else may not be in a compromising mood.
All times are EST
The Psychic One
Psychic Readings $1.89/min
800-275-5336 ext 0234
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