Another reason why prefer to stay single is so they can still play the field without feeling committed to one woman. He may care deeply for you but is not looking to have a relationship. If you ask "Why isn't he ready for a relationship?...I am" One thing to remember...he is not you. You may be ready but he is not. He feels that he can take his time and date and have sex with whomever he feels like it. If you think you can push him into the direction of relationship then you are deceiving yourself. He may be open to dating you but he will also be thinking in his head " I'll date you until the next best thing shows up". I believe nowadays men have greater priorities in their lives that relationships and marriage just aren't a necessity as it may have been a few decades ago. Its not to say that your man does not want to marry one day but he is also saying he does not know if its you he will marry. He just knows one day he will get married. Give him time and don't push him into a direction that you may later regret.
A final reason why men prefer to stay single is because they end up with more in their pocket. Men fear that a women will push them into marriage because they want to become dependent on the man. Men sometimes don't mind taking care of their women but they also are not looking to be someone's sugar daddy. If he does not that then you may want to question your self-worth. The first start of their expense begins with "the ring". I need the ring on my finger that will obviously cost him a few thousand. Next will be the cost of a home, vehicles or furniture. Soon it will turn to paying all the bills and other expenses. It may sound a bit alarming but men fear they will be broke by the end of the relationship especially if they have experienced a divorce in their past. Try to have your own independence but also send a message that you also do need him in your life for other security reasons. For example, don't depend on him for the bills but say you need him around to help you around the house. He will feel needed and wanted and will give you a deeper love and admiration than expected.
Treat your man like a friend and let him know that you can communicate and spend time with him without the need of other resources. A date at home watching a movie will make him feel closer to you than a date night at the movies. You will notice a significant difference in your relationship that will draw the two of your closer together. Good luck.
The Psychic One
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