As you begin the week on June 30th a Moon void of course at 5:03pm EST in your house of secrets and solitude may bring a time for you to feel a bit depressed and anxious. You may need to catch up on sleep and seek a time of solitude. On July 1st your mind is racing with your thoughts being on travel and finances. You may do some research on your finances and investments. A wonderful time to look into new ways to invest for the future. The 4th of July holiday will give you a great boost as you seem to be the center of attention. The Moon is in your sign and you have two days to receive plenty of praise and attention. Uranus will retrograde in your own sign on July 5th so be careful as the next few months will give you the time to feel anxiety, stress and worries for no reason. You may be focusing more so on the future and every time you think of the future you begin to worry if there will be enough money or security. Take time to enjoy the time for yourself. You may change your way of looking at things in your life and it's a time for you to make changes within yourself.
It's all about your friends on June 30th. The Moon is void of course around 5pm EST so a friend may bring a message of disappointment. You may not be feeling a great connection with a friend. At times you may feel a bit of frustration with your friend because you seem to have certain feelings about them or someone else. They may think differently than you. On July 1st your focus turns to work projects. You are always thinking about the next work project and this won't change anything. I feel this day will be great if you want to make plans on how to get ahead financially which is great if you own a business. You seem to do well making plans. The 4th of July holiday seems to be great day for you but you also seem to catch up on sleep. Do not party too much because it will catch up on you. Uranus will retrograde on July 5th giving you a few months when you may receive vivid dreams and premonitions that may be a bit too scary for you. Do not fear the premonitions the premonitions as they are there for a reason. You may turn into a psychic yourself so use the opportunity to receive greater dreams of the future. You will also feel a spiritual connection to someone from your past or who has passed on.
As you start the week you will experience a Moon void of course on June 30th from your career house. The Moon void of course will occur around 5:03pm EST. You may experience some difficulty with a coworker, higher authority figure or employee at this time. The problem may come from a coworker. On July 1st you seem to be focusing more so on finances. You seem thorough with the finances that are from finances, taxes, credit and loans. You may receive the approval of a loan or credit. It could be that you are taking care of your finances related to credit cards and loans as you may be paying them off. The 4th of July holiday will fall in your house of friendships so expect to have a very social day. You are enjoying the day and friends are all around you. Uranus will retrograde from your house of friendships creating problems with friends for the next few months. The retrograde begins on July 5th. A friend may create a problem or you may lose a friend too. Friends may move away or you gain an eccentric friend.
You may have difficulties with someone from a different country or culture on June 30th around 5:pm EST. You may have difficulties sending a text or emails. Be careful what you say on the internet as it may bite you back later on. On July 1st you will run into some issues or problems with a partner. It is a great time to discuss important issues with a partner. You may work closely with a coworker, friend or business partner to further your future. The 4th of July holiday seems to be a great time for you to take care of projects at work. You may have a small holiday celebration with coworkers and employees. You seem to be social with the people you work with and may enjoy the holiday with them. I feel that this holiday can open the door to greater career opportunities. Uranus will begin to retrograde on July 5th from your career house. The Moon happens to be in the career house it could make you make a sudden leap in your career. You may decide to quit your job or change career paths suddenly. It will be a wonderful day for you to expand your boundaries in life including where you would like to be in your future. Try not to jump ship before looking at everything carefully. You may regret your decision later on.
The Moon void of course on June 30th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. You may have to take care of some issues relating to taxes or credit. It could be that a big bill shows up. You may feel a bit frustrated with some of your finances and may find it difficult to budget. On July 1st your main focus turns to love and children. You want to connect and communicate with a loved one. A great time to write or email a lover or child. Go ahead and enjoy a game or sports with kids or just be a kid yourself for a day. Moon falls in your 9th house of foreigners and travel on the 4th of July. You may enjoy the holiday by taking a trip with family and friends. You extend well wishes to family or connect with friends through a social network. Uranus will retrograde from your house of travel on July 5th so there could be sudden trips and journeys. Uranus retrograde will bring a few moths to explore new places and cultures but you may experience problems during your trips. Your belief system will change and it could be that you make major changes during this time. Open the door to new opportunities and see what you discover.
As you begin the week on June 30th will turn to a partner. The Moon void of course at 5:03pm EST seems to be creating problems with a partner. You may feel disconnected with this person. On July 1st you are working hard taking care of projects including work projects, chores and tasks around the home. The 4th of July holiday will bring a wonderful time for finances. You may find yourself getting ahead financially or being able to balance a budget. You will also feel confident that you can pay off some bills or debts. Uranus will retrograde on July 5th from the same house so it's going to be a good and bad time. The retrograde may make you face the facts of taking care of the bills. Sudden debts or bills may show up. You may have difficulties paying taxes, credit and loans. It on the positive you may finally pay off some bills. Your goal for this week is to make sure you get ahead with your finances. If you have difficulty with some of these bills then you may need to take a closer look on how to take care of these bills.
As you begin the week on June 30th a project may not be completed on time especially around 5:03pm EST. A health issue may arise especially something as simple as heartburn. I feel that there may be difficulties with a computer, emails or phone. On July 1st your main concern will turn to career and job projects. You will get ahead with a presentation or interview. You seem to do well by connecting with coworkers, authority figures and those who need to partner with you. You are very focused and studious about your work. On July 4th you will spend time with a partner or even connect with others around you. It seems to be a wonderful time to meet someone new during the holiday. You may find love or even spend time with a current love. It will also be the right time to discuss important issues or problems. Now Uranus will begin to retrograde on July 5th. I would be careful for the next 5 months. My concerns are that when Uranus retrogrades it can bring endings including a divorce or break up. The retrograde will make you see the truth behind a partner and you may feel a bit flustered. The truth may reveal itself and you need to make critical decisions. It may be time to let go.
On June 30th you will run into a Moon void of course at 5pm EST falling in your 5th house of love and children. It may be a difficult time for you with a loved one. There may be an argument or disagreement with a lover or even a child. You may run into someone from your past that makes you a bit uncomfortable. On July 1st you are focused on the home. Your priority will turn to the people in your home or who live with you. A great time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. On July 4th the Moon in your 6th house may make it a bit difficult for you to enjoy the fireworks. It's a great time to work with others and projects go well. You may have a tight schedule to be able to get out on time and enjoy the holiday with family and friends. If anything you should be able to enjoy the night pleasantly. Your health is also doing well too. Uranus will retrograde in your 6th house of work and service, which could bring an increase of anxiety, stress and work project. Health issues may increase with you or with a pet.
The home is your priority on June 30th. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. Be careful around 5pm EST as there may be some difficulties relating to the home. You may have a disagreement with someone in the home or there could be some electrical problems at home. On July 1st your concern attends to work obligations and duties around the home. You seem very focused and open to taking care of tedious projects. The Moon in your 5th house of love and children and recreational projects seem to bring enjoyment for you on the 4th of July. You enjoy the holiday and will socialize. A great time to hang out with kids and enjoy the fun mood around you. The Uranus retrograde cycle on July 5th seems to affect you in your 5th house of love, children, hobbies and sports. There may be some activities that don't seem to suit you anymore or you seem to be open to doing something different. People from your past seem to pop up or old issues need to be resolved. Your love life may bring an ending or you may have to face the truth regarding a lover or child.
You’re in a great mood to take a quick short trip on June 30th. Your communication increases throughout the day via emails and text messages. You may have difficulties sending a text or email at 5:03pm EST so be careful or don't email anyone at that time. Someone may misread your message. On July 1st your communication with a partner will also help to resolve personal or professional concerns. It is a wonderful time to make a presentation or to work alongside someone else to get a project done. The 4th of July holiday seems to have you spending your time at home. You may not be into the festivities of the holiday or you may be along enjoying the holiday. It could be that you have people coming over to the home to spend time with you. Uranus will retrograde on July 5th from your 4th house of home. You want to be a bit careful during this next 4 months period as difficulties in the home can occur. You may have to relocate suddenly or you discover problems in the home. It could also be that you travel frequently and that can get you in and out of the home. It's a wonderful time to travel but you may need to call a foreign place your home for a while. Problems in the home can occur too.
You have to take on your finances on June 30th. There may be financial obligations to take care of or you may need to pay some bills. Around 5:03pm EST a financial transaction may not go well so try to hold out on paying a bill around that time. On July 1st you seem to be focused on work obligations, projects, errands and chores at home. Your very precise on taking care of the tedious details of the day but you will also have the patience to do so. The 4th of July holiday can bring a day for you to get away from it all. You may take time off to spend it with family or friends. You seem to be a bit rebellious so be careful not to say or do something you later regret. Uranus will retrograde starting July 5th from the house of short trips and communication. You will find yourself taking a few quickly short trips to visit family and relatives. Make sure to fix your vehicles or to arrive on time at the airport as you may experience some delays. You rather be prepared than sorry later on. Your mind will also work at faster speed, which could create some anxiety and stress. Take time to rest.
The Moon is in your own sign on June 30th giving you plenty of praise and attention. Around 5pm EST you may want to lay low as you may do or say something that makes no sense or confuses other people. it is a great time to just focus on getting work done or working on yourself by exercising. On July 1st your priorities shift to a lover, child, hobby or sport. You seem to want to know and learn everything. You keep busy and take on obligations around you. You do well with writing and music. The 4th of July holiday turns your focus on finances. You enjoy the holiday but your main concern for the day is your finances. You may have a bill or debt due or you make a financial transaction. The Uranus retrograde that starts on July 5th will make you focus back on your finances. The next few months can discipline you on where the money is going. You may run into debt or you learn how to save. Discipline takes you far. Carelessness gets you nowhere.
The Psychic One
Psychic Readings $1.89/min
800-275-5336 ext 0234
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