Expect this to be a very busy week for you. For one on June 23rd you seem to be a bit indulgent with food and money. Be careful not to make promises you can't keep to others. On June 24th friends will be there for you. You may make a new friend or a friend may reach out to you. Your creativity is quite strong and you may be surprised at what you create. At the same time there may be some disruptions around the home or at work. A partner may create problems for you on June 25th. There may be some arguments or disagreements with a coworker, friend, partner, neighbor or even a doctor. Your career and job obligations seem to keep pushing you away from the home. You may feel a bit overwhelmed by all the obligations and duties around you. Try to understand that everyone is also feeling stressed and anxious too. Mercury will enter your career house giving you about 2 weeks to move forward with great projects, assignments and presentations. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will also fall in your 4th house of home. The next 6 months may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may discover that you need to relocate for a job. A roommate may move out or someone in your home may relocate for college or work. Jupiter and Uranus are squaring off with this eclipse, which indicates a time when you may have to spend a little time and money to move forward with these projects. Aries born in the month of March will feel this eclipse the strongest. It's a great time for your career but you home may need to suffer a little. You seem to be working hard on June 27th with plans, ideas and projects. A great time to get moving on these projects especially as you enter June 28th and 29th. You are very thorough with your projects and assignments. You seem to be doing well with your tedious assignments too.
You seem to feel that you health needs attention so you may exercise or eat healthy on June 23rd. It could be that you need to take care of some personal obligations and may feel a bit overwhelmed. On June 24th tedious work assignments and projects seem to keep you busy. You are hard at work and seem to keep moving forward. You are very meticulous with details. At the same time career opportunities seem to get your attention. You may receive a job interview or job offer. It could also be that you are completing or taking on a new assignment. On June 25th you may have some electrical problems at home. It could easily just be a slow internet or your cell phone is having a small problem. You will do well just being prepared for the unexpected. If you run into something beyond your control then do not stress but understand that it could make you very anxious. You will also take care of some errands around the home or at work including cleaning and throwing items or equipment away. It's time to discard and get rid of what you don't need in your life. Mercury will enter your house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. You will spend the next couple weeks taking short trips around town. Communication improves with family and friends. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 6 months will bring you a time to take trips around town and run many short errands. Your communication increase via emails, text messages and phone calls. Communication with family, neighbors and friends increase and you may decide to visit some of them. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse, which could bring a time of travel that could be a bit costly. You will enjoy yourself and have fun. It could be that you are planning a special event or taking a trip for a friend's wedding or party. On June 27th you are studying, learning and writing. You may be getting ready to enter college or take a trip out of town. You are very cautious and busy too. Saturn can bring you some challenges with work assignments and health so try to rest and not take on too much that you can't handle it. By June 28th work assignments and projects keep you busy all day.
It's going to be all about the finances this week. You can expect so much activity with money and jobs. Now that Uranus has left your career house you should feel freer and opportunities should come easily for you. On June 23rd you are going to enjoy your time with friends. You will laugh and enjoy a great conversation with friends or at a special event. Your love life may have some struggles on June 24th. You may have to discuss some serious issues with a lover or child. it could easily involve money and other financial obligations. At the same time you may also be planning a long distance trips or preparing for education. It could be that a child is going off to college or you are making plans for a long distance trip. On June 25th a friend may surprise you. You may run into an old friend. A great time to enjoy time with friends, family or a group. You may be surprise at news you hear at this time. Mercury will enter your financial house giving you a couple weeks to organize your finances. You will budget and save. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse making this a time to indulge and possibly spend lavishly. The 2nd house brings money but it could be money you have been waiting for. You may receive a job offer or financial opportunity. It could be you begin a business venture. You may have to spend some money to relocate for a new job or career. Pluto will intensify these emotions in your home or about the home. A wonderful time for you as you may leave one job to go into another job with greater benefits and pay. On June 27th finances go well and you are doing well organizing, budgeting and saving your money. You are very thorough at your plans and ideas. By June 28th and 29th you are making several transactions and contacts.
You are going to feel very special this week. There is so much to look forward to this week. On June 23rd you will be busy with work obligations that you may eat too many fatty foods and sweets. If you are working long hours try not to take on the vending machine or whatever is quick to eat because you may not feel so well afterwards. On June 24th your home may be the center focus when there could be disruptions around the home. You may have to see someone move out or you are in the process of making some repairs or changes around the home. Your finances seem to go well though especially in connection to taxes, credit, loans and child support. You may also receive a bonus or commission. A great time to find new ways to save money for your financial future obligations including tuition and retirement. There may be some problems at work on June 25th. You may find yourself having to take on too much work. Electrical problems may go haywire and you may find yourself a bit frustrated. A partner may create problems for you. You may end a partnership or relationship. Mercury will enter your own sign on the 25th giving you about two weeks to be mobile and interact with just about anyone that crosses your path. The full moon lunar eclipse will fall in your partnership house giving you 6 months to form a partnership with someone professionally or personally. You may marry or get engaged. It could be that you form a partnership with a friend or coworker. A new partner may come to build a new business venture. Be careful not to make grandiose plans that may not come through. It can be a wonderful long-term partnership as long as everyone works together and compromises. As you enter June 27th you seem to still be working closely with this partner on future projects and ideas. On June 28th and 29th you are connecting with everyone and anyone who is willing to listen to you and want to learn something new from you. You are quite social now.
You will indulge yourself in a long distance trip or even to make future plans including education or studying a new topic of interest. It could easily be that you are open to new opportunities that open the door for new experiences. You may indulge in foods. Your finances take on a greater importance on June 24th. You may have to take the time to balance a checkbook or check the financial numbers to make sure there is enough money in the bank. A partner may be willing to help you out. You may also meet someone special and be open to new ventures and opportunities. The partner may be professional or personal. On June 25th expect some challenges around the home and with work projects. You may get lost on your way to an interview or there are delays. Your computer may bring about problems for you. Work assignments and projects seem to keep you busy today. You have many ideas and tasks to take care of. A great time to exercise and get rid of some bad habits. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude making it a time when you keep thoughts and ideas to yourself. The full moon Lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude giving you 6 months to catch up on sleep, seek peace and tranquility and get rid of bad habits. You may take a personal vacation...finally. It could be that your hectic schedule keeps you up late at night, which makes you tired. You will also create by writing or studying. Jupiter and Uranus square this eclipse, which will bring some fun and excitement. You may take a vacation to a different place like Vegas or Paris. You will enjoy laughter and fun with others. Explore places. You will be surprised at what you run into. Work projects take plenty of your time on June 27th. You have so many obligations going on that you are full steam ahead. You will also invest more effort into your health and getting healthier too by eating the right way. Finances may be a bit difficult right now but it will improve once you enter July. June 28th and 29th should bring many transactions and tasks to bring you more work, projects and money.
You seem to be focused on finances and keeping yourself busy with financial obligations. On June 23rd your focus turns to obligations related to taxes, credit, loans, child support, bonuses and commissions. You may see more money but you will also spend it lavishly. It's a wonderful time to take of yourself on June 24th. You will work hard and begin to take care of your health and priorities. You will take on your challenges related to work, exercise and family. You will also be able to take on work assignments easily and your creativity will skyrocket. A great time to write or create music, crafts or even paint a room. You may have to pay a hefty bill around June 25th. Then again, you may see an unexpected windfall. Anything is possible on this day but don't expect to win it big because it could be a small gain. You may end a friendship or relationship at this time. There could be some personal or professional issues that need to be discussed at this time too. Mercury will enter your friendships house increasing communication with friends. The full moon eclipse on June 26th will fall in your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. The next 6 months could bring you a new love. You may fall in love or have a baby. You may spend quality time with children. It will also be a wonderful time to create music or learn a musical instrument. You may spend quality time with children even if they aren't your children. You may end a relationship too. Sports and hobbies are also highlighted during this eclipse. Jupiter and Uranus seems to square off during this eclipse which tells me you may have to take care of some financial obligations connected to a child or lover. It could tuition, daycare fees or buying school supplies and clothes. Do not get too ahead of yourself as you may indulge a little too much. On June 27th friends and family seem to be taking time away from you. You may feel pulled in so many directions that you feel drained. Take time for yourself or for a loved one. You may feel a bit confused too. By June 28th and 29th you are communicating with friends and family and enjoying your communication with them. You may see an extent of emails and text messages.
You are feeling very confident and boisterous with a partner. You also may be making promises that you won't or can't keep. i would suggest to be careful on anything you say as you may later regret. It could also be a wonderful time to meet someone significant. You may form a partnership whether it's personal or professional. On June 24th you may be feeling a bit stressed, worried and depressed about money or feelings of regret. You could be feeling this way for no reason. It’s time to let go of the past and move forward. You will release negativity in your life. It's also a day that you may meet a new love. Children will also be a wonderful companion. It seems to me that you are loving, affectionate and compassionate towards others including family and friends. On June 25th you may run into a problem with a partner. It could bring a disagreement or argument. A text message may be taken the wrong way. The home also seems to be a concern for you. You may relocate, renovate or make some repairs around the home. Mercury will enter your career house giving you a couple weeks to make a wonderful presentation. You may present yourself well on an interview. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next 6 months may bring a time for you to relocate, renovate or even lose a home. Jupiter and Uranus seem to be creating some problems from your partnership house, which makes me think that this home obligation may be connected to a partner. You may have to relocate because of a partner. You may form a partnership with a spouse or lover. It may be a bit costly so expect to see some money be invested in this home or home projects. On June 27th your focus is still on the home and you seem to be feeling a bit stressed and overwhelmed. You may feel ill at this time so rest if possible. By June 29th you are mobile and taking care of many tasks and chores.
On June 23rd you seem to be busy with work obligations. You are feeling pretty optimistic and active. It's a great day to see an increase of projects and tasks at work. You will be busy but you should see money or clients rolling in. Be careful if you are trying to lose weight because you will eat lots of sweets and fatty foods. Friends are frustrating you or there may be an argument with a friend on June 24th. Your home seems to also take priority so it could be that you are relocating or making some changes around the home. You may entertain at home or visit a friend at their home. You may experience some equipment or electrical problems at work on June 25th. Finances may stress you out on this day too. You may finally pay off a bill or debt. Mercury will enter your 8th house of taxes, credit and loans brining you a couple weeks to take care of your bills and debts related to your taxes and credit. It may be that you see a gain through a bonus, credit and commission. A great time to get ahead financially. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 6 months will bring plenty of short trips, increase of communication and time being spent with your neighbors and siblings. You may spend too much time traveling, text messaging, making phone calls and taking time to socialize the next few months. You may take trips to visit new places and discover new cultures and people. It’s a great time to learn a new language or go back to school. On June 27th you are communicating with everyone via internet, emails, text messages and phone calls. Tension may loom around friends. On June 28th and 29th you are connecting and socializing with everyone including siblings, neighbors, relatives and friends. Enjoy.
On June 23rd you will be full of laughter and optimism which should be no different for you. It may seem like a normal day for you as you are joking around and indulging in food and drinks. Job assignments and projects are taking plenty of your time but you also seem to be very busy taking care of these projects. You will be very patient and take time to take care of tedious projects on June 24th. At the same time a short trip may be taken to a place near water. Your communication with others extends to warm and compassionate words and affection. You receive an unexpected surprise from a lover or child on June 25th. There could be tension in the room. A message may be taken the wrong way. Your concern will also extend to finances. You may pay off some bills or even buy a new piece of furniture to get rid of an old sofa or couch. You may buy new appliances to replace older one's too. Mercury will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on this same day giving you two weeks to look over your finances carefully. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your financial house. The next 6 months could bring a time for you to make more money or receive more financial opportunities. Jupiter and Uranus square off during this eclipse, which may bring a time for you to indulge in your finances. You may see more money but also spend it lavishly or quickly. It could be that the money coming in is being used to pay off bills and debts. A great time to get ahead financially. On June 27th your focus is still on finances and you seem to be looking over numbers carefully. Your career projects seem a bit hectic but you will take care of your obligations on time. By June 28th and 29th you are busy with many chores, tasks and assignments. Communication goes well.
Your home is your domain and it definitely is highlighted on June 23rd. You may relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. It may be a bit costly but you don't seem to mind it. On June 24th you seem to be doing some accounting or bookkeeping of your home. Perhaps you are looking over how much you can spend towards the home. You could also be making some measurements around the room. Your finances are highlighted on the same day. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. There may be some electrical problems or issues in the home on June 25th. An appliance or electronics may go haywire on you. You also seem to discard old items and habits too. Mercury will enter your partnership house giving you two weeks to communicate with a partner about any important issues or concerns you may have with them. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your own sign giving you 6 months to receive plenty of praise and attention. You may graduate, marry or get some surgery done. It could bring a time of changes for yourself. You may get a new tattoo or a new haircut. You want to be different and explore new choices in life. Jupiter and Uranus square off this eclipse, which seems to be giving you a bit of daring eccentric behavior. You will notice that this will be the time for you to change a part of yourself. You may change your name. A simple change goes a long way. Be careful not to rebel too much and end up doing something you later regret. You will work closely with others on June 27th. A wonderful time to discuss issues and problems with a business or personal partner. Certain issues may seem unclear so give yourself time to process it. On June 28th and 29th you are communicating and connecting with everyone. A great time to catch up on emails and phone calls.
A short trip may end up being a bit costly for you. It could be that on this trip you are eating, drinking and partying a little too much. On June 24th your concerns turns to finances related to taxes, credit, loans and child support. It could be that you are taking care of some financial obligations related to these issues including child support, alimony, personal or professional debts. At the same time you are feeling a great sense of love, compassion and affection to friends and family. You enjoy bright lights and romantic settings. On June 25th you are feeling a bit anxious and stressed. You may be running late or feel that you will miss a flight or train ride. Slow down or you may end up making a few mistakes. You are feeling a bit lonely and depressed. It could be that you are overwhelmed with obligations and duties. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on June 25th giving you a couple weeks to take care of work projects. You will also do well in taking care of your body and health. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your house of secrets and solitude. You will spend about 6 months keeping to yourself. You may feel tired and needs plenty of sleep. It could be that you need to discard people, places and bad habits. Uranus and Jupiter square off with this eclipse giving you this time to seek higher standards that may not come to fruition. Take some time for yourself and evaluate what you need to change in yourself to live a healthier life. You may have to remove yourself from some people. It could be that you need to change your beliefs in order to be happy. Take time for you and discover new life. You will read, study and learn on June 27th. By June 28th and 29th you will find yourself taking care of emails, text messages and phone calls with the people around you including family and possibly a neighbor.
You may easily see a big financial windfall or opportunity on June 23rd. You feel optimistic and proud. Do not boast more than what you can handle. The windfall may simply be a piece of valuable information. A partner may create problems for you on June 24th. There may be important discussion of the future or other issues at this time. Your creativity is highlighted and it's a great time to write and paint. You may run into new financial opportunities or offers on June 25th. It could be a great connection that leads you to gain financially or materialistically. A friend may want to spend more time with you but a lover or child may need your time. You seem to feel pulled in different directions. A wonderful time to socialize but don't accept all invites just to miss out on some later on. Enjoy the company of friends. Mercury will enter your 5th house of love and children on June 25th giving you a couple weeks to find love or increase communication with a lover or child. You may act like a kid or play sports with children. Music will also be fun for you. The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26th will fall in your 11th house of friendships. The next 6 months brings friends and it could be that friends pop out of nowhere. You may lose a friend because they move away but you will enjoy time with old and new friends. You may connect with more friends through a social network. Uranus and Jupiter square this lunar eclipse from your financial house, which may indicate a time to spend or indulge with friends. The spending may come because you are planning a special event or party. Pisces born in February will enjoy this eclipse the strongest but all Pisces will feel the affects from this eclipse. Female Pisces will also feel this eclipse stronger than men simply because the lunar eclipse rules female. Your connection and communication with friends and loved one's extend on June 27th. A partner may confuse you or information you hear may be a bit confusing. By June 28th you are connecting with friends, family, and friends. Connect with people. A great time to socialize.
The Psychic One
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