Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Aquarius Horoscope for July 2010

The month seems to have the opportunity for you to take on your health and work projects. You may feel a nit stressed and frustrated that you need to keep pushing forward in order to see results. Your health improves but at what cost. You may feel drained and tired at the end. On July 1st you are taking care of tedious work projects and assignments. It's also a great day to go on an interview as you will do well to answer questions. You will also feel energized to complete tasks around the home.

Uranus will begin it's retrograde cycle on July 5th from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The planet Jupiter will also retrograde but on July 23rd from the same house. Uranus retrograding in your third house could create problems with vehicles, electronics and communication. You want to be careful when you drive as you may be a bit careless creating problems with your vehicle. A cell phone may go a bit haywire on you. It could be that a text message brings about some problems. You will be surprised at pieces of information that you hear from family and friends. Jupiter retrograding will create problems with the people you connect with and your vehicle or car. The problems may grow. I do like though that you will take plenty of short trips around town so that should be good. The short trip may be an hour away from home to visit family and friends. You will enjoy spending time with cousins, aunts and uncles but be careful as some may say something you don't find funny.

Venus will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans on July 9th. You will have 4 weeks to see some financial or material gain through rewards, award, gift cards, bonuses, commissions, pay increases, loans, credit cards and taxes. The gain may not be much so don't get too excited. The opportunity may easily be there to see more money but it may not come exactly how you like it. Before you play the casino or lottery financial gains must be promised in your chart for that to occur. Mercury will enter your partnership house on July 10th giving you a couple weeks to discuss personal issues with a partner including a spouse, lover, friend or business partner. The Sun will join Mercury on July 23rd. Mercury will enter your 8th house of joint resources, credit and taxes on July 28th.

Saturn will reenter your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places on July 22nd. The next couple years will be a great time for you to travel and study new foreign cultures and languages. You may expand your horizons by making greater future plans to save or to secure your future. A great time to market and promote a product. You may even decide to change your beliefs or religion.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

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Short distance trips and communication goes well on July 9, 10, 23, 28 and 30th. Be careful on July 30th as I feel you may run into some electrical or vehicle problems. The electrical problems may be in your vehicle especially if you have an electric car. I would say that it is a great time to take a quick sudden trip out of town or explore a new place nearby. Communication increases to everyone via text messages, emails and phone calls. You are social and talkative. You may even receive a surprise message, email or text.

Your finances will take a concern on July 7, 8, 9, 22 and 31st. I actually feel that it should be a wonderful time to look over your finances, balance the checkbook and be able to get ahead in your finances. You will do well counting your dollars and balancing the budget.

The new moon Solar eclipse on July 11th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. An eclipse has the affects to last up to 6 months. The next 6 months can easily bring a time for you to work hard for the money, exercise for a better living and taking care of your pets. The 6th house rules projects associated with crafts like sewing, knitting, crocheting and other art projects. You may decide to take up on of these hobbies and may even turn it into a business. Your health will improve as you lose weight easily and take care of your body by eating healthier. Work projects increase which could make you more money. You may get a new pet or take care of your health's pet. Jupiter and Uranus will support this eclipse from your third house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. You may receive an extension of clients calling you to buy your services which brings you more money. You may take short trips around town for your health or to walk with a pet. I feel that there will be a bit of rebelliousness in you to want to do things differently including working and exercising. It could be that you are focused more on your image and may go to the extreme to have a different body. The eclipse will also be supported by the asteroid Juno. i am not a big believer in asteroids but Juno does rule partnership so you may work closely with someone else to take care of your body or for work projects. The eclipse will be a great piece of gratitude for yourself so use the energy wisely.

The full moon on July 26th will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks can be quite an emotional time for you. You may receive a big award, finally graduate or even get married. Uranus and Jupiter bring great support to this full moon from your house of travel and communication. You may connect with friends and family. It could be that you take a quick trip to see a friend marry. Saturn will also bring great long term support from your house of long distance plans and future. You think for the future. You plan for the future. The full moon will bring great praise and attention your way. You are finally going to see and receive great benefits and opportunities.

On July 26th the same day as the full moon Saturn seems to be opposing Uranus from your house of short trips and house of long distance trips. All I have to say for you is make sure that vehicle has it's repairs and the computer is uploaded with a internet/computer antivirus program. The opposition can be a little like a Mercury retrograde but not that much power. You may even have to travel back and forth from two different time zones which can get you a bit confused. For instance you might have to work with clients or companies in the east coast while your in the west coast. The time zones are different which is difficult for you to balance out. It may be that you are having to deal with someone who is living in another country and you have to work with them on their hours. It can be very exhausting and confusing but eventually you will find a balance.

Good luck.

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