For all Leo's this is going to be your month. You can expect to be the center of attention which is something that comes naturally for you. I feel that you will also be able to focus on your own personal wants and needs. You already know that Saturn is traveling in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Mars has just entered the same house and will stay there for the next 7 weeks. Mars and Saturn will really make you take on a more critical look at your communication with others. You will work towards improving your communication and connections with people. Also you may find yourself taking shorter trips or increasing conversations with friends and family.
On August 2nd your focus will turn to travel at a long distance, foreign people and places. You may have problems with a flight or travel plans. You may need to make some changes in your plans. I also feel that you will need to figure out a better approach on your own beliefs and views with others. You may feel that no one understand were you are coming from because you are changing as a person. You may begin or register for college. it could also be that you are beginning a new marketing campaign or promoting a product.
You may also feel tension with travel plans, flights and marketing on August 7, 9, 16 and 22nd. You may travel for work or to enter a new college or university. You may market a product on the internet, radio or television. You could even just simply read some books to broaden your horizons. You could also connect with foreigners or different foreign cultures.
The new moon on August 10th will be all about you. The next couple weeks will give you the time to focus on you. You may change your looks and personality. It could be that you are getting a new haircut or new wardrobe especially if you lost weight. It seems to be a great time to make a wonderful presentation and impression on others. You will shine and may expect others to shine on you. It could bring a time of indulgent for you as you may spend a little too much on clothes, hair products or a special trip. Try to stay on a budget or set a budget if you know you want to spend a little more than what you may be expecting soon. It will be a fun new moon for you and it's going to be a great time to shine and enjoy. Have fun for yourself even if it's just you getting out on your own to spoil yourself.
Leo Weekly Horoscope
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I want to quickly mention that on August 7, 8, 9 and 20th are wonderful days for love and romance. It's also a great time for friendship too. You may build a long lasting friendship with others. It could be that you meet someone special on one of these days that may bring long term love and relationships.
Venus will enter your 3rd house on August 7th for communication, siblings, neighbors and short trips. The next 4 weeks will bring a time for you to improve communication with the people around you including siblings, relatives, neighbors and friends. The communication may extend to a partner or lover. You are feeling greater love and compassion. You may find love through the internet. It's a wonderful time to let someone know that you are there for them and send them love. You may purchase a vehicle, computer or phone at this time. A short trips may occur for love or with a loved one.
Mercury will retrograde on August 20th from your 2nd house of earned income. You may have some problems with your finances especially when it comes to a paycheck, bill or credit. You will be able to see improvements in your finances but that is after trial and errors. An error may finally be corrected in regards to your finances. There could be disruptions or disappointments regarding money. You may change jobs or lose a source of income. A new financially or job opportunity may reappear from the past. It's time to focus on saving and budgeting for the future.
The Sun will enter your 2nd house of earned income on August 22nd giving you 4 weeks to make more money. You may find a new job or find ways to get ahead in your finances.
Work projects seem to increase or improve on August 3, 25, 26 and 27th. You will find yourself working harder for the money but you will also see money coming in. You may be lead to some connections or clients through networking or referrals. It's also a time to focus on your health by exercising and eating healthy.
The full moon on August 24th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks may bring a time for you to pay a hefty bill or debt. You may be paying off a debt. It's going to be a positive full moon so I feel that there should be a little luck coming for you. Pluto seems to be helping you face the hard work that need to be done in order for you to get ahead in your finances. The full moon may affect child support and alimony payments, settlements and bonuses. You seem to be feeling a bit anxious and stressed when taking care of your finances and credit but you have to face reality. If you need to take care of financial obligations then you may feel a bit tight on funds. It could be that someone owe's you money and you need to deal with these personal issues. It may relate to a business partnership too. Expect to feel a little bit of anxiety but the mood will go away after a few days. If you are well prepared then this full moon will come much easier for you.
A partner may spend quality time with you on August 4, 20th and 30th You may meet someone new or spend quality time with a partner.
The month of August is your birthday month. You may feel like the center of attention for the first three weeks of August but the end of the month makes you up and makes you focus on finances. You may have to a pay a bill but you will also get down to business and take care of your finances. You will also see more money coming in as you get closer to September so stay focused, work hard and hang in there.
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