On November 4th you seem to be in solitude. Its a great day to keep feelings and moods to yourself especially if it could hurt someone else's feelings. On November 4th and 5thth you are connecting with friends and family. You may make a new friend or even communicate with an old friend. There may be a special event or party to attend to. An organization or charity may also catch your attention too. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next couple weeks will open the door to receive a loan or credit approval. You may gain financially or materialistically. It could be that you gain through rewards, bonus, commissions, loans, raffles or through a contest. You may gain through gambling but that has to be promised in the your natal chart so don't bet the rent money because you may be disappointed at yourself. Venus supports this new moon from the same house as the new moon. You may see a boost in finances including a bonus, commission, gift card, child support or alimony. It may be related to a lover or family member giving you a gift of beauty. Pluto supports this new moon from your career house which tells me that your career receives a nice boost. You may receive more money from a bonus or commission. Mercury connects well with Uranus during this new moon which could easily bring you a great financial surprise or unexpected opportunity. You never know what you will get so keep an eye during this new moon and see what great gain comes your way. Neptune finally gores direct on November 7th from your house of friendships so it’s to socialize. Mercury enters your 2nd house of earned income on November 9th. The next 3 months will keep you busy with the finances. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. It could be that you learn new ways to save money and secure your financial future.
On November 3rd and 4th your focus turns to friends. It's about spending quality time with friends and making new friends. On November 5th you seem to be focused on your career. Be careful as it may be a bit deceitful on negotiations and contracts. Read the fine print. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your partnership house. The next couple weeks will open the door for you to meet a new partner, compromise with a current partner or build a professional partnership. A partner is someone who wants to work closely with you to build security and stability. It could be for work or for love and relationships. Pluto and Venus greatly support this new moon giving you great love and support. It will be a time to work out personal issues with a partner, lover, relative or friend. Personal and professional partner are affected. It is time to clear up the issues from the past and present. Neptune finally goes direct on November 7th from your career giving you full lee way to move forward on career projects and opportunities. Mercury will enter your 8th house of finances relating to taxes, credit and loans. The next 3 weeks you will take on concern and focus on debts and bills or other financial obligations. It's time to budget and save for the future.
On November 4th the highlight is on your career. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may advance in your career or receive a job offer. It’s time to travel or connect with people at a distance on November 5th. You expand your horizons and learn something new. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will give you the opportunity to work hard for the money but also to see results. You may see an increase of clients, customers and sales. If you work on bonuses and commissions then this could be a wonderful time for you. The opportunity to build a successful career is there. You are ambitious and motivated to get the work done. Venus is traveling currently in this same house so you should see a boost in your work. A job opportunity may come your way too in these next couple weeks. You also do well connecting with coworkers and employees especially female employees. Pets are highlighted too. You may get a new pet or spend more time with a current pet including exercising with the pet or training it. Exercise and eating healthy will also do well for you. You may lose weight or find new ways to lose weight. Pluto will be very helpful to you from your financial house. The more work you do the greater opportunity to get a bonus or commission. The connections and referrals will come your way to see financial gains so good luck and work hard. Neptune goes direct on November 7th from your house of travel, foreign people and place. Education, religious beliefs and even your own well being improves. Mercury will enter your 7th house of partnerships on November 9th. The next 3 weeks will bring a great time to discuss personal or professional issues with a partner. You can discuss issues relating to a relationship, friendship or even about finances. The partner may be a business partner, coworker, employee or employer. You can discover and learn so much in the process. I also feel that you will grow from having open communication. There may be personal issues with a friend, lover or spouse.
November 3rd and 4th will give you the opportunity to travel. You expand your horizons and beliefs. You may enter school, college or begin a new course of study. You may read or study a new language or culture. Finances related to taxes, credit and loans seem to be your concern on November 5th. You may have to pay a hefty bill or debt. It could be you run up a credit card because of some obligations or repairs. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 5th house of love and children. The next couple of weeks may bring a time for you to find love, fall in love or spend time with someone special. Children are also highlighted. You may spend time with children. It could be that you hear of news of a baby on the way. You may also get involved in sports, hobbies, music, dancing and acting. It could be that a child is interested in the arts. Venus has already been traveling in this same house increasing the need for love, affection and artistic skills and talents. Pluto greatly supports this new moon from your partnership house which can really increase the opportunity to find love or spend timer with someone special. A child may work closely with a partner for music lessons, acting, sports and other hobbies. These two weeks can really open the door for you to prosper in a new venture or goal. Neptune goes direct on November 7th from your financial house of taxes, credit, loans, child support and bonuses. You may finally begin to see money flowing in or you receive the approval of a loan or credit. Mercury will enter your 6th house of work, service and health on November 9th. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to work hard for the month, health and pets. It's time to build on work projects. Your creativity will shine. It's a time to focus on your health by exercising and losing weight.
As you start the week on November 3rd and 4th finances relating to taxes, credit, loans, bonus, child support and commissions look pretty good. You may receive a gain or bonus so think positive. On November 5th a partner may just bring a great deal of hope and love. The partner may be professional or personal. You may be caught up in the clouds or feel deceitful from others. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 4th house of home. The next couple of weeks may bring a time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may buy new furniture or paint a room. There could be a roommate that moves in or moves out. Venus has been in this house giving you a boost of beauty you may relocate to a place you feel is beautiful, calm and peaceful. You may decide to change the decor in a room or paint a room. There may be some renovation or repairs needed to be done in the home. Pluto also seems to be supporting this new moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may work from home or build a home office. You may relocate closer to work. It could be that you exercise at home or even build a gym in the home. There may be a gym nearby the home. It's going to be a fun and exciting time for you. You may purchase a home or sell a home for profit. There are so many great opportunities relating to the home and your work environment so have fun and enjoy. Neptune finally goes direct on November 7th from your partnership house. You connect well with others and may build a strong bond with a partner. Mercury will enter your 5th house of love and children on November 9th. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to play games with children or to be more social and active. You may even play games of love but I would not suggest for you to do that or you may later regret it. It's also a time to learn music, sports, hobbies and even acting.
A partner brings hope, faith and compromise on November 3rd and 4th. Everyone compromises and discusses important issues. The partner may be professional or personal. You may build a relationship or get engaged or marry. On November 5th work projects and assignments increase or may drain you out. You are busy and have full projects. You are very creative to put projects together. The new moon on November 6th will fall in 3rd house of short trips. Communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to see an increase of communication with family and friends. It could be that you invest in a vehicle, computer, cell phone or other items of communication. You may easily take a couple short trips to visit family and friends. I feel that this would be a wonderful time to get out and be with family and loved one especially since Venus is supporting this new moon. You may find love on the internet or at a distance. Pluto will also support from your 5th house of love and children. I feel that the next couple weeks should easily bring love for you if you are open to it. It may just be someone to date and spend some quality time. It could be that it’s a child you are visiting and building a bond and connection. The child may be older and mature or young and in grade school. Either way you enjoy the company around you. You are social and outgoing. You connect with everyone around you. You are full of love and affection and this new moon brings a great source of energy. Neptune goes direct from your 6th house of work, service and health. You will work hard for the money but get work done on time too. You may see an increase of jobs, customers and clients. Mercury will enter your 4th house of home on November 9th. The next 3 weeks will bring communication in the home. You will reach out to the people around you and build a stronger connection with roommates and family. You may be signing a contract or lease at this time.
On November 3rd and 4th expect work projects and assignments to increase. That is great news if you’re looking to increase customer and clients and especially if you want to see more money. You keep busy. Your health also improves. On November 5th you may meet someone to fall in love with or to date. Be careful as they may be lying to you or you fall in a cloud of love. Don't get caught up in something you later regret. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks will give you the opportunity to make more money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may easily see an increase in the finances. It could be you invest or purchase a long term investment. Venus will support this new moon making you seek the finer things in life. A financial increase may finally give you the financial backing you seek to get something you want for yourself. It may be to purchase a vehicle. Computer, phone or even clothes. Pluto will also support this new moon from your 4th house of home. The long term investment may be a home. You may rent a new apartment. It could be that you buy furniture or even make some changes around the home. I feel that this is a very positive new moon to focus on financial benefits and to gain from the home or on what you invest in the home. Neptune finally goes direct on November 7th from your 5th house of love and children. Love comes easily and children connect well with you. Mercury will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to increase communication to everyone around you via text messages, emails and phone calls. You are a chatterbox. You are social and outgoing. A short trip around town or out of town may also be in the cards for you. It could be to visit family and friends. You may find yourself more on the internet connecting with everyone from friends on social networks to sending emails to your coworkers.
It's all about you this week. On November 4th you find love, fall in love or connect with someone special or a child. Child plays an important role for you and you seem to be caught up in sports or hobbies. On November 5th it’s all about the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks seems to be all about you. You may receive a promotion, advancement, gift or new opportunity for change. You will receive praise and recognition. Venus supports this new moon giving you the ability to shine. You may focus on changing your wardrobe or personal appearance. Try holding back on plastic surgery until the Venus retrograde is over. For now focus on you and making changes for yourself. Pluto greatly supports this new moon from your house of short trips and communication. You may take a vacation or just get away from it all. You are full of communication and connect well with family and friends. Neptune finally goes direct on November 7th from your 4th house of home. Projects move easily. Your creative side improves and you seem to connect well with others. Mercury enters your financial house giving you 3 weeks to see finances improve. You will focus on budgeting and saving.
On November 4th you seem to be focused on the home. You may relocate, renovate or make repairs in the home. You may have a roommate move in or out. On November 5th you may take a quick trip out of town or travel to a place with flashing lights and glamour. Communication improves and increases via emails, phone calls and text messages. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks will give you the time to focus on your own well being. You may get rid of what is unhealthy for you. It could be that you need to take a vacation to get away from it all. Perhaps you get rid of what you don't need in life which could be bad people or habits. You may seek therapy to let go of bad habits and baggage. It's time to cleanse the negativity in life. You may do so in many ways. As mentioned by seeking therapy. It could come through exercise. You may also go to the doctor or hospital for surgery or to receive routine checkups. Cleansing could be by making sure you are on top of any health concerns or medications. Venus supports this new moon by helping you feel love and affection and a great connection to others. Pluto will also greatly support this new moon from your 2nd house of earned income. You may work hard for the money. Neptune finally goes direct on November 7th from your 3rd house of communication. You seem to do well to connect with family, friends and even your neighbors. Reach out to someone and let them know how you are feeling about them. Mercury will enter your own sign on November 9th. The next 3 weeks increases your mobility. You are all over the place. It's time to connect with the people around you. there will be short trips and an increase of communication via the internet, radio and television.
Short trips and communication will be highlighted on November 3rd and 4th. You may connect with people via the internet, radio, emails, phone calls and text messages. It seems to me that you may even decide to take a trip or plan to take a trip. On November 5th finances are your concern. You may have a bill or debt to pay. You may receive a job offer or financial opportunity. The new moon on November 6th will fall in 11th house of friendships. The next couple weeks may bring new friends or you may spend time with old friends. It could be that you connect and communicate with friends via a social network. Venus brings great support and love from friends. You may see a friend get married or attend a friend’s party or special event. Pluto will also support this new moon from your own sign giving this new moon great intensity. Spend a couple weeks catching up to people who you lost contact with and see what new information you find out about them. Neptune goes direct from your financial house on November 7th. Finances come through easily or you may finally receive a job opportunity or offer. You are also much wiser on how to budget and save. Mercury will enter your 12th house of secrets and solitude on November 9th. The next 3 weeks will give you the opportunity to think, read in solitude. You will run thoughts and ideas in your head without telling others. I call this the run-the-grocery-list-through-your-head option. It could be that you keep feelings to yourself or you hold back from others for fear what others may think of you.
Finances are your concern on November 3rd and November 4th. You may receive a job offer, opportunity or you find new ways to make more money. It could be that you are receiving a paycheck or other financial gain. On November 5th its all about you. You may sympathetic and compassionate towards family, friends and even your coworkers. You give time to others and will help them and support them. You may feel a bit tired or dazed. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your career house. The next couple weeks can really open the door to new possibilities and career opportunities. You may receive a job offer or promotion. There could be an advancement or raise. It may be that you begin a business venture. Venus joins and supports this new moon giving you a great deal of praise and recognition. It could also be that you gain a raise or promotion. Pluto also supports this new moon which brings a sense of changes and transformation. The change could be that you take on a project or job position that is different from your past Neptune goes direct in your own house and sign on November 7th. You are loving, affection and compassionate. Mercury will enter your 11th house of friendships on November 9th. You will spend 3 weeks communicating and connecting with friends.
As a Pisces you dream. As a Pisces you are a visionary individual. It can also be as a Pisces you are a bit lost in the clouds. On November 3rd and 4th you are focused on your own individual wants and needs. You take care of transactions, plans and organize well for yourself. It could be that you take control of obligations and duties to plan for the future. You seem to be a bit confused, lost or just can't make up your mind on November 5th. Catch up on sleep. Great day to create. The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks may bring a long distance trip. People who live a long distance may come to visit you. You may market or promote a product. It could be that you are taking care of your tuition, education or attending a university or college. You may promote a product via the internet, radio or television. Venus greatly supports this new moon making this an enjoyable time to visit family and friends. You want to connect with people across the country. You want to find out what family and friends have been up to so you may email them or send them a lovely note or letter or a text message. You may travel for love or a lover comes and spends time with you. Pluto supports this new moon from your 11th house of friendships. A friend reaches out to connect and communicate with you. It could be you visit friends or they come visit you. It's time to be the host of the party or special event. You will also write, promote or publish work of art and beauty. You may buy a piece of artwork. Neptune, your ruling planet goes direct on November 7th from your 12th house of secrets and solitude. Your dreams and intuition kick into high gear. Mercury will enter your career house on November 9th. The next 3 weeks brings a time for you to build a greater sense of communication and negotiations. You may see an increase of emails and phone calls with colleagues, customers and clients. It could be that you make a wonderful presentation or interview. It’s the right time to connect with coworkers and employers.
The Psychic One
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