Monday, November 1, 2010

Scorpio Horoscopes for November 2010

As you begin the month you will right away have to deal with the issues relating to communication, siblings, neighbors, and short trips. You may be taking a quick short trip out of town. It may also be that your communication improves or increases via emails, text messages or phone calls. You connect well with family and friends. It may even be that you build a great bond with a neighbor. They may become your new friend and someone to hang out with and just enjoy their company. It may be time to purchase a vehicle, phone or computer. Venus is still retrograding right now so be careful on making that purchase around this day. You will also have additional days for trips and communication including November 11th and November 26th. Extend your love and affection to family and friends just to see how they are doing at this time.

Love and children will be highlighted on November 4, 6, 8, 15, 25 and 29th. You may find love, fall in love or spend quality time with children. It's also a time to enjoy the company of child while playing sports or enjoying a hobby. The hobby may be music, movies, acting, games or even just hanging out with a child. Communication improve with a loved one and your children. You will build a stronger bond and connection. It also seems to be that you want to enjoy getting out and socializing. You do well meeting new people and just getting out around town. Explore and learn something new.

The new moon on November 6th will fall in your own sign. The next couple weeks seems to be all about you. You may receive a promotion, advancement, gift or new opportunity for change. You will receive praise and recognition. Venus supports this new moon giving you the ability to shine. You may focus on changing your wardrobe or personal appearance. Try holding back on plastic surgery until the Venus retrograde is over. For now focus on you and making changes for yourself. Pluto greatly supports this new moon from your house of short trips and communication. You may take a vacation or just get away from it all. You are full of communication and connect well with family and friends.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Is Love Promised in your chart

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The home is highlighted on November 5, 18 and 27th. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. Someone may move in or out. You may simply decide to buy new furniture or paint a room.

Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been retrograding in your own sign. Right now it's in your house of secrets and solitude but in a few days it will go back to your own sign. You may think twice about your emotions and feelings towards others. Perhaps you hold your own opinions about someone's looks and appearance. Jupiter will finally go direct from your 5th house of love and children. There may be a time for you to end a bad relationship. It could be that you connect well with someone new. You may also get involved in the arts and music. You will also find yourself around clubs and bars.

The full moon on November 6th will fall in your partnership house. The next couple weeks may bring a personal partner or a professional partner. The personal partner may be a lover, spouse, friend, or new lover. The professional partner may be a coworker, employee, employer, doctor, lawyer, therapist or colleague. You may improve the communication with a partner to build a loving or professional relationship. There will be compromise. You seem to be open to change and improvements. Jupiter and Uranus bring great surprises from your 5th house of love and children. You may find love, fall in love or meet someone in the most unexpected way. It's going to be an adventurous time for yourself. If a relationship ends then you are back out there enjoying your single life and having fun. Neptune also supports this full moon from your 4th house of home. You may invite people over and host or entertain. There is an adventurous part in you. If you are meeting a partner for business reason it could be that you entertain and host at home to get to know your business partner. You may run an office at home or your business from home. You are extending yourself well and really getting to know people to build a successful future. The full moon may just get you to settle down and commit or even get engaged. Your ready to take on partnerships even if they may be a bit deceiving so watch out.

It's time to get rid of what you don't need in life on November 4, 13, 14, 15 and 17th. You may get rid of bad habits or people. It may be time to seek therapy for an addiction. You also catch up on sleep or need more sleep. If you feel ill it's your body telling you its time to rest. Rest and relax and you will feel better. Good luck.

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