Monday, November 1, 2010

Libra Horoscopes for November 2010

As you start the month of November the first concern will be connected to the home. You may relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone is moving in or out of the home. You may paint a room or buy new furniture. There will also be a few more dates to look forward to in connection to the home including November 11th and November 26th.

It's all about you on November 4, 13, 14, 17 and 28th. You may lose weight or receive a great job offer or opportunity. It could be that the doors opens for you to pursue a new career, goal or financial opportunity. It's all about choices and opportunities for yourself. You may break away from the old to make way for the new. It could bring a new life path or directions in life. It's about you. You may pursue your education, career or a new look. You may want to change something about you to further yourself and this is the time to do so.

Mercury will enter your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. The next 3 weeks will bring a time for you to increase communication to everyone around you via text messages, emails and phone calls. You are a chatterbox. You are social and outgoing. A short trip around town or out of town may also be in the cards for you. It could be to visit family and friends. You may find yourself more on the internet connecting with everyone from friends on social networks to sending emails to your coworkers, The Sun will join Mercury on November 22nd. It will give you 4 weeks of greater travel, education, communication and connections.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

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Venus and Jupiter will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been traveling in your 2nd house of earned income which has been giving you the opportunity to make more money but you may have been spending it lavishly too. At the time of the retrograde ending Venus is actually in your own sign for a few days until it returns back into your 2nd house. You may spend lavishly on your own self image and wardrobe. Jupiter will go direct from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may have been feeling overwhelmed by work projects and assignments. Now you will see a positive increase of work projects and job opportunities. Your health should also improve by exercising, eating healthy and even helping pets lose weight. It could be that your pet needs to go to the vet for medication or routine vaccines. You may exercise with a pet or for yourself. A great time to make more money and take care of your body.

The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 2nd house of earned income. The next couple weeks will give you the opportunity to make more money. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. You may easily see an increase in the finances. It could be you invest or purchase a long term investment. Venus will support this new moon making you seek the finer things in life. A financial increase may finally give you the financial backing you seek to get something you want for yourself. It may be to purchase a vehicle. computer, phone or even clothes. Pluto will also support this new moon from your 4th house of home. The long term investment may be a home. You may rent a new apartment. It could be that you buy furniture or even make some changes around the home. I feel that this is a very positive new moon to focus on financial benefits and to gain from the home or on what you invest in the home. The next couple weeks can really brings great results.

Work projects go well on November 4, 5, 6, 15, 25, 28 and 29th. All these days are great for work or to see more money from work. You may receive an increase of work assignments and projects which can easily bring more money. your health will also improve or you will see a results of losing weight. You may go to the doctor or even take a pet to the doctor.

The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The full moon also affect child support, alimony, bonuses, commissions and even rewards and gifts. The next couple weeks may bring a financial or material gain. You may get approved for a home loan or even to purchase a vehicle. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. I feel that this could come more from you working hard that you gain a bonus or commission. The benefits may come through gifts and rewards. Neptune also supports this great full moon so you seem to be having some opportunities. I feel though that this may bring about confusion of what direction to take with the finances or benefits. For instance you may get a home loan but not know all the steps to getting this home. It could be that there are extra steps to take in the process of getting a loan. You may be a bit frustrated when accomplishing a quota. You work hard and will do everything possible to get ahead even if it means losing sleep or feeling tired and working. I want to mention that this full moon could also bring financial obligations including a high debt or paying off some bills. You may run up the credit cards, have credit issues or even have credit issues. Take care of the problems so you can move into the new year with the weight off your back and you feeling confidence in yourself. Good luck.

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