You will have a very active month. There seems to be obligations and responsibilities for you to maintain. It may be the month were you are trying to complete projects. Take it in small steps so you don't feel disorganized. On December 1st Venus will enter your 5th house of love and children. The next 4 weeks may bring a time for you to meet someone special, to fall in love or to spend time with children. You will find yourself getting involved in music, sports, hobbies or the arts. You may attend a sporting event or concert. You are social and connecting with kids. December 1st also seem to be a great day to find love or for a date. You will also enjoy December 10, 23 and 27th as great dates for love or to enjoy a date.
The new moon on December 5th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect the next couple weeks to be busy. Yu may be working hard for the money. It could be two jobs or just an increase of projects, tasks and chores. Saturn and Mars will bring great discipline and hard work. You will be patient but you will get the work done. It's also a time for you to focus on your health. You will work to exercise and lose weight. It's also a time when you will eat healthy or find a great way to control your food intake. You seem to be also watching the health of a pet. You may take your pet to the vet to get routine vaccines or check ups. It could be you that is in need of a routine checkup. If you are looking to exercise you may want to take a walk with your pet if it happens to be a dog. You may also invest in a new pet. The new moon may easily make you focus on your personal well being. Focus on you so you can become healthier and build great prosperity.
Mars will enter your partnership house on December 8th. The next 7 weeks may create arguments with a partner. It could bring about the ending of a relationship or partnership. The partner may be a business partner, spouse, lover, friend, coworker or even a boss. You may build a partnership with someone for business purposes. There could be the possibility that you meet someone special to build a romantic and personal partnership. You seem to want to connect or collaborate with someone to build a success relationship or business. I say use the next few weeks to enjoy the time with others and network. It could bring you a job or other type of connection.
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Mercury will retrograde on December 10th from your partnership house. You just had Mars enter this house and now Mercury will begin to retrograde from it. There will obviously be personal or professional issues that need to be discussed or resolved again. You may find yourself running into a partner from the past. There could be old issues that need to worked out. Its time to communicate and work out any personal issues or problems. The good news is Mercury will go direct on December 30th so just hang in there.
You will connect well with a partner on December 5, 8, 25 and 26th. You may meet someone special, spend time with or build a partnership. It's time to work out any issues with a partner. You may also be open to going out on a date or just spending time with your friend. You may work closely with a coworker, or a friend on a project or task. You have drive and ambition to get the work done. The Sun will enter your partnership house on December 22nd giving you 4 weeks to enjoy love, affection and a connection with those close to you including professionals.
The home is highlighted on December 7, 19, 23, 28 and 29th. All these dates you may have to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. It could be that someone moves in or out of the home. You may decide to make changes in the home like decorate a room or buy some furniture. The mother is also important or a priority. You may spend time with your mother or someone else's mother or a parent. It could be that they go into a nursing home or hospice. You look after the home and the concern of your home. You may rent a new apartment or home.
The full moon lunar eclipse on December 21st will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. An eclipse has the power to last 6 months. The next 6 months will make you take a closer look at what you need to fix in your life. You may have to get rid of bad habits and people from your life. It's time to discard the unhealthy and negative from your life. You may get rid of a habit like alcohol, drugs or a bad behavior habit. Its time to let go of the things in the past that go you nowhere in life. In order to live a healthier life you need to let go of these issues, people or habits first in order to move forward. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this eclipse making this a time to indulge and take chances in life or with certain projects. You may focus on taking care of your health by exercising, seeking therapy or taking supplements. You want to life healthier and now is the time to get healthy. Neptune will greatly support this eclipse giving you a sense of security through a light that will help you feel a greater security. You may find spirituality in the process. It could be an angel, God or even a new religion. If it helps you be a stronger person so be it. It will be worth it for you. I feel the eclipse will allow you to let go of the past to make room for the future. A new you for the new year.
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