I know you have been having a tough year especially in relation to your career. For some Gemini's they lost a job because of the recession. Or you may have decided to leave your current job to pursue new career ventures. Jupiter finally went direct from your career house so you may begin to feel great opportunities and career ventures come your way. Jupiter will be moving on into your friendship house in January so you really only have a few more weeks to enjoy the gift of Jupiter in your career house. For this month it's going to be about your own priorities and what will make you happy.
First let me say that on December 1st Venus enters your 6th house of work, service and health giving you 4 weeks to enjoy your work environment. You will enjoy working with women or the people around you just seem enjoyable. You will also enjoy connecting with pets and coworkers. It's also a time to indulge. You may indulge in fatty foods and sweets. If you are on a diet then you may want to be aware that the next 4 weeks may not be an easy time for you. Due to the holidays it may be difficult to cut back on the fatty foods so exercise and do a walk or job to get rid of excess calories. December 1, 10 and 27th are wonderful days to connect well with coworkers, friends, employees, customers and clients. You seem to have this aura in you to make the right impression. If you have a point that needs to be made then do it during these days and you will discover a great love and affection from others.
Let me talk about your career. You know that Jupiter has now gone direct in your career house. Uranus will be doing the same and will only last a few months in your career house. It will move on to a new house in March 2011. You will only have about 4 months to enjoy the energy from Uranus. I feel that this is the time of opportunities for you. Your career may blossom and you may finally receive a promotion or advancement you have been waiting for so long. There are a few dates this month that can benefit your career. They are December 3, 4, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20th. All these dates can easily bring a little luck in your career or job. I will mention that you may have to work harder for you to advance in your career so don't expect everything to come easily for you. If you are prepared to handle things as they come along then you will be able to go after these challenges and be able to handle everything much easily for yourself.
The new moon on December 5th will fall in your partnership house. The partner may be someone who is a business partner, coworker, employee, friend, neighbor, spouse, lover, doctor or even a therapist. The next couple weeks you will be relying on working closely with this person or entity. Saturn will bring great support and discipline from your 5th house of love, children and creative projects. It may be that you are working closely with someone to conceive a child or to run a daycare facility. It could also be a babysitter, friend or a lawyer if you are getting a divorce. Mars also seems to support this new moon giving you the energy and motivation to keep pushing forward. There may be issues and problems to discuss. It is the time to do so now and for you to work on the issues and problems. You seem to be more patient and willing to communicate more openly with others. If you get the issues out you can gain so much at the end.
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Mercury will retrograde on December 10th on your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit, loans, child support, bonuses and commission. Expect the next 3 weeks to bring some challenges or problems with some of these issues. I will say that Mercury will go direct on December 30th but in the mean time you may have some problems with the finances. It could be credit issues. It could be with a loan. It could be that you have problems with a court settlement. You may also have problems with your paycheck so don't be surprised if you find your check a little short. Mercury always rules electronics and the internet so be careful what you say and what you do because it could come back to you.
Mars will enter your 8th house of joint resources, taxes, credit and loans. The next 7 weeks will bring a time for you to spend lavishly using credit cards or others finances. You may take out a loan or borrow money to pay bills or to buy a house or vehicle. You may have a heavy debt or have to pay a heavy debt or bill. i would suggest to check your credit report for an errors that need to be corrected. You may go a little crazy buying or going on spending sprees. Hold back as you may regret your purchase later on.
There will be some positive financial dates to look forward to including December 5, 8, 13 and 26th. I feel all these dates should go well for you for your finances especially in relation to a bonus, child support, reward, gifts and other financial or material gains. You will notice the last one after Christmas holiday so the gain could be a gift card or money. It may come as a great benefit.
The biggest news for you this year will be that on December 21st you will have a full moon lunar eclipse falling in your own sign. The next 6 months will be all about you. It's a full moon eclipse falling at 29 degrees which means it's time to close one door to open up another door. You may end a relationship or get married. it could be that you move out or move in with someone. You may be changing jobs or be looking to go independent. You may have relied on a job with a paycheck and now you are working on your own. Jupiter and Uranus will square off with this full moon eclipse from your career which tells me that your career, job or your goals will be affected by this eclipse. As stated before perhaps, you decide to make a critical change in your career. You may get a new job promotion, advancement or seek a new business venture. Mercury, your ruling planet will oppose this eclipse which could create a bit of disruption. There may be abrupt changes in your career, schedules or your life. I want you to view this eclipse as a time of changes. Change can be scary. Change must occur in order not to be stagnant in your life. it's a time of change but you will survive. Hang in there.
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