The month will be jam packed with great cosmic energy and activities. Expect to be busy and full of fun and activities. If you celebrate the holidays then you know that December will have some activities going on. If you don't then you will still have plenty going on for you. First let me say that starting December 1st Venus will enter your 3rd house of short trips, siblings, neighbors and communication. Communication runs high with family and friends. You are sending letters, holiday cards, text messages and making phone calls to everyone around you. You may take a short trip to visit loved one's or someone may come to visit you. You may connect with a sibling, neighbor or your relatives. It could be during the holidays or on other occasions. You may find love on the internet or a personal dating site. Focus on spending time with those you care and love. Make sure they know you care about them. You will have have other special love dates including December 10th and December 27th.
Work projects, chores, tasks and assignments seem to increase on December 2, 18, 20 and 29th. You can expect to keep busy with work projects and assignments. You have plenty going on. You may receive a job offer or opportunity. Being the holidays retail stores will be very busy and if you happen to work in one of them expect some tedious projects and tasks. Your health should improve. You may exercise, lose weight or eat healthy. It could be that you are taking care of a pet and their health.
The new moon on December 5th will fall in the 4th house of home. The next couple weeks may bring a time to relocate, renovate or make changes around the home. You may move to a new home or apartment. It could be your first apartment. You seem to be having new opportunities come your way regarding the home. You may receive a loan approval or modification. It's time to decorate, paint and design a room or the home. You may be looking for new decor especially if you are trying to upgrade a room. You may also purchase furniture or new window panels or bed sheets. Saturn and Mars seem to bring structure and discipline to the home. It's time to get serious about the responsibilities that come with a home. You may need to pay rent or for the first time or take on a mortgage for the first time. You are serious about the home and having to clean out old baggage from the home including old relationships and people. It's time to focus also on a mother whether its your own mother or parent or someone else's parent. You may have to take care of them, reply on them or just look after their health and well-being. The home may be a concern of their own too.
Mercury will retrograde starting December 10th. The next 3 weeks will bring you a time when lovers, partners and children may bring about difficulties and challenges. The 5th house rules love, children, sports, games and creative projects. You may see an old love or ex-partner return back into your life. There may be old issues to discussed with this partner. You may find that you need to discuss old issues with a current partner. It may be about children or others activities with music or the creative arts. A partner could also be a teacher, coworker or friend. Children may be a concern. You may spend quality time with them teaching them a new sport or activity. You are active and motivated to learn new things whether its music or learning a new sport or game. Mercury finally goes direct on December 30th which could easily make you take priorities in relation to the home.
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Mars will enter your 5th house of love, children and creative projects on December 8th. The next 7 weeks seems to be a time when you may pursue love, find love or fall in love. Children may bring about problems and difficulties. You may argue with a child or there may be problems with them at school or at home. you are highly active and mobile. Exercise, sports, hobbies and other activities seem to keep you busy. You may join a sport, hobby or even get involved with your kids sports and hobbies. Take this opportunity to exercise and keep yourself active. If you are trying to lose weight then you should notice results at this time. You will also feel energized to get projects done at home or at work. You keep busy and active. There is a drive in you. The drive will bring great results and the completion of projects.
Your love life looks pretty good on December 5, 8, 13, 23, 26 and 31st. You may find love, fall in love or spend time with someone special. It's also a great time for kids. You may hear news of a baby on the way or you conceive. If you have been trying for awhile to have a baby then this can easily be the time to come out pregnant. You may make time for kids and give them great love and affection.
Finances may be a bit tight of difficult on December 7, 23, 28 and 29th. You may find that you need to budget and save. You may have bills to pay and very little money coming in. The bills may pile up or you have hefty bills to take care of. It doesn't help that Mercury is retrograding which is your ruling planet and you will feel a greater weight on your shoulders. Try to plan ahead by setting a budget so when these dates come about you won't feel such a difficult financial burden.
A partner may create problems for you on December 3, 16, 18, 20 and 21st. The problems may be a numerous amount of issues. It could be finances, work, emotional or psychological problems. The challenges can easily make the partnership stronger in the process. A partner is defined as a lover, spouse, coworker, friend, boss, attorney, doctor or even a therapist. You may consult with someone in order to advance in your career, finances or your relationships. Any challenges can easily build a stronger union, bond and connection. At worst it may bring about an ending but only if the connection has been broken enough to were there is no hope for the partnership.
The greatest news seems to come on December 21st when the full moon lunar eclipse will fall in your 10th house of career. This eclipse will fall in the sign of Gemini, the twins. I usually associate the career house for Virgos as having the possibility of two jobs or a job having to deal with communication, technology or electronics. You may have a very busy 6 months with work assignments, career projects and communication. Expect to have a very busy few months. Yes, there may be two jobs or you may see an increase of job projects and assignments. The eclipse falls in 29 degrees degrees which usually marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle in life. You may quit one job to start another job or career field. Perhaps you enter college to study and learn for a new career field. it is time to set some plans and goals. Jupiter and Uranus square off with this eclipse making you feel a bit confident that everything will work out as planned. Try not to get carried away and stick with a solid realistic plan. Neptune greatly supports this eclipse from your 6th house of work, service and health. Expect to work hard for the money but you see results whether its more money, clients and customers. Good luck.
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