It's going to be a very social month for you. You will have plenty going on and it starts as early as November 1st when your focus will be on love and children. It's a day to celebrate. You may may meet someone new, find love, fall in love. It's also a time to spend it with children or attend sports and hobbies with a child. The hobbies and sports may also be connected to you. You may be involved with sports or be the one enjoying a hobby. Music, acting and singing is also highlighted and fun. You may get involved in music or acting lessons. You will also have a few days when there will be more opportunities for love, children and recreational activities. Don't forget to keep an eye on November 11, 12, 26 and 28th. You may meet someone special or spend time with a loved one on these days too.
Mercury will enter your 4th house of home on November 9th. The next 3 weeks will bring communication in the home. You will reach out to the people around you and build a stronger connection with roommates and family. You may be signing a contract or lease at this time. On November 22nd the Sun will enter your 4th house of home giving you 4 more weeks to relocate, renovate or make some changes around the home. There could be a roommate that moves in or out of the home.
The new moon on November 6th will fall in 3rd house of short trips. communication, siblings and neighbors. The next couple weeks will bring a time for you to see an increase of communication with family and friends. It could be that you invest in a vehicle, computer, cell phone or other items of communication. You may easily take a couple short trips to visit family and friends. I feel that this would be a wonderful time to get out and be with family and loved one especially since Venus is supporting this new moon. You may find love on the internet or at a distance. Pluto will also support from your 5th house of love and children. I feel that the next couple weeks should easily bring love for you if you are open to it. It may just be someone to date and spend some quality time. It could be that its a child you are visiting and building a bond and connection. The child may be older and mature or young and in grade school. Either way you enjoy the company around you. You are social and outgoing. You connect with everyone around you. You are full of love and affection and this new moon brings a great source of energy.
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Jupiter and Venus will finally go direct on November 18th. Venus has been traveling in your 3rd house of short trips, communication, siblings and neighbors. Right now it has entered your 2nd house of earned income but it will make its way back into your 3rd house in a few days. You may focus on finances or even spend lavishly. You may also see more money too. In a few day Venus enters your 3rd house of communication and you will begin to see an improvement of communication from loved ones. Jupiter has been traveling in your partnership house. As it was retrograding you may have noticed problems with a partner, coworker, friend or lover. Jupiter is finally going direct and should begin to ease up on you. Communication and compromise should come easily. There will be more open communication and the opportunity to work out any personal issues or problems.
Partnerships will also stand out for you on November 4, 15, 18, 25, 29 and 30th. A wonderful time to discuss personal or professional issues. As a reminder a partner may also be a coworker, employer, employee, friend, doctor, lawyer, therapist, colleague or anyone you work closely with at a time.
Finances are your concern on November 4, 13, 14 and 17th. You may receive a financial opportunity or offer. You may receive a promotion, bonus or other financial gain. It could be that you make a long term investment.
The full moon on November 21st will fall in 9th house of long distance trips, foreign people and places. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to take a long distance trip or people from afar may come to visit you. It could also be that you are entering or graduating from college or a university. You may take classes to learn something new. You may market or promote a product on the internet, radio or television. Venus is supporting this new moon bringing love and life to you. You may travel with a lover or partner. The full moon connects we;; with Uranus and Jupiter from your partnership house. It can open the door to spending time with someone new and exciting. A short trip with someone special can liven up your day. Communication brings a fun sense of adventure. Neptune supports this full moon from your 6th house of work, service and health. You may improve your health with a personal trainer or with a workout buddy. It could be that you work closely with a coworker on a project. It may be for your education or with a friend for personal reasons. I feel this full moon should be quite fun and interesting. You may take a spontaneous trip just to get out for the day. Either way it should be quite fun.
On November 5, 18 and 27th will do well for your career, job obligations and projects. You get work done and you may even see an increase of assignments. Exercise and other health obligations are strong. You may lose weight or eat healthier at this time. You will be impressed by the results. At the end you will be happy with yourself.
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