Monday, November 1, 2010

Gemini Horoscopes for November 2010

The month will give you the opportunity to work hard for the money and even see some results from your head work. On November 1st your focus will be on finances relating to taxes, credit and loans. You may receive the approval of a loan, credit card, tax benefit or even a bonus, commission, gift, reward, child support or alimony. It's a great day to see a gain but don't be spending money on lottery or casinos because you may easily come back broke. Additional wonderful financial dates for you come on November 11, 17, 26 and 28th. You may see a gain or a financial opportunity may come your way.

Mercury will enter your 7th house of partnerships on November 9th. The next 3 weeks will bring a great time to discuss personal or professional issues with a partner. You can discuss issues relating to a relationship, friendship or even about finances. The partner may be a business partner, coworker, employee or employer. You can discover and learn so much in the process. I also feel that you will grow from having open communication. There may be personal issues with a friend, lover or spouse. The more open you are to compromising the better everything will be for you. The Sun will enter your partnership house on November 22nd. You will gain 4 weeks to be open with a partner and work out any issues with them. It could be that you need to collaborate with this individual in order to advance in your career too.

The new moon on November 6th will fall in your 6th house of work, service and health. The next couple weeks will give you the opportunity to work hard for the money but also to see results. You may see an increase of clients, customers and sales. If you work on bonuses and commissions then this could be a wonderful time for you. The opportunity to build a successful career is there. You are ambitious and motivated to get the work done. Venus is traveling currently in this same house so you should see a boost in your work. A job opportunity may come your way too in these next couple weeks. You also do well connecting with coworkers and employees especially female employees. Pets are highlighted too. You may get a new pet or spend more time with a current pet including exercising with the pet or training it. Exercise and eating healthy will also do well for you. You may lose weight or find new ways to lose weight. Pluto will be very helpful to you from your financial house. The more work you do the greater opportunity to get a bonus or commission. The connections and referrals will come your way to see financial gains so good luck and work hard. The work will pay itself off.

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Your love life is highlighted on November 4, 14, 17, 19 and 30th. I feel that on all these days you may find love, fall in love and spend time with someone special. It could be you meet someone new. You may spend time with kids or even join a sport or hobby It could be you that you are learning how to play a musical instrument or even a join a sport or hobby. It's time to love and give lose and affection to others including children and pets. Your creativity increases so you may write or create music or a poem.

Jupiter and Venus finally go direct on November 18th. Jupiter has been traveling in your career house so now it will open the doors for you to advance in your career. You may see a great opportunity to advance or receive a promotion. It could be that during the next 4 months you end up starting a business venture. A great career day comes on November 6th and 18th. An opportunity may appear unexpectedly. Venus is traveling in your house of work projects and pets. You may feel a closer bond and connection to pets and your coworkers and employees. Your appetite increases too by wanting to indulge in sweets and fatty foods.

The full moon on November 21st will fall in your 12th house of secrets and solitude. The next couple weeks brings a time for you to feel tired and possibly even moody. You will be able to get rid of bad habits and people from your life. I suggest for the next two weeks to catch up on sleep so you can discard any negativity from your life including anxiety and stress. If you are feeling that a good night sleep does not solve the issue then seek therapy. You may need to get rid of some bad habits including smoking and drinking. Jupiter and Uranus support this full moon from your career so you will be busy working. You may find a job that will make you work at night or with graveyard shifts. It could be a time for you to work long hours or to work in solitude. I feel that you could easily gain during this full moon on a financial level. It could be that a great new opportunity comes for you it will just require you to work hard or you may need to adjust your schedule. Neptune squares this full moon which can create confusion or make you feel a little lost. For instance by working longer hours and making more money you feel tired. In the process you can't sleep so maybe you drink to fall asleep. It could be that you have difficulty sleeping due to stress. Either way it's not healthy for you. I suggest to balance a schedule out so you get work done and go rest with plenty of time. You will feel healthier and better for yourself. At the same time you will also feel that you can handle any challenges coming your way that can be balanced with compromise. You may have to adjust your time with family in order to make more money. It should be a positive full moon but expect some challenges. Good luck.

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